It appears to be mostly political. The DPs know that people don't like friends and family to be sacrificed, the deal feels like they should take it, which also helps normalize the existence and behaviour of the DPs. It makes their demands to bend at the knee seem like a better deal, like it won't be so bad because it doesn't have to be the people of your clan getting their hearts cut out and their skulls stuck in a wall.

Hmmm... they're all about equal, in that the first two are sort of giving the nomads things they would probably want anyway, while the last one is symbolically huge but materially minor.
does our military advisor have an estimate on how many Nomads would pass through our lands? also is the DP tactic when massed is skirmishers and slingers softening the enemy up then followed by a shield wall?
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[X] There is much glory to fighting in the south
-[X] We will offer you safe passage through our lands
-[X] Please focus your efforts on the Dead Priests
[X] No (Keeps Honourable Death)
Errr... has anybody else noticed that we're just telling them to make war in the lowlands, with no guarantee of against whom?

I doubt it would even work.
They are raiders by trade.

I fully expect them to raid everyone, even us in a generation or so, if we do not get the walls there going and are alert.

This said, destabilizing the situation further benefits us greatly.
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I doubt it would even work.
They are raiders by trade.

I fully expect them to raid everyone, even us in a generation or so, if we do not get the walls there going and are alert.

This said, destabilizing the situation further benefits us greatly.
Or everybody decides to attack us for bringing them in. Remember, the WC is a cousin to the DP. It's not inconceivable that they could decide "better the devil we know". Especially since we're giving them perfect targets.
Or everybody decides to attack us for bringing them in. Remember, the WC is a cousin to the DP. It's not inconceivable that they could decide "better the devil we know". Especially since we're giving them perfect targets.

Since DP are enslaving the WC, some of them would attack us... if not for the greater threat of the nomads. And ST swore to smite everyone on the lowlands who are not them, so no danger of an alliance from that side.

The danger of DP absorbing WC and then taking us on with a vengence, is far more real, in my opinion, and bringing in nomads neatly disrupts this possibility.
Yup. But nobody is going to listen. Just like with the Blight settlements... or the Nomad adoptions...or risking our centralisation dropping again for more diplomacy!

And what's wrong with Nomad adoption? It gave us LoO, which gave us - count it - jump from Econ 3 to Econ 8 in one turn! And, seeing as higher levels of stats are harder to gain that lower ones, this alone made it worth it - and that's just one usage.
Also, nomads gave us Econ boost on their acceptance too, so...
I readily concede that me voting against new settlement during blight fight was a mistake, sure, but 1) It does not mean this decision is a mistake; 2) Second example - accepting Nomad refugees - was not a mistake.

Also, WC are, values, economy and geography-wise, closer to us than to DPs and were so last generations upon generations so scenario of them choosing Priests over People is extremely far-fetched.
That's the point?

He's talking about WC siding with DP because they're 'the devil they know'

Your giant lol face is obnoxious, but this part here is just plain wrong*. Feel ashamed.

*er, wait. Not wrong, but missing the point? Arguing against yourself.

Responding to something that doesn't exist
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That's the point?

He's talking about WC siding with DP because they're 'the devil they know'

Your giant lol face is obnoxious, but this part here is just plain wrong. Feel ashamed.
Nah, you did not pay attention to what Sivantic meant: that DP are not 'the devil they know', because, if I understand timescale correctly, they were our allies and DP enemies for longer than vice versa, and we are more profitable to be friends with, so...unless I totally misunderstood what Sivantic meant, he was having fun at idea that DPs are somehow, for some inane reason, 'the devil they know' to WCs, which blithely ignores...last half of the game so far, I think.
Nah, you did not pay attention to what Sivantic meant: that DP are not 'the devil they know', because, if I understand timescale correctly, they were our allies and DP enemies for longer than vice versa, and we are more profitable to be friends with, so...unless I totally misunderstood what Sivantic meant, he was having fun at idea that DPs are somehow, for some inane reason, 'the devil they know' to WCs, which blithely ignores...last half of the game so far, I think.
I'm not getting involved in the argument mate. I'm just calling Siv out.

That said, now you're being silly.

"Sivantic meant: that DP are not 'the devil they know'"

"Also the devil they know is the Death Priests not the People"

If Siv meant the opposite of what he said, then he should thank me for pointing out his mistake, no?
I'm not getting involved in the argument mate. I'm just calling Siv out.

That said, now you're being silly.

"Sivantic meant: that DP are not 'the devil they know'"

"Also the devil they know is the Death Priests not the People"

If Siv meant the opposite of what he said, then he should thank me for pointing out his mistake, no?
Mmm. Yeah, fair enough. Sorry.
I think this whole argument of any of them allying themselves with any of them is silly, especially any sort of grimderp that suddenly all alliance against the People who have taken minor part of this and had gotten nothing out of it.
Mmm. Yeah, fair enough. Sorry.
I think this whole argument of any of them allying themselves with any of them is silly, especially any sort of grimderp that suddenly all alliance against the People who have taken minor part of this and had gotten nothing out of it.

Just to be clear, I'm with you guys on this. I agree with your position, though possibly for other reasons.

But just because somebody is arguing for the same result as you, that doesn't mean you should turn a blind eye to his mistakes.

In this case, Siv totally got his argument backwards, and acted in a less than professional way while doing so.

@Sivantic pls. We can do without all the laughing in your response, that serves no purpose but to aggravate people.
Or everybody decides to attack us for bringing them in. Remember, the WC is a cousin to the DP. It's not inconceivable that they could decide "better the devil we know". Especially since we're giving them perfect targets.

Um... what?

The WC and DP came from the same roots, yes, but both parties developed and grew in different directions.

And "the devil they know" wants to kill/enslave/eat them. Unless the nomads go completely insane I'm pretty sure they're going to be seen as a 'lesser' evil.

Also... "everyone decides to attack us"? Really?

Pretty sure I've said this before, but the chances of any of the groups deciding to team up against us is minuscule.

1) Dead Priests - EVERYONE hates them, everyone's gone to war with them at some point. They'd prefer to crush all the groups around them and enslave their people rather then join some alliance.

2) Spirit Talkers - Hate the Dead Priests and also want to wipe out the WC eventually so that they can claim the lowlands for themselves. They aren't going to ally with the 'heretics'

3) Western Confederation - Between the drought and DP, they're on the verge of collapse. Are likely to fall apart after the nomads arrive, sending another wave of refugees our way. Will NOT be willing to ally with the DPs due to being the DPs main punching bag for the last few generations.

And if someone wants to attack us? Bad idea. We're all a few weeks travel away from the lowlands and live in very defensible terrain. They'd have to bring in a shit ton of warriors to have a chance, warriors who won't be able to protect their own settlements from their neighbors while they're fighting us.

The nomads are the only ones who don't need to worry about that, but they'd be a cavalry heavy force trying to attack a fortified position that's surrounded by hills and woods, so they can't actually hurt us that much.
Just to be clear, I'm with you guys on this. I agree with your position, though possibly for other reasons.

But just because somebody is arguing for the same result as you, that doesn't mean you should turn a blind eye to his mistakes.

In this case, Siv totally got his argument backwards, and acted in a less than professional way while doing so.

@Sivantic pls. We can do without all the laughing in your response, that serves no purpose but to aggravate people.

They can have raiding traits that allows them to get new or different traits. Nomad have been pretty good with new ideas and whatnot.
But why would they take slaving trait? They take only what they can carry and slaves require stable land to use and abuse. Especially when they see that the trait made them reviled against everyone there.