[x] [TH] Accept token tribute (+1 Wealth, +1 Stability, +1 Prestige, end of war)
[x] [HK] Attempt a White Peace (Good chance of being accepted, +1 Stability if accepted)
[x] [Berserk] 1 Stability
We have several armies currently. Two are being blocked off by Highlanders in our southern territory. One is fighting the Khemetri and the fourth is fighting under our Genius General in the Highlander core.
If we get the Highlanders to make peace all three war mission smack straight into them head on when they think their on the cusp of victory

I REALLY want to Kick the Highlander Down though... But I suppose we can keep the Thunder Speaker?
Its pacifism time
[x] [TH] Accept token tribute (+1 Wealth, +1 Stability, +1 Prestige, end of war)
[x] [HK] Attempt a White Peace (Good chance of being accepted, +1 Stability if accepted)
[x] [Berserk] 1 Stability
Txolla (Vassal-Colony) - Foreign territory under your control, follows you in war but has own agenda, restricted to expansion through settlement (L: 5/5, D: 4/5)
Yes. I'm pretty sure we just ensured their loyalty to us for generations with this move.

@Academia Nut What are the Txolla feeling about this whole thing right now? Both towards the Ymaryn as a whole, and our awesome Dragon General?
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@Academia Nut how much of this was our new Genius General, as opposed to our rolls? Like, i can't tell if we went from "rolling crappy against heroes" to "rolling crappy, but with a Genius so fuck everyone else anyway!", or if we got great luck to go along with our genius...
Also, its not too important cause we've got at least one more update before the next main turn, but if one of the merc companies got folded into the other two, shouldn't our wealth be 14 [+5-4] now, instead of [+5-5]? (Also, wow, we got 2 wealth just from looting in the battles, even though we usually dont loot much? damn thats good... looks like it cost us 4 martial though, or 2 net once the extra +2 veterancy is taken into account)
*looks at TH option he voted for*



[x] [TH] Accept token tribute (+1 Wealth, +1 Stability, +1 Prestige, end of war)
[x] [HK] Attempt a White Peace (Good chance of being accepted, +1 Stability if accepted)
[x] [Berserk] 1 Stability
The King Still Stands: Whenever someone uses the Take the Crown CB on you or you are engaged in a struggle for King of the Hill, every full turn they fail to knock you out they lose 1 Stability
Eeeey, I was pretty close. From the opposite side >3>
... What? What did he do there?
YanYan :3
Txolla isn't threatened anymore... Txolla is D=
Txolla but Txolla?
I REALLY want to Kick the Highlander Down though... But I suppose we can keep the Thunder Speaker?

Thunder Speaker as a polity is defunct, overran by Thunder Horse; which is suing for peace due to severed supply line and damaged army.

Highlander is currently dug in trying to bleed us out.

K is almost overrunning Gunvalley.
Yes. I'm pretty sure we just ensured their loyalty to us for generations with this move.
Txolla-chan loves Ymaryn-chan!
And her sister Stallion-chan!
And her cousin Hawk-chan!
Txolla-chan is polyamorous and used to being passed around like a trophy, treat her kindly.
[X] [TH] Accept token tribute (+1 Wealth, +1 Stability, +1 Prestige, end of war)
[X] [HK] They need to be taught a lesson, keep fighting
[X] [Berserk] 1 Stability

On the one hand, it's probably a better decision to focus on the Khemetri for now. On the other hand, this is probably a better time to hit the Highlanders hard. Also, since they're using the Take the Crown CB, they will lose stability during this war, unlike in a future war. As long as we can hold out, the Khemetri and Highlanders are both at risk of collapse.

Our Jeanne d'Arc single-handedly kicked two of our enemies out of the war. Well, if we take the right choices.

Also, hahaha. Imagine the Thunder Speakers. "Oh hey. We're losing again. What surprise!."

[X] [TH] Accept token tribute (+1 Wealth, +1 Stability, +1 Prestige, end of war)
[X] [HK] Attempt a White Peace (Good chance of being accepted, +1 Stability if accepted)
[X] [Berserk] 2 Stability

And now sic her on the Khemetri with everything our bloating armies can muster!

We'll probably have still have a treachery CB against the HL after this. For now, white peace, I say. We need to deal with the Khemetri first!
White peace both factions until we weathered the storm that is the Khemteri. Once this is done we go to stab 3 then beat the living fuck out of the HK.
[x] [TH] Accept token tribute (+1 Wealth, +1 Stability, +1 Prestige, end of war)
[x] [HK] Attempt a White Peace (Good chance of being accepted, +1 Stability if accepted)
[x] [Berserk] No

Yangire strongk with stroge yandere imouto at helm. SOW THE FIELDS WITH TREES, FERTILIZE THE EARTH!
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[x] [TH] Accept token tribute (+1 Wealth, +1 Stability, +1 Prestige, end of war)
We need to focus.
[x] [HK] They need to be taught a lesson, keep fighting
They have turned on us for the last time.
[X] [Berserk] 1 Stability
We are not sleeping until this is done.
[X] [TH] Accept token tribute (+1 Wealth, +1 Stability, +1 Prestige, end of war)
[X] [HK] They need to be taught a lesson, keep fighting
[X] [Berserk] 1 Stability
look anyone voting for the berserk option needs to be aware there's a high chance, I think of upgrading honorable death into something we might not necessarily want.

With the king stands legacy we can afford to turn the war with Egypt into a long one. So come on keep your eye on the prize accept the white peace get them out of the war and just get ready for the long hall.
[X] [TH] Accept token tribute (+1 Wealth, +1 Stability, +1 Prestige, end of war)
[X] [HK] They need to be taught a lesson, keep fighting
[X] [Berserk] 1 Stability

On the one hand, it's probably a better decision to focus on the Khemetri for now. On the other hand, this is probably a better time to hit the Highlanders hard. Also, since they're using the Take the Crown CB, they will lose stability during this war, unlike in a future war. As long as we can hold out, the Khemetri and Highlanders are both at risk of collapse.
We should peace them out now, but this is the 2nd time in the past 2 wars we have fought where the Highlanders have been assholes who tried to blindside us and take our shit.

I'm totally for fucking them up with a Treachery CB as soon as this white peace is over with.
[X] [TH] Accept token tribute (+1 Wealth, +1 Stability, +1 Prestige, end of war)
[X] [HK] Attempt a White Peace (Good chance of being accepted, +1 Stability if accepted)
[X] [Berserk] No

Stay on target, the HKs aren't going to be expanding like crazy anytime soon with how boxed in they are, and we're already a bit overextended as it is. This lets us consolidate that Genius level General and our full attention down on the Khemetri, as well as our already Excellent level General.

The biggest thing here is just that the Ymaryn once again remind everyone that they are not to be fucked with.