I hate how things turned out. I don't blame Poptart for how things went, but I still really very much dislike how things went. Perhaps the one thing that I'm not upset about that other people are is the insinuation that Kakara is an idiot because of who she lost to. To me, that's fine. It's fitting. She thought 3:2 odds were just as good as 2:1 odds and anyone with a decent grounding in mathematics knows that's incorrect. She was also wrong to trust in anyone but herself despite being shown time and time again how bad of an idea that is. She's young and lacks anything like the Genius trait. Her acts of stupidity make sense. It's in-character.
I don't like that dialogue with future Kakara. It read like the GM was saying "I'm bored of this this is what you should do or I'll punish you". I
know that's not what PoptartProdigy meant. They're not an ass like that. They've made it clear they don't railroad. That's still how it reads and it annoys me.
There are three ways to get out of this. First, we bust off Super Saiyan 2. Second, we fuck off into space like future Kakara said. Third, we talk our way out of it, which has an extant but very low chance of success.
I don't give a shit about any of the options except the third. Super Saiyan 2 changes the game, and I don't want to change the game. I like the game as it's been, so I don't care for that option. My opinion on option 2 is like my opinion of option 1 except it's even lower. Not only does it change the game, it has us losing and leaving the world to be fucked for who knows how many years. More than that, it's a bad idea. Kakara has had years of prep time and she obviously doesn't know how to handle it well. There's no reason for us to trust that it'll work out better this time when she has way fewer resources to work with. Furthermore, it gives Dandeer a lot of time to do magic shit, and you never give sorcerers time to do anything.
Talking Dandeer down is the only resolution to this arc that I'm willing to go with. It doesn't change the game, it gives us a victory, and it is by far the best kind of victory Kakara can go for. After the End is about Kakara, a pacifist Saiyan. I like that concept. It's what hooked me in. This arc should end thematically on point, with Kakara winning as Kakara
should win - through communication. It should not end with her pulling a power up out of her ass and beating in everyone's face. Nor should it end with her fucking off, training and adventuring for several years, then returning and beating in everyone's face. That's other people's paths to power. This should end with Kakara deciding to resolve this the best way she can and talking this bitch out. That's what her character concept is about. If we win, then I will stop hating the last update and instead like it, because it will have set up the best, most appropriate kind of victory possible. This has a very low chance of success, but that's always the case when it comes to final bosses, and low chance of success or not, a communication victory is the only path forward that I care for. Anything else, successful or not, I just have no interest in seeing.
@PoptartProdigy, I have two things to ask.
1. I'd like for you to refund me one of the cookies you used in the last update. One of them was from the Sophie omake and I accept that it's gone forever, but the other was a normal cookie. The outcome wouldn't have changed if it wasn't used, so it shouldn't have been spent.
2. Please don't spend any more of my cookies unless it's to talk Dandeer down.
EDIT: I'm also pretty annoyed at how a vote opened and closed while I was asleep but given how the votes went it wouldn't have mattered. Just to get it out there, my proposed solution would've been to throw Dandeer into space. Yammar would've had to grab her because the only other option was to let her die. While he did that, we could've revived Jaffur.
EDIT2: A diplomatic conclusion would also retroactively make
Another's Eyes better, as it would be foreshadowing how Kakara would end up winning.