[X] Whoever surrenders may join the People (-1 Stability, -1 Legitimacy, -1 RA, 2 temp Econ damage, -2 EE, +2 Light Cavalry, Additional Disease Roll, ???)
@Academia Nut if it won't be spoilery would you mind sharing the rolls we got for that battle? It appears the nomads got so sort of fail somewhere since they got pinned down long enough for the plague to catch on with them...
Well, TS are dead, and TH need a ton of help. Still, can't say that is something I'm too sad about. TH will remember our help for quite a while, and will be too weak to be a problem until well after we have the canal and dam (hopefully) set up.
That's just what we know about; we've completely lost contact with the others. Maybe we can manage a support action at the midturn, just have to see what our options are though.

Is it just me or does it seem likely that some of the more shadowy elements of our civilization may have deliberately introduced and encouraged the spread of the disease to the invading nomads?
Well, if they're gonna burn cities to the ground, I'm kinda OK fighting back.
So... Let's learn our lesson from last time and do the exact opposite, k?
The thread is already doing the opposite of the astrological prediction. :V
Low roll predictions should be completely ignored, unless you're trying to make the Priests happy. Though, I suppose while Purity is around, Citino is right that we should do the opposite.

@Academia Nut if it won't be spoilery would you mind sharing the rolls we got for that battle? It appears the nomads got so sort of fail somewhere since they got pinned down long enough for the plague to catch on with them...
Keep in mind there also would've been a disease roll, or even multiple disease rolls, for them each phase.
Smh our Governor's are being dicks now huh...max PSN then invested road actions. Plus if we can reform how we tax subordinate again then
Also, I'm pretty sure the nomads from the steppes are about to become significantly less of a problem for a couple generations. :V
Not really we need to place a March or colony in that pass or else they'll have a open way in.
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Low roll predictions should be completely ignored, unless you're trying to make the Priests happy. Though, I suppose while Purity is around, Citino is right that we should do the opposite.
Actually, from what we saw with the last roll, doing the opposite actually works. If we had protected the heretics, then we might have gotten a religious toleration value rather than purity, according to AN.
So, what are the risks of taking in the nomads?

-1 Stability takes us down to -2, which is two away from death. We're going to be getting more refugees next turn, which is a fair chance of losing one. Then there are the disease rolls. An additional disease roll suggests that we're getting one anyway, so we could immediately break.

On the other hand, the ??? might tell us why the nomads' quarantine was so effective for so long. If they worked out what the reservoir animal is, that would help immensely.

[X] Whoever surrenders may join the People (-1 Stability, -1 Legitimacy, -1 RA, 2 temp Econ damage, -2 EE, +2 Light Cavalry, Additional Disease Roll, ???)

Adhoc vote count started by OliWhail on Oct 28, 2017 at 7:03 PM, finished with 123192 posts and 71 votes.
[X] Whoever surrenders may join the People (-1 Stability, -1 Legitimacy, -1 RA, 2 temp Econ damage, -2 EE, +2 Light Cavalry, Additional Disease Roll, ???)

Fuck Purity with a 10 foot pole.

Anyone may join the People, even if they are Nomads, so long as they follow our rules and laws.

I'm actually sorta surprised that worked.
I expected it to happen, but not quite so fast.

Also, RIP Thunder Speakers, we hardly knew ye.
Not really we need to place a March or colony in that pass or else they'll have a open way in.
The plague is going to start infecting a good chunk of the nomads, and since it sounds like it spreads through animals, well...

And yeah, we do need a march their, but we also need to recover from the plague first.
[X] Whoever surrenders may join the People (-1 Stability, -1 Legitimacy, -1 RA, 2 temp Econ damage, -2 EE, +2 Light Cavalry, Additional Disease Roll, ???)

The fire is warm.
Huh, isn't that like the fourth time that the TS area has been trampled into the ground? Ah well, I assume TH will reclaim that area once the plague has passed
The plague is going to start infecting a good chunk of the nomads, and since it sounds like it spreads through animals, well...

And yeah, we do need a march their, but we also need to recover from the plague first.
Can you believe this was one clan that was able to do this much damage. Imagine a rolling horde coming our way. Mass levy would've wrecked us seeing how mobile they were hitting everywhere at once.
[X] Whoever surrenders may join the People (-1 Stability, -1 Legitimacy, -1 RA, 2 temp Econ damage, -2 EE, +2 Light Cavalry, Additional Disease Roll, ???)
[X] Whoever surrenders may join the People (-1 Stability, -1 Legitimacy, -1 RA, 2 temp Econ damage, -2 EE, +2 Light Cavalry, Additional Disease Roll, ???)

Well... that was almost anticlimatic. I was expecting a couple more hard turns of simultaneously fighting off the plague and trying to hurriedly build up our Cavalry and rebuild the destroyed martial. Instead, we're basically home free.

The nomads must have rolled a crit fail on their disease check or something, because damn that was fast.
The Thunder Speakers were gone.

Curse you, nomads! May the vilest demons that evil devils fear feast upon your bones! May your bodies be swallowed up by a sea of vitriol flowed from the mouth of the King of Dragons himself! I'd wish upon you all the world's evils, but it wouldn't be enough.

This was met with stunned silence, before some priest collapsed to his knees and cried out, "PRAISE THE GODS!"

The Tyrant King might be the epitome of wickedness that lead to everything wrong in the world, but despite that he was Ymaryn through and through! And if there's something every Ymaryn can get behind, it is protecting those we love, even when it turns to violence. And for all the wrong that Arxyn did, he did defend his people when he had. And quite a few times when he didn't have to, leading to pretty much everything that went wrong ever since, but that's why he is not a good example.

It was not the wisdom of Crow that brought the nomads down. It was not the growth of Fythgwyna, not the glory of Gygowyn nor even the spawn Gwy & Goya. What proved to be the nomads end was the sheer rage, hatred and spite that dwells in the darkness of Ymaryn hearts. Only that could direct the demons of disease to strike that visciously and suddenly.

And that, my friends, is why monotheism is bad idea. Because even the most maligned of the gods holds terrible, terrible power.

[X] Whoever surrenders may join the People (-1 Stability, -1 Legitimacy, -1 RA, 2 temp Econ damage, -2 EE, +2 Light Cavalry, Additional Disease Roll, ???)
For goodness sake, we are still Ymaryn. Our gates are open for now.
(plus, you know, delicious light cavalry)
if it won't be spoilery would you mind sharing the rolls we got for that battle? It appears the nomads got so sort of fail somewhere since they got pinned down long enough for the plague to catch on with them...

They kicked the shit out of you in martial terms for the most part, but you slowed them down enough that they took 3 disease rolls.

Those were 94, 1, and 1 again.

They uh... they got wrecked.

given that we have a heroic Mystic/Admin king right now on the off chance that this disease roll dips us to -3 Stability will we immediately fracture at the end of turn or will we have a chance to react?

Very, very low. You ah, you actually can't crit fail with a mystic king, and the shutdown of most of the cities means that you are back to having a neutral modifier to the Disease rolls.