Word filters down from the High Chief and the elders: the practice of breaking and exposure is to be discontinued. This riles the warriors up, but an explanation is also brought along. The crime for which the enemy are being punished is one of desecration and pollution of the self. The proscription of such behaviour is not for the benefit of the enemy, but the benefit of the people. It is well known how anger and can sit upon the heart and guts, weighing it down and poisoning a man's soul. The evidence of such corruption is easily seen in the fact that the Storm Clan had declared hostilities despite being offered the hand of friendship and trade. Retribution and punishment had to follow, but it not only had to be proportional to the crime, some thought had to be devoted to not just those being punished, but the one carrying out the punishment. Hatred and cruelty were a poison that one should spit out. While not everyone accepted this idea, they at least accepted the authority of the High Chief, backed by the wisdom of the elders and shamans, and the campfire discussions began to have a cascading effect.
What was the purpose of retribution? The concept was simple: to set things right that had been made wrong. But some things could never be made right. A broken item might be replaced by something of equivalent value, but some things could not be replaced. The dead could not be brought back to life through the death of another, and it had been well known to the People that punishment had to stop at some point, lest two parties destroy each other taking revenge for the previous revenge of the other. It was also known that certain acts could be polluting to the body and soul, so to take the head of an enemy for taking the head of your friend was an inherently corrupt act that could not be tolerated. Were there other situations where the act of retribution might pollute the one carrying it out?
Weighty thoughts, probably best relegated to elders and seers to consider, and they certainly wouldn't stop the warriors from carrying out their mission to root out the invaders from protected lands.
Choose an area of advancement...
[] Social
[] Spiritual
[] Martial
Unfortunately, the Storm Clan proves to be simply better at fighting, although not for weakness on the part of the People. They just know how to time their attacks just right to catch their targets off guard, and they ravage the villages under the protection of the People, much to the fury and sorrow of the warriors, even as new weapons were being constructed for their use. While the new, more agile carts were definitely an improvement they were difficult to use on their own territory and the fighting had moved up onto the hills enough that it wasn't particularly safe to try to press on to the enemy's more open plains, where while they would be more useful, the chances of getting swarmed were also much higher. More significant to the fighting was the fact that, with so much high quality wood from the forests there had been work put into making better bows, which were the most useful weapon for striking against the nomads. It had been found that reworking the shape allowed for a stronger draw, and the High Chief had declared that the newer design was to be propagated to the warriors as more of them became available. While not everyone liked them, for those with the strength for them they could shoot further and harder so they managed to catch a few enemies in ambushes when they had thought that pieces of cover were out of effective range and had thus been insufficiently wary.
Interestingly, despite the frustration and losses, the people the warriors were trying to protect were not blaming them, not in general anyway - there were a few emotional moments of frantic people blaming the people trying to defend them for not being there or not fighting enough. Still, as it was, the people in the worst settlements began to fall back, deeper into the hills and mountains, and more than one clan simply packed up entirely and asked if there was space within the land of the People. They were told that there was plenty of room and they would be most welcome to join up.
It was in fact as the High Chief was consulting with the other chiefs and the advisory council on where to settle these newcomers that it suddenly all clicked together. There was no permanent solution to the blight, but that didn't matter. They could repair the damage, and even if it might start cropping up again they could just repair it again. They'd already been basically doing the solution for generations, they just needed to realize it and continue it forward. Cut paths in the forests to allow ease of movement, maintaining them to prevent them from growing too much and cutting too wide a swath. Whenever blight emerged, cut down and burn out the forest. Clear plots to farm with black soil for a few years before planting new trees for materials and orchards and manage them. And when those plots grew old or blighted, burn them down to repeat the cycle once more. Add in restoration of the hills with terracing, and careful management of the number of families within the managed zones so as to not overpopulate the region and overwhelm the ability to bounce back, and it would all work.
It wasn't a solution.
It was a system.
Megaproject Completed!
Sacred Forest
While the forests stand and the people care for them, the forests shall care for them. As long as the Sacred Forest is intact, all forests under the control of the People are considered managed, and gain the new action Expand Forest.
(With current territorial control, gain +2 Economy immediately, net +1 Econ this turn from cost of megaproject. Timing consideration: Megaproject completes before paying cost of War Carts)
Gardeners of the Land -> Shapers of the Land
This world is good, but through tremendous effort and skill, it can be made better, an act which your people take immense joy and pride in. Tread not lightly upon land defended by its sculptors.
Pros: Bonuses to all actions relating to land management, bonuses when fighting on own terrain, additional Econ and Stability whenever completing a land management type Megaproject
Cons: Additional strife caused by deliberate environmental disruption unless it is for the long term betterment of the land, or loss of territory to others
Pick one free commemoration (no additional action or cost)
[] Establish Annual Festival
[] Expand Current Holy Site
[] New Holy Site
Still, as the seasons go on, and the depredations of the Storm Clan upon the allies of the People push further into the hills, a growing, gnashing frustration sets in. The enemy have not yet set foot upon land tended by the People, but they grow uncomfortably close. Several grand plans for bringing vengeance upon the enemy are devised, and while the advisors argue bitterly with each other over them, it is obvious that at this point the only long term solution is to either cause enough damage to the nomads that they decide to look elsewhere for a few generations, or to simply leave them with nothing worthwhile to raid.
Strategic Response...
[] Lure the nomads deeper into People controlled territory and launch a massive ambush
[] Wait for more war carts to be constructed and mass them for use against the nomads
[] Deliberately expose trade caravans and settlements as bait for ambushes
[] Continue with current methods
[] Increase fortification around endangered settlements (Costs Econ)
[] Evacuate endangered settlements into the People's territory (Warning: Abandonment of associated territory has a chance of triggering Shapers malus)
Then there is the diplomatic response. A few warriors had wandered up from the Western Confederacy, but mostly they had their own problems to deal with. The suggestion had been put forward that the Storm Clan had to have other enemies out there who could potentially hit them from a different direction and draw them out. It was of course a major risk considering it would be going into unknown territory with unknown people, but if it did work... Others who favour other diplomatic means point out that there is another group famed for their skill in battle and who might benefit from an exchange of advisors for dealing with their agricultural practices...
Diplomatic Response...
[] Send a diplomatic expedition Into the Wild in the hopes of finding someone who can help
[] Send a diplomatic expedition to the Spirit Talkers to attempt to trade for assistance
[] Stay home for the time being