To take advantage, we need to be at stability 2? No? That would require us to burn our econ back to six with festival.
Yeah lets stick with honourable death its not perfect but it does kind of synergis and it's a trait that could evolve to be really good. If it ever turns into something like duty is heavier than a mountain, death is lighter than a feather that would be great.
[X] There is much glory to fighting in the south
-[X] We will offer you safe passage through our lands
[X] No (Keeps Honourable Death)
[X] There is much glory to fighting in the south
-[X] We will offer you safe passage through our lands
[X] No (Keeps Honourable Death)

:( One day, metalworking. One day.
:facepalm: Oh god, what are you doing?!? Why are you letting a culture based on RAIDING into our backyard? You were so worried about them breaking their deal in a couple of generations that you didn't want to set up a trade route to the mw, but now you want them as neighbors? What?!?

Worse, this will piss off our semi-allies! These are the human equivalent of locusts! They'll probably refrain from attacking us, but the WC and ST? Yeah, right! Do you remember how pissed we all were when we thought that maybe the ST had called the drought and caught us in the fallout? Well that's what we're doing here, and this would be absolutely our fault!

Stop! This is dumb and immoral!
Honestly I only chose that phrase because it sounded snappy, the idea is to evolve the trait so that honourable is no longer defined as glorious but rather as dutiful, so for example dying while holding the line as order is good, dying while charging like an idiot despite orders is bad and ideally dying while working on an infrastructure project would be equally good.
For one where pointing them at the DP's for another we don't actually like the spirit talkers. That's not even considering the fact that it buys us the time we need if it doesn't solve the problem outright via bloody stalemate and it means that suddenly all our potential enemies are only on one flank of our territory.
:facepalm: Oh god, what are you doing?!? Why are you letting a culture based on RAIDING into our backyard? You were so worried about them breaking their deal in a couple of generations that you didn't want to set up a trade route to the mw, but now you want them as neighbors? What?!?

Worse, this will piss off our semi-allies! These are the human equivalent of locusts! They'll probably refrain from attacking us, but the WC and ST? Yeah, right! Do you remember how pissed we all were when we thought that maybe the ST had called the drought and caught us in the fallout? Well that's what we're doing here, and this would be absolutely our fault!

Stop! This is dumb and immoral!

What backyard?
The clusterfuck we have there between the DP, the ST and the WC is burning all the time.

Introducing the nomads to the mix, who will raid all involved, will add to chaos, deny the possibility of one party decidingly winning for some time, and rob any party of opportunity to concentrate on us.
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@tenchifew is correct, the DP, ST and WC are currently fighting, this is good as it means none of them can fight us instead which gives us time to do what we do best ie. build and diplomance. What we need to do is to ensure that no side decisively wins at least not in a way that leaves them stronger than before as this would result in them threatening us. The problem we were facing was the the DP were slowly wining. So by introducing the nomads we add an additional element to the mix, this will stir up chaos and ideally prolong the fight between all sides thereby preventing any side from focusing on us. Additionally we actually benefit from the war because we can absorb refugees, this is one of the few ways we have of growing our power other than building or teching up as our culture is not conducive to conquering large unwilling populations.
Seriously it was just a snappy turn of phrase and honestly we're more dwarves than elves with our massive infrastructure projects, maybe when we had the caretakers rather than sculptors trait it was different but not anymore.
Seriously it was just a snappy turn of phrase and honestly we're more dwarves than elves with our massive infrastructure projects, maybe when we had the caretakers rather than sculptors trait it was different but not anymore.
Well we are still caretakers of the Sacred Forests...

Sad I never got my bird-people though._.
We have two absolute priorities this turn:
Stability - - - our choices are secondary Festival or main Restore Harmony
Overcrowding - - - we need a settlement, coastal is probably best
Any action that serves to grow the People should be done as our third.

So a proposed turn is:
Main - New Settlement / Coastal
Second -Establish Annual Festival
Second -Study Forests

Which can be followed with either;
Plan Zerg: (NUMBERS_ _overwhelm DP by having a bigger army)
+1 Main Expand Fishing
+1 Second New Settlement / Confluence of Rivers
+1 Second Build Wall

+2 Main Build Wall - Lowlands
+2 Second New Settlement / Lowland
+2 Second Expand Forests

Plan Terrans: (TRADE_ _ get better boats and then trade/go for metal)
+1 Main Expand Fishing
+1 Second Expand Fishing
+1 Second More Blackbirds

+2 Main Trade Mission - Metal workers via sea
+2 Second New Settlement / Confluence of Rivers
+2 Second Survey Lands

Plan Protoss: (TECH_ _new Sacred Warriors to defend us and then get the benefits of the Grand Canal)
+1 Main Expand Fishing
+1 Second Survey Lands
+1 Second Expand Places to Spirits

+2 Main Grand Canal
+2 Second Sacred Warriors
+2 Second New Settlement / Confluence of Rivers

Which seems like the best? (I am aware none will be followed(and they will be adjusted by turn results), but if you fail to plan then you plan to fail)
:facepalm: Oh god, what are you doing?!? Why are you letting a culture based on RAIDING into our backyard? You were so worried about them breaking their deal in a couple of generations that you didn't want to set up a trade route to the mw, but now you want them as neighbors? What?!?

Worse, this will piss off our semi-allies! These are the human equivalent of locusts! They'll probably refrain from attacking us, but the WC and ST? Yeah, right! Do you remember how pissed we all were when we thought that maybe the ST had called the drought and caught us in the fallout? Well that's what we're doing here, and this would be absolutely our fault!

Stop! This is dumb and immoral!

