Had a large number of posts I was going to respond to. Then as I read others beat me to it, so...
[X] [CA] Accept those who come to the People (Chance of Stability loss, +2 Econ)
[X] [Law] Attempt to close off both practices
[X] [Boats] Portability
[X] [Infra] Main Saltern Construction
We're effectively getting an extra action every mid turn now, interestingly enough. I wonder if this is AN slowly sneaking in shorter turns?
As for the vote, I just want that golden age now.

Though, since war seems possible, I'm voting for portability. It's not like we aren't going to build more docks in the future.
Also, I
really hope that our admin hero will take over next turn, because I do not want to deal with all of this fall out. I also hope the 'chance of stability loss' is considered an admin roll as we re-organize things to stop stability from dropping too fast. It would also be nice if our diplo hero accidentally vassalizes some of our neighbors with this action. Anyways, speaking of which...
@Academia Nut Please carry the voice of this spirit to the heir! "Hey, looks like a potential war is going to happen soon, but if you work at it you can head it off and maybe even gain some more territory than otherwise would, perhaps make the guys tributaries or fall under the people's protection. Don't overextend yourself though. Also, try increasing the confidence of the people, if you can manage it some good things will probably come from it. Also keep an eye on the warriors, getting to be a lot of them and when that happens they tend to want to solve problems, so they'll look for problems that might not exist to try and solve. Gaining some dominance in trade would probably be good too, and if you can try to keep the study stars thing going. It might take awhile, like beyond your lifetime, but there are some interesting secrets you'll get if you study them carefully enough without stopping. It's not urgent though, we'll try to guide the people to get those things anyways. Side Note: The real story behind Crow is hilarious, and we're constantly laughing at how you all have interpreted it."