Don't be too focused on the straightforward Shakespeare characters that you miss the more covert ones. Dingo's story arc is Henry V with power armor.
Ahh, and I'm throwing a wild guess on Mythology and history is that David's entire life is the Story of Gilgamesh and his struggle for immortality and his realization that he's not going to get it.

Because that's what I got after watching David's Arc in the show.
Doof meeting with marco at dei

Doof:"Ah, marco diaz, welcome to my humble abode; you're friend janna's told me aaallllll about you"

Marco, charging us a death beam: "What did you do to her, doofenshmirtz?"

Doof: "oh, I hired her."


Doof, blushing at the compliment: "Why thank you!"
Unfortunately this shot of Marco's back doesn't answer the question of if he was able to develop those majestic abs he got chasing after Hekapoo in Dimension X-103.

Meh 6/Jojo

he needs to up his ab game
So, on the subject of Tobe's love life (yes, I'm going there), I just had a thought. Tobe wants a nemesis, he needs to find True Love to get stronger. Why not both?

Set him up with a nemesis-slash-girlfriend. Tobe is already a man who spends most of his time and dedication on his nemesis, so little would change for him, provided his significant other shares these sensibilities.

That said, I'm accepting suggestions on that fractious matchmaking.
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Aquire Research Utilize.
Aquire Research Utilize.
A Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated Division.



ARU-009 is to be kept in a quack storage module¹, unplugged and unconnected to any electronic with data storage capabilities when not in use. Do not under any circumstances connect ARU-009 into a phone line, network, or power outlet outside of a testing chamber. It is to be under guard whether in storage or in a testing chamber by at least two decentralized V-class Norm units with anti-toon, anti-super, anti-mystic, anti-xeno and anti-cyber subroutines set to level VI with escalation mode engaged. The Norm units are to be rotated on a bi-weekly basis for routine repairs, a system check, and because we're evil not monsters. They get bored and have plans for their time off². ARU-009 is operated through a custom II-class Norm unit³.

Should at anytime during storage: One or both Norm units go offline, diverge from standard guarding behavior 3, a dimensional rift manifest, the alert signal not be sent at the standard 0.251 seconds, or the outside monitoring station's isolated live feed stutter, cut off, be suspected of being on loop the room is to be magnetically locked, the airlock engaged and the room vented of its air. The rapid IV-class airborne tranquilizer dispersal system is to be engaged once the air is vented.

Four V-class Norm units are to be sent to ascertain the status of ARU-009. The DEI Council is to be alerted in cases 5 through Gold.

ARU-009 is a ENCOM SHV 20905 digitization laser. It is composed of a barrel, the 9 cylindrical matter to data conversion units inter-spaced around the barrel, and 4 cylindrical secondary energy containment units surrounding a main containment unit under the barrel that doubles as a stand. It is powered through a three pronged DEI industrial cable and is connected to its own separate power supply and is not to be connected to Doofania's power grid when in a testing chamber.

The plans for ARU-009 were purchased on [DATA EXPUNGED] for ten million dollars from [DATA EXPUNGED] through a DEI Agent as [DATA EXPUNGED] wanted a portion of the payment in unmarked bills and government bonds aside from electronic payment. The plans were stored on a USB thumb drive and given to the DEI Agent during the physical transfer of payment and the electronic wiring of payment at the transfer site. Analysis of the USB drive revealed nothing more than the plans purchased. It is suspected that [DATA EXPUNGED] wanted a physical transfer to take place to better ascertain DEI's receptibility towards possible future dealings and as potential blackmail material. ARU-009 was later constructed on [DATA EXPUNGED].

