Now, see, this is where I disagree for a rather simple, fundamental reason: no one in the conspiracy wants him back. Clan Senzu? Want to leave him as it, but are willing to leave that decision up to others. Yammar? Would have killed him personally if Dandeer hadn't Sealed him, I can't image he'd care to set him free. Grandma? Doesn't like or care about him. The Seers? They don't give a flying fuck about him, they just want this abomination with Jaffur/Jaron to be fixed. Kakara? We all know her opinion.
Far more likely, they'll use Jaron as evidence that the Seal creates a new person, and that Valentine is legally a different being, and that Vegeta is legally dead. They could restore him by killing Valentine, but they won't, because he's already earned death.
There's a reason the conspiracy is "restore Jaffur", not "restore Vegeta Vegeta the Vegetanth".
This is not what I remember. Grandma and Yammar were both utterly furious with Dandeer and plotting against her before Kakara ever got involved. The Senzu were actively rebelling. I don't remember Yammar, "torture children to death for fun", Vegeta ever saying he wanted to kill Vegeta for being a bully inside his own home. Everybody, including even Berra, agree that while he was a personal monster, Vegeta was a competent, effective, and legitimate lord. Most of the people who are upset with the sealing are going to be upset with both sealings. As for the rights of Valentine? If Jaron can be saved he probably can be as well, and even if he can't, a lot of Vegetans are going to have Dandeer's attitude towards human life when their lord is at stake, especially the church.
If you really think there's the slightest chance that we're going to be able to swing keeping him sealed I urge you to get an action discussing it in the next plan, because I can't imagine most of even any of the other conspirators agreeing. Grandma might be indifferent, but she also may well be compelled by her faith to release him.
The only thing functionally wrong with this guy is that he is a domestic abuser, and Kakara and Berra are extremely unusual in actually caring about that. If anybody really cared he would have been stopped long, long ago, but even Berra just stood by and watched for years. Nobody cares. Nobody is going to be willing to keep him sealed just to protect a wife they all want dead, a son who can now defend himself, or some random human husk. Not when the entire clan is in the middle of a total collapse of civil order and on the verge of civil war.
This is going to end with Jaffur executing Vegeta.
-and you know the really screwed up thing? I think that deep down Vegeta knows and
wants that. He hates himself, and he's projected all of that hate onto his son who is the only person after Berra failed who can turn it around and use it to give him the destruction he feels he deserves. Dandeer certainly thinks this. She hated Jaffur's style because she knows perfectly well that there is exactly one reason why her sweet little boy is working himself to death to craft the perfect technique to alpha strike one single stronger, faster opponent. It's no coincidence that she acted just as the final showdown became a realistic possibilty. We may even discover that on that night Jaffur was insisting on protecting his mother, and she just couldn't bear to end up being left alone with either of them.