I think a lot of these problems can probably be solved with sufficiently high medical ninjutsu skill.

Regarding the basis of it... have we considered trying Technique Hacking instead? What if we made a technique that 'learned' the chakras of those that it came into contact with? We could also consider modifying a clone technique to allow bloodline use, and combining the two to create a technique that makes clones that have all the bloodlines it has learned.

e: Have we considered having Nobby learn Genjutsu, by the way?
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Omake: Bugging the Debugger
Omake: Bugging the Debugger

Keiko looked up through the smoke of Pandaa returning home as Hazou came in from watch duty and and plopped down on the floor of the cave.

"I need your advice, Keiko." He was chewing his lip in the exact same way he always did when he asked for help with one of his schemes - he claimed it was Kurosawa Lip Chew Number 12 and translated to 'I deeply respect your opinion on a topic I am grappling with and humbly ask your assistance'. She appreciated the implied compliment, even if she didn't think it was necessarily warranted.

"Another plan?" She began to clear her mind in preparation for reaching out to the Frozen Skein.

"Yes. I think I have the broad overview worked out, but some of the details are... fiddly." She nodded, beginning to stare into the middle distance, waiting while he collected his thoughts. "I'm trying to figure out how to help you and Akane get along better."

She stopped nodding, unsure if she had heard rightly, and focused back on Hazou as he leaned forward earnestly from his seat across the cave.

He continued, apparently oblivious to her confusion. "My thought was to ask you how you would expect Akane to react to us coming into conflict with ninja from Hidden Leaf. If you responded dismissively, I would bring up a conversation she and I had where she acted much more mature than her typical behavior would suggest and expressed an understanding of the necessities of life as a missing nin. If you responded positively, I would... okay, this might be easier if I draw it out."

Keiko sat there dumbfounded as Hazou pulled out a piece of paper and began inscribing a branching flowchart onto it. 'Kami preserve us,' she thought to herself, 'he's evolved from lists to charts. At this rate we're all doomed.'

"...so that's the general idea," concluded Hazou. "Do you see any places where this might collapse and burn?"

"Well for one, DISPEL!" She looked around. Nothing had changed. Her head fell into her hands. "You're asking me to contribute to a plan for convincing myself of something."

"That's true, but I figured it was worthwhile because one: you're the best planner in the group and two: we can just work together to figure out how to make the discussion so persuasive that you'll still be convinced even after taking the fact that you helped write it into account."

At this point she started on some of the more advanced breathing exercises from the academy, the ones meant for keeping calm under combat conditions. The whole situation was just so... so Hazou. There was no other word for it. Trying to forestall any further exposition on the insane logic behind the whole situation, she asked, "Why do you even want to do this? To stick your nose in my and Akane's friendship?"

Hazou's eyes lit up. "You consider her a friend?" He started to rise. "Oh boy is that a relief. I guess I don't have to-"

"No! That's not what I... I mean, of course I'd prefer... you didn't answer the question!" she barked, glaring.

Blink. Blink blink. "Well, it's important for teammates to be able to support each other." Hazou sat back down slowly.


"You two... you're fire and ice. You can cover each other's mental blind spots. You can pull her back from making foolishly optimistic decisions - don't give me that look, she is naive sometimes, I'm not that much of a doting sensei."

Keiko schooled her face quickly. She had been expecting Hazou to side with Akane pretty much entirely on any points of disagreement between the girl and herself.

"I'd like to think she can pull you back from... foolishly pessimistic decisions," Hazou continued, looking troubled for a moment. "But that can't happen unless you communicate with each other and respect each other. I know she respects you, we all do, or I'd be asking you to help me with a plan for talking with her about this too. On top of that, it's unpleasant to see friction between two people who are as important to me as you two."

Reaching over to pick up his writing supplies, he added, "In any case, if you don't feel like there's anything to add to the plan I guess I'll go run it by Mari-sensei before I attempt it. See you in a bit!"
*Several minutes later...*

She was still trying to puzzle out the exact meaning of what had just transpired when Hazou poked his head back into the cave. "Keiko," he began, "suppose an assignment we took had a high likelihood to run into opposition from Hidden Leaf ninja..."

