So can anyone tells me why are we ignoring Social Media? I thought the plan was to study some stuff to make them better before releasing it next turn. But apparantly we do not have anything to make it better, Galfed Computers only give us space politics instead of advanced computers like what I thought it would. From the looks of it any cyber proggression actions is locked inside the Social Media action itself even.

So can anyone tell me what are we exactly waiting for when ENCOM continues it's domination on Cyber World? Because to me we are waiting for nothing.
No clue. I'd vote for it. I'd also vote for anything to improve our computer software, but it looks like nothing does and nothing has sense we made that DoofOS security patch.
These update times are not kind to me.

Well, the plan-inator is now fully up to date, for what it's worth.

So can anyone tells me why are we ignoring Social Media? I thought the plan was to study some stuff to make them better before releasing it next turn. But apparantly we do not have anything to make it better, Galfed Computers only give us space politics instead of advanced computers like what I thought it would. From the looks of it any cyber proggression actions is locked inside the Social Media action itself even.

So can anyone tell me what are we exactly waiting for when ENCOM continues it's domination on Cyber World? Because to me we are waiting for nothing.
If we can't rely on GalFed computer tech, we can still lean on the AI side of things. Algorithms, doncha know. And we are hiring Wendy this turn, so we're making progress there.

Plus, if we can plug Earth's languages into the GalFed translation tech that most plans are also working on, we could add auto-translation to our Social Media site for extra global appeal.

There were multiple prospective options to make a better OS or social media service, so if we can't do the one we can still try another.
Is there a way to send Max back to school? Considering the last interlude he was part of, I'm not sure he ever finished it.....
I really want to get translation software out of the way so we can finally reach out to Drossel, or at least get closer too it. It's DC 140, so only really worth doing with Jumba atm.

Coffee with Von Drake is a bit of a tossup for me. It's in the right DC range and has good bonuses, but I could be persuaded to switch here. I am confident we want to use drake though, because she's only 1 worse than Janus at his learning specialty but he's 7 better at diplo.

Lovemuffin is on Normbots because it's an easy task that's in their success brackets. I could be convinced to do Silphium or Resinferatoxin here, but I currently believe it's best to get this done.

Alright, I'll make the arguments.

Coffee is okay, but Dopplganger bodies helps finish a really strong intrigue action we have already done a lot of the work on. Also, given that isolated networks made the AI's worse, it might imply that interaction, and therefore bodies, are part of the key to AI. Alternatively animal uplink suits, for mecha-dino riding Khan.

As for Lovemuffin, they currently have negative loyalty due to

Feels Unimportant: -10 (The fragile egos of L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N. have been bruised! They don't like being assigned to trivialities like buying out companies, they want to do important things, like mad science!)

Decentralizing our AI is useful, but it's not exactly mad science. We should give them some mad science, then decentralize.
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So can anyone tells me why are we ignoring Social Media? I thought the plan was to study some stuff to make them better before releasing it next turn. But apparantly we do not have anything to make it better, Galfed Computers only give us space politics instead of advanced computers like what I thought it would. From the looks of it any cyber proggression actions is locked inside the Social Media action itself even.

So can anyone tell me what are we exactly waiting for when ENCOM continues it's domination on Cyber World? Because to me we are waiting for nothing.
We're dealing with all the other Stewardship shit that also matters and is considerably more urgent than picking a fight with ENCOM in their unique and arguably sole area of strength.

As noted, GalFed translation technology may help us even if their computer tech itself does not, but beyond that it's just a fact that things take time and Social Media is only one of several ongoing projects. The big ones that are relevant are:

1) Hire enough hero units that we aren't constantly having to sacrifice Stewardship because our good Stewardship heroes are also our good heroes in other categories. Like, say what you will about Frugal Lucre being a jackass, at least we'd ONLY ever be putting him on Stewardship actions, almost exclusively, unlike, say... Mirage or Janus Lee or just about anyone else we use for Stewardship.

2) Capitalize on having brought back the freaking dinosaurs, which presents us with a lot of low-hanging Stewardship/Learning fruit.

3) Recover Castle Doofhawk and recover Doofenshmirtz' magical legacy, an important step given that Toffee, Demona, or other unknown actors are likely to plunge us into a magical conflict whether we like it or not.

Decentralizing our AI is useful, but it's not exactly mad science. We should give them some mad science, then decentralize.
That's fair. What's some suitable mad science in your opinion?
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I'd rather fight then just give up at the first sign of trouble. If we just want to give up on DoofOS now we might as well give up flying cars because we gave Shego Syndrome's information on them. *Gasp* She might compete against Doof on the market.

