Benefits get? Yes, please.
I kid, but it's been 4 months in-universe and we still don't have a dental plan.
We did bring up the position of benefits manager with him when we gave him our hiring pitch.
Well, Syndrome probably will want to attack us now, as we do have Hego working for us. And Syndrome isn't exactly... sane when it comes to heroes/capes.
Also, we're between him and Shego, who he probably
really wants to get at.
Because she doesn't just harbor or hire the occasional cape. She IS a cape.
And she has specifically turned her territory into a refuge for capes to an even greater extent than we have for toons. And her entire style of running the place is centered around this 'having powers makes you special and we'll totally let that give you an advantage in life" schtick, which is maximally opposed to Syndrome's own desires and ambitions.
On the other hand, Syndrome has his own problems.
His territory is landlocked. It consists mainly of Nevada, Idaho, and upstate/inland Washington and Oregon. Aside from Las Vegas where he keeps hi capital, these are territories that in real life are known for mining, grain, cattle, far-right militias, and
not much else. His economic and industrial powerbase may well be thinner and lighter than one might otherwise expect, forcing him to rely very heavily on a relative handful of superweapons that are spread out controlling a lot of land. And he's got the zaibatsu for neighbors, and they have access to the relatively large economy of California plus possible foreign assets.
And the poor bastard has to share a
land border with...
whatever is going on inside the Oregon Triangle, which is a whole different order of problem than anything he's ever faced, and I suspect his mental toolkit for dealing with it is basically reduced to "build better robots," which probably isn't cutting it very well.