Voting is open
[X] "With all due respect, Sensei, very little of that applies in this specific case..."
-[X] Tell him about Jaffur.
--[X] Tell him we haven't dared tell anyone about this - what if Dandeer decides to finish the job, and kill Jaffur?
-[X] Keep in mind his vehement reaction opposing mind rape, to bring up the idea at the Conspiracy Council to bring him "into the loop."
[X] "With all due respect, Sensei, very little of that applies in this specific case..."
-[X] Tell him about Jaffur.
--[X] Tell him we haven't dared tell anyone about this - what if Dandeer decides to finish the job, and kill Jaffur?
-[X] Keep in mind his vehement reaction opposing mind rape, to bring up the idea at the Conspiracy Council to bring him "into the loop."
[X] Remember to be on guard against surprise tags during the next encounter with the Senzu.

What are we supposed to be voting about right now again?
[X] "With all due respect, Sensei, very little of that applies in this specific case..."
-[X] Tell him about Jaffur.
--[X] Tell him we haven't dared tell anyone about this - what if Dandeer decides to finish the job, and kill Jaffur?
-[X] Keep in mind his vehement reaction opposing mind rape, to bring up the idea at the Conspiracy Council to bring him "into the loop."
Can we take an action to research all the non combat uses of Ki? I mean we have generations of Ki users here and not that much fighting they must have figured out some useful tricks.

Some ideas
  • Ki can be used to make air flow around you without being distributed. Can the same be done with water or earth? What about light? Invisibility.
  • Saiyans make objects fly all the time when powering up. Can this be done with more control? Telekinesis.
  • Saiyans can apply ridiculous heat and pressure to mundane objects. Can a Saiyan turn coal to diamonds or lead to gold? Transmutation.

@PoptartProdigy : Actually in general I wonder why do Saiyan's need day jobs? A Saiyan should be easily be able to find an asteroid melt it down and harvest it. I mean we are the Scion yet we are going to public school. It doesn't not make sense to me. There are hundreds of explots Saiyans should be able to use to make wealth and they have been on this planet since the medevil ages. Every Saiyan should be rich by now.
Can we take an action to research all the non combat uses of Ki? I mean we have generations of Ki users here and not that much fighting they must have figured out some useful tricks.

Some ideas
  • Ki can be used to make air flow around you without being distributed. Can the same be done with water or earth? What about light? Invisibility.
  • Saiyans make objects fly all the time when powering up. Can this be done with more control? Telekinesis.
  • Saiyans can apply ridiculous heat and pressure to mundane objects. Can a Saiyan turn coal to diamonds or lead to gold? Transmutation.

@PoptartProdigy : Actually in general I wonder why do Saiyan's need day jobs? A Saiyan should be easily be able to find an asteroid melt it down and harvest it. I mean we are the Scion yet we are going to public school. It doesn't not make sense to me. There are hundreds of explots Saiyans should be able to use to make wealth and they have been on this planet since the medevil ages. Every Saiyan should be rich by now.
In general, there are probably plenty of things they could do with acceptable levels of risk, but they don't want acceptable. They want airtight. Usually, it's the result of erring on the side of caution given their society's whole premise. And even non-combat ki tricks use ki, and thus can be detected in sufficient bulk. That said, you all absolutely can devote actions to studying non-combat ki uses. That would be the function of the "New Tricks" action. My prior word on the topic has been that experimentation holds intrinsic value; even if you can't get whatever you set out for, you'll find out something, and can almost certainly try again later.

As for your specific examples, Kakara does have some telekinetic prowess. Dragon Ball canon is full of people using telekinesis, even those who have only ki to do it with (Vegeta comes to mind). It's just not a particular focus of hers.
@PoptartProdigy : Actually in general I wonder why do Saiyan's need day jobs? A Saiyan should be easily be able to find an asteroid melt it down and harvest it. I mean we are the Scion yet we are going to public school. It doesn't not make sense to me. There are hundreds of explots Saiyans should be able to use to make wealth and they have been on this planet since the medevil ages. Every Saiyan should be rich by now.
Jobs aren't just about getting money. I know if I had infinite wealth I'd still want to work in some way, just to have something to do. And that's ignoring all the ways introducing that much wealth into the economy can go wrong.
@PoptartProdigy : Actually in general I wonder why do Saiyan's need day jobs? A Saiyan should be easily be able to find an asteroid melt it down and harvest it. I mean we are the Scion yet we are going to public school. It doesn't not make sense to me. There are hundreds of explots Saiyans should be able to use to make wealth and they have been on this planet since the medevil ages. Every Saiyan should be rich by now.

How do you explain where the wealth came from?

What do you do during the time off?

You know what the greatest killer of old people is often claimed to be (by other old people)? Boredom. Without structure in their lives and something to constantly do, many often 'stop' in place, slowly dying because they've got little to keep them going.

