Counterpoint. For all, we know these are warrior spriirts, and attacking and besting them will earn their respect far better than mere talking.
I'm, uh, not 100% sure about that?
The mountain spirits can be appeased with clear words and signs of respect.
I'm not sure what constitutes a sign of respect, but given it's in the diplomacy option, and not the martial option, probably doesn't involve trial by combat.
Two things before I go to bed.

One imagine Captain Doofania Genghis Khan but knowing magic from Grunkle Mal.

Two imagine the above but add Hegos researched and recreated Blue Glow to him as well.
Specifically, "motion to the motionless". It brings things to life; to the point that when applied to a statue of an actual person, the statue has all the memories of the original subject and may even believe that they are, in fact, said subkect. They are even able to gain the subject's supernatural powers (as shown in a case where a statue of Quetzalcoatl was animated).
So do we want to do the thing that will most likely succeed or diplomacy which is likely the more in character option.

I'm good either way. Chicken Itza was a bit of a disaster and we still got great stuff from it.
I feel diplomacy is something the Khan would do. These are the spirits of his homeland, something he has shown to have a strong connection to. Plus who would know more about what Xanadu and what e might find within then the its spirits?
I am honestly just happy to be reminded of Jackie Chan Adventures. It brought back a lot of happy memories watching the show when I was little.
... Guys. Xanatos said that a partial set of them was at the auction. I'm thinking that whatever ones Feldrake got his mitts on, combined with whatever is in the temple, are going to be the rest of the set.
Is this the one from Jackie Chan's Adventures?

Homage, not crossover.

... Guys. Xanatos said that a partial set of them was at the auction. I'm thinking that whatever ones Feldrake got his mitts on, combined with whatever is in the temple, are going to be the rest of the set.

Pretty good chance that there is also one of these things in Castle Doofhawk, that one McGuffin that ended there as a result of a good random event roll.