The ARU-009 converters matter to data and back perfectly through the [DATA EXPUNGED] process, which exploits a novel interact between electromagnetism, [DATA EXPUNGED], [DATA EXPUNGED], and a connection to any electronic with data storage capabilities. Data and digital entities can be converted into matter but it is an energy intensive process from what experimentation has uncovered. A digitized subject will either experience time dilation when connected to the World Wide Web or have their experience be a 1:1 ratio with real time on an isolated system unconnected to the World Wide Web. Data and reasons as to why this is, is inconclusive. Further testing is needed but as a consequence of there being a time dilation effect while in the World Wide Web the idea has been brought to the DEI Council regarding the possibility of a digitization farming project. Whether through digitizing farming materials and growing produce in the World Wide Web or converting data to matter is for the DEI Council to decide.

Experiment Log carried out by The League Of Villainous Evildoers Maniacally United For Frightening Investments in Naughtiness (L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.):

Connection: A Texas Instruments TI-Nspire CX.
Digitization: An apple.
Result: An apple sprite was visible on the calculator at the conclusion of the digitization process.
A flash of light on activation of ARU-009, the apple left no traces in the testing chamber such as ash, vapor, or anything to indicate that the digitization process compromised the apple in such a way that would indicate an apple being severed or harmed in a traditional fashion. Promising indication that subjecting people or animals to digitization won't have blood leaking all over the testing chamber. Scanning of the testing chamber and the ARU-009 digitization laser revealed no production of harmful radiation or noteworthy exotic energies.

Connection: Texas Instruments TI-Nspire CX.
Digitization: 1 I-Class Norm unit
Result: Connection lost to the Norm unit. Five and a half minutes later the ARU-009 powers up again without any input from personnel and the custom Norm unit³ automatically begins to processes necessary ARU-009 calculations. The previously digitized Norm unit reported that from being digitization to its return the duration was 5.5 minutes. The following footage is a combination of the process of digitization from the outside and the Norm unit's recording of the process.

A Norm sprite was visible on the calculator for a two and a half minute duration and was seen to pick up the apple sprite, study his surroundings, walk towards the border of the screen and disappear. Three minutes later the ARU-009 activated and deposited the Norm unit back into the testing chamber. The Norm unit described the calculator as a 'cramped but a cool experience! It felt sort of familiar!' that the most notable feature in the calculator was a platform emitting a beam of light into a 'dark sky', he then proceeded towards it and after reaching it decided to step into the light beam. The Norm unit also remarked that 'the black suit with green and purple lights was pretty cool'. Analysis of the calculator showed the battery being almost drained and its data storage unit being partial damaged.

Connection: The latest DEI computer installed with DoofOS™.
Digitization: Agent CH who volunteered to undergo digitization. Equipped with a DEI extreme environmental suit, a pack of DEI rations, and a DEI survival pack.
Result: Agent CH was gone for one day real time and reported having experienced roughly one week of digitization time and was able to establish friendly contact with digital entities calling themselves 'Programs' and 'Isomorphic Algorithms'. He also reports seeing little representations of internet users interacting with the World Wide Web. Agent CH in addition commented that the other than the DEI ExEVSuit everything remained on his person, that the black suit with green and purple lights that replaced it was 'muy chido, me sentí muy futurístico (very cool, I felt very futuristic)'. Also the return of Agent CH triggered a ten minute blackout in Doofania. The following is footage of the World Wide Web.

Interview Log 009c-1: The following was conducted by Dr. Bringdown



[1] A 10m x 10m x 10m steel reinforced 5m thick concrete room alchemically treated with [INSUFFICIENT SECURITY CLEARANCE], on level [INSUFFICIENT SECURITY CLEARANCE]. Outfitted with a magnetically sealable entrance door, airborne tranquilizer dispersal system, vacuum system, air lock, and a connected monitoring station.

