Once again, we re-took the same value from the Xoh about 3 or 4 times (it kept being fused into other values, elevating them). From the baby killers. Which we later smashed. So clearly, the source cannot taint social values.
Objection. We took the value of The Greater Good from them, which was a non-specific sacrifice trait. They did practice human sacrifice, but they weren't baby killers then.

Moloch Calls was specifically the baby killing value, and something we never pursued.
Objection. We took the value of The Greater Good from them, which was a non-specific sacrifice trait. They did practice human sacrifice, but they weren't baby killers then.

Moloch Calls was specifically the baby killing value, and something we never pursued.

We cannot pursue Moloch Calls as it is incompatible with our civilization.
Objection. We took the value of The Greater Good from them, which was a non-specific sacrifice trait. They did practice human sacrifice, but they weren't baby killers then.

Moloch Calls was specifically the baby killing value, and something we never pursued.
They already had Moloch Calls back then, though. The point is:

We took a value from a child sacrificing society and it was fine.
We can take a value from a chattel slavery practicing society, and it will probably also be fine.
Moloch Calls was specifically the baby killing value, and something we never pursued.
Not merely never pursued. We were told we were explicitly incompatible with it. The same would be true of any slaving-specific trait.

Edit: and the blackbirds are out in force today...
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Until they forget we're friends in 5-10 turns and attack us again.
Speaking of the Xoh, may I remind you we even send our emissaries wide and far to teach even then the secret of how to defeat that other sickness? We send emissaries to everyone, even our enemies. We don't let people die of diseases just because they are from an enemy civilization.
Maxed Development just means that if we progress further, it starts to eat mysticism or other stats untill we advance our society to sustain it.

Slightly incorrect. It just means that you cannot evolve the trait because it is the most advanced trait you can get as a bronze age/early iron age civilization.

Until they forget we're friends in 5-10 turns and attack us again.

Because we never bother to pursue lasting friendships with any of our neighbors?
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[X] [Pox] Yes (Khemetri gain knowledge of how to do the Sacred Warding, the People gain Predictive Astrology)
[X] [Iron] Allow finished goods to be traded
[X] [PiA] Highlanders (Probably In Service to Order)
[X] [React] Meet yeoman demands (Sec New Settlement + Sec New Roads, meets Yeoman faction demands)
Slightly incorrect. It just means that you cannot evolve the trait because it is the most advanced trait you can get as a bronze age/early iron age civilization.

Because we never bother to pursue lasting friendships with any of our neighbors?
There's uh also the point of order that we are giving them the holy shit good magic.

I'm kinda thinking they may remember that. Plus the games seem to be a continuous interaction thing, which is good since it is probably helping with that regular contact thing.
@Academia Nut
Because of their invitation to the Games, the Khemetri know of the Sacred Warding. Share the knowledge with them?
[] [Pox] Yes (Khemetri gain knowledge of how to do the Sacred Warding, the People gain Predictive Astrology)
[] [Pox] No (-2 Diplomacy, Khemetri feel snubbed)
Is it possible to also share Sanitation - the effects of clean water, salt, and honey - with them? From that one update way back on page 1101, May 4th, where the People... well... "headbutt one of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse."
Special Note: Because of the discovery of needing clean water and large amounts of salt to most effectively fight these sorts of disease, starting the Saltern or the Garden next turn will provide +1 Stability as the People are assured that the king is being proactive in protection against demons

AN: So many perfectly timed crits... The People basically just headbutt one of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse into submission
Or do the Khemetri already know this?

Because if they don't, then I'd really really like to share this too.

We did elect to share that knowledge with everybody around us, but the Khemetri are rather far away so who knows if that knowledge spread to them.
[X] [Pox] Yes (Khemetri gain knowledge of how to do the Sacred Warding, the People gain Predictive Astrology)

Giving it up would greatly strengthen the Khemetri, but not doing so may lead them to aquire it by other more or possibly less direct means, so we may as well get something out of it.

[X] [Iron] Open up the market for the metal

Often time it is far cheaper to buy in bulk than produce your own. It will also give us dominance of new trade good. This will also include selling the finished goods as well, or so I think.

[X] [PiA] Khemetri (Probably Spiritual Value)

Likely to be the most spiritually advanced, so a value from them would be quite powerful. Things like organised priesthood and clerical hierarchies or more complex ritual and ceremony.

[X] [PiA] Thunder Horse (Probably Honour Value)
Likely to be a martial glory or aristocratic fitness value or perhaps honour codes.

[X] [PiA] Trelli (Probably trade related)

Merchant codes of conduct or maybe status in coin values , likely to be powerfully ones.

[X] [PDN] Majorly push forward forests (Main Expand Forests, -2 Centralization)

To make use of the extra innovation roll from the policy, as well as maybe finally switching it out to def or inf.

[X] [PDN] Lots more black soil (Main Black Soil, -2 Centralization)
We're gonna be setting up trade posts and integrating subordinates soon, so it will be useful.

[X] [React] Reorganize army and hunt deserters (Found Mercenary Company + Sailing Mission (anti-pirate))

New merc and pirates dealt with, a very good option.

[X] [React] Pre-emptively meet forest demand (Main Expand Forest)

With the previous forest react, we can definitely switch policies now, we have more than enough forests.

[X] [React] Meet yeoman demands (Sec New Settlement + Sec New Roads, meets Yeoman faction demands)

The yeomanry are content and we get a stability and a new province.
Hmm...instead of attacking the Storm Wolves after Admin King dies, what if we instead build more trails?

Things like organised priesthood and clerical hierarchies or more complex ritual and ceremony.
Complex ritual and ceremony is the death of science. Those priests who focus on them rather than science will gain more power and influence, resulting in less doing science and then science being forbidden to prevent a previous ritual or ceremony from being proven useless and thus diminishing those priests' power.
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Because we never bother to pursue lasting friendships with any of our neighbors?

Well, lasting friendships with nomads are impossible with all the tribes shuffling around, unless we try and semi-settle them like the HH.

Highlanders and TH have waged war on us and view us as a threat. It will be hard to show them now that we are friends.

Trelli are slavers and we want to cut down on that. Still, for all of this, I think the Ymaryn should strive to be more peaceful and less realpolitik-y, because for a lot of time now, there are always corruption and disharmony growing from being ruthless and self-centered.

And maybe treat other people as family, not forcing them to abandon their society cornerstones but gently showing our way is better and more humane.
To make use of the extra innovation roll from the policy, as well as maybe finally switching it out to def or inf.
With the previous forest react, we can definitely switch policies now, we have more than enough forests.
Does the Special: Forestry policy provide the innovation rolls from the Study Forest that was baked into our Expand Forest action?
No, although it does make forest related innovation rolls more likely.
Forest innovations is muy bueno. AN also said somewhere that we're going to require a lot more forests to complete some projects which'll soon be unlocked. Also, forests make us harder to attack.
Hmm...instead of attacking the Storm Wolves after Admin King dies, what if we instead build more trails?

What? Catching our Infrastructure up with our needs? How silly.
Clearly waging totally necessary wars where we dont profit from our defensive boni is far more important than making sure our bronze age kingdom has as many trails as it requires.