The sound of her palm connecting with her forehead nearly made Kagome blow up the tree he was hiding in for sentry duty.
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The sound of her palm connecting with her forehead nearly made Kagome blow up the tree he was hiding in for sentry duty.

We haven't seen the update yet, but I'm going to consider this as canon all the same and fit it right before the actual discussion Velorien is going to write. (...assuming he writes that discussion and we are not dead in the next update.)

EDIT: Btw, I love how in your flowchart there's no way out if Keiko refuses us. We'll just keep trying until she talks to us. :lol
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Ah, here it is. Sorry about that.
There is also this bit we got IC
"This doesn't make any sense," Jiraiya said quietly, almost to himself, as he paced back and forth across the main room of the hideout. "Orochimaru is the last person I'd expect to start a war – he finds disorder, or what he thinks of as disorder, to be utterly disgusting, to say nothing of how he feels about 'crude implements'. Besides, he's survived this long despite being an acknowledged S-class threat partly because he takes care not to draw any attention to himself. When the Liberator goes public, it'll be the equivalent of dancing the yosakoi on top of the Hokage Monument during the Heroes' Day assembly, butt-naked and with extra-loud clappers.

"But then again, how many other ninjutsu researchers who use immortal snake symbolism are there? And if it is him, what could push him into doing something so violently out of character?"

"Who is Orochimaru?" Noburi asked.

"Another of the Three," Akane told him. "He was also a hero of the Third Great Ninja War, and he was famous for being a biological research and sealcrafting prodigy. But he betrayed the village – our textbooks don't say how – and now he's one of our worst missing-nin."

"Do you know what he did?" Hazō asked Jiraiya, perhaps incautiously, but aware that this was a rare opportunity to get a real answer to a question that might turn out to be important later.

"He decided it was easier not to care about people," Jiraiya said heavily. He did not elaborate.

But never mind that! The omake! Is amazing!
He was chewing his lip in the exact same way he always did when he asked for help with one of his schemes - he claimed it was Kurosawa Lip Chew Number 12: "I deeply respect your opinion on a topic I am grappling with and humbly ask your assistance". She appreciated the implied compliment, even if she didn't think it was necessarily warranted.
we can just work together to figure out how to make the discussion so persuasive that you'll still be convinced even after taking the fact that you helped write it into account."
Extra ded.
Omake: Bugging the Debugger

Keiko looked up through the smoke of Pandaa returning home as Hazou came in from watch duty and and plopped down on the floor of the cave.

"I need your advice, Keiko." He was chewing his lip in the exact same way he always did when he asked for help with one of his schemes - he claimed it was Kurosawa Lip Chew Number 12 and translated to 'I deeply respect your opinion on a topic I am grappling with and humbly ask your assistance'. She appreciated the implied compliment, even if she didn't think it was necessarily warranted.

"Another plan?" She began to clear her mind in preparation for reaching out to the Frozen Skein.

"Yes. I think I have the broad overview worked out, but some of the details are... fiddly." She nodded, beginning to stare into the middle distance, waiting while he collected his thoughts. "I'm trying to figure out how to help you and Akane get along better."

She stopped nodding, unsure if she had heard rightly, and focused back on Hazou as he leaned forward earnestly from his seat across the cave.

He continued, apparently oblivious to her confusion. "My thought was to ask you how you would expect Akane to react to us coming into conflict with ninja from Hidden Leaf. If you responded dismissively, I would bring up a conversation she and I had where she acted much more mature than her typical behavior would suggest and expressed an understanding of the necessities of life as a missing nin. If you responded positively, I would... okay, this might be easier if I draw it out."

Keiko sat there dumbfounded as Hazou pulled out a piece of paper and began inscribing a branching flowchart onto it. 'Kami preserve us,' she thought to herself, 'he's evolved from lists to charts. At this rate we're all doomed.'

