[ ] Begin the Doofenshmirtz Evil Space Program
[ ] Research sublight drives
[ ] Research exotic vehicles
[ ] WyndComm Enterprises - Civilian aeronautics company that constructs and launches satellites for commercial use. Has worked on contracts with governments and private space programs in years prior.
DC 80

I think SPAAAACE can be our competitive edge.
Just saying that in an hour the moratorium will have ended, guys.
I'd be willing to speak about potential plans, any reation about mine would also be welcome even if it's to tell me it's stupid :V
Right now I'm not sure what you guys think about it 🤷‍♂️ :

DoofQuest- a Disney Villains Victorious CK2-Style Quest Crossover

First I have a few things to ask : -Goofy should be at 50 loyalty not 40, right ? -Wasn't Russ already at 36 intrigue, or did he not get his +2 intrigue yet ? -Khan's occult hasn't been added to his profile, can it be added please ? That whole SRA campaign + Insuricare gave us absolutely...
Square Peg in a Round Hole
Square Peg in a Round Hole

"Ah, Max. I appreciate you stopping by so quickly. I realize that you're probably busy..." Dr. Doofenschmirtz smiled congenially as Maximilian Goof... slunk in? No, perhaps the better word would be stalked. The young Toon had been noticeably irate ever since his return from Xanadu, even snapping at Janna a few times when she had played one of her lesser pranks and he'd been caught in the blast radius.

Literally, those fireworks Kitsune sold her had some punch to them!

"Well, yeah. You're the boss." Max slid into the seat opposite "The Doof", a mulishly expectant expression on his face. Dr. Doofenschmirtz paused from where he'd been rummaging in one of his desk drawers, before continuing... and pulling out a pair of cold orange sodas. Leaning forward, the lanky man set it down on a coaster in front of Max, who eyed it with some trepidation; before opening it, while his employer did the same after closing the refrigerated drawer he kept his stash in.

"Ah, that's the stuff. Now Max, I actually wanted to talk to you about the last mission I sent you on." Max's brows knit and his expression began to curdle. "It turned out to have some major dividends, even though we're still working to translate those scrolls; and that Talisman is going to be very useful for all sorts of projects." A muscle in Max's cheek twitched, even as his grip began to tighten on the can of soda. "I also went over the reports. Your uncle was quite the lucky encounter." Another twitch, and the sound of aluminum beginning to crumple. "There's just one thing that I think needs addressed." Max's expression turned to one of raw fury as he opened his mouth...

"I want to apologize."

And then stopped, anger draining away to leave confusion in its wake. "You... what?" Max sounded dazed, even as he mechanically took another drink from his soda. Dr. Doofenschmirtz nodded fervently.

"I want to apologize. I kind of thought that the whole Chicken Itza thing was a one-off, just a really bad c-," Doofenschmirtz pauses, then apparently rethinks his words, "A series of very unfortunate events. Echo Creek... I didn't know about your history with possums, and how uncomfortable a place that has it as their mascot would probably make you. After your vacation to Europe though, I thought that something where you were with a friend and had a good solid leader would be more ideal." Dr. Doofenschmirtz hangs his head. "I didn't think to ask you whether you wanted to go. I didn't take your preferences and comfort zone into consideration. And so, I'd like to apologize."

Max stared at his boss for a long moment, before taking another gulp of soda. Out of everything that had been within his expectations for this meeting... All the scenarios he'd pictured during his ride up via elevator; this hadn't been one of them. "Um... thanks then, I guess?" Dr. Doofenscmirtz shook his head.

"Please Max, I should be thanking you for not just deciding to quit and find work somewhere else. You're a valuable member of the team; and even Temujin has said that you have good instincts for people in his reports to me after you brought Janna back. The fact that you're friends with Janna and my daughter doesn't factor into it." Max opened his mouth. "And neither does your father. I can appreciate someone looking to grow beyond their origins, believe me."

