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I think if people find agreeing to fight him in public creepy, suggestions to meet up in private won't help...

Honestly not too bothered by this but I don't really get why she'd want to fight in this situation? Just to test herself or something like that?

To meet him halfway or because she might want to see where this goes? It does say in the update she was somewhat flattered he asked.

Besides, it could be fun. Kakara enjoyed tge spar with Jaffur so it is not like she hates fighting. As long as they keep it friendly it should be fine in that regard.
So, does anyone else finds morbidly funny that Tabe was publicaly insulting Berra when trying to sound respectful?

I mean I assume that Lady Scion is actually a form of being respectful in Gokun, because holy shit does people call us that a lot. Like, in the Garenhuld council whenever we talk to a Peat we are called Lady Scion. Heck, Celeran called us that in public and used that term everytime he talked about us in his speech to the faith and half of them are Vegetan. Amusingly enough, even Dandeer called us Lady Scion in the council when she was trying to get us to her side. Anyways, I find it hilarious that Tabe hears the Royal We, decides to talk like what he thinks a Vegetan sounds like to wing it and look respectful and finishes his very first sentence with the Vegetan way to say Berra should be replaced already by us having children while he is asking for his permission to asks us to dance with him. Completely by accident, without having any idea what he said and with Dad being the one who taught us what that meant for a Vegetan.

I think we should kick him in the mouth during the spar. For simbolism.
I'm a "Yes" voter and I am mildly in favor of this outcome.

That said, I am starting to seriously rethink his ranking in the future consort competition. I mean, I can't be too hard on him because we know for OoC comments that his heart is in the right place and he is just too nervous to think before speaking but damn is he bad at this whole talking thing.
I suspect that he'd be okay at the talking thing with proper tutoring. Kakara has major advantages in being formally tutored on protocols to an extent Tabe, even as heir of Stauber, most likely is not.

Plus, Tabe probably spent all the actions on combat training.

I think if people find agreeing to fight him in public creepy, suggestions to meet up in private won't help...

Honestly not too bothered by this but I don't really get why she'd want to fight in this situation? Just to test herself or something like that?
Maybe as an honor thing. It's pretty clear that Kakara genuinely respects Tabe's accomplishments in fighting so skillfully and working so hard to get to this point, and she would be justified in feeling that way.

If getting his ass kicked by a super-saiyan is Tabe's idea of a worthy reward, the thing he wants more than anything else that a king could give him... maybe it is not wrong for him to get that super-saiyan ass-kicking. Kakara has dealt many ass-kickings, and will no doubt deal many more, when the situation merits it. Sure, it seems kind of weird to me, but when on Plant, do as the Tuffles do, and all that.

...I have just been informed that you can't go back to Plant, because it's Planet Vegeta, not Planet Pla- aaah, nevermind, they went and blew it up. :(
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Canon Omake: Augur, Chapter Three

You grin wide, a smile that isn't calculated. The push to excel, that's always the ticket. "Oh, you've already got my full attention, Scion. But do you want me to stop holding back? Really go all-in? Then show me you're smart, not just fierce. You're learning how to hit. That's good! But what have you learned that you think will really impress me?"

Jaffur stares angrily. "You know, I can tell you're making a game out of this." Then he almost smiles himself. "...but you're right."
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The little prince nods firmly, as the two of you float in midair. "You're right, Master Mitsuba. So let's see how you like my Thundering Punch!"

"I've never heard of that. Where did you learn it?" Now you are interested. Curious. Not just testing him.

"I invented it myself!"

"Oh? Show me, then."

The little boy really does smile this time, half child, half wolf. "Are you sure? It's a pretty good attack!"

"I can take a punch." You cross your arms, rising into guard position.

Jaffur nods. "Brace yourself. HaaaAAAA-" His aura contracts, condenses into liquid fire that flows across his skin, shimmering a different blue than the color of traumatized air molecules he tore through in his earlier charge attack. This is new, not something he was doing in the spar earlier. You nod and raise your arms into a guard position.
Mitsuba Ki Sense vs. Jaffur Ki Control : 78 vs. 94
"-AAAH!" You don't recognize it. You have no idea how he does it, or even what he's doing. He bunches his fist and blue flame turns it into a thing of light. Darting close with a burst of flight, the prince strikes with a right jab towards your upheld guard.

Then his aura hits your own, looser-flowing one- and detonates. A blue-white, ring-shaped fireball of dissipating energy puffs outward from the impact. You're pretty sure that wasn't the kid's plan, at least not like that. Not given the shocked look on his face, and how much smoke is trailing from his hand.