"...so that's the general idea," concluded Hazou. "Do you see any places where this might collapse and burn?"

"Well for one, DISPEL!" She looked around. Nothing had changed. Her head fell into her hands. "You're asking me to contribute to a plan for convincing myself of something."

"That's true, but I figured it was worthwhile because one: you're the best planner in the group and two: we can just work together to figure out how to make the discussion so persuasive that you'll still be convinced even after taking the fact that you helped write it into account."

At this point she started on some of the more advanced breathing exercises from the academy, the ones meant for keeping calm under combat conditions. The whole situation was just so... so Hazou. There was no other word for it. Trying to forestall any further exposition on the insane logic behind the whole situation, she asked, "Why do you even want to do this? To stick your nose in my and Akane's friendship?"

Hazou's eyes lit up. "You consider her a friend?" He started to rise. "Oh boy is that a relief. I guess I don't have to-"

"No! That's not what I... I mean, of course I'd prefer... you didn't answer the question!" she barked, glaring.

Blink. Blink blink. "Well, it's important for teammates to be able to support each other." Hazou sat back down slowly.


"You two... you're fire and ice. You can cover each other's mental blind spots. You can pull her back from making foolishly optimistic decisions - don't give me that look, she is naive sometimes, I'm not that much of a doting sensei."

Keiko schooled her face quickly. She had been expecting Hazou to side pretty much entirely on any points of disagreement between the girl and herself.

"I'd like to think she can pull you back from... foolishly pessimistic decisions," Hazou continued, looking troubled for a moment. "But that can't happen unless you communicate with each other and respect each other. I know she respects you, we all do, or I'd be asking you to help me with a plan for talking with her about this too. On top of that, it's unpleasant to see friction between two people who are as important to me as you two."

Reaching over to pick up his writing supplies, he added, "In any case, if you don't feel like there's anything to add to the plan I guess I'll go run it by Mari-sensei before I attempt it. See you in a bit!"
*Several minutes later...*

She was still trying to puzzle out the exact meaning of what had just transpired when Hazou poked his head back into the cave. "Keiko," he began, "suppose an assignment we took had a high likelihood to run into opposition from Hidden Leaf ninja..."

The sound of her palm connecting with her forehead nearly made Kagome blow up the tree he was hiding in for sentry duty.
Oh my god. I love every one of the players here. This is freaking hilarious.
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Reaching over to pick up his writing supplies, he added, "In any case, if you don't feel like there's anything to add to the plan I guess I'll go run it by Mari-sensei before I attempt it. See you in a bit!"
Mari's face tho :D
As she listens to the explanation and nods solemnly and tells Hazou to proceed with her blessing, only to collapse once he's gone.
"Ow ow ow it still hurts to laugh dammit!"
Bad news: the update is delayed until tomorrow while I figure out how on earth to top that omake.

Just in case Velorien was serious...(Curses for crafty QMs, can't tell if they are hoodwinking me or not!)

I can think of two relevant topics for discussion before the update drops: 1. Akane's new combat style and 2. General direction of our XP plans.

For Akane's combat style, the most polished suggestion is the newly re-named Palmed Leaf Style (originally Trap Spider Style...sorry Bites), started by @ClawClawBite's and then improved on by @MadScientist and yours truly. The style is currently looking for adopters to take care of it and keep it up to date so don't be shy about copy-pasting. (Apparently the style could be a bit more powerful, so crafty suggestions in that department are especially appreciated.)

Requirements (TENTATIVE): Dexterity*2, Wits*3

The Palmed Leaf user adds hidden weapons and mechanical contraptions to her melee combat arsenal. The style relies on the ingenuity of the contraptions and the difficulty of fighting effectively against unfamiliar and hidden weaponry. The user may acquire new contraptions from any source, but has to practice with the new weapons before they can be added to the style.

The Basic Mechanics

Before rolling Taijutsu for melee combat while wearing appropriate mechanical contraptions, the user rolls Mechanical Aptitude + The Palmed Leaf score against the enemy's Awareness for a chance to surprise the opponent. If the user wins, add her MechApt/2 to her following Taijutsu roll as a surprise bonus. This bonus is capped by the user's Taijutsu and The Palmed Leaf Style score.