There is nothing wrong with competition, but there is in just giving up because someone didn't just give up their monopoly and you rolled poorly once. I mean look at Encom they failed a DC5 action twice, but look where we are now.
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That's fair. What's some suitable mad science in your opinion?

Human genetics is out lowest option, but with two genetics master-s on staff, we could try to go for a crit on that one (jumba is like, 75%ish likely to crit if we lower the DC), but since it's a gateway one, I'd prefer to just accept the normal roll and then go for the higher tech here. Silphium is likely to lead to the most immediate options, but like, we don't need more stewardship actions options and it's genetics. Resiniferatoxin, since it's only 10 DC higher and isn't genetic is probably the best if we want to save human genetics.
So for kitsune does her using her own lore to apply things like defenses apply for the bonus? such as using asian defensive charms?
These update times are not kind to me.

Well, the plan-inator is now fully up to date, for what it's worth.

If we can't rely on GalFed computer tech, we can still lean on the AI side of things. Algorithms, doncha know. And we are hiring Wendy this turn, so we're making progress there.

Plus, if we can plug Earth's languages into the GalFed translation tech that most plans are also working on, we could add auto-translation to our Social Media site for extra global appeal.

There were multiple prospective options to make a better OS or social media service, so if we can't do the one we can still try another.
Translation doesn't mean anything to social media as most Earth language already have them. Unless the Aliens somehow pays for internet I don't see the reason why we need translator beyond deciphering the odd transmission we get. And before you said it, no, those robots also did not count as they are isolated.

Hiring Wendy is only usefull for our AI programs, not social media. There is also no guarantee we are going to get new actions by getting new hero units like how we got nothing from Kitsune but several from Lee.
We're dealing with all the other Stewardship shit that also matters and is considerably more urgent than picking a fight with ENCOM in their unique and arguably sole area of strength.

As noted, GalFed translation technology may help us even if their computer tech itself does not, but beyond that it's just a fact that things take time and Social Media is only one of several ongoing projects. The big ones that are relevant are:

1) Hire enough hero units that we aren't constantly having to sacrifice Stewardship because our good Stewardship heroes are also our good heroes in other categories. Like, say what you will about Frugal Lucre being a jackass, at least we'd ONLY ever be putting him on Stewardship actions, almost exclusively, unlike, say... Mirage or Janus Lee or just about anyone else we use for Stewardship.

2) Capitalize on having brought back the freaking dinosaurs, which presents us with a lot of low-hanging Stewardship/Learning fruit.

3) Recover Castle Doofhawk and recover Doofenshmirtz' magical legacy, an important step given that Toffee, Demona, or other unknown actors are likely to plunge us into a magical conflict whether we like it or not.

That's fair. What's some suitable mad science in your opinion?
I agree on we have urgent stewardship actions, but to me what is urgent is the Dino Farming and Social Media, with Dino Farming having low enough DC to have LOVEMUFFIN handling it.

Hiring someone doesn't really appeal to me as we already had enough heroes already to fill in the slots with the only trouble we had is some heroes are more suitable with several important projects at the same turn. So as long as we survive this turn we can hire someone when things calms down.

While for the castle unless you intend to move the castle itself this turn to impress Xanatos I don't really see the appeal either.

Xanatos already covers enough ground to compete in magical community againts our foes, but in Cyber World we are the only ones capable of competing againts ENCOM.
Just got up...

jeez our list of learning options is LONG. We're going to need to play the long game, and figure out our priorities. Especially since research is only the first step in changing the world.
Any one consider sponsoring Hego as a crime fighter? Get him doing something in the public eye so Doom can't say we aren't going anything.

[ ] Sponsor a cape (Hego)
Any one consider sponsoring Hego as a crime fighter? Get him doing something in the public eye so Doom can't say we aren't going anything.

[ ] Sponsor a cape (Hego)
I'd prefer to wait until we have a team that can cover for his weak points. Anything bad happens to him, Shego will be on us.
I'd prefer to wait until we have a team that can cover for his weak points. Anything bad happens to him, Shego will be on us.
I'd rather have him do something instead of standing around acting like he's fine china. The guy is super strong and super durable in a area with crushed crime backed with bots that provide -10 to supers up to no good in our territory.

His development has been lackluster and he's pretty much just relegated to a stewardship monkey at this point or failing to connect to his sister every two months. I'd like to have him happy and as we develop we can support more supers to form a team.
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As long as she eventually went into the creepy woods and tried to find a fox girl that might or might not exist, she could treat this like a mini-vacation. Over the next few hours she took advantage of all that 'Sokyo had to offer. From the spectacular view of the bay by the oddly vacant Noridasuku district to an underground bot fight her father would definitely disapprove of. It was mostly uneventful, but she did come across a few odd fellows in red robes performing community service. Maybe some sort of outreach or charity program? She mentally shrugged.

