I'm not sure what terrifies me more, the fact that she used her jutsu or that she's met with Ami.
Spontaneous changes in eye colour are a well-known sign of disguise kit overuse.Eye colors can shift naturally. It's not impossible that some of the changes are from TLotF and some we're just being paranoid.
... OH GOD.I'm pretty sure they're just individuals that know each other and can read each others body language/signalling patterns very well. It helps that both of them do this for a living(one has a decade of experience and the other has a supercomputer in her brain /is a genius), but you can have entire conversations with nonverbal cues IRL if you actually try hard enough and the other person is trying hard too.
Ami approaches Mari. Bouncy demeanour, mischievous expression: I am here and I am going to cause chaos!
Mari looks at her; no-nonsense expression or a sharp glare: No, you aren't.
Ami reads Mari's reaction as: Sit quietly. If you do anything more than have tea parties with Keiko, I'll have you thrown out."Understood," she said almost too quietly for Eiichi to hear. "I'll stay out of your way."
She made to turn away.
You misunderstood. I'm not against your activity in principle, but you need to work with me.
Apparently Ami has to catch up here.Ami turned back. "Well, why didn't you just say so?"
"It was implied."
The two stood there for two seconds, maybe three, staring at each other silently.
"Oh. Gotcha," Ami said.
No idea. "Lupchanzen piss" is how Mari dubbed Tsunade's favourite alcoholic beverage, maybe she was referring to...Lady Gōketsu nodded. "Pretty much. You heard of a drink called lupchanzen piss?"
Literal reading. They're now working together."Mari-sensei," Ami said reproachfully, "I've been here for days."
"So you have," Lady Gōketsu said. "My bad."
She walked past Ami, linking arms. "Come on, we've got a lot to talk about."
Interesting. Just how good are disguise kits?Spontaneous changes in eye colour are a well-known sign of disguise kit overuse.
I kept a link around to the last Ino plan in the Plan Cache, feel free to use it.If someone could put together the Ino-Chouza plan I'll vote for that as well. Maybe drop a line in asking Keiko to consult Leaf/Nara libraries on the legality and feasibility of purchasing/owning wilderness.
Plan Cache:
- Ask Keiko if she's willing to come over to optimize her breaking of the Pangolin-Skytower deal.
- Discuss with the family:
- Akane: Suggest ice-making for funding.
- If she's OK, start freezing and we'll sell it outside Leaf.
- Could inter-village adoption (Doigama, Kato...) be plausible?
- Info-gathering:
- Review Jiraiya's notes on 7th path politics.
- Ask Kagome to summarize Akatsuki's book.
- Politicking:
- Schedule a wake to mourn Leaf's fallen heroes.
- Inform Naruto about the vote.
- Designate a Second.
- Mari? Kagome?
- Snakes:
- Hazou: Learn their culture/predispositions from Summons and Jiraiya's notes.
- Keiko: Message them via Pangolins.
- Send Jiraiya's letter to Orochimaru along (in case he's alive).
- Did Orochimaru leave them his will? Jiraiya wrote him a pardon, we'd want to carry out his wishes.
- We should push for having Asuma take Naruto as an administrative assistant/apprentice when he's Hokage.
- Naruto is still rather useful, what with being groomed for the position, deeply loyal to leaf, very well disposed to the Sarutobi.
- He is still recovering from his ordeal, so some allowances for that would be needed.
- On the other hand as Leaf's resident Naruto summoner he can take care of paperwork, and other administrivia extremely efficiently. Letting you focus on the actual job.
- Meet with Ami. Secure room at the compound (Anti-Hyuuga seals, Silence Mines). Yuuichi waits outside.
- Accept her previous terms: no social games, clear exchange of information and commitments.
- If investigation into disguises bore fruits:
- You possess novel information of major importance to infiltration specialists. Likely unique information.
- You're willing to reveal it for a favour.
- Don't answer any questions about it unless she accepts.
- Spend favour(s):
- (Discuss with Mari first: open-ended or specific? If you have only 1 favour, spend it on power or social?)
- Politics:
- Open-ended: "Work with me to maximize my personal influence on Leaf politics."
- Specific: Assist the Gouketsu against the Hyuuga bloc.
- Social:
- Open-ended: "Maximize my social competence over the next half-a-year".
- Specific: Arrange for IN social training.
Past Major Plans:
"More Like a Cobweb, Really" by Noumero
the clan strikes back by Oneiros
Ino, You Know by huhYeahGoodPoint
Sometimes when we're making a plan we have a good idea that's just outside the temporal scope of the update, but we don't want to cut it from the plan because we might forget by the next cycle. This adds unnecessary words that could have been spent fleshing out the rest of the plan, and may outright cost XP in the worst cases.
This plan cache will hold these subsections so they don't fall into the void between planning cycles. Just ping me with the subsection and, unless it's wildly unreasonable, I'll edit it into the post. I'll keep them there for a while until they either make it into a winning plan, fall out of favour, or the context significantly changes. Depending on circumstances, they might end up in my Side Project Cache, or they might be dropped, and I'll make sure to be transparent about what I'm doing.