Beyond the basic mechanics of the style, the user may incorporate new contraptions for additional bonuses and alterations.

Contraption: Hidden Weapons

The basic arsenal of a Palmed Leaf Style user. Includes wrist blades, sandal blades, elbow spikes, and other clever mechanisms; all hidden from casual observers and ready to rain pain on unsuspecting enemies. NEEDS MORE COOL IDEAS!

Contraption: Kagome's Boom Rings of Squishing (TENTATIVE NAME!)

One ring per hand, each ring holds four shaped charge seals that the user can deploy in melee combat for a devastating point-blank explosion without the danger of blowing her own arms off. Note that even without the surprise bonus, the explosives still go off and the attack is considered a standard melee explosion.


For general XP plans, I made this suggestion/projection that we could use as a base to make better short term XP plans. It's very raw, not optimized and the XP counts are not super specific. (What that means is that I didn't double check them.)

>>> Twofold's Twice Folded Double Team Up! <<<
a.k.a. Long Term Combat Roles and XP Plan Suggestion
So my current vision for the future is to put our adorable genin in to two teams to help specialize their XP spread and fine tune our combat roles. Talky Team and Stalky Team (I'm still in the market for better names...)

Talky Team (Hazou, Noburi)
  • Takes care of social combat
    • Lying, Trading, Negotiating, Social Infiltration
  • In physical combat, they make themselves big targets
    • Clones EVERYWHERE
    • Huge ass Earth Walls
    • General AoE obstacles
  • Battlefield control and buying time
Stalky Team (Keiko, Akane)
  • Takes care of physical stealth
    • Sneaking in, spying from afar, setting traps, scouting
  • In physical combat, they keep themselves hidden and then finish the fight with surprise dice
    • Mechanical Traps
    • Summons (in the beginning, we could make Nobby/Hazou the apparent summoner)
    • High DPS techniques (Explosives and Fire Jutsu)
  • Damage and surprise

Now for the meat of this idea: How to spread the XP?

Neither group can completely ignore the skills other is specializing in. The idea is to adjust the skill levels sensibly and efficiently; I assume that this will take some discussion. There's also some basic skills that everyone needs to level in order to not drag the group down (TacMov, Chakra Attributes etc.). Everyone except Akane also has an expensive research skill they can spend their XP on.

I rolled high-level (+1000~ XP) projections for all our genin, in order to see how the XP costs would pan out.

Team Talky Approximate XP Plans:

Social Skills

Deception 18 [185 XP]

Diplomacy 16 [145 XP]

Transformation 10 [52 XP]

From what I've seen thus far, I think we are going to need both skills if we want to succeed in social shenanigans. For the same amount of XP, we could instead get 20 Decep/12 Diplo.

Transformation 10 might be enough for social shenanigans...Depending how the Substitution/Deception mechanics work.


MEW 18 [186 XP]

Taijutsu 15 [0 XP]
Roki 10 [34 XP]

Substitution 15 [84 XP]

Spamming walls in order to set up killzones for Akane and Keiko should be Hazou's main job, not sure if 18 is enough (or too much) for that. Throwing splashy ninjutsu around makes him really noticable while still giving the impression of a wimpy ninjutsu nerd. If someone wants to solve that problem through punching...we'll be happy to oblige.


Awareness 18 [152 XP]
Stealth 15 [69 XP]

Awareness 20 is also a possibility. Stealth is really a must for ninja, if we want to dodge tracking etc. Not sure if we really need it for 15 but at least it isn't too expensive.


Capacity 12 [126 XP]
Regen 9 [30 XP]

120 CP...

I really have no idea what is a reasonable amount of chakra for this kind of Hazou. His jutsu are not that expensive (unless we really start leveling Earth Clones beyond 3) and he can make all kinds of seals to offset poor reserves.