So I decided to see if I could find more information on who this Cult is and here's what I found.
"No, I just go where the wind of justice takes me. Next week I'm thinking about taking down the evil demon cultists hiding down by the docks."

"What?" Peacekeeper asked.

"Yeah!" Fred wiggled his fingers. "They sacrifice hobos in the sewers in honor of their dark master far beneath the earth

Fred knows who they are and is probably doing something about it while not distracted by supervillains.

So here's what we know so far
  1. They wear red robes
  2. Are a semi-public organization who does community service
  3. Kidnap the homeless (Perhaps the community service is a way to scout out their targets?)
  4. They take the homeless to the docks for some reason. (Could be sacrifices but Fred might be reading the situation wrong.)
  5. Probably worship something evil like Bill.
Decentralizing our AI is useful, but it's not exactly mad science. We should give them some mad science, then decentralize.
I can't exactly cite this, but I'm pretty sure working with the Normbots gave L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N. the "We Feel Important" loyalty buff. I think. Can anybody else corroborate this?

In any case, I think they'll find managing our killbot army to be a satisfactory task.
Human genetics is out lowest option, but with two genetics master-s on staff, we could try to go for a crit on that one (jumba is like, 75%ish likely to crit if we lower the DC), but since it's a gateway one, I'd prefer to just accept the normal roll and then go for the higher tech here. Silphium is likely to lead to the most immediate options, but like, we don't need more stewardship actions options and it's genetics. Resiniferatoxin, since it's only 10 DC higher and isn't genetic is probably the best if we want to save human genetics.
So I decided to see if I could find more information on who this Cult is and here's what I found.

Fred knows who they are and is probably doing something about it while not distracted by supervillains.

So here's what we know so far
  1. They wear red robes
  2. Are a semi-public organization who does community service
  3. Kidnap the homeless (Perhaps the community service is a way to scout out their targets?)
  4. They take the homeless to the docks for some reason. (Could be sacrifices but Fred might be reading the situation wrong.)
  5. Probably worship something evil like Bill.
Bill isn't evil,he's CHAOTIC and LIBERATING.
In all seriousness,he's basically utterly beyond human morals,something Sixer never quite got.
For anyone considering having Norm try to overcome his programming you might want to upgrade him first. So the upgrades to his AI can be of use as they are installed.
[ ] Plan Magic and Muffin
-[] National Actions
--[] Outfit PMC with energy weapons (Queen Lizzy)
--[] Recruit from your Rolodex (Goofy)
---[] Wendy Wower
--[] Reach out to Shego (Janus Lee)
--[] Dinosaur Farming (Hego)
--[] Recruit New Employees [Super ACME Unlimited] (Wile E. Coyote)
--[] Expose Hawk (Major Monogram)
--[] Research GalFed Translator Suite (Jumba)
--[] Research Zero Point Energy Technology (Ludivine)
--[] Decentralize your Normbots (LOVEMUFFIN)
--[] Create Magic Defenses (Kitsune)
-[] Personal Actions
--[] Doof:
---[] Moolah and Magic (Doofenshmirtz, 3 actions)
---[] Chat with Bossman (Russ)
--[] Find a New Steed (Genghis Khan)
--[] Try to become a Real Boy (Norm Prime)
--[] Made Sandwiches (Dennis the Duck)
--[] Job Shadow Mirage (Vanessa)
--[] Reinforce Kronos Corp contacts (Mirage)
--[] Psychoanalyze LOVEMUFFIN (Technor)
--[] Speed Dating (Tobe and the Vagabond Ninja)
-[] Quest: Moolah and Magic
--[] Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz
--[] Norm Prime
--[] Max
--[] Janna Ordonia
--[] Agent Russ
-[] Misc:
-[] Don't overclock Technor
-[] Activate an Inator
--[] Jī Talisman (Wile E. Coyote)
--[] XT9000 (Max)

This plan is mostly the same as my previous plan. I took Vanessa out of Moolah and Magic and had her job shadow Mirage. I don't want Mirage to go investigate anything as that could risk Vanessa. I think Vanessa seeing Mirage reinforce Olympia contacts could help her. I don't really want to spy on Employees and Monogram seems suited towards exposing Hawk once and for all.