I'll do my best to quote this post after every update, so that planmakers can get an easy reminder about what we never quite got to last cycle.
Assuming Tsunade's right that Mari is making a bid for the hat, Ami might be thinking that chaos associated with her might reflect negatively onto Mari, which would be bad for her bid. Or just in general, really.The most crucial piece of information missing here is, of course, what Ami had to think about. Clearly Mari had something specific in mind, but since we have no idea as to the political situation or Mari's previous actions, we can't even make guesses.
HDK. They must be very good, though, after all the times he's used them.
That makes sense. Hazou never gets anything good, so anything he doesn't have must be excellent.HDK. They must be very good, though, after all the times he's used them.
Hazō swallowed most of his cup of tea in a single gulp. "Keiko, I need your sister at our compound yesterday."
That...shit. That's completely possible. It might wear off over time, hopefully, but that's...shit.Incidentally, my current guess is that Truth Lost in the Fog blunts emotional responses or somehow erodes empathy/affection to loved ones, not erases happy memories. That explains Mari's swift recovery — she literally no longer cares about being a monster.
Granted, it doesn't make sense as a cost, but "happy memories" aren't much better.
Secretly it wasn't the Grue wiping our memories earlier, it was just Mari grinding up her sociopathy stat.Incidentally, my current guess is that Truth Lost in the Fog blunts emotional responses or somehow erodes empathy/affection to loved ones, not erases happy memories. That explains Mari's swift recovery — she literally no longer cares about being a monster.
Granted, it doesn't make sense as a cost, but "happy memories" aren't much better.
We should ask her how she invented it, because she hasn't called herself a Technique Hacker and don't you need to be one to invent jutsu? Hopefully that lead-in will give us a little more insight on what makes it different from normal techniques.Right, let's figure out what the deal is with that technique, then. Put it to bed and fix this shit.
That...shit. That's completely possible. It might wear off over time, hopefully, but that's...shit.
Or just dump the whole thing at her. We've noticed her eye colour changing again, we're confused by her recovery: we think she's used TLitF again and we have suspicions about its "price".We should ask her how she invented it, because she hasn't called herself a Technique Hacker and don't you need to be one to invent jutsu? Hopefully that lead-in will give us a little more insight on what makes it different from normal techniques.
HDK. They must be very good, though, after all the times he's used them.
In the interests of ensuring there's no failure of mutual knowledge, here's my obvious-and-vague interpretation of this inscrutable interaction.
"Understood," she said almost too quietly for Eiichi to hear. "I'll stay out of your way."
She made to turn away.
Ami turned back. "Well, why didn't you just say so?"
"It was implied."
The two stood there for two seconds, maybe three, staring at each other silently.
"Oh. Gotcha," Ami said.
Lady Gōketsu nodded. "Pretty much. You heard of a drink called lupchanzen piss?"
"Mari-sensei," Ami said reproachfully, "I've been here for days."
"So you have," Lady Gōketsu said. "My bad."
She walked past Ami, linking arms. "Come on, we've got a lot to talk about."
Which was how he nearly bumped into the other ninja, a tall, raven-haired beauty
Eiichi quietly shuffled out of her way, to the edge of the street.
"Understood," she said almost too quietly for Eiichi to hear. "I'll stay out of your way."
It had taken the daimyo's own wife to intercede on his behalf, and the daimyo would invent all-new forms of execution just for Eiichi if he ever found out why.
The opposite, kinda. She acted like she cared about the Isan-nin back when we first met, but later revealed that was all an act to Hazou. But at the same time, she disproportionately responded to Kouta attacking Akane. So my guess is that it doesn't reset her bonds but makes her more of a sociopath: she has bonds, but they're not strong and she's far more willing to manipulate them.This is testable: the last time we know she used it is Chapter 34. In the chapters immediately after, did she seem to act more cold towards the team?
- Granted, she is a flawless actor; she may have just pretended to be the same person until "recuperating".
Of course, this is all assuming she was telling the truth to us. Which may or may not be true.
But finding a foolproof way of asking one liar to tell the truth about another liar is awfully similar to those logic riddles on Youtube that I am terrible at.
Right, of course. Mari was referring to some recent development regarding Tsunade (possibly the "thing with the thing" Ami praised in this chapter). Can't believe I missed it. Thanks, @Tua.
Hmm. I note that in the chapter immediately after she erased Hazou's memory, she forced Keiko into the leadership role. I imagine it was useful training, but it was nonetheless cruel as well. Perhaps it's something pre-TLitF Mari wanted to do but could never bring herself to? Fits your model...The opposite, kinda. She acted like she cared about the Isan-nin back when we first met, but later revealed that was all an act to Hazou. But at the same time, she disproportionately responded to Kouta attacking Akane. So my guess is that it doesn't reset her bonds but makes her more of a sociopath: she has bonds, but they're not strong and she's far more willing to manipulate them.