Total XP = 1063 XP
Social Skills

Diplomacy 18 [185 XP]
Deception 16 [145 XP]

Transformation 10 [52 XP]

Hazou mirrored. 20/12 Diplo/Decep is also an option here.


Water Whip 18 [80 XP]
Vampiric Dew 18 [54XP]
Water Clone 18 [65XP]
Syrup Trap 18 [70 XP]

Substitution 15 [84 XP]

Nobby's main role should be creating diversions and substitution targets with clones, while providing constant threat with his chakra draining. Apparently Syrup Trap doesn't support chakra draining, so we are going to need a proper water jutsu to get area draining going. Either in addition to Syrup Trap or to replace it completely.

Alternatively, draining could be through mundane mist creation or cordoning loose water from storage scrolls with Hazou's walls. Although I'm not sure how these would work in practice.

Main thing is to make sure that Nobby stays out of the harms way and is able to heal after combat.


Awareness 15 [93 XP]
Stealth 15 [75 XP]

Less Awareness and equal Stealth with Hazou.

Vampiric Dew has sensory properties while in water. I'm not sure if that will enhance Nobby's Awareness or if the sensing is limited by Nobby Awareness...but for now I think it would be better for PoV character to have the higher Awareness of the pair.


Control 15 [168 XP]

451 CP...maybe it's enough?

Total XP = 1071

Team Stalky Approximate XP Plans:


Diplomacy 10 [0 XP]
Deception 10 [29 XP]

Summoning Technique 12 [90 XP]

I think Diplomacy 10 will last pretty long for summoning needs. It's hard to tell since I have no idea how Summoning Technique translates to XP totals but we can make adjustments for that in the future.

Keiko is in charge of Team Sneaky talking...but it's better if they don't talk to anyone.


Stealth 21 [190 XP]
Awareness 20 [176 XP]

Zephyr's Reach 12 [64 XP]
Transformation 10 [52 XP]

Stealth and Awareness are a giving for sneaking around and spying people. Zephyr's Reach and Transformation should also help in both endeavors. Surprisingly Zephyring and Summoning have the same Control requirements...


Weapons 20 [37 XP]

Wind Jutsu 18 [~120 XP]
Substitution 15 [119 XP]

In combat Team Sneaky should do sneaky prep work and then hang back. When team Talky has the enemy's attention, Keiko and Akane can actually end the fight with a surprise attack.

When I say Wind Jutsu, I'm thinking Wind Wall. It can be used offensively to boost weapons AND defensively to debuff weapons or buff TacMov. If we find some scary Vacuum Blast jutsu I could also see Keiko getting some of that (Invisible attacks from high Stealth? Mmm...)


Capacity 15 [184 XP]
Regen 10 [40 XP]

Ideally Keiko should be tapping Nobby for summoning chakra before the fight begins. With 150 CP she can however summon the biggest summon available to her and have chakra left over for small things...once again I'm not really confident if that's enough.

Total XP = 1101

Diplomacy 6 [17 XP]
Deception 6 [17 XP]

Akane has the least XP, so I think it's okay to save it from her social skills. I also don't want to ruin her with excessive Deception dice, and Keiko should have Diplomacy covered when needed.


Stealth 21 [222 XP]
Awareness 15 [81 XP]

Firefly Jutsu 5 [9XP]
Transformation 10 [54 XP]

Keiko already has a really high Awareness...So I think Akane might get away with Awareness 15 (same as Nobby).

Firefly 5 is meant for good control and lets Akane use maximum amount of fireflies for one hand. It's meant for distractions, triggering traps and other misc. shenanigans.


Taijutsu 16 [31 XP]

Mechanical Aptitude 22 [162 XP]

Fire Ball Jutsu 18 [~200 XP]

Substitution 15 [84 XP]

Sorry about the low Taijutsu. I'm hoping that the new style (with explosions!) will take care of Akane's punching needs without the need for us to spend too heavily on Taijutsu. Even if we have two good close combatants (Hazou, Akane) we should alway plan to engage from range. It's far safer, and if it doesn't work we can still move in close and punch them.

