*looks at neighbors*
Honestly, the reason we don't have bandit problems is probably due to our high centralization stat. A strong central army with a competent king is the bane of all bandits, because 1. Banditry is shit pay at high risk even in chaotic times and 2. Having a competent authority with a strong army means that said army is willing to go murder anybody who does something like steal from the king's merchants.

That's why the Hathatyn kept having bandit problems when they were falling apart. With no powerful king with a respected army, bandits can attack merchants and make enough to at least survive. This damages trade, which further weakens the power of the king (Merchants: Hey, why are we giving the king money if he can't protect us? ), which then allows the bandits to gain even more power, and so the cycle escalates until either someone brutal or powerful enough steps in to fix the problem.
[X] [Alchemy] Full support (Main Study Alchemy, Stallions very pleased)
[X] [WC] Send many experts to work at the problem (-3 Art, -2 Centralization, +2 Wealth, +2 Wealth next turn)
[X] [React] Main New Trails
I don't feel like youtubing(reading takes less effort), can you explain your perspective?
Er. I don't have a perspective? I can kinda summarize.

People like tin. Bronze age was surprisingly sophisticated in terms of admin and trade. Standing armies was the norm, in order to be skilled enough to use chariots, which was the staple of bronze age combat. Ancient civs were pretty developed.

Economy was delicate. Failure in one aspect led to failure of the whole system, including trade, which led to the collapse of pretty much everybody. Rip bronze age.
That actually sounds like worst case. Best case would be 0-1-2-3-4-5-6

That's actually the best case because AN has said that all of our Centralization values are red or yellow. Worst case would have overlapping yellows.

Edit for vote: Because it doesn't deserve a post of its own.

[X] [Alchemy] Full support (Main Study Alchemy, Stallions very pleased)
[X] [WC] Send many experts to work at the problem (-3 Art, -2 Centralization, +2 Wealth, +2 Wealth next turn)
[X] [React] Main New Trails
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Oh, has anybody yet mentioned the fact that extra credits is doing the bronze age as part of its history series?

As a general ignoramus, it was neat learning about that shiz and comparing it to what's gone down in this quest.

I'll link to their youtube vids if anybody is interested
It's been brought up a few times, yeah; i think when the first video came out i linked it, and commented on how similar a lot of the "this is really powerful...but can lead to collapse!" bits were to our problems (and advantages for that matter), and iirc AN rated it either funny or insightful, so take of that what you will :p
[X] [Alchemy] Full support (Main Study Alchemy, Stallions very pleased)
[X] [WC] Send many experts to work at the problem (-3 Art, -2 Centralization, +2 Wealth, +2 Wealth next turn)
[X] [React] Main New Trails
Is the Stallion Tribe doing a Study Alchemy as well?

Other than mortar, which we hope to get, what other tech we could discover?
Which can lead to bandit warlords leading the remnants of the country.

And thus the bandit lifecycle is complete.
Pretty much. If nobody brilliant/powerful (aka a hero character) rises up, then the people choose to go their more local authorities rather than a central one. So the peasants pay their full taxes to the local lord, rather than a part to the lord, and a part to the king. The lord then uses the extra resources to protect himself and his territory by raising his own forces, and perhaps even uses those forces to expand. This leads to a collapse of the state, as every group chooses to put their resources behind a person who they know will protect them, rather than the central one who should be using a larger resource base to give more efficent protection.

This then also leads local lords to prioritize their own resource bases at the cost of other groups. Why spend your people's resources protecting another lord's people after all, it's not like their resources were used to make your army.
Is the Stallion Tribe doing a Study Alchemy as well?

Other than mortar, which we hope to get, what other tech we could discover?
No, only if we don't help.

Look up the uses of limestone. Suffice to say, the list of what we can use the stuff for is probably longer than the stuff we can't use it for. :V

(Includes, but is not limited to, fertilizer, concrete, certain dyes, and basic building materials)
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Pretty much. If nobody brilliant/powerful (aka a hero character) rises up, then the people choose to go their more local authorities rather than a central one. So the peasants pay their full taxes to the local lord, rather than a part to the lord, and a part to the king. The lord then uses the extra resources to protect himself and his territory by raising his own forces, and perhaps even uses those forces to expand. This leads to a collapse of the state, as every group chooses to put their resources behind a person who they know will protect them, rather than the central one who should be using a larger resource base to give more efficent protection.

This then also leads local lords to prioritize their own resource bases at the cost of other groups. Why spend your people's resources protecting another lord's people after all, it's not like their resources were used to make your army.
And this is literally what we saw when the Hath went up in flames that first time and became struggling independent cities.

