Hazō grunted a laugh. "You're a good man, Gaku." He sighed and took a moment to organize his thoughts. "Lord Hokage from Lord Gōketsu blah blah blah. At around half past today's noon bell, Gōketsu Yūdai experienced a major sealing infusion failure while working on a storage seal derivative. Every infused storage seal he had ever made immediately self-annihilated, along with all matter within a radius of between two inches and six feet. The effect was instantaneous with no lingering effects. Seals that were fully consumed seemed to disappear harmlessly, seals that were partially bisected immediately failed in turn.
"To the best of our knowledge, Yūdai died painlessly and instantly. Most of the casualties were from direct trauma, though more were injured or killed in resulting collapses or fires. Seven of the Gōketsu civilian apartments were destroyed. Two servants in the main building's east wing were killed when that wing collapsed. Cause of death was most likely seal-based traps misfiring as the wing collapsed. The immediate event saw around sixty dead, forty maimed, and forty more injured in a recoverable way. Eighteen, seven, and three of those, respectively, were non-Gōketsu civilians who were on the estate for various reasons.