Art is useful, though. Not every field of study has immediate benefits, but all are useful eventually. Some people call philosophy useless, but without it we wouldn't have modern ethical standards or even the scientific method. Art entertains people, keeps them happy, and helps them find life more meaningful, all of which are essential for the stability of a civilization. The Roman Empire was held together by bread and circuses. Art spreads ideas and promotes greater understanding between people. Look at the significant historical impact stories such as Uncle Tom's Cabin or The Jungle had. Think about how much tourism the Great Pyramids brought, enough to repay Egypt for the expense thousands of times over.
It is true that art and culture are useful, which is why it baffles me when people try to argue that we should promote them for their own sake.

We should promote them to the extent that we expect them to make people's lives better relative to other uses of our resources, and *only* to that extent.

Communion Waffers...tastes like Styrofoam.
As a child of Catholics, can confirm.

It is the sacraments, the most holy and sacred act in their entire faith and the actual basis of the church.
It has very little to do with eating people.
Again, as a child of Catholics, I gotta disagree. Though you're right that it isn't eating *people*, just eating one specific dude over and over again. And also drinking his blood. Maybe the Ymaryn would enjoy that part? :V
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I rather like the fact that we are getting an admin genius because he/she knows how to better manage our civ than the thread.
Since AN rolls for a genius's instability, we might not want to make the Admin Genius King.
They might have abysmal Diplomacy, or be prone to fits or something similar.

We should definitely take more administrative actions though, possibly supporting/influencing/eating subordinates while building more roads.
Why the genius anyhow? If you guys want to get the top-tier characters, wouldn't it be better to get an admin hero so that you could have a well-rounded character as king instead?
Max. His degrees of FUEDALISM are constantly changed by God to see if we feel sheepish at our attitudes over a fake world :p

That pun was terrible and you should feel terrible.

But I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. The theory that the gods made Max the way he is just to test the rest of us gets more valid the more I consider it.
I mean, after everything we've seen a Genius Martial and Genius Mystic do, why wouldn't we go for a Genius Admin?
As I just said, wouldn't it be better if you want a good character that can be king to have a Herioc Admin or Diplo rather than Genius? Our literal definition for geniuses, as shown by the priests, are the mentally or physically ill. I voted to completely erase the DB, but if I were to vote for a character, it seems smarter and less likely to go bad in an insanity roll to vote Heroic.
On one hand, I really want an admin hero making decisions. On the other hand, I really want to see the action list. Sadness :-( ( also yeah the worries about admin genius that's crazy have merit too...)

If AN updates the civ sheet with midturn results again, someone please save a copy of the bbcode editor version of it, cause I'm headed to sleep
As I just said, wouldn't it be better if you want a good character that can be king to have a Herioc Admin or Diplo rather than Genius? Our literal definition for geniuses, as shown by the priests, are the mentally or physically ill. I voted to completely erase the DB, but if I were to vote for a character, it seems smarter and less likely to go bad in an insanity roll to vote Heroic.
WoAN says that different types of Geniuses are more or less stable. For obvious reasons, Mystic and Martial are probably on the more unstable side. There's a decent chance that Admin could still be fit to lead.

Whether or not they can lead is only half of it though. Geniuses are clearly a whole other ball game compared to Heroic. The Dragon General and our Mystic have achieved things that literally made us question whether or not magic is real because their capabilities are practically inhuman (see the discussions about how absurd calculating the path of that meteor was.)

A Hero would be fine to keep the People happily trudging along and making respectable gains. We chose Genius because we want to see something grand.
WoAN says that different types of Geniuses are more or less stable. For obvious reasons, Mystic and Martial are probably on the more unstable side. There's a decent chance that Admin could still be fit to lead.

A Hero would be fine to keep the People happily trudging along and making respectable gains. We chose Genius because we want to see something grand.

Also, because this is SV and we'll be damned if we're not going to chase after every shiny we can!
An Admin Hero would be best, but with Culture Genius so far in the lead, Admin Genius is the only real option.
As I just said, wouldn't it be better if you want a good character that can be king to have a Herioc Admin or Diplo rather than Genius? Our literal definition for geniuses, as shown by the priests, are the mentally or physically ill. I voted to completely erase the DB, but if I were to vote for a character, it seems smarter and less likely to go bad in an insanity roll to vote Heroic.
Because heroes do things like "pass a diplomacy roll we would've normally failed" whereas geniuses do things like "win a war 3v1 with one enemy as a peer power" or "predict the future and then figure out algebra and geometry while we're at it"

An admin genius would probably be able to reorganize our entire system to be permanently more effective. That's really, really useful. They might not be fit to be king, but it's still easily worthwhile.

Mind, I'm voting for any genius. All of them would be very useful, it's not worth paying 20% extra to get a specific one.
A Hero would be fine to keep the People happily trudging along and making respectable gains. We chose Genius because we want to see something grand.
"Wasn't there a mountain here?"
"We dug a canal."
"But that makes no sense! That should be logistically-"
"We dug a canal, is that really so hard to understand?"
"B-b-b-but how?"
"Our king is really good at his job, I guess."
"This is literally impossible!"