Traps are cheap and good, at least one team member should invest in them heavily.

The biggest new thing (and most vague) is the fireball jutsu, I'm thinking something long range and destructive (single on multi target, depends what we can get). Without it Akane has no long range options and using Stealth to acquire prep and position to unleash massive damage (which is the main attraction of fire jutsu, as far as I can tell)


Capacity 12 [126 XP]
Regen 8 [26 XP]

120 CP might not be enough. Depends on what kind of fire jutsu we can get for her.

Total XP = 1029

So if you want to talk about something productive here are at least two topics to get you started. We are definitely looking for more combat style suggestions and alternative takes on where we should take the team XP wise.

EDIT: Oh yeah, the XP plan quoted above is pretty much the same as before. I just polished the presentation a bit and edited a few small things.
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Omake: Bugging the Debugger

Keiko looked up through the smoke of Pandaa returning home as Hazou came in from watch duty and and plopped down on the floor of the cave.

"I need your advice, Keiko." He was chewing his lip in the exact same way he always did when he asked for help with one of his schemes - he claimed it was Kurosawa Lip Chew Number 12 and translated to 'I deeply respect your opinion on a topic I am grappling with and humbly ask your assistance'. She appreciated the implied compliment, even if she didn't think it was necessarily warranted.

"Another plan?" She began to clear her mind in preparation for reaching out to the Frozen Skein.

"Yes. I think I have the broad overview worked out, but some of the details are... fiddly." She nodded, beginning to stare into the middle distance, waiting while he collected his thoughts. "I'm trying to figure out how to help you and Akane get along better."

She stopped nodding, unsure if she had heard rightly, and focused back on Hazou as he leaned forward earnestly from his seat across the cave.

He continued, apparently oblivious to her confusion. "My thought was to ask you how you would expect Akane to react to us coming into conflict with ninja from Hidden Leaf. If you responded dismissively, I would bring up a conversation she and I had where she acted much more mature than her typical behavior would suggest and expressed an understanding of the necessities of life as a missing nin. If you responded positively, I would... okay, this might be easier if I draw it out."

Keiko sat there dumbfounded as Hazou pulled out a piece of paper and began inscribing a branching flowchart onto it. 'Kami preserve us,' she thought to herself, 'he's evolved from lists to charts. At this rate we're all doomed.'

"...so that's the general idea," concluded Hazou. "Do you see any places where this might collapse and burn?"

"Well for one, DISPEL!" She looked around. Nothing had changed. Her head fell into her hands. "You're asking me to contribute to a plan for convincing myself of something."

"That's true, but I figured it was worthwhile because one: you're the best planner in the group and two: we can just work together to figure out how to make the discussion so persuasive that you'll still be convinced even after taking the fact that you helped write it into account."

At this point she started on some of the more advanced breathing exercises from the academy, the ones meant for keeping calm under combat conditions. The whole situation was just so... so Hazou. There was no other word for it. Trying to forestall any further exposition on the insane logic behind the whole situation, she asked, "Why do you even want to do this? To stick your nose in my and Akane's friendship?"

Hazou's eyes lit up. "You consider her a friend?" He started to rise. "Oh boy is that a relief. I guess I don't have to-"

"No! That's not what I... I mean, of course I'd prefer... you didn't answer the question!" she barked, glaring.

Blink. Blink blink. "Well, it's important for teammates to be able to support each other." Hazou sat back down slowly.


"You two... you're fire and ice. You can cover each other's mental blind spots. You can pull her back from making foolishly optimistic decisions - don't give me that look, she is naive sometimes, I'm not that much of a doting sensei."

Keiko schooled her face quickly. She had been expecting Hazou to side pretty much entirely on any points of disagreement between the girl and herself.

"I'd like to think she can pull you back from... foolishly pessimistic decisions," Hazou continued, looking troubled for a moment. "But that can't happen unless you communicate with each other and respect each other. I know she respects you, we all do, or I'd be asking you to help me with a plan for talking with her about this too. On top of that, it's unpleasant to see friction between two people who are as important to me as you two."

