So, Thought. If the QMs don't want to model every single contribution, how Asuma sees it, and whether Hazou gets its hands on it, I'd propose the following:
For every non gouketsu contribution the thread comes up with, Leaf as a whole (including us) gets an xp boost. The quality and availability of the contributions increase the xp, but make it harder for the thread to win 1 or more prizes. Then the overall amount affects how the event was perceived. A 5 xp boost? Man the Hokages stealing our secrets and we get nothing!
50? Makes our cannon fodder less useless... I guess... grumble grumble.
2000 over the course of 2 months? Holy hell we need an Asuma day!
This incentivises all contributions from the thread, and ideally preserves some qm spoons. Thoughts?