Choose an area of advancement...
[] Social
[] Spiritual
[] Martial
This entire set is fairly obvious, develop a social, spiritual, or martial value. The only issue; We already have 3/3 Social values. This might improve one, but like with our core social value of caretaker, having a value in the category naturally ties into developing more. I suggest either Spiritual or Martial, with a heavy preference in martial.
Pick one free commemoration (no additional action or cost)
[] Establish Annual Festival (Most likely raise Stability, Raise art/mysticism maybe? Potentially develop artistic techs or spiritual/social value)
[] Expand Current Holy Site (Raise mysticism strongly, maybe raise stability/writing tech. Inclined towards spiritual value)
[] New Holy Site (Raise mysticism strongly, potentially develop non-parallel spiritual focus to Harmony. Strongly inclined to develop a spiritual value)
Strategic Response...
[] Lure the nomads deeper into People controlled territory and launch a massive ambush (Hard to do, they're unlikely to commit to it. Low odds of baiting the trap, massively good odds of serious damage being dealt if it succeeds)
[] Wait for more war carts to be constructed and mass them for use against the nomads (Delay and attempt to counter-combat them using their own methods. Risky, but if we end up getting to run them down, we could do serious damage)
[] Deliberately expose trade caravans and settlements as bait for ambushes (Bait like this is really tempting to nomads. We could almost definitely assume they'd go for it, but there's risks associated with it, especially since we don't have all the carts yet)
[] Continue with current methods (Even odds, moderated between risk and reward)
[] Increase fortification around endangered settlements (Warning: Costs Econ at Econ 0) (Especially risky, considering we'd be eating stability. If done with festival, avoids a permanent stability hit)
[] Evacuate endangered settlements into the People's territory (Warning: Abandonment of associated territory has a chance of triggering Shapers malus) (Obvious enough)
Diplomatic Response...
[] Send a diplomatic expedition Into the Wild in the hopes of finding someone who can help (Toss the dice, maybe good, maybe bad, most likely nothing)
[] Send a diplomatic expedition to the Spirit Talkers to attempt to trade for assistance (We have no idea how amenable they'd even be. Even more of a wild card than Wild Lands)
[] Stay home for the time being (Don't try to push around here, don't risk a faux pas that gets us fighting on another front, or nets us a serious diplomatic hit with someone)
[X] Martial
[X] Establish Annual Festival
[X] Increase fortification around endangered settlements (Warning: Costs Econ at Econ 0)
[X] Send a diplomatic expedition Into the Wild in the hopes of finding someone who can help
Combo out festival/fortification to make PS only hit us for centralization (at least the first time) (hopefully), we don't really trust asking the ST for help considering how they act. Get a martial value developed so we can actually start to match up a little better against them.