That is a...slight misrepresentation of what happened.
Namely: You have just given birth/just watched your wife give birth to what is --
obviously -- the most beautiful, perfect baby girl in creation, and the master Seer Carrick Balor has come to either ordain her as the next Scion or tell you to make another.
Things you expect to happen during the next five seconds:
- Seer Carrick ordains Kakara as Scion
- Seer Carrick shrugs, tells you to try again, and leaves
Things you do
not expect to happen during the next five seconds:
- Seer Carrick has a seizure and then immediately attacks you before threatening you with death if you contest his judgement of Kakara as Scion in any way -- which is doubly unexpected as such disagreement is utterly without precedence
In short, he took them as off-guard as is possible without the victim being asleep. The technique is useful, yes, but your father would still take Sensei Carrick out to the trash if he tried that again.
Only once your views on violence became clear did your parents start to realize why Carrick may have felt these measures were necessary...