Monsters are not universaly hated, there is quite the market for monster fetishes.
As for vilification, that's not really true of the thread, most folks obscenely glorify it. Hell there is more wank here than most Sci-fi fandoms.
As for me personally, my objections to certain aspects of the Ymaryn are a matter of common knowledge.
As for more general morality, I never vilified the Ymaryn except for the whole homogeneous cultural purity discussion that went on a few turns before. And that was more or less towards voter proposals.
Hell I advocated pragmatism and targeted brutality, and never complained about our warfare (well I did, but more in the it's not ruthless enough vein).
However my monster post was about explaining that the morality of the Ymaryn is just that, Ymaryn morality. It has no bearing or meaning outside of our sphere of influence. If we wish to spread our morals, we should be bloody honest and Proclaim imperial, holy and cultural wars against everyone. Instead of saying we love all of humanity whilst looking in utter disdain and contempt at those who are not us.
That's What I truly vilify; The hipocrasy of claiming communality with fellow man whilst Proclaiming to be special god chosen angels separate from the common dregs of civilisation.
Hell I find the whole concept of applying moral absolutism on history rather strange. morals and norms differ wildly, it would be like judging oranges by the metrics of asparagus. Yes the individual must be an absolutist, but to understand the past one must understand its rules, not the rules of the modern era.
So am I vilifiing the Ymaryn? One aspect of them yes.
Well that was quite the rant, a tad off topic, but oh well.