Max swallowed, hard. This was starting to feel like that heart-to-heart he'd had with dad during The Road Trip. "I, ah, really appreciate that doc. Thanks. I mean it." The doctor nodded, looking... relieved? Had he actually thought that Max was going to quit?

"I'm glad to hear that Max. I also have something I would like to ask you." Max's expression pinched. Ah, here was the other shoe. "I'm going to be going to New York by invitation of David Xanatos to attend a magic auction. I intend to bring Janna with me as my occult advisor, and Vanessa as well. My little girl needs to start getting a feel for how to network, even if she decides not to take over the company after I'm gone." Max shifted uncomfortably at the comment. "I'm taking Agent Russ with me too, but there's one more ticket. I'd like you to have it and come with us."

Max gaped. "Wait, to New York?" Dr. Doofenschmirtz nodded. "A ritzy, high-class auction with the David Xanatos?" Another nod. Max's expression turned wary. "There's not like, some secondary purpose to this, like going through the sewers looking for irradiated dragon eggs or something? Right?" The Doctor's eyebrows rose, and he got a thoughtful expression before dismissing whatever idea had intruded into his head.

"Nope, just the auction, probably talking some shop and potential deals with Xanatos, and doing the tourist thing for a bit." Dr. Doofenschmirtz paused. "I'd like to promise you, here and now, that I will do my best to keep from sending you out into the wilderness on crazy magical du- goose chases again. Unfortunately, I can't say with absolute certainty it won't happen again, I still remember that incident with the Reforest-inator; but as long as I can help it, I will keep from sending you out into the wilds on missions." The doctor held up a hand solemnly, before extending it to Max. "So... are you interested in that plane ticket?"

Max gave a tentative smile as he stood and shook the man's hand, feeling some of his stress slide off his shoulders. "You know doc, I think I am. Thanks." Doofenschmirtz smiled slightly and shook his head.

"No Max, thank you for giving me one more chance." Doof pauses, looking hesitant, before seeming to come to a decision. "Also, speaking from personal experience here. If you ever feel the need to vent, Technor's actually really good at listening constructively." Max looked surprised, then slightly wary.

"I'll, uh, keep it in mind I guess. Have a good one doc." With that, the young man headed out.

Just something that was on the back burner for a potential "Talk with the Bossman" for Max. Figured I might as well dump it out here.
A quick reminder for everyone that wants to Spy on Employee's to find Kat. We now have the learning action
[ ] Decrypt GalFed Computers

DC 140

The GalFed computers onboard the ship were stripped of a lot of their data and functionality so as to make it more difficult for Jumba to use them for evil, but there's still a wealth of data locked away. You're sure that decrypting things will give you a better picture of the galaxy as a whole, and maybe some insight into how these aliens think.
Which should give us information on the Kat Empire without having to risk losing loyalty with our Hero Units. Maybe we should put Jumba on this in a turn or two.
--Jī Talisman
---[] Janna Ordonia
After revisions, I mostly agree with your plan, except for a couple quibbles about personal actions. (I'd personally stick Vanessa on job shadowing Mirage. She'd probably appreciate helping someone take down an evildoer in a non-zany way, and on a high roll she might contribute a bonus to an action where we could really use a bonus.)

But I really think we should give the Talisman to Doof, at least for this one turn. Janna's already got a neato magical artifact, and she can even fly on Leopold. If we want to impress anyone at the auction in spite of our piddly 4 Occult, we should pack some magical swag of our own.