Whatever that was, it hurt him more than it hurt you.
Jaffur Thundering Fist Research: Critical Failure.
The blast flings Jaffur away from you on a ballistic arc. You start to accelerate, ready to flit ahead of him to catch him, then slow back down as he recovers control under his own power.

Jaffur balls his fists and floats there, growling to himself. He's glaring at his hand, and it's turning red fast- not just over his knuckles, either. You frown. The poor child's only a little older than Taro, even if he doesn't have that much else in common with your son.

There's a Vegetan protocol for this. You remember the one for chivalrously offering to heal the injuries you just inflicted on a sparring partner because you use that one umpty times a year. But there's a different one for accidental injuries and you don't know it and... ah, Special it. If you can't joust 'em, outflank 'em.

You put on your most self-parodic 'cheerful Gokun hick' expression.

"Honey, I should take a look at that."

It worries you how good Jaffur Vegeta is at not crying; those burns have to hurt. You resolve to do a little thinking about that. For now- sports injury to take care of. But the prince pulls his hand away, then looks around quickly, closes his eyes as though sifting through the evidence of his ki sense- and silently, eyes wide, extends his hand.

You stoop down to his eye level, reaching out with a fingertip wrapped in just enough aura to soften the touch to its uttermost limit, bringing you into bare contact with the his skin. You remember everything Ashitaba taught you and focus, willing a reparative surge into his hand. The skin regains its normal color and texture.

But Jaffur doesn't look any happier. "That punch is supposed to work." He sounds angry more than frustrated.

"Let me guess, you practiced it on rocks?"

He shakes his head. "Armor plates. Big ones."

"Good thinking- but the punch didn't misbehave, did it, until you tried a live target- me?"

"It has to work! I have to make it work!"

"Honey, not everything we try works." You stoop down, close to his eye level. "Maybe your next idea will go better. At your age? It's good that you're innovating. That's really something!"

"Not good... enough. Not for what I need." The Scion closes his eyes for a moment, then opens them. "I have another idea. Almost ready. I need to watch something. You're a Piccolo stylist. I want to see the Makankosappo!" He looks a bit eager, not just fierce- but fierce too.

You nod and smile. "Always a favorite."

Jaffur's raptor-like intensity, uncanny for his age, focuses on you fully. You drop into the second stance, to charge the beam.

"Ma..." Index and middle fingers snapping to your brow, to the metaphysical third eye at the front of your cerebral cortex.

"Kan..." You pour the energies of your soul into your fingertips. The primary beam, the star of the show. But you have to control it, or it just turns into a short-lived flash.

"Ko..." The hard part begins. You separate your energy into two parts, the primary to strike, the secondary to confine the strike.

"Saaaaaa..." Now you wrap the Special slowly in a helix of your ki. The energy resists being bent into that concave shape, struggles against itself and the main beam. The Special is famously hard to charge, and this is exactly why.

"PO!" You fling your hand outwards and let fly. The flaring gold of the main beam refracts and mixes with the dulling, blurring ruddiness of the containment helix, to create the Special Beam Cannon's characteristic smoky orange glow.

Your target point is a rockfall, some boulders dumped down the side of the Hall- on this side of the main wards. The pile of dense, igneous rock might as well be so much styrofoam for all it does to impede the bolt. A cylinder as thick as your thigh flashes to ionized plasma instantly, the head of the drill beam slamming against the wards and flattening out, mushrooming. You pulled the punch a bit, for the sake of the light show.

The wards coruscate brilliantly in an auroral display, absorbing most of the energy. The boulders shatter, erupt, burst outwards in a mist of magma. Hypersonic rock shrapnel, melting with the heat of the blast and the passage of its flight, bounces into the wards that cover the Hall from the open sky. A shower of tektites falls from where the wards caught it, pattering down across the floor.

As the clattering mass of refrozen rock subsides, you turn to the young prince, who nods slowly.

"Good. Like I thought. Can you fire one quickly? Even a smaller one?"

"Pretty fast." You nod. You once spent three months practicing almost nothing else- Taro's third trimester. Not a good time for your usual bouncing and jouncing all over the sky. Excellent time to work on your target shooting, though.

Jaffur looks avid. "Do you know anyone who can do it faster?"

