If we turn him we will stop making him look like a idiot and his job will be more secure not less.

Where are you getting that he is getting fired in a few months? His job is in peril only because we were actively making him look bad. We turn him, he suddenly seems more competent, everything is fine and dooms spymaster secretly tells us everything.

It would be like taking a spy on doom action every turn. Doom is one of our main antagonists. This would utterly cripple what he could do to us.
He had already been bad at his job for a while. It's the mysterious guy from L.A who is making him look bad and it's us instead leading him around that makes Doom starting to reconsider his decision. It will also fall apart soon too considering Glomgold going Pro-Super instead of Pro-Toon like what Hawk had gathered.
The thing is, if we managed to subvert Hawk, we can make him look good really easily. Choose a few safe-houses to purposely let him raid (after evacuating everyone). Have him declare he found a spy in Doof's territory and then make startlingly accurate predictions of what we do next. Have him foil fake plots while leaving enough evidence to believe the plot is real. The opportunities with a double agent to make them look good are endless. I doubt he'd last long, but if he gets even a bit of information or managed to say, finger Toffee and get Doom in a war, well, mission accomplished.
Pleakley flips open his communicator. "Hello Wildlife Preserve? This is uh… Acting Commander? I think? Acting Commander Pleakley speaking! I got caught on Jumba's craft by mistake. After careful thought, I've decided it would be best for me to follow him."

"'Commander' Pleakley, your heroism is appreciated, but this is madness! It's nothing short of insanity to mount a mission into Evronian space, let alone by yourself!"
I had a thought, but it could be really bad so hopefully I'm wrong. There's something people might've missed from the Blue Hawaii quest: as far as GalFed knowns, and I'm willing to take them on their word for that: Earth is considered Evronian Space.

These jerks. So the question is, where are they? Could they be working with the other faction known to harness the power of emotions? Is that why Gantu was so displeased by what he discovered?
So our therapy action next turn. Janna or Stanley?
I agree that Stanley should come next, but I'd go another step and say that someone else should come before Janna.
"Don't worry Linda. DEI understands this kinda thing. Have you thought about a therapist?"

"Hmm. I'm not sure why I haven't considered that before."

"I can recommend a good one."
As she started to cross the hall, she was thrown backwards as a yowling, hairless cat launched itself at her face. With a shriek she jumped out of the way just in time to watch the hateful little creature land on its feet and hiss at her.

She shuddered. Between the soulless black eyes, the lack of fur, and the eternally devious expression that seemed to be on its face, the Flynn-Fletcher's newest pet gave Candace the willies. Her parents had decided to name it 'Kat', reasoning they 'might not want to get too attached to this one'. She understood why.
How big of a priority she is will probably come down to how worried we are about Kat and if we find any other leads in the meantime.
I should note that space stuff probably takes influence from the DVV: Space expansion.

I'd ignore a good 100% of that map. It's very out of date and was questionable when it was made, because honestly making a map out of the galaxy is easier said than done.

An alternate map I was going to propose had the Pirate Confederacy in the "North" with Netherspace in the "East", but directions are a pain in the ass when you're talking about three dimensions. Get what I mean?
Huh...so DVV: Space isn´t (as I thought) an indipendent third gaming system, but instead a possible addon to either Gridlocked or Classic...neat
A minor correction: It is its own setting, but due to the heavy overlap and lack of an explicit "Earth" it can be used as a companion to an active Classic or Gridlocked game. I've seen DVV Space executed as its own campaign (where I played a lost cosmonaut) but also seen it added as bonus material for other games. It's really down to GM discretion.

For an example, my Gridlocked game had XS-Tech interfering with Earth affairs behind the Galactic Federation's back. XS wasn't in Space at the time and was added later, but the intent there was to show some other goings-on that were occurring from outside the solar system.
A minor correction: It is its own setting, but due to the heavy overlap and lack of an explicit "Earth" it can be used as a companion to an active Classic or Gridlocked game. I've seen DVV Space executed as its own campaign (where I played a lost cosmonaut) but also seen it added as bonus material for other games. It's really down to GM discretion.

For an example, my Gridlocked game had XS-Tech interfering with Earth affairs behind the Galactic Federation's back. XS wasn't in Space at the time and was added later, but the intent there was to show some other goings-on that were occurring from outside the solar system.

Huh, I´d have thought that since Earth in DVV: Space is in GalFed space, it´d default to that series´ iteration of our world.
Ga- Ga- Gantu,
Hero of Galactic Federation!
Ga- Ga- Gantu,
Hero of Galactic Federation!

Now that we got that out of the way, my thoughts on card reading:

Janna's is that we should hire Kitsune if we want help in hiring Star. It doesn't get more obvious than demon and feminine influence. Plus gotta make use of that OC that was added.

Tobe and gang need no explanation.

No idea about Dream Queen and 22-26. Someone said it was Egypt coordinates? I guess that could help? Maybe it is mentioned on Felldrake's map...

And Doof one that someone is going to seriously hurt or break magical or some sort of masquerade in the next year. That someone being vengeful female, angry about her mate's death. (please not Eclipsa, please not Eclipsa...) And that her backup plan after that would be searching for Star and taking her magic in return for helping her beat Toffee? Star is the only Mewni Royalty that has hearts that I know of, and I remember her losing cheek marks only when magic started dissappearing because of ritual.

Making a note that all above are just my thoughts and shouldn't be taken as a proven fact.

Celena is precious. I demand more screentime for shy queen, even if it sounds counterintuitive. Also we have quite a ghost gang forming up at this point. Gruncle Mal, Felldrake, Celena...

Maybe the love Tobe needs to find is Celena? Learn about love and how to accept loss... pfft, I'm mostly joking of course, but it's not like Celena's husband and her relationship to him is mentioned anywhere, she could've just had her daughter to continue the royal line and that's it. :V Their interactions were pretty cute anyways, I'd love to let the Tobe gang handle any future Celena summoning just to see their funny dynamic again.
Huh, I´d have thought that since Earth in DVV: Space is in GalFed space, it´d default to that series´ iteration of our world.
You have it backwards. DVV Space isn't in the Galactic Federation area; The Galactic Federation happens to be in DVV Space. They act as a bridge to Gridlocked if you want to link the settings together, but it works on its own to a limited extent. Remember, the map Lord Ultimus posted is to be ignored.

I know it's confusing, but that's why I didn't want to include the Galactic Federation in Space at the start. The Space setting could use some reworking and we might address that in the future.

EDIT: I may have misread your post. Whoops. The bottom line is that "Earth" isn't a fixed thing in DVV Space. I'd ignore Earth entirely if I was running a straight Space game.
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[x] Buy The Laser.

Definitely getting the laser, not only does it give us an in with the Tron characters and Wreck-It Ralph the practical applications of the device are incredible. I have two on the top of my head
1. Physical storage and transportation. Depending on how much we could store on a thumb drive, it doesn't have to be an entire semi truck worth of stuff even if it's just a medium to small-sized box. It's still just physically as big as a thumb drive. The space saved and the amounts we could ship goes up drastically.
2. Digitalized prison. You know for the guys we don't ever want to escape.
How many interludes are left? Or are we waiting for the July/August action decision?
February 2025, Castle Doofhawk has finally been moved. Malifishmirtz steps out, stretches, only to see Feldrake, Celena, and the other half dozens ghosts we've collected.