I'd be willing to speak about potential plans, any reation about mine would also be welcome even if it's to tell me it's stupid :V
Right now I'm not sure what you guys think about it 🤷‍♂️ :
Personally, I do disagree with most of your plan, but I'll explain why if you like.
[ ] Plan: While the doctor is out !
-[ ] Quest:
--[ ] Moolah and Magic
---[ ] Quest Leader: Dr. Doofenshmirtz
---[ ] Vanessa
---[ ] Janna Ordonia
---[ ] Max
---[ ] Norm Prime
-[ ] National Actions
--[ ] Upgrade Norm Prime (Ludivine von Drake)
--[ ] Reach out to Shego (TECHNOR)
--[ ] Recruit Wendy Wower (Goofy)
--[ ] Dinosaur Farming (Hego)
--[ ] Recruit new employees (Wile E. Coyote, Genius)
--[ ] Expose Hawk (Agent Russ)
--[ ] Spy on your employees (Mirage)
--[ ] Research exotic vehicles (Janus Lee)
--[ ] Study the SHV 20905 Plans (Queen Lizzy)
--[ ] Decentralize your Normbots (L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.)
--[ ] Create Magical Defenses (Kitsune)
-[ ] Personal Actions
--[ ] Dr. Doofenshmirtz
---[ ] Browse Online for Interesting Stories
--[ ] Genghis Khan (Study science and technology)
--[ ] Major Francis Monogram (Reorganize OWCA)
--[ ] Dennis the Duck (Train with your Instructor)
--[ ] Dr. Jumba Jookiba (Talk with fellow evil scientists)
--[ ] Tobe and the Vagabond Ninja (Speed Dating)
-[ ] Miscellaneous:
--[ ] Work on an extra action? (L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.)
---[ ] Decentralize your Normbots
--[ ] Don't Overclock TECHNOR
--[ ] Activate an Inator
-[ ] Items:
--[ ]XT9000 Jet Car
---[ ]Dr. Doofenshmirtz
--[ ] Jī Talisman
---[ ]Dr. Doofenshmirtz
Quest assignment - I dislike bringing Norm Prime. Doof isn't thinking about Norm the right way to make it a fun family vacation right now, and bringing our 1 Intrigue maybe? robot son with us will just hand Xanatos a bunch of Doof's psychological weaknesses on a silver platter. Plus, whatever Doof says about him is unlikely to impress people we want to impress. I'd just rather not.

Vanessa, I'm neutral on. The numbers are nice, but numbers should serve the narrative, and the QM seems to think that in this case they don't. But at the same time, without having Russ available for Max to play off of, there is a narrative opportunity for Vanessa and Max to bond over being the only sane people there, so eh.

And while I like putting Russ on the quest, I understand sticking him elsewhere.

Martial-wise, we've spent relatively little effort fortifying our territory, and with the drug ring escalation, increasing prominence of super volatility, and the spectre of Toffee, I really think we should put more effort into national-scale defensive actions. Energy weapons are both in reach, DC-wise, and could potentially help us out on quests, too, so they seem like the pick. The concern about Norm's DC is fair, but we've been told that we can break out the upgrades into chunks to lower the DC (presumably by asking the QM to give us a DC for doing a subset of the upgrades). This comes at the cost of needing to spend more actions handling upgrades, but it does mean we won't get locked out of upgrading Norm Prime if we wait now.

Diplo's fine, and so is Stewardship. Personally, I am looking forward to seeing what the world's #1 Bueno Nacho manager can do with a nation's food supply.

As for Intrigue, while Russ is the obvious choice for Hawk if we're not sending him on the auction, we know that the hero we assign to Spy on your employees influences the employees we end up spying on. If we want to specifically catch Kat in OWCA, Monogram's probably our best bet, and he's not that much worse than Mirage after you account for his trait.

For Learning, there are a lot of directions we can go and I'm not going to try and push my own priorities as the One True Learning Path or anything like that. But I don't want to open up another front in cyberspace right now, which limits the use of the SHV plans, as far as I'm concerned.

Occult seems fine. And while it's not her jam, I expect Kitsune will have fun adding trickery-based magical protections to our extremely trapped HQ.

For personal actions, my one objection is to Khan. We've put off getting him a mount until we got him a dino mount, and now we've got one. We can probably make a better one in the future, but that will never be untrue, so I'd like to get him the mount now. He's earned it.