First off, once we relocate them into the lowlands, they're honor bound to avoid raiding us for a few generations, which is plenty of time for us to build up our defenses along the borders.

Second, even if they were inclined to go on a raiding spree, do you really think the nomad's first target of choice is going to be the friendly people who live in fortified settlements tucked into forested and hilly terrain?

Thirdly, at this point, do you really think we care about our neighbors opinions? We have:

1) Dead Priests - everyone hates them for being super expansionist asshole cannibals, so they can just fuck off
2) Spirit Talkers - another bunch of assholes who're eyeing the lowlands themselves and tend to screw us over every time we interact with each other
3) Western Confederation - on the verge of collapse. A lot of their people have fled to our lands to escape the drought and DPs, so it's only a matter of time before they're defeated

See, the nice thing about this situation is that no matter what happens we stand to benefit.

Nomads and DPs are stuck in a long, painful stalemate? More time for us to do our own thing at home. Also lets us collect more WC refugees to boost our economy.

DPs crush the nomads and WC? The nomads and WC still buy us time and bleed the DPs heavily before they even reach our borders. We also nab the fleeing refugees, boosting our economy and giving us a turn or two to go full military expansion before the DPs arrive.

WC and nomads somehow crush the DPs? Now they're fighting the STs for control of the lowlands, leaving us untouched and letting us absorb all those poor DP refugees.

The only way that we can lose is if ALL the groups decide to team up and attack us for some reason.

Which... isn't going to happen. The DPs are too hated, the STs are too untrustworthy, the WC too weak and the nomads too politically unstable to maintain the kind of long term alliance needed to crack our defenses and destroy us.
We have two absolute priorities this turn:
Stability - - - our choices are secondary Festival or main Restore Harmony
Overcrowding - - - we need a settlement, coastal is probably best
Any action that serves to grow the People should be done as our third.

So a proposed turn is:
Main - New Settlement / Coastal
Second -Establish Annual Festival
Second -Study Forests

Which can be followed with either;
Plan Zerg: (NUMBERS_ _overwhelm DP by having a bigger army)
+1 Main Expand Fishing
+1 Second New Settlement / Confluence of Rivers
+1 Second Build Wall

+2 Main Build Wall - Lowlands
+2 Second New Settlement / Lowland
+2 Second Expand Forests

Plan Terrans: (TRADE_ _ get better boats and then trade/go for metal)
+1 Main Expand Fishing
+1 Second Expand Fishing
+1 Second More Blackbirds

+2 Main Trade Mission - Metal workers via sea
+2 Second New Settlement / Confluence of Rivers
+2 Second Survey Lands

Plan Protoss: (TECH_ _new Sacred Warriors to defend us and then get the benefits of the Grand Canal)
+1 Main Expand Fishing
+1 Second Survey Lands
+1 Second Expand Places to Spirits

+2 Main Grand Canal
+2 Second Sacred Warriors
+2 Second New Settlement / Confluence of Rivers

Which seems like the best? (I am aware none will be followed(and they will be adjusted by turn results), but if you fail to plan then you plan to fail)

Hmmm, how about doing only two main actions this turn?

Main - New Settlement / Coastal
Main #2 - Establish Annual Festival

or this:
Main - New Settlement / Coastal
Main #2 - Restore Harmony
Honestly I'd combine some of these plans, I like the idea of:
+1 Main Expand Fishing
+1 Second New Settlement / Confluence of Rivers
+1 Second Build Wall

Though I'd build the settlement near the sea instead. The issue is it doesn't address the stability issue, so maybe
+1 Main Expand Fishing
+1 Second New Settlement / Near the ocean
+1 Festival (Hopefully the nomads will keep our enemies busy).

For the second turn maybe something like:
+2 Main Grand Canal
+2 Second Survey Lands
+2 Second Trade Mission - Metal workers via sea
what does our military advisors say regarding the DP's 'rules of war' i.e. prisoner exchange and so on...

It appears to be mostly political. The DPs know that people don't like friends and family to be sacrificed, the deal feels like they should take it, which also helps normalize the existence and behaviour of the DPs. It makes their demands to bend at the knee seem like a better deal, like it won't be so bad because it doesn't have to be the people of your clan getting their hearts cut out and their skulls stuck in a wall.

according to our diplomats, is every possible favor acceptable or some are more...daring(?) than others?

Hmmm... they're all about equal, in that the first two are sort of giving the nomads things they would probably want anyway, while the last one is symbolically huge but materially minor.
Hmmm, how about doing only two main actions this turn?

Main - New Settlement / Coastal
Main #2 - Establish Annual Festival

or this:
Main - New Settlement / Coastal
Main #2 - Restore Harmony
That would work, basically anything that results in long term growth, solves overcrowding and improves stability is a good plan.

Honestly I'd combine some of these plans, I like the idea of:
+1 Main Expand Fishing
+1 Second New Settlement / Confluence of Rivers
+1 Second Build Wall

Though I'd build the settlement near the sea instead. The issue is it doesn't address the stability issue, so maybe
+1 Main Expand Fishing
+1 Second New Settlement / Near the ocean
+1 Festival (Hopefully the nomads will keep our enemies busy).

For the second turn maybe something like:
+2 Main Grand Canal
+2 Second Survey Lands
+2 Second Trade Mission - Metal workers via sea

My suggested turn is
Main - New Settlement / Coastal
Second -Establish Annual Festival
Second -Study Forests

followed by the +1, +2 ect
so the coastal settlement and stability fix would have occurred first.

Can you suggest a way for me to edit my post to clarify that the suggested turn will occur first for all options.