Reaching over to pick up his writing supplies, he added, "In any case, if you don't feel like there's anything to add to the plan I guess I'll go run it by Mari-sensei before I attempt it. See you in a bit!"
*Several minutes later...*

She was still trying to puzzle out the exact meaning of what had just transpired when Hazou poked his head back into the cave. "Keiko," he began, "suppose an assignment we took had a high likelihood to run into opposition from Hidden Leaf ninja..."

The sound of her palm connecting with her forehead nearly made Kagome blow up the tree he was hiding in for sentry duty.

Alright. That was probably the funniest thing I've ever read on this thread.

@eaglejarl I think that deserves an XP point.
My turn! My turn!

OMAKE: Returning the Deceased

"And it was at that point," Mari continued, " that I realised we were being watched. I had already leaped into an attack by the time I saw their headbands, and at that point backtracking would have been fatal. I'm sorry boss, but Leaf is down a team of ninja."

The corner of her mouth twitched downward.

"The team and I thought it would be best to return the bodies." She said, and pulled out four storage scrolls.

Hazou gave her a meaningful look.

Mari sighed.

"And we promise that we didn't do science to them."

Until that moment, Jiraiya's expression had been the perfect blend of disapointed and sympathetic. But now he was openly confused.

"That's... nice of you?"

Hazou nodded.
"The voices in my head were very insistent."

From behind the hand over his face, Noburi muttered something that sounded like "Oh Sage..."

"The voices in your head."


"Well. I guess I owe you an apology, kid. I'd had you down as a novice in my notes, but I know for a fact that the voices don't become audible until you've got a real grasp on sealing."

Hazou beamed.

Jiraiya turned his gaze to the scrolls.

"Welp. Might as well get it over with and confirm their allegiance."

He grimaced and activated the scrolls.

Kei doubled over and wretched at the sight, swatting away Akane's arm as she tried to help her stay upright. A task made difficult by her own rapidly failing bloodflow.

Noburi removed his hand from his face then immediately replaced it, covering his eyes again, swearing loudly.

The corpses were not as Mari had left them. Their skins were covered in seal tattoos. There were needles sticking out of their bodies, and one had had his eyes ripped out and pipes welded into the sockets in their place. Another had been split down the abdomen, with all manner of bladed instruments pinning the skin flaps open so that the pulsating extra hearts and stomachs had room to expand.

A haze of killing intent had descended upon the room.

"I thought you said that you didn't do science to them."

It wasn't a question, as much as it was the passing of sentence.

"This wasn't science!" Hazou bubbled, "It was art!"

Jiraiya held his gaze for what felt like hours, before looking down again at the bodies of Yakushi Kabuto and his team.

"Y'know what? Have a pay-rise."
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They don't, tho? Talky is like [o] and stalky is like [a] and it's not really proper transcription but you get the idea?
I mean the -ky bit is the same so there's that. But it's the same in Sneaky too.

Also Stalky is kinda malevolent and Sneaky is sorta trickster-like and we want to look (and sound) like good guys so other good guys get confused.
So if you want to talk about something productive here are at least two topics to get you started
I am very hesitant to leave Akane at social 6. Even if just for the remembering to use code names.

Re: everyone having a research skill, I'm assuming it's sealing/medicine/technique hacking for H/N/K? Personally I would treat mechapt as Akane's version of that, since we'll need to build our mechasuits somehow.

My turn! My turn!

OMAKE: Returning the Deceased

"And it was at that point," Mari continued, " that I realised we were being watched. I had already leaped into an attack by the time I saw their headbands, and at that point backtracking would have been fatal. I'm sorry boss, but Leaf is down a team of ninja."

The corner of her mouth twitched downward.

"The team and I thought it would be best to return the bodies." She said, and pulled out four storage scrolls.

Hazou gave her a meaningful look.

Mari sighed.

"And we promise that we didn't do science to them."