A job keeps you moving, gives you something to do, even if you wish it didn't.
Jobs aren't just about getting money. I know if I had infinite wealth I'd still want to work in some way, just to have something to do. And that's ignoring all the ways introducing that much wealth into the economy can go wrong.

How do you explain where the wealth came from?

What do you do during the time off?

You know what the greatest killer of old people is often claimed to be (by other old people)? Boredom. Without structure in their lives and something to constantly do, many often 'stop' in place, slowly dying because they've got little to keep them going.

A job keeps you moving, gives you something to do, even if you wish it didn't.
So all Saiyans are working as a hobby? Why don't they just QM quests or stuff like that?
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Also worth noting that Berra apparently didn't feel the same about the sanctity of the mind. An outraged panic attack in response to his characterization might be a viable avenue for avoiding the question if we wanted to take the, "freak out", option.

How do you explain where the wealth came from?

What do you do during the time off?

You know what the greatest killer of old people is often claimed to be (by other old people)? Boredom. Without structure in their lives and something to constantly do, many often 'stop' in place, slowly dying because they've got little to keep them going.

A job keeps you moving, gives you something to do, even if you wish it didn't.

How do the Senzu? What do they do during their time off?

I mean, I've accepted this as just a necessary suspension of disbelief, but it really does appear to be a suspension. The Saiyans have been around for hundreds of years, are responsible for most post-medieval technology on the planet, live longer than humans, have much greater collective coordination than the humans, universally have outright superpowers, and the only force in the universe more powerful than ki is compound interest.
How do the Senzu? What do they do during their time off?

For a lot of them?

Likely farm or take part in human politics.

Senzu Beans are noticed to be so hard to grow/farm that they are rare and expensive to the point that three of them that got shoved down Karas throat was a 'small fortune'. Not everyone is Korin after all, especially when he can grow them openly

I mean, I've accepted this as just a necessary suspension of disbelief, but it really does appear to be a suspension. The Saiyans have been around for hundreds of years, are responsible for most post-medieval technology on the planet, live longer than humans, have much greater collective coordination than the humans, universally have outright superpowers, and the only force in the universe more powerful than ki is compound interest.

You forget the enemy.
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They should make a base at the center of the moon. If rock can help shield ki then that is alot of rock.
[X] "With all due respect, Sensei, very little of that applies in this specific case..."
-[X] Tell him about Jaffur.
--[X] Tell him we haven't dared tell anyone about this - what if Dandeer decides to finish the job, and kill Jaffur?
-[X] Keep in mind his vehement reaction opposing mind rape, to bring up the idea at the Conspiracy Council to bring him "into the loop."
In general, there are probably plenty of things they could do with acceptable levels of risk, but they don't want acceptable. They want airtight. Usually, it's the result of erring on the side of caution given their society's whole premise. And even non-combat ki tricks use ki, and thus can be detected in sufficient bulk.
Question: How good is our ability to feel our own ki? Meaning, if we aren't actively making it do anything can we feel what happens to our know if something interacts with it. I was wondering if we can sense things that don't have ki, due to any affects they have on our own ki.

Depending on the accuracy, we would be able to identify structures and materials or maybe just tell if something is there. Both would have their uses in and out of combat.

I know something at least is possible, since the latest episode had Gohan vs a wolf-alien who couldn't be sensed. After being blinded, Gohan used his ki as an active radar in SSJ form to find and fight his enemy.
That said, you all absolutely can devote actions to studying non-combat ki uses.
That sounds like something Kakara would have fun with. Would it end up being something that would be relaxing/enjoyable and let her unwind a bit from all of the shit she's caught up in, or would it just be yet another stressful/stress neutral task?
Before anything else, have a vote tally:

Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - Dragon Ball: After the End | Page 332 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.5

[X] "With all due respect, Sensei, very little of that applies in this specific case..."
-[X] Tell him about Jaffur.
--[X] Tell him we haven't dared tell anyone about this - what if Dandeer decides to finish the job, and kill Jaffur?
No. of Votes: 9

This option explains the situation in detail, and thus why Kakara should not have to apologize. It also expresses concerns about Dandeer's likely overreaction.

[X] "With all due respect, Sensei, very little of that applies in this specific case..."
-[X] Tell him about Jaffur.
--[X] Tell him we haven't dared tell anyone about this - what if Dandeer decides to finish the job, and kill Jaffur?
-[X] Keep in mind his vehement reaction opposing mind rape, to bring up the idea at the Conspiracy Council to bring him "into the loop."
No. of Votes: 7

This one does the above and also explicitly commits to bringing up the idea of bringing Sensei into the conspiracy at the meeting. Granted, you'll mention that this happened at the meeting anyway, and if you don't suggest it somebody else almost certainly will, but this takes initiative.

