Inattentive Idiot
I think a proper reaction is temples everywhere.
We need one for every single Spirit! Yes, including the literally poopy ones!
We need one for every single Spirit! Yes, including the literally poopy ones!
Technically Temples should give at least one mysticism. That's the Canal, though, and applies to other things.The issue is that the Temples do not seem to return Mysticism. It might be that they could act like Mysticism Salterns, but as is, building Temples will only increase Religious Authority, not Mysticism anymore.
Pretty easy to take advantage of Iron really:
-Invest into megaprojects. We've shit out a pair of megaprojects in basically three turns...without stopping to expand economy.
--Remaining urgent megaproject is probably the Palace, for visible problem solving Megaproject.
--Remaining opportunistic megaprojects are...there. We could probably do one every 3-4 turns without breaking a sweat due to the massive Diplomacy overflows. Basically, start a megaproject every time we max all the values out.
-Invest into facilities. Sit on Balanced and pursue Stat Accumulation. Basically, the windup for a rush build phase. Switch out once 2-3 stats are maxed out. This basically sets up overflow cascades so we can subsist off the trade income overflowing.
--New Trails is best done on Balanced
--Glassworks is best done on Balanced
--Docks is best done on Balanced
--Vineyard is best done on Balanced
--Snails is best done on Balanced
--Forest is best done on Balanced
--Festival/Proclaim Glory is best done on Balanced
-Invest into fortifications. Switch to Defense and burn through accumulated Economy building walls and towers to 100% coverage. Note that this is very expensive, so it should be alternated with Megaproject phases.
-Invest into Extended Projects. Switch to Spirits or Infrastructure to expensively churn them out, then switch back to Balanced to refuel.
--Salterns are currently peaked. Adding another won't do much.
--Aqueducts support additional cities, and we probably want that soon.
--Temples boost religious authority, so there's probably a shiny around either a high level Great Temple or having multiple major holy sites.
So I'm thinking something like:
-Balanced -> New Trails + Golden Age Stability boosters
-Megaproject - Palace during Golden Age
-Balanced -> Whatever floats your boats
-Defense - Walls walls. Get the tower coverage to 100% and the light walls too while we main expand economy and crisis.
-Balanced -> Trade power!
-Infrastructure - City ups!
Actually Torture just gives whatever information the subject thinks the torturer wants to hear.Dying maybe... but everyone breaks under torture if the torturer knows what he is doing. Not to mention that the smith is likely to be caught with his family attached.
I take significant issue with this- the Middle East was doing fantastic until the pope needed a way to measure the Catholic Nobility's dicks. and even AFTER the crusades, it was doing pretty good until it became one of the sites of the Great 20th Century Dick Measuring Contest.
Not really.
Fantastic for certain periods. Relatively short ones. It's been a hotbed of religious strife for thousands of years.
Also, the Golden Age of Islam wasn't exactly a utopia either. The Caliphs were warlords. They killed other sects of islam. They also killed Jews and christians too.
Jews killing people, Persians killing Jews, Jews killing more people, romans killing lots of Jews, romans evicting Jews, christians killing romans, muslims killing byzantines, christians killing muslims, muslims killing Jews and christians and everyone else, repeat these last two for a while, British and French and Dutch claiming land, Jews and muslims killing brits and French and Dutch, brits evicting Jews again, Jews come back and everyone kills everyone, America kills muslims, Muslims kill Americans.
The Middle East has a very long, very bloody history of religious strife.
Actually Torture just gives whatever information the subject thinks the torturer wants to hear.
Bribery is much more effective^^
Won't know till we build it.Technically Temples should give at least one mysticism. That's the Canal, though, and applies to other things.
Honestly, even if it is 'just' religious authority, religious authority is kinda worth it. Keep in mind the far east seems to have tamed the locals via religious authority.
Study actions also cost Mysticism, which we currently don't have a means of rebuilding easily with Holy Site down. It's usually not something we'd set all the provinces to unless we had a particular research objective.You've also written off a lot of things here, starting with policies.
Progress gives us large numbers of scientific advances and prestige bonuses.
Read the actions there.We have a literal trade policy, why would we use balanced if we're doing trade power?
You've become too obsessed with balance policy I think. Especially as long as we can keep the baby boom going.
Study actions also cost Mysticism, which we currently don't have a means of rebuilding easily with Holy Site down. It's usually not something we'd set all the provinces to unless we had a particular research objective.
Less than half consume mysticism, one produces it.Study Forests - The holy site within the sacred forest is the repository of lore on the forests and the things within them, but could the shamans learn more? 1 Use
* S: Potential new discoveries
* M: -1 Econ, improved odds of success
Study Health - What secrets of nature can be used to improve the health of the People?
* S: Potential new discoveries
* M: -1 Econ, improved odds of success
Study Metal - Iron and copper, gold and silver, what other secrets are hidden in metal and stone?
* S: -1 Mysticism, tiny chance of new insights
* M: -1 Econ, -2 Mysticism, improved chance of new insights
Study Stars - What secrets do the heavens hold when you study the stars and their motions carefully? 10 Uses, 4 Uses in a Row
*S: +1 Mysticism, tiny chance of new insights
Cannot be used as a Main action
Study Tailings - Tailings pits are toxic, but there are some fascinating items within
*S: -1 Mysticism, tiny chance of new insights
* M: -1 Econ, -2 Mysticism, improved chance of new insights
It also includes art patronage.