LOVEMUFFIN is on Decentralize your Normbots for the reasons that krfar pointed out. I have Ludivine on Zero point energy technology because I don't really care for the other Galfed options. It also has the potential of seriously helping us deal with crime. I mean, with stasis tech dealing with random mooks should be made much easier. We won't even have to use guns! While the coffee machine is something that Jumba would probably like working on, so he would have a better narrative and mechanical bonus.

I'm having Technor psychoanalyze LOVEMUFFIN so we can finally start working to improve them. I just want them to be a little willing to listen to Ludivine. Not to mention that if Technor succeeds? Basically any other psychoanalyze will be a piece of cake!

Honestly, I would like to switch Hego and Janus Lee, but I don't think Shego would appreciate us sending Hego for her to deal with.
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First I have a few things to ask :
-Goofy should be at 50 loyalty not 40, right ?
-Wasn't Russ already at 36 intrigue, or did he not get his +2 intrigue yet ?
-Khan's occult hasn't been added to his profile, can it be added please ?

That whole SRA campaign + Insuricare gave us absolutely nothing, neither DC reduction for anything cape relatated like recruitment or loyalty bonus on any of our capes. Ouch.

It does make ignoring Doom easier tough, if the whole point is to nullify whatever good will we got from the cape community, it should change nothing for us mechanical wise. We can always make pro-capes events with kings we actually respect later.

Speaking of ignoring Doom :

[ ] Plan: While the doctor is out !

-[ ] Quest:
--[ ] Moolah and Magic
---[ ] Quest Leader: Dr. Doofenshmirtz
---[ ] Vanessa
---[ ] Janna Ordonia
---[ ] Max
---[ ] Norm Prime

-[ ] National Actions :
--[ ] Upgrade Norm Prime (Ludivine von Drake)
--[ ] Reach out to Shego (TECHNOR)
--[ ] Recruit Wendy Wower (Goofy)
--[ ] Dinosaur Farming (Hego)
--[ ] Recruit new employees (Wile E. Coyote, Genius)
--[ ] Expose Hawk (Agent Russ)
--[ ] Spy on your employees (Mirage)
--[ ] Research exotic vehicles (Janus Lee)
--[ ] Study the SHV 20905 Plans (Queen Lizzy)
--[ ] Decentralize your Normbots (L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.)
--[ ] Create Magical Defenses (Kitsune)

-[ ] Personal Actions :
--[ ] Dr. Doofenshmirtz
---[ ] Browse Online for Interesting Stories
--[ ] Genghis Khan (Study science and technology)
--[ ] Major Francis Monogram (Reorganize OWCA)
--[ ] Dennis the Duck (Train with your Instructor)
--[ ] Dr. Jumba Jookiba (Talk with fellow evil scientists)
--[ ] Tobe and the Vagabond Ninja (Speed Dating)

-[ ] Miscellaneous :
--[ ] Work on an extra action? (L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.)
---[ ] Decentralize your Normbots
--[ ] Don't Overclock TECHNOR
--[ ] Activate an Inator

-[ ] Items :
--[ ]XT9000 Jet Car
---[ ]Dr. Doofenshmirtz
--[ ] Jī Talisman
---[ ]Dr. Doofenshmirtz

Explanation :
Quest : I added Norm because if we bring the kids, we might as well bring all our children (shame you're not available as a hero unit yet Princess Coffee Java).

Martial : Upgrade Norm has gone from 83 to 120, unless Made in Heaven allow us to upgrade Norm on several turns rather than all at once, we need to do it now while we still can.

Diplomacy : Reach Shego of course, recruit Wendy and accept that Doom is going to get some hits on us, it sucks but we should be able to get back our reputation with the supers without alienating our toon friends, let him gloat for now, we have better things to do and there's no respectfully decline Doom's offer action anyway.

Stewardship : Dino farm to make the lives of everyone better, recruit new employees to help with the more difficult DC (like the castle) in the future.

Intrigue : Expose Hawk to mitigate whatever poison Doom will spit at us, Spy on your employees to hopefully get Kat while we still can.

Learning : The DC of the laser has been lowered to 90 and the sooner we learn about ENCOM the better, Exotic vehicles is here to be a step closer to hurt Doom's freeways and the Galfed add even more gambling to this plan, let's wait and see what Wendy can help us with next turn if we manage to recruit her. It helps that neither of those actions should make upgrading Norm harder if Von Drake fails.

Occult : We need some defenses and it's one of the lower DC in a category we are currently garbage at, good luck Kitsune.

Personnal :
I put Khan on study technology so he can lower his malus with technology, a steed sounds nice but let's wait to have Jumba create a worthy one first.
I put Doof on browse online instead of chat with the bossman for another chance at finding Kat thanks to Candace's pictute if Mirage fails at finding him.
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