And the miscellaneous stuff all seems fine.
After revisions, I mostly agree with your plan, except for a couple quibbles about personal actions. (I'd personally stick Vanessa on job shadowing Mirage. She'd probably appreciate helping someone take down an evildoer in a non-zany way, and on a high roll she might contribute a bonus to an action where we could really use a bonus.)
That seems like an action which would be dangerous enough for Doof to not allow it. A member of the Fearsome Five was seen operating in that area, and they all have body counts. Not to mention Doom has had many people killed. Doof is an overprotective parent.

About Norm, I don't think he will be much of an issue. We don't tell Norm all that much, so he doesn't have much to tell other people. Russ will also be around to help.
That seems like an action which would be dangerous enough for Doof to not allow it. A member of the Fearsome Five was seen operating in that area, and they all have body counts. Not to mention Doom has had many people killed. Doof is an overprotective parent.

About Norm, I don't think he will be much of an issue. We don't tell Norm all that much, so he doesn't have much to tell other people. Russ will also be around to help.
Then he'll forbid it? The option that was in there already was to send her to a rave. Not a major loss, here.

Plus, I imagine Mirage's approach will involve less far less fieldwork than Russ's, so I, personally, don't feel we'd be putting Vanessa in an appreciable amount of danger. Mirage can just... not take Vanessa on fieldwork.

And the thing Norm would leak would be Norm's relationship with Doof, and Doof's miscellaneous issues relating to that. I don't think the DC will be very high to spot Norm calling Doof Father and Doof not calling Norm his son.
See reasoning here

[X] Plan: Long Overdue
-[X] National Actions
--[X] Upgrade PMC with Energy Weapons (Lizzy) (DC 85 / 63% CoS)
--[X] Reach out to Shego (Janus Lee) (DC 40 / 99% CoS)
--[X] Recruit from your Rolodex: Wendy Wower (Goofy) (DC 65/86% CoS)
--[X] Dinosaur Farming (Hego) (DC 65 / 78% CoS)
--[X] Recruit New Employees (Wile+SAU) (DC 65 / 85% CoS)
--[X] Wing the Hawk: Expose (Mirage) (DC 80 / 66% CoS)
--[X] Spy on your Employees (Major Monogram) (DC 95 / 49% CoS)
--[X] Research Robo-Doppelganger bodies (Von Drake) (DC 120 / 62% CoS)
--[X] Research GalFed Translator Suite (Jumba) (DC 140 / 61% CoS)
--[X] Create Magical Defenses (Kitsune) (DC 75 / 50% CoS)
--[X] Research Resiniferatoxin (L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.) (DC 90 / 62% CoS)
-[X] Quests
--[X] Moolah and Magic
---[X] Quest Leader: Heinz Doofenshmirtz
---[X] Janna Ordonia
---[X] Max Goof
---[X] Agent Russ
---[X] Vanessa Doofenshmirtz
-[X] Personal Actions
--[X] Heinz Doofenshmirtz
---[X] Go on a quest
---[X] Go on a quest
---[X] Go on a quest
---[X] Talk with the Bossman: Russ
--[X] Genghis Khan
---[X] Find a new steed
--[X] Technor
---[X] Psychoanalyze: Dr. D
--[X] Tobe
---[X] Speed Dating
--[X] Dennis
---[X] Make Sandwiches
--[X] Norm Prime
---[X] Follow Father around
-[X] Miscellaneous
--[X] XT9000 Jet Car
---[X] Max Goof
--[X] Jī Talisman
---[X] Heinz Doofenshmirtz
--[X] Don't overclock Technor
--[X] Activate an Inator
Last edited:
[X] Plan Magic and Muffin
-[x] National Actions
--[x] Outfit PMC with energy weapons (Queen Lizzy) (63% CoS)
--[x] Recruit from your Rolodex (Goofy) (82% Cos)
---[x] Wendy Wower
--[x] Reach out to Shego (Janus Lee) (98% Cos)
--[x] Dinosaur Farming (Hego) (76%)
--[x] Recruit New Employees [Super ACME Unlimited] (Wile E. Coyote) (85% Cos)
--[x] Investigate Orton Mahlson (Mirage) (28% CoS)
--[x] Expose Hawk (Major Monogram) (48% Cos)
--[x] Research GalFed Translator Suite (Jumba) (59% Cos)
--[x] Research Zero Point Energy Technology (Ludivine) (52% CoS)
--[x] Decentralize your Normbots (LOVEMUFFIN) (72% CoS)
--[x] Create Magic Defenses (Kitsune) (51% CoS)
-[x] Personal Actions
--[x] Doof:
---[x] Moolah and Magic (Doofenshmirtz, 3 actions)
---[x] Chat with Bossman (Russ)
--[x] Find a New Steed (Genghis Khan)
--[x] Made Sandwiches (Dennis the Duck)
--[x] Job Shadow Mirage (Vanessa)
--[x] Psychoanalyze LOVEMUFFIN (Technor)
--[x] Speed Dating (Tobe and the Vagabond Ninja)
-[x] Quest: Moolah and Magic
--[x] Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz
--[x] Norm Prime
--[x] Max
--[x] Janna Ordonia
--[x] Agent Russ
-[x] Misc:
-[x] Don't overclock Technor
-[x] Activate an Inator
--[x] Jī Talisman (Wile E. Coyote)
--[x] XT9000 (Max)
Last edited:
Last minuet Plan dealing with Doom

