Have you guys considered to simple raise our cap?

After all AN confirmed that our stats cap depends the size of our territory, which is why our cap is at 14 ( 7 provinces*2),

Therefore I would like to suggest something like this as an overarching plan
1. Build NE March to lower our Martial
2. Absorb the Stallions
3. Build double main trails after our Cent is lowered from the new provinces
4. Build a March north of the Stallion tribes
5. Absorb our colony
6. Build double main trails after our Cent is lowered from the new provinces
7. Build a march north of the western wall
8. build a colony west of the western wall
9. Build double main trails after our Cent is lowered from the new provinces
10. Absorb Hatriver March, who would probably be pretty swoll by then
11. Enforce our laws across the Hatriver,

That way we can safely expand our territory & thus our cap & action economy, while staying save from the nomads

Just expand east across the hills. Guaranteed new province. No defense woes
Just expand east across the hills. Guaranteed new province. No defense woes

And no infrastructure, half of the reason for my plan is, that the marches & colonies will take the infrastructure actions that we are to lazy/greedy for,

Also there will be defences woes since Nomads can also come from the east & we have no March there to take care of the problem
And no infrastructure, half of the reason for my plan is, that the marches & colonies will take the infrastructure actions that we are to lazy/greedy for,

Also there will be defences woes since Nomads can also come from the east & we have no March there to take care of the problem
Hills being a very solid terrain to build on against nomads, not concerned.

Laziness...absorbing the ST is liable to make things far worse on that end due to defensive overextension.
half of the reason for my plan is, that the marches & colonies will take the infrastructure actions that we are to lazy/greedy for,
I like the plan, but I don't actually think it's laziness or greed. We simply don't have enough actions per turn to do everything we'd like to do.

Which is the main reason I like the plan. More actions gets us closer to achieving all our priorities.
Do you have a source? I don't remember that.
Econ cap is based off of the number of province actions, the things that consume econ expansion is generally listed.
The other caps are also raised.

Here you go :D

Hills being a very solid terrain to build on against nomads, not concerned.

Not as good as Walls+Towers+Forests, which is what a MArch would do & what is an hard earned battle to archieve with the thread

Laziness...absorbing the ST is liable to make things far worse on that end due to defensive overextension.

Which is why we would expand in the same Turn
Build NE MArch + Absorb Stallions
Then next turn
Double main roads
Then afterward
Build North of the Stallion tribes a New March + absorb the Western Wall
Double Main roads again
and finally build a March north of the Western wall + founding a colony west of the western wall

These are 5 turns worth of action, that do not need to be chained & can be taken with breaks in between
I like the plan, but I don't actually think it's laziness or greed. We simply don't have enough actions per turn to do everything we'd like to do.

Which is the main reason I like the plan. More actions gets us closer to achieving all our priorities.
I think if we pop out the NE March they will handle their internal trails connections, mostly because of few rivers, and then we can focus on connecting them up with the main body and fixing our internal trail problem.

This all is part of the delicate dance of logistics we have to deal with right now.

Questions to the thread. Is our coastal logistics for the provinces Southshore, Northshore, Redshore, and Blackriver sufficient for the next three main turns? How about our internal land and riverine connections for the Inland Provinces; Valleyhome, Sacred Forest, Stonepen, Redhills?
Here you go :D

Not as good as Walls+Towers+Forests, which is what a MArch would do & what is an hard earned battle to archieve with the thread

Which is why we would expand in the same Turn
Build NE MArch + Absorb Stallions
Then next turn
Double main roads
Then afterward
Build North of the Stallion tribes a New March + absorb the Western Wall
Double Main roads again
and finally build a March north of the Western wall + founding a colony west of the western wall

These are 5 turns worth of action, that do not need to be chained & can be taken with breaks in between
Even getting one turn of that out is asking a lot, you have a lot more faith in the voter base than I do. That is 100% for sure.
The drop in Martial will allow us to Double Main Expand Warriors which our Heroic Martial king said would get us a professional army.
We already have a professional army with our warrior clans who spend all their time training instead of splitting it between farming and training. What AN (as the heroic martial king) said double main expand warriors will do is create 'professional citizen soldiers' which is an oxymoron since professional and citizen soldiers (militia) are different things.
I like the plan, but I don't actually think it's laziness or greed. We simply don't have enough actions per turn to do everything we'd like to do.

Which is the main reason I like the plan. More actions gets us closer to achieving all our priorities.

Not quite: more provinces also means harder-to-maintain balance of politicans and more fires to put out and more strained communications and administration.
We need to pursue faster boats for better communications throughout our nation and possibly support the West colony until it reaches the MW and then begin a series of massive walls and fortifications à la the Great Wall. Once the WW reaches the MW I think if we integrate the ST we may be able to build it

Also there seems to be some confusion still regarding our ships so to clear it up here at your posisble
Portability - better internal trade (riverine)
Size- better external trade (ocean vessels)
Speed- better communications (Blackmouth and Greenmouth)
Portability plus size - better movement of more warriors within rivers (Hathyn and nomads)
Portability plus speed - suboptimal since our chariot messengers already do this internally.
Size plus speed - naval warfare

Also shouts out to the mod for going through 20 pages of arguments he's probably already seen since we fight about the same things.
Size is also good for communication and ensuring cultural homogeneity, as being able to simply move more people and goods balances the lower speed.
Not as good as Walls+Towers+Forests, which is what a MArch would do & what is an hard earned battle to archieve with the thread
Noting that bare hills are actually better defenses against Nomads than Walls + Towers + Sparse forests like we have in the Stallion Tribes. It flat out makes their main strategy and unit type unusable.

Which is why we would expand in the same Turn
Build NE MArch + Absorb Stallions
Then next turn
Double main roads
Then afterward
Build North of the Stallion tribes a New March + absorb the Western Wall
Double Main roads again
and finally build a March north of the Western wall + founding a colony west of the western wall

These are 5 turns worth of action, that do not need to be chained & can be taken with breaks in between
Yeah hell no. That's definite overextension into the Steppes right when the cavalry transition is about to start.

Just walk across the hills eastwards and commit to building some light walls by hand or by Balanced.
Size is also good for communication and ensuring cultural homogeneity, as being able to simply move more people and goods balances the lower speed.
Speed is better for communications from the central government towards the northern provinces and periphery states which is what I'm aiming for. Speed plus size would probably happen after the thread achieves long boats.
I also feel that leapfrogging Marches are probably going to have significant issues socially. Not only are you sending out large quantities of warriors with a mandate to do their own thing with the plan of reabsorbing them in a few generations, you're also trying to reabsorb long spun off marches like the Stallions which have different values. That seems like a recipe to crush our stability which is already low and hard to raise and might accidentally give us less Ymaryn values.
Speed is better for communications from the central government towards the northern provinces and periphery states which is what I'm aiming for. Speed plus size would probably happen after the thread achieves long boats.
Personally my take on it is that they solve the same issue, connectivity, differently. Speed carries urgent messages, while size helps with resources. I see no problem, except time and opportunity, in building designs around those. I'd prefer to add one speed to our current portability + size first but that's just me.