Until that moment, Jiraiya's expression had been the perfect blend of disapointed and sympathetic. But now he was openly confused.

"That's... nice of you?"

Hazou nodded.
"The voices in my head were very insistent."

From behind the hand over his face, Noburi muttered something that sounded like "Oh Sage..."

"The voices in your head."


"Well. I guess I owe you an apology, kid. I'd had you down as a novice in my notes, but I know for a fact that the voices don't become audible until you've got a real grasp on sealing."

Hazou beamed.

Jiraiya turned his gaze to the scrolls.

"Welp. Might as well get it over with and confirm their allegiance."

He grimaced and activated the scrolls.

Kei doubled over and wretched at the sight, swatting away Akane's arm as she tried to help her stay upright. A task made difficult by her own rapidly failing bloodflow.

Noburi removed has hand from his face then immediately replaced it, covering his eyes again, swearing loudly.

The corpses were not as Mari had left them. Their skins were covered in seal tatoos. There were needles sticking out of their bodies, and one had had his eyes ripped out and pipes welded into the sockets in their place. One had been split down the abdomen, with all manner of bladed instuments pinning the skin flaps open so that the pulsating extra hearts and stomachs had room to expand.

A haze of killing intent had descended upon the room.

"I thought you said that you didn't do science to them."

It wasn't a question, as much as it was the passing of sentence.

"This wasn't science!" Hazou bubbled, "It was art!"

Jiraiya held his gaze for what felt like hours, before looking down again at the bodies of Yakushi Kabuto and his team.

"Y'know what? Have a pay-rise."
Something something Bonesaw something something username checks out
They don't, tho? Talky is like [o] and stalky is like [a] and it's not really proper transcription but you get the idea?
I mean the -ky bit is the same so there's that. But it's the same in Sneaky too.

Also Stalky is kinda malevolent and Sneaky is sorta trickster-like and we want to look (and sound) like good guys so other good guys get confused.
I expect this is a regional dialect thing - I pronounce them tah-kee and stah-kee

E: You know what?? No! They rhyme in every accent that I can poorly impersonate! I'm thoroughly confused!

@OliWhail : oh gods that was amazing.

Possible minor typo?
Thankee, and fixed
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Re: everyone having a research skill, I'm assuming it's sealing/medicine/technique hacking for H/N/K? Personally I would treat mechapt as Akane's version of that, since we'll need to build our mechasuits somehow.
Now that Kei spent her monomaniacal on summoning, the most likely recipient of TH is Hazou with his mad Int. I'm not thrilled by the prospect of yet another XP sink for him but we don't really have better options yet. Otoh we don't have access to TH teacher rn either, so it's an issue that can wait.
They don't, tho? Talky is like [o] and stalky is like [a] and it's not really proper transcription but you get the idea?
I mean the -ky bit is the same so there's that. But it's the same in Sneaky too.

Actually, I'm pretty sure that the base words (stalk and talk) are supposed to have the same sounding 'a'. No idea how this varies through all the weird ways people speak English but at least Merriam-Webster is on my side!

It's one of those situations where you could make them rhyme if you wanted to. Language was made to be manhandled.
Also Stalky is kinda malevolent and Sneaky is sorta trickster-like and we want to look (and sound) like good guys so other good guys get confused.

Tell you what. Give me an edit or a suggestion I can put in there and I'll change Team Stalky back into Team Sneaky.

Re: everyone having a research skill, I'm assuming it's sealing/medicine/technique hacking for H/N/K? Personally I would treat mechapt as Akane's version of that, since we'll need to build our mechasuits somehow.

Keiko's research skill currently is the Summoning Technique. At least that's where she'll spend a lot of XP and it will yield us with allies, jutsu and possibly tech.

MechApt is so cheap compared to the others and it also has a combat application, so it doesn't really fit the "Research Skill" template from a practical perspective.

I am very hesitant to leave Akane at social 6. Even if just for the remembering to use code names.

But where's the limit. 8? 10? 12? 20? Social skills are really expensive, we need to draw the line somewhere.