[X] "With all due respect, Sensei, very little of that applies in this specific case..."
-[X] Tell him about Jaffur.
No. of Votes: 3

Explains the situation.

[x] Tell him.
No. of Votes: 2

Explanation mk. 2.

[x] Jaffur. Also Jaron, but Jaffur is still awake in there so...
No. of Votes: 1

Explanation mk. 3.

[X] Fake an aneurysm.
No. of Votes: 1

You fake an aneurysm to escape this situation.

[X] Remember to be on guard against surprise tags during the next encounter with the Senzu.
No. of Votes: 1

A snarky comment on how far in advance the votes are ranging.

Total No. of Voters: 24

I'll be merging some of those later.

As a general response to questions about saiyan society:

It is absolutely, trivially, easily within the power of the saiyan people to convert Garenhuld into a technological, superpowered utopia, fueled by the exploitation of space-borne resources that their technology and capabilities put well within reach. In fact, even short of that it's entirely possible for them to withdraw entirely from human society or fuel their indolent luxury through various means. Sounds like a paradise.

So, why am I not depicting that?

Ignoring the Doylist answer -- that such would be boring to me -- we have the Watsonian: the Exiles are a people of refugees, having last seen their homeworld popping like a grape while they stood helpless to stop it. A utopian Garenhuld as described above would be conspicuous as hell -- ki use on that scale is not quiet, and neither are the technologies they could use. Even short of that, there are issues with truly exploiting their abilities. Using their ki to generate unmatchable material benefits is honestly as conspicuous as as a utopia, even disregarding the societal consequences of wealth on that scale entering a society. Total isolationism simply doesn't appeal, and to be blunt the Exiles don't have any confidence that they could pull it off without anybody slipping.

Ultimately, this is a people that has the deeply ingrained belief that their only hope of survival is secrecy. They have dissidents, of course, but overwhelmingly the average Exile can be reliably motivated by convincing them that the Enemy will find Garenhuld if they don't fall in line. So, they simply don't dare to exploit things as much as possible. Thus, what limited uplift they've done to Garenhuld is disorganized and thoroughly unofficial, and while there are certainly saiyans that don't engage with the Masquerade on a personal basis and make their living in the Exile world alone, the vast majority take day jobs for the sake of having a more concrete veil (no tax agencies wondering where the phantom cash is coming from).

They should make a base at the center of the moon. If rock can help shield ki then that is alot of rock.

It can, but there's a limit. Once you start hitting the power levels at which planet busting becomes trivial (probably around 500,000), that same rock you could pulverize with a thought doesn't do much to hide your ki. Not that a moon base was never considered, but magical ki shielding was always a part of its proposed designs.

Question: How good is our ability to feel our own ki? Meaning, if we aren't actively making it do anything can we feel what happens to our know if something interacts with it. I was wondering if we can sense things that don't have ki, due to any affects they have on our own ki.

Depending on the accuracy, we would be able to identify structures and materials or maybe just tell if something is there. Both would have their uses in and out of combat.

I know something at least is possible, since the latest episode had Gohan vs a wolf-alien who couldn't be sensed. After being blinded, Gohan used his ki as an active radar in SSJ form to find and fight his enemy.

That's basically what you're doing when you send out active pings, in fact. You did this when you found the Senzus. Doing it for things without ki seems perfectly possible, although it hasn't yet come up.

That sounds like something Kakara would have fun with. Would it end up being something that would be relaxing/enjoyable and let her unwind a bit from all of the shit she's caught up in, or would it just be yet another stressful/stress neutral task?

In fact, unless you had a family member die that year it would probably obviate the need for mental health checks that year no matter your stressors. Kakara loves ki.
Does our use of multiform give us extra actions? Sorry if this has already been covered. Edit: Yes it does.

Another ki idea: ki can be used to increase our speed and reflexes. Can we also increase our thinking speed? Do our homework in 10 seconds?
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That's basically what you're doing when you send out active pings, in fact. You did this when you found the Senzus. Doing it for things without ki seems perfectly possible, although it hasn't yet come up.
Huh. That sounds like it could be developed into a Byakugan knockoff if not easily, then at least pretty directly.
Does our use of multiform give us extra actions? Sorry if this has already been covered. Edit: Yes it does.

Another ki idea: ki can be used to increase our speed and reflexes. Can we also increase our thinking speed? Do our homework in 10 seconds?
In order to simplify it for myself, I have decided that as power level climbs you basically have subjective time. Yes, that is simpler to my way of thinking. :lol So yes, you think faster. A subjective second to a Full-Power Super Saiyan is actually (arbitrarily small division of a second) in reality. And I shall cheerfully ignore any evidence to the contrary. :p
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