Contrary to apparently everyone ever, I really enjoyed the last update. I dunno, maybe it's because I have been having IRL issues and haven't had as much time to be as fanatically obsessed (or even really serously engaged) with the story as I used to be, but this update didn't strike me on as personal a level as it seems to have struck everyone else.
To me, this didn't feel like a personal slight, but rather a perfect ending to the first act of a story in three act structure; the "inciting incident" or moment where nothing will be the same again, if you will. Up until now, we were a child playing a child's part. And then we hit a very grown up problem: in spite of our perky personality and childlike enthusiasm and superior planning capabilities and "outside of the box thinking" and the million other reasons why we "should have won," our choices put us in a situation that we just couldn't win... not without compromising the integrity of the world our illustrious author has created. So we lost.
So where does this leave us now? Well, it might just be me, but it feels like we might just be starting on the second act: Kakara has had the situation pretty well contained thus far, even dare I say trapped, in its own little paradigm. We've trained, and plotted, and conspiracized, and done everything we needed to successfully execute a seal-break. (And lest anyone forget, we DID manage to free Jaffur, even if we flubbed the follow up bad enough to make it moot.) But narratively, it seems it's time to see our precocious saiyan princess off on her Hero's Journey. We have our quest (redeem our failure/return in victory), our helping mentor (future vision Kakara, whom I'm hoping we'll see again), and after this defeat we are overdue for some serious character development.
Not, I hasten to add, that Kakara hasn't had character development before... just that aside from going from Pacifist to Protector, she is still pretty much the same odd, control-obsessed little girl we've been playing from the start. In the immortal words of abridged!16, I think it's time for Kakara to "Grow! Up!" and this failure seems the perfect catalyst for such development.
But hey, that's just what I think. No beef if everyone thinks I'm full of shit.