[2] Why is does that rusted Romeo continue to badger my Chloe?! -Aloyse Everheart Elizabeth Otto Wolfgang Hypatia Gunther Galen Gary Cooper von Roddenstein

[3] The Norm unit that allows for the ARU-009 to work. It has the necessary software, interface capabilities, and processing power to not have you come out like chunky salsa when you're reconstituted into matter or for the energy you're made of blowing up in our faces. -Dr. Bloodpudding

[4] Jes, that means jou have to read el work and safety booklet to know what to do in situaciónes 5 al Gold . But honestamente just watch el Doctor Doofenshmirtz's seminar vídeo.
(Yes, that means you have to read the work and safety booklet to know what to do in situations 5 to Gold. But honestly just watch Doctor Doofenshmirtz's seminar video.) -Dr. Killbot

[5] Ve still have not patched hole in test chamber три and TECHNOR, DA MECHANIKAL MAN is still сердитый. To be fair to da MECHANIKAL MAN ve had niet vay of knoving Agent CH vould bring back zings or zat konverting data to matter vould kause blackout!
(We still have not patched the hole in test chamber 3 and TECHNOR, THE MECHANICAL MAN is still angry. To be fair to the MECHANICAL MAN we had no way of knowing Agent CH would bring back things or that converting data to matter would cause a blackout!) -Dr. Jacob

[6] Someone edited in musical accompaniment and deleted the original. I personally like it but it's not a hard bar to pass when compared to Greenland's national anthem, which I do compare to all music. -Professor Bannister

[7] Occult testing concluded that the ARU-009 does not kill what it converts to data and back. Yes your soul is very much still attached to your meat suit and you are NOT being replaced by a clone. Stop. Asking. I WILL CUT OF THE TONGUE of the next person who asks! - Dr. Paulsen

So yeah some L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N. love mixed with some SCPish format. Yes this a future that may or may not exist at some point depending on what the thread decides and probably maybe some dice rolls on the QM's part.

I'm taking inspiration from the Tron movie I saw recently in preparation to write this, the CinemaSins of Legacy, and the two Wreck-It-Ralph (WIR) movies I saw when they came out. Hot take: The Tron wiki is better than Tron 1982 and Legacy, though in the spirit of being fair to Legacy I have not actually seen it just the CinemaSins.

Anyhow some stuff that I got in my head are we own Disney, not sure how Internet Disney from WIR is gonna be handled with the Princesses or Star Wars if at all, plus WIR has a Tron arcade game in the second movie. Though I think Flynn invented the LightCycle game in the first movie and it was in his arcade too? We own Disney. Yeah I said it twice.


Time dilation is for the internet and not for things not in the internet. It'd be weird for games like in WIR to be running faster as they appeared to run 1:1 time wise.

So digital farming without the internet is print potatoes from a self made video game at the cost of lots of energy that gets turned into said potatoes. Or using it as extra space to grow stuff in real time... could be the start of some Capsule Corp storage devices(?). Energy being turned into matter is better for my head instead of Sam dating Quorra in meat space with what amounts to the matter that used to be his dad. Otherwise literally digitize a bunch of BnL trash and use its matter to print food.

Anyhow things that are from meat space get a basically free pass other than what it costs to activate the ARU-009.

Time dilation in the internet gets the weird Tron cycles, hope I conveyed that through the Experiment Results. So it'd be good for growing things at a faster rate as long as we digitize things and it'd get energy free pass since it was originally from meat space but it'd come with the risk that not just food would come out.

Another thing that I don't know if someone else has brought up is Toons and Programs are basically cousins? Like they're both born through the creative efforts of humans. Tron and WIR are basically about Programs it's just that one is more for entertainment while another is for more day to day probably important things. Ideally cyberspace has a day and night cycle, day is WIR looking while night is Tron looking. Worst/best case is the Interwebs is split (for whatever reason) between DoofSpace which is WIR looking while ENCOM space is Tron looking.


The Agent CH interview I'll maybe edit in later but probably make into it's own omake. Anyone wondering why ARU-009 is 009 it's because

ARU-001- Khan
ARU-002- Rodney
ARU-003- Galactic Federation Energy weapon
ARU-004- Greevil
ARU-005- Palladium Chip
ARU-006- Flamenco Gigante
ARU-007- Lee Industries

and 008 will maybe probably be something else. At least that's how I see it so far.

