So thinking about how to talk to Dad about the Peats, I think we need to emphasise four things to keep the Head Priest alive. EDIT: Turned this into a Plan.
[x] Plan Deathbybunnies.
-[X] Tell Dad. This is his job; he can decide how to deal with it.
--[X] Suggest we have a number of Saiyans go out into space with some Seers, and fight the scouts out there. Keeping the fighting away from Garenhuld means we don't have to worry about damage, and means that if we're detected (by say, The Enemy), it isn't traced straight back to home.
---[X] Also suggest that if at all possible, keep a scout alive (possibly using a Sorcerer to bind him), so he can be questioned. We know others will be coming, it would be good to get some information on them.
--[X] Then Tell your conspirators (Grandma, the Senzus, and anybody else you bring in on things). They need to know this in case it'll impact the plan.
-[X] Tell Dad about the Peat's perfidious plots
--[X] But request he deal with it as quietly as possible, given how we particularly publicly permitted possible-pope Peat a partial pardon.
---[X] Emphasise how we particularly don't want the Head Priest executed, for four main reasons:
1) The man gave up his scheme and submitted himself to our judgement with no prompting whatsoever, after we gave our speech.
2) He had a straight-up religious experience when we gave our speech; he's pretty much going to be in our corner forever now, which will make dealing the cult much easier.
3) We declared that we were going to defer judgement until we were Lady, on the provision that he spend all of his life until then helping other Saiyans. If execution is really called for, we can do it when that happens. In the meanwhile, he's been explicitly ordered by his favourite demigod to go do good, and we believe he's going to do it.
4) If he has the priest executed, he's kind of undermining us. Granted, he's the Lord and we're the Scion, but we had this whole speech and people were screaming in adoration and... it would be a shame to mess all of that up, you know?