[x] Plan: Fine...
--[x] Outfit PMC with energy weapons (Ludivine)

--[x] Collaborate with Judge Doom (TECHNOR)

--[x] Reach out to Shego (Vanessa)

--[x] Recruit New Employees (Janus Lee)

--[x] Develop a New Social Media Platform (Wile E. w/ ACME Unlimited)

--[x] Send Hawk out with a Bang (Russ)

--[x] Spy on Employees (Mirage)

--[x] Research GalFed Translator Suite (Jumba)

--[x] Research Climate Controlled Environments (Lizzy)

--[x] Decentralize your Normbots (L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.)

--[x] Summon Demons (Kitsune)

--[x] Moolah and Magic
---[x] Doof
---[x] Max
---[x] Janna
---[x] Norm Prime
---[x] Tobe

--[x] Start Writing a Musical (Dr. Doofenshmirtz)

--[x] Do some home gardening (Goofy)

--[x] Study history (Khan)

--[x] Work for the Bossman (Wile E.)
---[x] Develop a New Social Media Platform

--[x] Take an acrobatics course (Monogram)

--[x] Work for the Good Doctor (Russ)
---[x] Send Hawk out with a Bang

--[x] Work for Father (Norm)
---[x] Moolah and Magic

--[x] Train with your Instructor (Dennis)

--[x] Manage Bueno Nacho (Hego)

--[x] Work for Dr. Doof (Technor)
---[x] Collaborate with Judge Doom

--[x] Work for the Doof (Max)
---[x] Moolah and Magic

--[x] Work for Dr. Heinz (Mirage)
---[x] Spy on Employees

--[x] Work for Dad (Vanessa)
---[x]Reach out to Shego

--[x] Do stuff for the Doof (Janna)
---[x]Moolah and Magic

--[x] Work for fellow Evil Genius (Jumba)
---[x] Research GalFed Translator Suite