You think about it. You know several stylists whose Specials hit a fraction harder than yours. You know four old masters who are, to your mind, the true perfect experts of the Makankosappo. One who even put a dent in the second-line training wards, forty years ago. He had to pay to get the seals realigned. And yet... none of them ever sank three months just into perfecting their quick-draw. That's what the Masenko is for, right?

Right. You grin. Do you know anyone who can throw a decent Special faster?

"You know, I'm not sure I do."

"Then show me!" This is as close to bouncing boyish eagerness as you've seen from the kid yet. Not very close... but something. There is a saiyan child in there, somewhere under that case-hardened layer of precocious power and too-young pride. That's a relief. You get to work.

Fingers to brow, open the third eye. "Ma-kan-ko-" Wind the helix. "-saaa-" Loose! "PO!"

The dusky-orange ray that screams downrange and bells against the wards half a kilometer away isn't the painstakingly charged, nigh-unstoppable drill that killed Raditz. A peer competitor could knock it aside, break the containment and let asymmetry do the rest, or stop it with a blast of their own. But in that moment, you'd be making them give it everything they'd got- as a reasonable fee, for the privilege of not getting perforated.

Jaffur, watching intently, nods slowly as the rings of shimmering light dissipate. He's learning something from watching you, you can tell.
Jaffur Communications Check... lolnope
"A few more times. As fast as you can." If he was just some ordinary boy, or for that matter some adult disciple, you'd have a choice remark for the tone of that. Brusque. Rude. Starting to get on your nerves.

But he's Scion of Vegeta, he's impressive in his way, he's obviously actually learning something, and this is not an argument you want to have. Not even if he rubs you the wrong way. You have to respect the little fireball.

So you don't smile, but you nod, and you tap yourself on the forehead. "Sure thing. Makankosaaa-PO!" you let fly again. You repeat the pattern. Open, wind, loose! Open, wind, loose! You repeat a few more times, the second stance focusing the energies of your body into your mind, the energies of the mind into the pineal gland, into your hand, into the beam.

Jaffur is a tiny statue- Thoughtfulness incarnate. He watches you, drinking in every detail of stance and structure with his sixth sense. You throw a few more Specials downrange, then turn back to the Scion. "It takes a while to learn. What do you think of it?"

You feel a slight flutter of subversiveness. How would Butcher Junior feel if you sold his son on Demon Style, huh?

The prince nods solemnly. "I can see why. It must be very hard to hold the energy in that way, to make a ray out of it."

"Mhm. There are a lot of tricks to it."

"But there's an easier way. You're halfway there. I was halfway there. Now I see how it'll work." He stops, thinks visibly, gathering his energy. You've just given him a hint, you know not what, and now he's running after it. Thinking, hard.
Jaffur: "You Need To Create That Need" fires...
Whatever he's pondering, he must believe he's got it worked out. His left hand is covered in that same tacky, clinging sapphire flame from before. Brighter now, brighter. "I just need to... focus..." The little child grits his teeth, the vitrified surface of the Hall floor cracking under his feet- especially on his left, below outstretched hand and extended index finger. He's shaping something again, something different.

"RAAAA!" Jaffur cries out and raises his hand to the heavens, and- tzzew!- a golden line slices upwards from his index finger. It sizzles upwards at a steep angle, fast, and you barely have time to see the structure as it leaps out of his hand.

Like a sped-up Special. Very like a sped-up Special. But Jaffur's taken the containment helix and tightened it down to within an inch of its life. Tighter-wound than should be possible, probably with more of those funny compression tricks of his. Multiple threads, lower-energy, easier to spin, dense enough to compensate and still confine the beam. Easier to charge than even your low-yield version. Faster. Maybe Dodonpa-fast, even. And at a high-intensity focus precious few could manage at his power level. Not bad.

It pierces like a Special, all right. The ray slams through the self-sealing first layer of regenerative wards. The one that's supposed to stop just about anything a saiyan can throw. It's not invulnerable, not when you're at cap- that's not what it's for.. the Krillin stylists sometimes make a right mess of the first-line wards. You poke holes in it by accident now and then, too.

But you cracked the first line for the first time at fourteen. Jaffur is what, going on six? And a long way from cap, too! Even allowing for the less focused blasts and waves of the Goku Style you trained in as a girl, that's a hell of a thing.