Dr. Jacob and Paulsen get their names from who they're voiced by in the wiki. [7] is for those Posterinos wondering if digitization is basically 'Beam me up Scotty'... no one? Just me? Okay cool :V. (The theory that the teleporters in Star Trek are making clones and not teleporting people). Hopefully some of ya got a chuckle outta the two videos and the footnotes.

I think I'm supposed to @Made in Heaven so it doesn't get lost so I'ma do that. Apologies if I'm not supposed to.
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So yeah some L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N. love mixed with some SCPish format. Yes this a future that may or may not exist at some point depending on what the thread decides and probably maybe some dice rolls on the QM's part.
I'm a sucker for SCP content, and the format mixed with the light-hearted tone that follows LOVEMUFFIN makes for good content in my opinion. I wouldn't mind seeing more of these.
It was also funny to see how speechless and irrevalant Doom was, he didn't even get any lines!
That's because he ran away at the start.
Mayor or not, hard evidence or not, this is a sign that the US Government might actually be able to start making moves against Doom directly. Doom might be focusing his attention away from us, or arrested outright, all above-board and legally, and we don't have to lift a finger to make it happen.
I'm not quite sure about that. Disregarding conjecture about the US Government's current inability to control the Kings, Russ explicitly said in the interlude that Doom's status protects him even now. I doubt we'll see much pull that way unless we ourselves establish relations with the Feds and try to collaborate on it.
You know I would like some beach side Property
Technically, Doof has beach side property on the Great Salt Lake :p
I'm just disappointed that, after we were promised the world's greatest criminal mind, we didn't get Ratigan.
If you're going to get a criminal mind from outside Gridlocked, I say call the Cooper Gang. I'm sure they'd love to go off and expose Bellwether!
So what you're telling that Doom's natural enemy King is Doc, ruler of Radiator Springs? :V
That's conjecture, and isn't really supported by the events of the show.
It is not conjecture. As I have stated before, it was one of those things talked about on the live chat Q&A's the Disney XD YouTube channel hosted.

I'll put the part two of the Halloween one in a separate post. Apparently SV has a media limit of 5.

I don't really know what is in the two Halloween chats, because I didn't know those existed. I also don't know if these are all the chats. These were all livestreams, and I don't know how many Disney bothered saving. The MarcoLive 2, for example, wasn't on their channel. Neither was the StarFan one, and I know I didn't watch that one on FaceBook because I never go to FaceBook nor use it.

Mind you, not everything is canon in there. Like, I'm fairly certain Marco didn't meet Bill Cipher, nor did he spend Valentine's Day with Hekapoo, or discuss ship names with Star. It's more like if it is immediately relevant to the show, you can probably take it as second-degree WoG.

Tl;DR: They are in there and not just conjecture. Wouldn't recommend watching them all unless you are particularly bored though. It's mostly just fluff.
What's the coolest way for Janna to show up when contacting Marco? On the back of the Spycycle with Russ or in the flying car? Obviously the best would be with Toffee's dimensional scissors, but that's probably a DC 300 check, or so.
Obviously riding in on that beast she can summon. Gotta show off the new pet. Marco isn't the only one that picked up a beast of burden now! :p
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I'm a sucker for SCP content, and the format mixed with the light-hearted tone that follows LOVEMUFFIN makes for good content in my opinion. I wouldn't mind seeing more of these.
I like the stereotypical containment cell with classic poorly thought out SCP dimensions.

See, a 10x10x10 foot room kind of makes sense- it's about the size of a small, cramped bedroom but with a high ceiling. But a 10x10x10 meter room is about 33 feet on a side... including a 33-foot high ceiling. Which is rather absurd.

Arguably, so is using sixteen foot thick reinforced concrete walls for something like the SHV laser, unless it's got a LOT more potential to go 'boom' than I thought... But again, lovable SCP reference.
I like the stereotypical containment cell with classic poorly thought out SCP dimensions.

See, a 10x10x10 foot room kind of makes sense- it's about the size of a small, cramped bedroom but with a high ceiling. But a 10x10x10 meter room is about 33 feet on a side... including a 33-foot high ceiling. Which is rather absurd.