--[x] Work for Dokta Doof (Ludivine)
---[x] Outfit PMC with energy weapons

--[x] Work for the Doof (Lizzy)
---[x] Research Climate Controlled Environments

--[x] Work for the Doof (Tobe)
---[x] Moolah and Magic

--[x] Work for Dr. Doofenschmirtz (Janus Lee)
---[x] Recruit New Employees

--[x] Work for the Odd Aothecary (Kitsune)
---[x] Summon Demons

---[x] Decentralize your Normbots
--[x] Don't Overclock Technor
--[x]ACME Unlimited
--[x] Activate an Inator
--[x]XT900 Jet Car
---[x] Technor
Last edited:
[X] Plan: Digital Dinosaur
-[x] Outfit PMC with energy weapons (Queen Lizzy)
-[x] Recruit from your rolodex (Technor)
- -[x] Wendy Wower
-[x] Reach out to Shego (Mirage)
-[x] Dinosaur Farming (L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N)
-[x] Dinosaur Entertainment (Lee)
-[x] Develop a New Social Media Platform (Coyote)
-[x] Investigate the Middleton Drug Cartel (Monogram)
-[x] Wing the Hawk (Kitsune)
- -[x] Expose Hawk
-[x] Research Robo-Doppelganger bodies (Ludivine)
-[x] Research GalFed Translator Suite (Jumba)
-[x] Search for Magical Individuals

Quest Actions
-[x] Moolah and Magic
- -[x] Dr. Doofenshmirtz
- -[x] Agent Russ
- -[x] Janna
- -[x] Max
- -[x] Vanessa

Personal Actions
-[x] Dr. Doofenshmirtz
- -[x] Moolah and Magic
- -[x] Moolah and Magic
- -[x] Moolah and Magic
- -[x] Chat with the Bossman (Hego)

-[x] Goofy
- -[x] Finish your degree online

-[x] Genghis Khan
- -[x] Study science and technology

-[x] Wile E. Coyote
- -[x] Work for the Bossman
- - -[x] Develop a New Social Media Platform

-[x] Francis Monogram
- -[x] Work for Doctor Doofenshmirtz
- - -[x] Investigate the Middleton Drug Cartel

-[x] Agent Russ
- -[x] Moolah and Magic

-[x] Norm Prime
- -[x] End your obsession with platypodes

-[x] Dennis the Duck
- -[x] Search for Donald

-[x] Hego
- -[x] Do Good Deeds

-[x] Technor
- -[x] Work for Dr. Doof
- - -[x] Recruit from your rolodex (Wendy)

-[x] Max
- -[x] Moolah and Magic

-[x] Mirage
- -[ x] Work for Dr. Heinz
- - -[x] Reach out to Shego

-[x] Vanessa
- -[x] Moolah and Magic

-[x] Janna
- -[x] Moolah and Magic

-[x] Dr. Jumba Jookiba
- -[x] Work for fellow Evil Genius
- - -[x] Research GalFed Translator Suite

-[x] Ludivine von Drake
- -[x] Work for Dokta Doof
- - -[x] Research Robo-Doppelganger bodies

-[x] Queen Lizzy
- -[x] Work for Dr. Doofenshmirtz
- - -[x] Build roof-mounted laser cannons

-[x] Tobe and the Vagabond Ninja
- -[x] Speed Dating

-[x] Janus Lee
- -[x] Work for Dr. Doofenshmirtz
- - -[x] Dinosaur Entertainment

-[x] Kitsune
- -[x] Work for the Odd Apothecary
- - -[x] Wing the Hawk

-[x] Work on an extra action?
- -[x] Dinosaur Farming

Overclock Technor?
-[x] Don't overclock Technor

Activate an Inator?
-[x] Activate an Inator

Assign an Item
-[x] Potion of Fire Breath (currently unassigned)
- -[x] Dr. Doofenshmirtz

-[x] Ruby Wings (currently assigned to Temujin)
- -[x] Vanessa

-[x] XT9000 Jet Car
- -[x] Max

-[x] Jī Talisman (Currently unassigned)
- -[x] Dr. Doofenshmirtz


+Either PMC lasers or Roof lasers. We need Extra firepower.

