The exact word translates out to "The People". Others call you "The Valley People", "Baby-Eaters", and "Shit Stirrers" in their own tongues, depending on how much the like you. "Baby-Eaters" originated in how you've started to drive away all deer including juveniles, and thus would eat animals most consider too young to be hunted under most circumstances, but linguistic shift and conflict has made it even more of a negative term. "Shit Stirrers" refers to how little hunter-gatherers think about stomping about in mud and tending crops.
Cool....Than we shall be "Baby eating-Shit stirrers".
[X] High quality materials
[X] Retaining walls

So all the irrigation has let us expand out into the hills. We might as well just keep doubling down on this. High quality materials could be useful for said retaining walls, or perhaps keep improving our warriors as well, and that honestly seems more useful to me than fickle friendship.
[X] High quality materials
[X] Retaining walls

I'm hoping that there's some kind of synergy bonus here.

Edit: Wait, never mind. After checking the front page, it seems that our civilization has:

Diplomacy 0
Economy 5
Martial 2

Our economy is already pretty strong, but I feel that we need to improve our Diplomacy score a bit. As such, I'll be changing my vote to:

[X] We want your friendship!
[X] Manage Forests
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[X] We want your friendship!
[X] Organize Settlement
Seeing that this wasn't done yet, the man got up from where he was seated and said, "Here this! It was by the wisdom of the ancestors that we chose a new path when we were hungry rather than take out our anger on neighbours whose only crime was to till the soil! When the selfish among our neighbours attacked us, we sought out only the perpetrators, not their entire tribe! Should a tree fall upon a man gathering wood, you do not burn down the forest! It is our way that the problem be dealt with, not everything around it."

I liked this. We made a good choice as the foundation of a society of proportional retribution.

Materials feel really really tempting, having a craftsman focused society could let us build some cool shit. Animal husbandry has obvious large benefits, and friendship could have great benefits and set a good precedent. I'm really torn.
[X] High quality materials
[X] Retaining walls
Our economy is already pretty strong, but I feel that we need to improve our Diplomacy score a bit. As such, I'll be changing my vote to:

[X] We want your friendship!
[X] Trade Expeditions
I think it'd be better to get friendship first before attempting trade expeditions, get people to teach us before striking out on our own you know?

Personally I'm going for forestry, as that seems to be there only because of who we were before and likely to disappear soon. Also grants us variety in economy so one bad harvest doesn't completely starve us.
I think it'd be better to get friendship first before attempting trade expeditions, get people to teach us before striking out on our own you know?
I would think that one of the biggest upsides to friendship is that we don't actually need to do our own trade expeditions. We would get along well enough with the traders that they would stick with us.
I think it'd be better to get friendship first before attempting trade expeditions, get people to teach us before striking out on our own you know?

Personally I'm going for forestry, as that seems to be there only because of who we were before and likely to disappear soon. Also grants us variety in economy so one bad harvest doesn't completely starve us.

Forestry was my second choice, but if we're friends with the traders I'm hoping that they might give us some synergistic bonus for the trading actions.
Forestry was my second choice, but if we're friends with the traders they might give us some synergistic bonus for a trading actions.
I think they might see it as competition and attempt to undercut us to ensure they are our only buyer. And really @mc2rpg brings up a good point, why not just have them do it for us? That way we can focus on Economy and they can focus on Trade. Make us one of their mainstay trade spots and others will come to us as well.
I think they might see it as competition and attempt to undercut us to ensure they are our only buyer. And really @mc2rpg brings up a good point, why not just have them do it for us? That way we can focus on Economy and they can focus on Trade. Make us one of their mainstay trade spots and others will come to us as well.

Hmm... good point. In that case, improving our own economy will probably attract more buyers as well, which makes things like Forestry more appealing. I'll switch to Forestry.
[x] We want your friendship!
[x] Organize Settlement

Friendship is > aurochs; if we have the former, we can buy the latter later. Friendship guarantees a steady flow of diplo stats, and as our friendship deepens we will get preferential treatment. It would also provide the opportunity to provide members of our community as for-hire guards. This regrettably makes us sort of a peasant farmer community forever selling our bodies and thus placed in an inferior position, but we can probably change that with better organization. Better organization would strengthen our position as a threatening force, and would most likely allow for better management of our crops. This is why I support organization as the choice this turn.

My priorities: 1) Organize Settlement, 2) Manage Forests, 3) Dedicate a Place to the Spirits, 4) Retaining Walls.

I really want to do Manage Forests and Retaining Walls to prevent flooding and soil erosion. It is, imho, key to continuing our farming-based settlement. I want Dedicate a Place to the Spirits for the reasons we discussed last turn. I feel that it can wait after forest management, but before retaining walls. I agree that Manage Forests is like to disappear soon; thus it should go first. Furthermore, building a priest class after displaying newfound dedication to nature will strengthen that connection. Finally, we already have a relatively steady flow of food. Retaining walls are useful, but not yet necessary.

Also, maybe we can trade for aurochs next turn, and then high quality materials after that, to prepare for the retaining walls or the place for the spirits.

