Or we trick the alien fleet into baiting it into another galactic region.
When you have a problem, you have a problem. When you have two problems, you have two problems. But when you have LOTS of problems, sometimes you can trick them into eating each other.
But Maya pings us all the time...
Well, the only person who could have taught her it's rude is
us, so who but ourselves do we have to blame?
Plus, her ki sense is a lot fuzzier than ours; she may not be able to see us clearly without active pings In which case the difference between being pinged by Maya and being pinged by Kakara is like the difference between having someone look at you, and having someone turn a massive battery of sophisticated sensor arrays and recording devices on you. The former may be socially acceptable in situations where the latter isn't.
Completely and utterly wrong. I had five* pieces of evidence, one extremely shakey hypothesis and one conclusion.
1) Only the Training Hall wards have the ability to hide a SSJ.
2) The Training Hall wards required multiple magic users to create.*
3) The only known House with wards of their own can't hide a SSJ.
4) The Senzu wards were created by a single magic user.*
5) All known SSJ's, legitimate or not, have trained in the Training Hall.
6) Hypothesis: SSJ-level wards requires multiple magic users. It is therefore unlikely that Dandeer has secretly obtained them, but not impossible.
7) Conclusion: We need more evidence.
*These were, I felt, self-evident.
It bears consideration that (6) is at best weakly supported by the combination of (2), (3), and (4), for the same reasons I already outlined. The Training Hall is
huge, and huge wards may well be harder or more labor-intensive to create than tiny ones of equal power level. And, as noted, the Senzus have
very good reasons to not create a training room capable of hiding a super saiyan, even if they could do so.
So I think (7) is by far the key conclusion: we need more information and evidence. We should make
NO assumptions, even if the probability of Dandeer being a ki-using threat is low enough that we shouldn't take overt steps that would raise awkward questions.