1. I never argued this, though it would be cool if the land was good.
2. We don't lack for water in the ST lands, though westward expansion would be slower due to this. But access to the sea would be incredibly useful to offset this a bit.
3. Foriegn nations can be negotiated with for a time, but they change over time as well. While the nomads change much more quickly, a nation won't be convinced to never attack us either. Look at the TSs, we had decent ties with them for quite a while, and yet they were the only group to actually attack us besides the nomads.
4. If I had suggested yoloing into the steppes and gobbling up land like a fat kid in a candy store, sure, these would be major problems. But that was specifically not what I wanted. We'd have plenty of time to deal with these issues before we ever needed to expand further, and the nomad threat plus Lords Loyalty will help keep a sense of unity among our people.
5. Water routes OP. Literally nobody desires to go into the steppes proper right now. Mostly, the expansion would be westward, so we'd have the black sea to cut down travel times to an absurd degree.
6. Water routes OP.
7. You mean like the immense amounts of effort that we already put in automatically into making all of our farms work? We already do step farms, black soil, irrigation and who knows what else automatically. I'm pretty sure that over the course of ten-twenty generations, our people could make any claimed land pretty decent without much help from us, especially if we expanded black soil again, which we'd want to do anyways really just because of how useful that stuff is.
8. No arguments here, but unless we find a solution to the nomads, marches in the north are our best answer to them.