And then what happened when they ceased being was that even the local lords failed to provide.

It was a mess. I remember AN saying they got utterly shafted by the dice.
Current Tally:
Adhoc vote count started by gutza1 on Jul 11, 2017 at 12:28 AM, finished with 73030 posts and 54 votes.
[X] [Alchemy] Full support (Main Study Alchemy, Stallions very pleased)
[X] [WC] Send many experts to work at the problem (-3 Art, -2 Centralization, +2 Wealth, +2 Wealth next turn)
[X] [React] Main New Trails
Sending a whole lot of priests from our Great Temple to go work with the priests from the Stallion Tribe's Temple sounds like an excellent way to make our control over the Stallion Tribe temple less nominal, personally.
I'm pretty sure we're sending money, not men. There's no econ component to Study Alchemy, is there?
[X] [Alchemy] Full support (Main Study Alchemy, Stallions very pleased)
[X] [WC] Send some artisans to help develop it (-2 Art, -1 Centralization, +3 Wealth next turn)
[X] [React] Main New Trails
@Academia Nut with our forestry techniques and charcoal production do we have Pitch (resin) - Wikipedia and Tar - Wikipedia, because this would help with our ships and our other wooden constructions.
Wrong trees for those. Resinous trees are in colder climates(like that Northern Trade Post), because the trees use oils for antifreeze, which is what forms the pitch/turpentine/methanol.
for roads? no

We were at 4, it changed to yellow, AN said we get a 2 yellow warning when people asked why. I.e., it's 6.
Basically all we know is we could be at any of the below:
-1(R), 2(Y), 3(Y), 4(Y), 5(Y), 6(R)
-1(R), 2(Y), 3(Y), 4(Y), 5(R)

We know the 'floor' can't rise since our problems stem from command economy woes, but the upper cap might have dropped or it might not. Only way to find out is to get there.
So where would all the rain who would fall on the road go? Because i'm fairly sure that letting the water stay on a paved road would cause long-term damage, so it would be necessary a system to drain the water, ie, drainage system.
Letting it drain off is 'simply' a matter of building the road higher relative to the surrounding terrain. Which means you need to use paving stone, or at least bracketed gravel(i.e. gravel with retaining side walls) or the rain will just wash it away eventually.

The other problem is mostly that the water will encourage plant growth, which would eat any road over time unless it sees heavy traffic. Gravel is more conducive than paving though the plants will find a way eventually.
Modern roads use Asphalt which most plants can't really grow through. Roman ones as mentioned, used limestone/concrete, which isn't very good for plants either, so they retard plant growth.
We could theoretically use iron slag as well. That shit is durable as hell.

Rejoice, @veekie, for the hour of our trails is at hand!

ETA So long as they don't keep dropping our Cent cap and doom us. Seriously, what is with building roads causing so many problems?
It's the Not Building them while we could. They're boring.

I still remember the long and fruitless campaign to try to stave off using Enforce Authority so we could build roads using that space.

With a war still going on, we were never going to be able to do the project at maximum speed.

But! Maybe Western Wall will donate another province?
Maybe if they're trying to murder us :p
People can reach the King easier and quicker, so there are more people willing to make the journey and complain to the King about stuff.

It also becomes more cost efficient to trade within provinces, so more goods will be moved around the provinces more often, which is more stuff that the King has to oversee in a command economy.

There are probably a ton more reasons, but those are the ones that came off the top of my head.
Remember the whole Crown Rate vs Market Rate exploit?
It's only possible because roads increased transport capacity so that there's a lot more inter-state goods on the market.
People a question, let's say the Ymaryn have the right to use the roads for free.
What about foreigners?
It's mentioned before that they can theoretically travel through our land, but in practice foreign traders usually just stop at one of the trading towns/villages on the fringes, swap goods and go home.

For pilgrims we have a semi-weekly bus convoy.
We don't really limit travel unlike hereditary land states. The reason most people don't travel is because they have real work to do.

And bandits, trees close to roads breeds bandits...
In Ymaryn lands, trees close to roads mean that the bandits may find themselves suddenly surrounded by ANBU Blackbirds.

Remember, these are not untended wilderness. The trees have a maintenance cycle by local foresters, rangers and blackbirds to prune, fertilize or deal with the local wildlife. Not good land for bandits, who find dark alleys in cities much more profitable.
It's been brought up a few times, yeah; i think when the first video came out i linked it, and commented on how similar a lot of the "this is really powerful...but can lead to collapse!" bits were to our problems (and advantages for that matter), and iirc AN rated it either funny or insightful, so take of that what you will :p
Alright, cool. I missed that post, but I'm happy it exists.