It is certainly not helping, true. I'd considering that rolled into the whole 'bronze age enforcement' thing. It is a social tool for encouraging and enforcing certain behavior as desired, and has a significant number of flaws. Now that the People have more experience in what it means to have written laws, and ways they can create results other than what is imagined by their writers, they can do a better job.
But I wouldn't consider the laws to be the whole of the problem. There is also the cultural standards, traditions, and expectations built up around and in response to the People's history and life. Some of them have some serious downsides, from the perspective of most of us here reading the thread. Among those, is the fact that when we encourage the People to develop behaviors we like, the way they go about pushing people to do that will pretty much always end up crushing some of the weakest members of society. We can try to change who that weakest is, but we cannot escape that fact.
Every step we take, there will be people underfoot. And standing still means falling on even more.