Arguably, so is using sixteen foot thick reinforced concrete walls for something like the SHV laser, unless it's got a LOT more potential to go 'boom' than I thought... But again, lovable SCP reference.

well matter has a lot of energy in it if the energy is released it could range from anything from a small nuke to an antimatter warhead. I'm not even certain our building would be able to survive that,maybe if we had a few toons to reduce it to everyone being covered in soot and coughing? But I'm not sure even the toon force could stop that.
Right, but that raises the question:

Why the hell does ENCOM keep one of the things in their building? If there was any real chance of these devices hiccuping and releasing nuclear-equivalent energy yields, then that would be suicidal recklessness.

Furthermore, if you really are worried about nuclear-grade explosions coming off of the thing, the solution isn't to suspend it in a thirty foot cube with fifteen foot thick concrete walls. It's to put it somewhere several miles out of town. One thing the American West (and by extension, the Tri-State Area) has in abundance is sparsely populated countryside where a nuclear explosion won't hurt very many things.
Right, but that raises the question:

Why the hell does ENCOM keep one of the things in their building? If there was any real chance of these devices hiccuping and releasing nuclear-equivalent energy yields, then that would be suicidal recklessness.

Furthermore, if you really are worried about nuclear-grade explosions coming off of the thing, the solution isn't to suspend it in a thirty foot cube with fifteen foot thick concrete walls. It's to put it somewhere several miles out of town. One thing the American West (and by extension, the Tri-State Area) has in abundance is sparsely populated countryside where a nuclear explosion won't hurt very many things.
  1. Evil
  2. These things eat up a ton of power you're going to need acess to a hell of a power grid
  3. It requires acess to the Internet the greater the Server the better.
  4. Many of the benefits require it being kept close
  5. Leaving a highly valuable piece of tech out in the middle of nowhere is a quick way of having it stolen.
  6. It's relatively stable you just can't futz around with it too much
The Tron laser doesn't convert you to energy and then send you through a computer system. No computer system could handle that load. It sends to a metaphorical representation of the computer system on another plane.
See, a 10x10x10 foot room kind of makes sense- it's about the size of a small, cramped bedroom but with a high ceiling. But a 10x10x10 meter room is about 33 feet on a side... including a 33-foot high ceiling. Which is rather absurd.

To my understanding 10m is the size of a school bus while 5m is half a bus.

In my head the quack storage module is maybe one of many storage places/modules/cells if that helps?

The large size anyway in my head is in case of any teleportation shenanigans happening Norm gots plenty of space to let loose. Though the ARU-009 would probably get destroyed if Norm cut loose?
Anyhow also to make it tough on people who try to dig through level [INSUFFICIENT SECURITY CLEARANCE] and into the module.

Or if the URA-009 gets connected and somehow juiced enough by someone who wants to port in Digimon some Programs Norm isn't stuck in a small space. According to my memory Norm is a large boy anyway 🤷‍♂️ so the more space the better.

In case of ARU-009 going boom maybe level level [INSUFFICIENT SECURITY CLEARANCE] and the alchemically treated concrete will save the day :rofl:. To be honest with ya I wasn't aware that silly storage procedure was an SCP thing, but if that's what got a chuckle either cause it made ya go 'SOB broken lol' or cause 'classic SCP' I'm glad :D.

Maybe just consider it the design of someone super paranoia but not practical? Rodney's maybe overthinking things with his big ol brain.

The Tron laser doesn't convert you to energy and then send you through a computer system. No computer system could handle that load. It sends to a metaphorical representation of the computer system on another plane.

The wiki didn't give me a clear answer nor did the first Tron movie. So I sorta browsed the Web and cherry picked 'Matter->Energy->Data=Digitization' also cause of that energy drink that Programs chug being 'energy' somehow. Not real deep on Tron lore in all honesty. Just wanted to go through what Tron/Wreck-It-Ralph would turn out combo ed.
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