The ray stops at the reinforced second line of wards, of course. That one can swallow a super-saiyan blast. Jaffur's beam still carries at least enough energy to light the seals up in a ripple of shimmering colors. Doesn't even warm up the third and fourth backup layers, but then, just about nothing ever does. Not unless royalty gets carried away.
Jaffur Piercing Ki Beam Research: Success. New Attack Unlocked: "Focus Ray."
"That's it." Jaffur stands there, his little chest rising and falling, looking satisfied for the first time today. "That's IT!" He lets out a laugh that sounds wrong coming from a little boy's throat, but there it is. Then he raises his right hand, and does it again, a little faster this time. "Focus... RAY!"

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For the chance to beat him up for putting her on the spot like this.
To meet him halfway or because she might want to see where this goes? It does say in the update she was somewhat flattered he asked.

Besides, it could be fun. Kakara enjoyed tge spar with Jaffur so it is not like she hates fighting. As long as they keep it friendly it should be fine in that regard.
Maybe as an honor thing. It's pretty clear that Kakara genuinely respects Tabe's accomplishments in fighting so skillfully and working so hard to get to this point, and she would be justified in feeling that way.

If getting his ass kicked by a super-saiyan is Tabe's idea of a worthy reward, the thing he wants more than anything else that a king could give him... maybe it is not wrong for him to get that super-saiyan ass-kicking. Kakara has dealt many ass-kickings, and will no doubt deal many more, when the situation merits it. Sure, it seems kind of weird to me, but when on Plant, do as the Tuffles do, and all that.
Fair enough, I suppose people have more reasons to accept than to reject. Not so sure about feeling the need to meet him halfway or this not being more awkward than you're suggesting but could be an interesting read.
[X] Yes.

Eh why not, seems like an ok kid :)

Also seriously?

You lot went nuts over this?


It is a serious subject and I can kind of see from where those voting no are coming from, even if I don't think it really applies to this particular instance. To be fair, there were some misunderstandings and ill timed remarks early on (mostly from the yes side, I will admit) that could be taken the wrong way that caused this to escalate needlessly but I still advice to take this seriously. The concerns are valid and you can see in the first few pages post update (2nd to 4rth, I believe) some comments that are pretty agressive and easily explain how the sides became entrenched so fast.

I would like to think they were caused by bad wording and misunderstandings born from skimmimng comments due to how fast was tge thread advancing but I admit some surprise at some of them. There were comments I frankly didn't expect from some people and some I did in the "foot on mouth" way but when put all together it is like watching a car crash.
Since the Yes vote keeps going ahead, perhaps a compromise vote might have a better chance than a plain No? I mean, I think it is still a bit early to tell since there might be an argument thatcauses a huge switch to No yet, but maybe we should consider either a "No but tell him with telepathy we should hang out later when we are notobserved by hundreds of thousands" or a "No but explain why with/out telepathy". I say telepathy since our advanced learning rate because of it implies we can transmit complex ideas relatively fast.
Since the Yes vote keeps going ahead, perhaps a compromise vote might have a better chance than a plain No? I mean, I think it is still a bit early to tell since there might be an argument thatcauses a huge switch to No yet, but maybe we should consider either a "No but tell him with telepathy we should hang out later when we are notobserved by hundreds of thousands" or a "No but explain why with/out telepathy". I say telepathy since our advanced learning rate because of it implies we can transmit complex ideas relatively fast.
Honestly, skeeviness means telling him to meet in private makes it worse rather than be a compromise.

Even if he's a great guy the situation is uncomfortable enough that it could only really be fixed by shutting it down. Owning him in a match or rejecting the option. Unless someone else decided to step in to shut this down. Even if it's awkward, sometimes walking away is the best thing. We could explain why we're saying no but he seems pretty clear on this being weird already.
So turns out that SS is caused by S Cells in the body that being in a gentle environment or having a gentle soul helps you generate more and they are inherent to a degree(Means the log term fan theory of trucks and Goten going SS because their furthers were SS was right). So to go SS you must have a certain amount of battle power and of the S cells. Which does explain why U6 Sayians go SS so easily since it is stated they grew up in a more peaceful environment. Also apparently there was no original SSG and we actually get to know about Sayian Hierarchy if you don't show a certain level of power by a certain age you are either an engineer or an infiltration baby(though in this case if you survive and overthrow the planet you were sent to you are allowed to become a combatant aka an upper level Sayian) which is a low level Sayian
So turns out that SS is caused by S Cells in the body that being in a gentle environment or having a gentle soul helps you generate more and they are inherent to a degree(Means the log term fan theory of trucks and Goten going SS because their furthers were SS was right). So to go SS you must have a certain amount of battle power and of the S cells. Which does explain why U6 Sayians go SS so easily since it is stated they grew up in a more peaceful environment. Also apparently there was no original SSG and we actually get to know about Sayian Hierarchy if you don't show a certain level of power by a certain age you are either an engineer or an infiltration baby(though in this case if you survive and overthrow the planet you were sent to you are allowed to become a combatant aka an upper level Sayian) which is a low level Sayian

1- Source. I don't think the anime mentioned any of that and while the manga might have (I don't know) some of its portrayals are not the most consistent.