+We already hold this up long enough! Send Mirage to professionally works out the partnership with Shego.
+We need Wendy to advance our AI. As for why Technor? He's a robot, he would definitely catch Wendy's attention.

+I agreed before to wait a turn on Social Media so that we can study some things to boost them up, but apparantly we don't have Anything That could make them better. Galfed Computers will only let us know about Space Politics. We would be waiting for nothing if we don't take Social Media now and letting ENCOM dominate the cyber world.
+With Dino Entertainment we can make use of the ??? In Large Herbivore Domestification.
+Dinosour farming had 65 DC. It's low enough we can assign LOVEMUFFIN to it. This will also close Toffee's threat on our corn rejection too to keep in mind.

+We are ignoring Doom, and for that we need a reason to do so. Exposing Hawk is the perfect reason for it as we need something public to smear Doom's good name and Kitsune would definitely bring the much needed pain on Doom and his organization. Sending Hawk with a Bang seems more of private affairs to me and wouldn't catch as much attention as exposing Hawk would do.
+ Monogram is the best suited to figure out what the hell is happening with the Drug Ring.

+Robo-Doppelganger bodies completes our AI research. Let's get it done.
+With the translator we could lessen the DC needed to translate the tranmission we get and go on Trash Quest.

+This is an action sink. I don't trust our occult remaining Hero Tobe on Demons and find what he could do on magic defense appealing.

+Harry Potter Mania
Max=Better Ron
Vanessa=Goth Hermione
Janna=Alt Harry
Russ=Sane Moody
Last edited:
[X] Plan: woweed
-[X] National Actions:
--[X] Outfit PMC with energy weapons (Queen Lizzie) (74%)
--[X] Recruit from your rolodex: Wendy Wower (Goofy) (82%)
--[X] Reach out to Shego (Janus Lee) (99%)
--[X] Dinosaur Farming (Hego) (79%)
--[X] Recruit new employees [Super ACME Unlimited] (Wile E. Coyote, Genius) (86%)
--[X] Wing the Hawk: Expose Hawk (Major Francis Monogram) (49%)
--[X] Investigate the Middleton Drug Cartel (Mirage) (32%)
--[X] Decrypt Galfed Computers (Dr. Jumba Jookiba) (60%)
--[X] Research Robo-Doppelganger bodies (Ludivine von Drake) (63%)
--[X] Create Magical Defenses (Kitsune) (52%)
--[X] Decentralize your Normbots (L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.) (72%)
-[X] Personal Actions:
--[X] Doof:
---[X] Quest: Moolah and Magic
---[X] Chat with the Bossman: Goofy
--[X] Genghis Khan (Find a new steed)
--[X] Norm Prime (Follow Father around)
--[X] Dennis the Duck (Search for Donald)
--[X] TECHNOR (Psychoanalyze: L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.)
--[X] Tobe and the Vagabond Ninja (Speed Dating)
-[X] Miscellaneous:
--[X] Don't Overclock TECHNOR
--[X] Activate an Inator
-[X] Item Assignments:
--[X] Rooster Talisman: Doof
--[X] Potion of Fire Breath: Doof
-[X] Quests:
--[X] Moolah and Magic (Martial: 66, Diplomacy: 51, Stewardship: 51, Intrigue: 69, Learning: 73, Occult: 43)
---[X] Quest Leader: Doof
---[X] Janna Ordonia
---[X] Max
---[X] Vanessa
---[X] Agent Russ
Last edited:
[X] Plan: Long Overdue

I can get behind that !

Also thank you for your reaction @kfrar, even if I'm not making a plan of my own in the end I'm glad someone gave me their opinion and knowing that Norm can be upgraded gradually reassure me quite a bit 👍
[X] Plan: Long Overdue

Some things I don't completely agree with on this plan but it continues building on our AI infrastructure and begins our dinosaur/entertainment monopoly plans and avoids a needless slugging match with ENCOM when there's more reliable ways to make money and more pressing threats to fight.