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@Velorien @eaglejarl @OliWhail

I recall there was some feather ruffling when we started putting "Offscreen this, don't offscreen that" into plans. Would labelling things as "Quests/Sidequests" be a more acceptable method of signalling "Desire to see XYZ happen on screen" ?
@Velorien @eaglejarl @OliWhail

I recall there was some feather ruffling when we started putting "Offscreen this, don't offscreen that" into plans. Would labelling things as "Quests/Sidequests" be a more acceptable method of signalling "Desire to see XYZ happen on screen" ?
Interesting reframing. My update's next, and I'm happy to give it a go and see what happens. I make no promises in regards to lack of doom, but I'm not sure I ever have.
In particular, I'm mildly concerned about the tons of things going on at once negatively affecting the pacing of the other plot arcs of the tournament, like the Ami situation. I intend to go back and reread this tournament arc once it's finished up, to see what it'll feel like for future readers. If I feel like there's too much going on and it's getting in the way of the narrative momentum of key moments, I'll express my concerns properly then and try to give good suggestions on what kind of ordering I think might work better.
I wonder what would happen if we put an earth wall at said location.
What happens when summons don't have enough room to be summoned? It fails? They come through and break the object if they're large enough?

This might be a bad idea to use in general depending on the answer to this question. I doubt anyone we'll have trouble with isn't going to think of this, so it makes it a bit less useful for a tactical retreat than it was previously.

Interesting reframing. My update's next, and I'm happy to give it a go and see what happens. I make no promises in regards to lack of doom, but I'm not sure I ever have.
I will attempt to leverage what free time I have to put forth a variation of @Inferno Vulpix 's plan that does this.
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I can't remember if it was a QM or player objection either, but as a QM looking at it now, I would certainly object to anything being fed directly into Hazō's brain without reference to his characterisation or IC circumstances. I don't see how that would be fundamentally different to feeding him tech ideas. Hazō can be pointed in directions which result in the invention of the things you want, but he's a character rather than an avatar.

You mean Action Plan: Realise Kei is Dating Tenten? As an action plan, it throws the Perceptive Hazō Initiative at the QM without factoring in Hazō's characterisation or indeed any other factors. Honestly, it reads like a meme vote or an expression of frustration rather than something you expect people to vote on and then QMs to write.

Compare the plan for Chapter 226: Redefining Relationships: clear, in line with Hazō's existing characterisation, and plan-like in listing a series of practical actions which are likely to lead to the desired outcome. It also drew on Hazō's memories in an amount that made him look like there were some unusual and/or significant events that stuck in his mind, rather than being an analytical engine.

I don't see social analysis as any different from tactical/strategic analysis, which is the main thing we seem to do. It differs from tech in that it doesn't rely on science that Hazou doesn't know.

Aside from that, I've written and deleted multiple responses, but can't muster the energy for the debate that would follow them.
I don't see social analysis as any different from tactical/strategic analysis, which is the main thing we seem to do. It differs from tech in that it doesn't rely on science that Hazou doesn't know.

Aside from that, I've written and deleted multiple responses, but can't muster the energy for the debate that would follow them.
Is it possible that we could get training from Ino or someone on being socially perceptive?
Is it possible that we could get training from Ino or someone on being socially perceptive?

We had two years training from Mari. But WoQM: that doesn't count because if social skills influenced social aptitude then non social specs wouldn't be allowed to have compelling personalities. Even though social skills represent IC effort to improve social aptitude.

That's not an argument aganst that line of reasoning, just me relaying what the QMs said last time it was brought up.
Is it possible that we could get training from Ino or someone on being socially perceptive?

If general perceptiveness is problematic I imagine we could do this trivially as long as we make it a habit.

Just have the kid internalize that social interactions are exactly the same as combat in this aspect: if you aren't perceptive of whats going on around you and what people are doing, you're fucked.
I am not quite understanding the objection about Hazō's lack of social skills.

But I will get frustrated that we won't do something social just because we're all afraid that Hazō's going to blow up a social situation.

"But I think you're worrying too much," she said. "Not to say that there's anything wrong with feeling the way you do, but I think Keiko's probably happier than you give her credit for. Maybe she just needs to adjust to living as part of a household again, only a loving one where she doesn't have to protect herself all the time. If you want to help with that, I think you should respect her boundaries, but give her opportunities to reduce them, like little pockets of safety."

"What do you mean?"

Akane was thinking on her feet here, as she often had to. She'd sell her soul for the kind of training Mari-sensei had. The Spirit of Youth could only get you so far where detail-oriented thinking was concerned.

"Like conversations about personal topics where you bring them up but let her take the lead. Or activities on the edge of her comfort zone where you're there to support her. Or maybe you could talk to her about some of the things that have been bothering you—give her a chance to feel like the helper rather than the helped. Just don't go in with expectations for her, because I suspect that's half of why she's so defensive to begin with."

Oh yeah that's totally happening! No expectations at all when we went behind her back to talk to her sister, and when Shikamaru surprise announced their engagement. (not even proposed lol)

Akane is going to be so angry with us. Again.

If she's alive.

(ps: I still think talking to Ami behind her back was the right call, the contrast is just striking :p)
I mean, it doesn't seem like this is going to be a super hard problem to fix. Like, I wager we can just spend a week or two on it and it's done, right? I mean, when I was a teenager I don't really recall any particular... times...



Never mind.

(More seriously: literally just get Mari to give us some seduction training [on pain of "We'll ask Anko if you don't." ] for the purposes of being generally not shit at reading people when it comes to this sort of thing. This is doing the world a public service. Objectively so.)
I mean, it doesn't seem like this is going to be a super hard problem to fix. Like, I wager we can just spend a week or two on it and it's done, right? I mean, when I was a teenager I don't really recall any particular... times...



Never mind.

(More seriously: literally just get Mari to give us some seduction training [on pain of "We'll ask Anko if you don't." ] for the purposes of being generally not shit at reading people when it comes to this sort of thing. This is doing the world a public service. Objectively so.)

You know what?

Despite my undying disgust at Ms "I'm gonna get naked in front of children in a sexual context, that's a great idea" Mitarashi, I would vote to ask her for seduction training if it put an end to this.
You know what?

Despite my undying disgust at Ms "I'm gonna get naked in front of children in a sexual context, that's a great idea" Mitarashi, I would vote to ask her for seduction training if it put an end to this.
Let's get access to the GOOD POISONS while we're at it eh?
We had two years training from Mari. But WoQM: that doesn't count because if social skills influenced social aptitude then non social specs wouldn't be allowed to have compelling personalities. Even though social skills represent IC effort to improve social aptitude.
I increasingly feel that we should have more participation from the other QMs but @eaglejarl doesn't have time right now, so that's an argument for putting this discussion on hold.

I will note this, however. Yes, Hazō spent two years training with Mari. The players chose to make him a taijutsu spec with Deception for Roki and low socials elsewhere. You can't have it both ways.
I will note this, however. Yes, Hazō spent two years training with Mari. The players chose to make him a taijutsu spec with Deception for Roki and low socials elsewhere. You can't have it both ways

Yes but you have also said that if we actually invest experience into leveling socials it wouldn't necessarily fix our social problems since characterizations trumps stats. Really feels like we're in a catch-22. No matter what we do Hazō will be a social push over.
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