It's only had less enthusiasm because most of us(I think) see the canal as a sensible prerequisite for dam building. Eventually turning the upper reaches of the valley above the upper village into a reservoir is a spectacular idea. It helps us regulate perfect water flow and marginalize the impact of flood and drought seasons. Additionally, by dredging out silt, we can more effectively utilize step farms.
The dam will be blocking off the flow to lowlands, will it not? We should a) argue over where the dam will be placed and b) realize that none of the rivers we have access to are likely to negatively affect the wetlands at the end of them because i) a dam on the left river won't be far away from its end, so the evaporated water from the dam won't be much off of how much it receives anyways and ii) if we dam off the right river it's
fucking over disrupting farm land that belongs to potential enemies, i.e. other people. That it is farmland means it is already a disturbed ecosystem. That it belongs to potential enemies means we don't care unless our eco-powers force us to.
Okay, fair enough. I concede on the "damage of canal" thing.
Also, most of the things you listed were less ecological damage and more just consequences. Like, the delta shrinking is bad but it's not like it completely died off, and in the other case the growth of the land was pretty much positive all around, as the whole benefit of silt is when plants can reach it. Nvm you agreed w/ the other guy.
Our gardener trait wouldn't give us strife unless we started screwing up the ecosystem with our mining. I don't think it'll give us a boost to mining since it's not directly land management.
I think you're overestimating our tech level.
I don't think we have the tools for deep pit mining. Stone and wood are still the mainstay of our materials.
Even non-pit mining is still dangerous and somewhat toxic. It just depends on how the refuse is treated. Usually, modern mining companies just don't give a shit about it and toss it back into the pit when they're done, if not into a nearby hollow in the hillside.
Still have no idea if magic and spirits are real...
What matters isn't if they are, but if you believe they are.
1) If they are real we can: a) treat them as if they are real or b) disregard them.
The former will get them to give us beneficial things, but also seduce our princesses and cause wars for their amusement. The latter will give us stuff regardless, and provoke them into showing themselves.
2) If they are not real we can a) treat them as if they are real or b) disregard them.
The former will give us nothing unless it's incidentally beneficial. The latter will give us stuff regardless. The best choice is to disregard them, because then they'll either a) show themselves or b) not and then we can act accordingly, i.e. disregard them regardless.