[] [Census] Chance to upgrade We Have Reserves
[X] [Census] Free Administrative Tech upgrade
[] [Census] Efficient land redistribution (Main DL, does not make management harder)
[X] [Census] Streamline lower bureaucracy (+1 Passive Policy)
A chance to upgrade a value doesn't sound that useful, especially for a value that is as weak as We Have Reserves (honestly, I think it is fair to call it one of our least useful values).
Main DL that doesn't make management harder saves us 2 progress on the lower-centralization increase, which means half of a centralization point taken from our range. Frankly, I value a Passive Policy more than that.
[X] [Crisis] Instruct and reprimand rule breakers (Sec Restore Order + Sec Proclaim Glory)
[X] [Crisis] Consult the priests (+1 RA, +1 Stability, ???)
[] [Crisis] Try to get to the bottom of things (???)
Anything but trying to get to the bottom of things. The last choice is clearly "protagonist bait"; it unlocks what is effectively a mandatory quest, which will draw resources and actions but potentially give goodies at the end. However, I think we have our plate full already, especially with the other revelations in this update. I want LESS things to deal with if we can.
[X] [Diplo] Attempt to bribe the Lightning Wolves (Sec Trade Mission + Sec Targeted Salt Gift)
[X] [Diplo] Attempt to bribe everyone (Main Salt Gift, untargeted)
[] [Diplo] Hit these nomads before they get going (Main War Mission + Redeploy Red Banner)
-[] [Diplo] Free Switch to Offence Policy
-[] [Diplo] Free Switch to Defence Policy
-[] [Diplo] Free Switch to Passive Defence Policy
[X] [Diplo] Eliminate the Metal Workers before they can spread their knowledge (-1 Stability, Redeploy Red Banner, Greenshore converted to a colony)
[] [Diplo] Hold tight (No action)
I am willing to commit to violence if it means our neighbors don't get iron.
I'm also willing to try diplomacy with anyone or everyone.
Prefer not to go to war now, though.
[X] [React] Begin work on Iron Age Law Reform (-3 Mysticism, -1 Art per action, 3-4? actions required)
[] [React] Build new aqueduct in Redshore (2*Sec Build Aqueduct)
[] [React] Improve saltern to take advantage of the new salt mine (Southshore Saltern expansion)
[] [React] Stabilize the People (Main Improve Annual Festival)
[] [React] Work on finishing new boat design (Main More Boats)
Main Annual Festival is rather wasteful; it is just 1 stability. I'd rather use it as a secondary, and indeed we can make time for it by starting the Law Reform megaproject now.