Inflexibility and an unwillingness to let go of old wrongs, more like.
Inflexibility in the sense that all wrongs must be punished, yes. Which means that if another tribe attacks us and is stronger, we're less likely to settle for a lowered amount of retribution even if it will cost us too much to achieve a higher one.


Also, I do not agree that [x] We Want Your Friendship! synergizes with [x] Trade Expeditions. It basically implies that we want to be friends but also we're going to be competition. MAYBE it could be okay if we just sell our food to local places - which positions us as a general distributor of food - but that still doesn't endear us to them. It just positions us as a regular supplier. We Want Your Aurochs might synergize, tho. And We Wanna Be Friends might syn w/ either increase warriors (mercenaries) or Annual Festival - aka, the We're Super Happy To See You!! combo pack.
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is regrettably makes us sort of a peasant farmer community forever selling our bodies and thus placed in an inferior position, but we can probably change that with better organization. Better organization would strengthen our position as a threatening force, and would most likely allow for better management of our crops. This is why I support organization as the choice this turn.
...That's not what Organize Settlement does,
Organize Settlement - Because everyone contributes to the whole, the borders of fields could be reworked. Perhaps a similar principle can be applied to the buildings in which people dwell [Warning: Caretakers Malus] [Pre-King]
This just organizes the buildings placement, if you want to strengthen our position's threatening force, that would be
Expand Warriors - More men can be inducted into the ranks of the warriors every year and not face major food shortfalls
Better management of crops would be
Expand Settlement - The community grows at the rate of births, but deliberately bringing more land under cultivation will lead to more food and thus more people faster than without intervention
...That's not what Organize Settlement does,

This just organizes the buildings placement, if you want to strengthen our position's threatening force, that would be

Better management of crops would be

I'd assumed that Organize Settlement would increase centralization. Increased centralization/unity makes people more threatening because there won't be the typical indecisiveness when it comes to responding to another polity's actions. Also, people usually find unified settlements intimidating. Finally, and the main thing that train of thought had been about, being centralized would decrease our inferior, warrior-supplying stance by making it more of a planned, unified process rather than people trickling away to make money for their family or go on an adventure.

Expand Settlement doesn't seem to increase crop management in the sense of efficiency. It just increases the size of land cultivated. Organize Settlement would increase efficiency if you accept an expanded interpretation of "dwell" to all the buildings made by humans for their use. I consider this acceptable as a land/building duology, though admittedly there might be a third part to the research chain. Organize Settlement would mean that buildings related to crop harvesting and storage can be placed in more optimal positions.

Furthermore, it would increase the safety of our people and our stores by putting them all in a more collected, defensible position. I.e., make us a town rather than a scattering of dwellings that calls itself a tribe.
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I'd assumed that Organize Settlement would increase centralization. Increased centralization/unity makes people more threatening because there won't be the typical indecisiveness when it comes to responding to another polity's actions. Also, people usually find unified settlements intimidating. Also, being centralized would decrease our inferior, warrior-supplying stance by making it more of a centralized, unified process rather than people trickling away to make money for their family or going on an adventure.

Also, Expand Settlement doesn't seem to increase crop management in the sense of efficiency, but instead in terms of size of land cultivated.
And that'd be great,

If it did that.

However it doesn't create a point of centralization, only advances tech in construction. The chance of centralization was last post in building a great house in the centre of the community.

I don't think any of the Major Projects create centralization.
And that'd be great,

If it did that.

However it doesn't create a point of centralization, only advances tech in construction. The chance of centralization was last post in building a great house in the centre of the community.

I don't think any of the Major Projects create centralization.
If you look at our stats we already have centralization. I think that it would be fair to describe people living in closer proximity - which I assume is an understandable interpretation - as creating increased unity. And perhaps centralization as the Big Man and council find it easier to meet more often. Perhaps he might assign some members to parts of managing the organization, and others to managing warriors, and so forth?

I don't get why you think it advances tech in construction. Admittedly it offers practice, but it's "Organize" not "Refurbish." The construction adv. choice would probably be retaining walls, if anything.
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If you look at our stats we already have centralization. I think that it would be fair to describe people living in closer proximity - which I assume is an understandable interpretation - as creating increased unity. And perhaps centralization as the Big Man and council find it easier to meet more often. Perhaps he might assign some members to parts of managing the organization, and others to managing warriors, and so forth?
Oh, I don't t deny we have some centralization, but if Econ 5 means basic irrigation, centralization 2 probably doesn't count for much
I don't get why you think it advances tech in construction. Admittedly it offers practice, but it's "Organize" not "Refurbish." The construction adv. choice would probably be retaining walls, if anything.
That's assuming each it's the only one that does that. Doesn't match when the Forestry, Expand Settlement, and Retaining Walls all advance Economy.

Alternatively you could give people a reason to centralize? Something that brings people together like a Festival. That's the closest I think.
Friendship is > aurochs; if we have the former, we can buy the latter later. Friendship guarantees a steady flow of diplo stats, and as our friendship deepens we will get preferential treatment. It would also provide the opportunity to provide members of our community as for-hire guards.
You forget how useful having large animals is by itself. As the buying of livestock comes with knowledge how to keep, use, and feed them, it would greatly increase our potential to build as you want. Beasts of Burden are a big advantage to have. The sooner we have those the faster we can grow.