2- Where is the question?:???:

On other subject, I should probably have asked this before voting. @PoptartProdigy how would a full power fight work here without making it a sham? Could we just point out that us going at full power wouldn't really be a fight without offending him and offer other terms for it without offending? That would eliminate the romantic subtext.

Edit: Fuck it. Let's go with it.

[x] Offer him an out. Unless he is the next Endivan, a fight at our full power wouldn't be that much of a fight. Perhaps he would want to propose other terms for the spar?

There. It lets both of us save face and eliminates the romantic subtext of the fight, getting it down to a normal fight. Even if it our full base power, that is still different.

Besides, with exceptional comunication, socializer, oddball and probably convictions we would have enough bonus not to offend and end in good terms.
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[x] Offer him an out. Unless he is the next Endivan, a fight at our full power wouldn't be that much of a fight. Perhaps he would want to propose other terms for the spar?
We can always tell him "Roll with it" using telepathy if he seems particularly dense and doesn't get it.
So turns out that SS is caused by S Cells in the body that being in a gentle environment or having a gentle soul helps you generate more and they are inherent to a degree(Means the log term fan theory of trucks and Goten going SS because their furthers were SS was right). So to go SS you must have a certain amount of battle power and of the S cells. Which does explain why U6 Sayians go SS so easily since it is stated they grew up in a more peaceful environment. Also apparently there was no original SSG and we actually get to know about Sayian Hierarchy if you don't show a certain level of power by a certain age you are either an engineer or an infiltration baby(though in this case if you survive and overthrow the planet you were sent to you are allowed to become a combatant aka an upper level Sayian) which is a low level Sayian
That was in an interview rather than canon and I thus feel perfectly at freedom to ignore the rampant stupidity it represents.
1- Source. I don't think the anime mentioned any of that and while the manga might have (I don't know) some of its portrayals are not the most consistent.

2- Where is the question?:???:

On other subject, I should probably have asked this before voting. @PoptartProdigy how would a full power fight work here without making it a sham? Could we just point out that us going at full power wouldn't really be a fight without offending him and offer other terms for it without offending? That would eliminate the romantic subtext.

Edit: Fuck it. Let's go with it.

[x] Offer him an out. Unless he is the next Endivan, a fight at our full power wouldn't be that much of a fight. Perhaps he would want to propose other terms for the spar?

There. It lets both of us save face and eliminates the romantic subtext of the fight, getting it down to a normal fight. Even if it our full base power, that is still different.

Besides, with exceptional comunication, socializer, oddball and probably convictions we would have enough bonus not to offend and end in good terms.
...did you all miss this?
That was in an interview rather than canon and I thus feel perfectly at freedom to ignore the rampant stupidity it represents.

...did you all miss this?

Does the [-] mean it is not allowed? Otherwise, I don't get what you mean, since I am using a write in vote.:???:

Don't want to do this mostly because then we are going to lose.
He was just declared the world's greatest fighter. Unless we lose at ten times his power level or something like that, it would not reflect badly on us. Hell, if we fought anyone of the level cap regulars and lost when fighting at their PL it would still not reflect badly on us.
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He was just declared the world's greatest fighter. Unless we lose at ten times his power level or something like that, it would not reflect badly on us. Hell, if we fought anyone of the level cap regulars and lost when fighting at their PL it would still not reflect badly on us.
Unfortunately because we are the Scion everyone holds us up to unfairly high standards.
[x] Yes

Well, I tried.

Edit: Should we worry about Kakara's thought process here?

@PoptartProdigy how would a full power fight be handled given the power level disparity? Is there a plan, will it be a curbstomp or do we get the most unexpected use for our saiyan masque?
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[x] Yes

Well, I tried.

Edit: Should we worry about Kakara's thought process here?

@PoptartProdigy how would a full power fight be handled given the power level disparity? Is there a plan, will it be a curbstomp or do we get the most unexpected use for our saiyan masque?
That we'll fight at full power, and thus we'll crush him?

Also, it's not a spar, it's a fight. Important difference.
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