And I'll note that not a single goddamn bit of the planning included freeing Vegeta. And yes, the Senzu's were rebelling, for Jaffur, not Vegeta, who they described as "decent" at ruling.
Also, I think you might be viewing Dandeer's attitude as more common then it is.
As for caring...
The position of Clan Senzu on releasing Lord Vegeta, straight from the mouth of Raditz, is "I would prefer no to". The Seers? If he's properly asleep, and going through the mental yo-yoing Jaron is, won't put up a fuss as they didn't beforehand. Yammar? Not his sons biggest fan right now. Kakara? Does not care about him. Berra? Willing to let it continue.
Actually, the only people aware of what he was doing was his immediate family and the Goku family, and even then, there were those related to him that weren't aware of what was going on, such as Yammar. Poptart has previously mentioned that all the abuse was subtle/hidden, and that him showing off his horrible nature in public like he did would have had negative consequences for him if Dandeer had beaten them to the punch. Such as Yammar finding out what was going on.
You do realize that Kakara teases Jaron, and the rest of the Misfits, all the time right?
-and even neutered Jaron is visibly uncomfortable with it. He never reciprocates. This is a kid who literally hurts to smile. Full Jaron, and especially Jaffur will be even worse. The last time Jaffur experienced teasing it was, "Ha ha, even that pathetic weakling girl is better than you. No wonder you couldn't stop me from slamming you into the ground at Mach 20 in the main arena in the main gathering point of our entire race full of witnesses and living quarters. Now I'm going to go out of my way to pointlessly deny you clearly necessary medical attention from one of the many witnesses simply because I like making you suffer in agony and humiliation and nobody will ever care enough about you to stop me."
In the same way that launching a surprise lethal finishing blow an inch from an unsuspecting stranger's nose is what he thinks of as, "hello", that is what "teasing" means to him.
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