- Location
- Phoenix, AZ
The problem is that we don't directly control Noburi, so any contingencies are things that we'd need to communicate to him. Honestly, I'm willing to trust that Kabuto isn't about to assassinate, kidnap, or incapacitate Noburi, so then the main concerns are if he somehow turns Noburi against the party, added animosity clans will have against us, and added power he gets. I don't think we care about his personal power levels, I trust Noburi enough that I don't think we need to explicitly state he should be on guard about this, and I'm not entirely sure what more the clans would do. Mostly, I want us to come off as supporting Noburi. I think any specifics for how the party decides to handle bloodline experimentation ought to be handled in our debriefing session. I'll add a bullet point in the debreif about it.I would really like for both our plans to include specifics of what this means. Someone earlier (@Twofold?) suggested a policy where any experiments conducted on Hazou and Noburi get run by the party the day before, for example.
Sounds good, I'll put it in the debriefing section. It's now a team discussion which we'll (hopefully) all come to an agreement on.It could be framed as a demand from Mari. We can present the idea to her so that Nobby doesn't have to lie.
I agree about her positivity, I'll include it on things she does well.Reassure her that she's important to Hazou and to the team as a whole: Not only is she an extremely competent fighter (seriously, just ask Mari what she thinks of Akane), but she holds the team together with her positivity. Without her, the team would be far less of a family than it is. Andohana means familyfamily means no one gets left behind.
This is probably something we can do with her after she gets better, but not something I'd mention while she's on her sickbed. In general, it seems self-esteem issues are a huge problem for us (see: Keiko, Noburi early game, Akane)Challenge her to a spar once she gets better. If after 20 solid days of training she is not capable of wrecking Hazou in a fight (and maybe even challenging Mari), I'll eat my hat. And I don't even have one!
Updated plan here:
[] Action Plan: Ducks in a Row
We're a little lacking in purpose in our actions in Konoha. Let's double down on helping out Jiraiya, encourage our teammates (especailly Akane), go to a library, and continue making nice with Konoha.
- Survive
- Reduce stress on team
- Make sure we're all on the same page
- Make an explicit overall plan for our time in Konoha
- Maintain cover and pleasantries
- Progress plot lines (Jiraiya, Kabuto, Akane)
- Reflect upon the day
- We need to be more careful about what we say: we've insulted several people (e.g. Jiraiya, our minders, Keiko, Noburi).
- We maybe should be more careful around the doctor: Inoue seemed suspicious of him, and she's good at this sort of thing.
- Debriefing session
- Ask about if we'd like to make a tower prototype with Jiraiya for more rewards/monies/privacy (Hazou's cool with it)
- Discuss with Kagome things that'd make him more at ease (e.g. whittling, painting, cooking)
- Ask if people have good de-stressing strategies we could use (then use them).
- Ask for Inoue's opinion on all our interactions (since she's the best at this).
- Determine team policy on bloodline experimentation: we should all be on the same page (Hazou is ok with observations: primary concern is safety)
- Next day, be nice with Team Asume -- follow up on conversations, do things they enjoy (eating, shopping, strategy games)
- See about purchasing a pack or something to hide Noburi's barrel
- Check up on Akane, attempt to encourage her
- Remind her of the good times we have
- Beach episode
- Games
- Sparring
- Remind her of the times she's done really well
- Compliment her construction of the towers that let us find Arikada
- Compliment her demolition of the zombies --> she did better than we did
- The times she's been positive: she's been a huge encouragement to Hazou
- Point out things we have to look forward to
- She can see her family and other friends again!
- We can work more closely with Leaf now.
- We've stopped Arikada from doing more harm in the world!
- Go to the library for research (link to things to read)
- Meet up with Jiraiya for rewards discussion
- Encourage Noburi on his internship (he gets to learn from the best, cool! Still be careful though.)
- Be polite to everyone
- Follow handler's instructions to the letter (and spirit)
- Minimize Kagome's interactions with people, be prepared to stop conflicts
- Make sure Inoue has a colored jutsu for signaling for help
- If combat breaks out, end update
- If talking to Hokage, trust Inoue