I would be genuinely surprised if it didn't include boats and/or docks as means of increasing trade power. That falls too heavily under it's intention.Read the actions there.
Trade Policies will produce luxuries, meaning it'd build Art, Glassworks and Vineyards.
But Trade Power there refers to building Docks, Roads and Boats to improve our ability to trade rather than improving luxury production. The only Policy which builds those is Balanced.
I much more suspect AN simply didn't update it.
You say this, yet.Baby Boom is useful, but expenses rapidly outstrip the Baby Boom at present. It's convenient for shortening Balanced recharge phases.
You do realize that trade would rapidly cause immense overflow, while generating econ slots, right? Especially with diplo income.-Trade - Very economical, as Trade Missions are Diplo-Neutral, and Salt Gifts are overflow reactors, while luxury production is cheap(Glassworks Econ 1, Vineyard Econ 1(but eats Expansions).
THIS is why expanding into the Steppes is an eternal issue. All we can do is harden fortifications, because they can copy everything else eventually.
Maybe if we claimed the coast with the Western Wall(which despite being a Colony now, does have Martial 8-12 by my guess) all the way to the Metalworkers, then ran a long massive wall across the whole thing's border.
Well... we are probably losing iron monopoly this turn. there's no way the nomad hero won't get his hands on some enslaved Stallion smiths and miners (they even conveniently built a mine so as to gift-warp the whole thing).
Less than half consume mysticism, one produces it.
It also includes art patronage.
I would be genuinely surprised if it didn't include boats and/or docks as means of increasing trade power. That falls too heavily under it's intention.
I much more suspect AN simply didn't update it.
You say this, yet.
You do realize that trade would rapidly cause immense overflow, while generating econ slots, right? Especially with diplo income.
Salt Gift as a Main likely generates more stats than it looses most of the time, ignoring prestige, making it effectively just a 'I want more stats button.' Trade Missions easily cover this a step further, and can be spammed as secondaries for effectively free. The only reason we're massively outstripping our income with expenses now is because we're on megaproject policy explicitly. Taking any policy that generates more stats than put in, of which trade policy is a major note, would easily push us up to near max stats within a couple turns.
Considering all of the trade actions generate more stats than they put in and a notable number of desired ones don't even cost econ , it is far more efficient in terms of both cost and return. Even worse for your case is that Balance only mains expand econ using law, which means that 4 econ slots will be filled a turn, in addition to 4 econ slots being filled a turn via baby boom. Either that or we're effectively losing an entire secondary action. Considering that would be 8 Econ slots a turn, it is something that we literally can not keep up.
I didn't think on it a ton, I'm planning on switching off of Megaproject Support after getting the Dam and the Palace.t. Why @notgreat do you have Grand Docks as a higher priority than Place to the Stars if we can't completely abandon the shore?
I'm not sure we should do megaprojects now. *Oh forgive me great Crow for not seeking the shiny!* I really want an extra dye production to secure our lead there, and we're likely to need to burn some stats on war.I didn't think on it a ton, I'm planning on switching off of Megaproject Support after getting the Dam and the Palace.
That being said, the main reason is that Docks are so much cheaper. The required Forests is likely equivalent to the Mysticism investment, so the Docks cost slightly more than half the price of the Place to the Stars.
Either way though, I'd prefer to jump off the Megaproject train after doing 4 in a row and switch to something else- I'm thinking Trade, though our situation is likely to have changed significantly by that time so it's hard to say. This turn(1) we finish the Library. Next turn(2) we get 4 progress on the Dam. The turn after that(3) we start the Palace and finish the Dam. So this'll be 4 turns out to finish 3 megaprojects. We'll be treading water while doing these, and after getting them done we'll likely have a bunch of nice opportunities to take advantage of.
We'll have to see. Depending on how the war goes, we might need to switch off. Thanks to our 4 periphery states I think it's very likely that we won't, but crit fails/enemy heroic crit successes are things that we'll need to be able to deal with.I'm not sure we should do megaprojects now. *Oh forgive me great Crow for not seeking the shiny!* I really want an extra dye production to secure our lead there, and we're likely to need to burn some stats on war.
Would be nice if the nomads fucked off, and we could improve festival before dam finishes...We'll have to see. Depending on how the war goes, we might need to switch off. Thanks to our 4 periphery states I think it's very likely that we won't, but crit fails/enemy heroic crit successes are things that we'll need to be able to deal with.
Turns 2 and 3 we'll only have 2 actions available which is a little low but those plus mid-turn actions should be enough to fix any major problems that come up that our provinces can't handle themselves. Especially since the Dam provides bonus Econ and Stability once it's complete since it's Land Management.
Nomads will probably be an issue until the invention of Gunpowder and the implementation of firearms en mass.Would be nice if the nomads fucked off, and we could improve festival before dam finishes...
You misunderstand me. I want this particular waaagh to fuck off next turn so we can festival up to 2 stab, to hit 3 with the stewards boost.Nomads will probably be an issue until the invention of Gunpowder and the implementation of firearms en mass.
So we have to wait another three millennia until then....