Our priests currently have the role of scientists in our society. More freedom should result in tech advances without us having to take actions.
Not exactly.
Our priests are the Pure Research theoreticians. They explore all the weird shit for the sake of exploration, but would prefer that the weird shit remain firmly in their hands. Further more, most religious authority backed influences operate at the first order level, the minority pursuing second order interpretations are rarer and usually drowned out by the more publically digestible ideas of direct interpretation.
Additionally, our priests will resist research which are against our values, examples are:
-Divine Stewards - This opposes anything which disturbs the environment or nature in any way, but promotes that which helps the environment even if the cost is steep. Examples of this was to do with smelting metals, the rodeo, and even back in antiquity organizing settlements and building roads(we've since grown to a more nuanced understanding fortunately).
-Death/impurity Taboo - This opposes anything which deals with dead bodies, or decomposition in any way. Fortunately we have half exiles to blunt the damage, but it HAS substantially damaged our ability to advance in surgery, and of course we had to increase the number of half exiles to cope with all the leather processing coming out of the Sacred Warding herds. It also somewhat makes warriors, especially as mercenaries far from our culture base, unhappy since in their career they don't get much CHOICE in the matter unless we increase the Carrion Eaters to handle such. A fair bit of doublethink involved here.
Which overall don't make things worse or better so much as make them more complicated.
Pretty sure early societies were matriarchal and even currently you can see vestiges of it. The man is suppose to gather the resources that the womam divides up among the family (more visible in Japanese culture). It wasn't necessarily war that changed this but resource scarcity where now survival of the tribe was dependent on the strong men winning battles to secure resources. Over time this was associated with men being leaders or else your tribe just couldn't survive. If we had any matriachal societies besides us they wouldn't survive the Bronze Age collapse without transitioning to male leadership. As long their is competition for resources then which ever gender can wage war better would be in leadership roles.
EDIT: Farming as well causes the gender imbalance.
Naw, oversimplifying.
We can see in the Nomads that people were egalitarian when at the edge of survival. Everyone had to play every part, even if they didn't enjoy it. This is equality born of necessity.
When you moved to settled peoples, the production of children rises in importance as it determines how much you could get out of the land. This puts a ding into women's rights due to the hazards of childbirth, multiple pregnancies substantially damaged their ability to get involved in, or excel in trades. Tendencies then become custom, custom becomes culture, and culture becomes law. You fight this by improving healthcare, with less infant mortality, there is less pressure to have multiple children so some survive.
Furthermore, when farming depends a lot upon physical strength(which increases as you add irrigation, terrace farms and other labor intensive constructions), sons tended to be more useful as sources of labor than daughters, which stacked on top. You fight this by the development of better tools and alternative sources of energy like animal, wind and water power, which offset the demands of raw physical strength in labor, and by the development of physically independent trades like scribes, priests and the like, which leveled the playing field.
Then you had war, which damaged it much further. On average, a lot more men are going to be in the military, which meant a lot of them are going to die, which in turn means that what men are left need to take multiple wives(which in turn dilutes the political power of the women as political power is based on the family unit and there's always more or equal numbers of women to men in each family). You fight this by basically not fighting. Which isn't an option for most cultures.
Ultimately, for most cultures by the time they get the technology to cope with these problems, they've already locked it in culturally and their religion will reinforce it.
Are you guys sure about putting resources into a piece of furniture? Especially the one that reinforces the authority of the king for good or ill?
Putting too much into pure resource drains will hurting the resource producers.
Legitimacy has it's uses, though I'd personally try to make sure Religiou Authority isn't TOO far behind, so they are still kept in check.
That said a throne made of swords makes absolutely no sense to the Ymaryn.
Shovels, sickles, axes, quills, etc. We pride ourselves in our labor, not in war.