If we're posting pre-turn plans, here're my current, pre-actually-seeing-turn-options, thoughts.

[] Plan: Multi-Track Drifting
-[] National Actions:
--[] Outfit PMC with energy weapons (Queen Lizzie) (CoS: 74%, 84% w/ XP)
--[] Reach out to Shego (Vanessa) (CoS: 95%, 99% w/ XP)
--[] Something Something SRA (Goofy) (CoS: ???+50)
--[] Develop a new social media platform (Phineas and Ferb) (CoS: 78%, 88% w/ XP)
--[] Rebrand Insuricare (Hego) (CoS: ???+43)
--[] Subvert Hawk? (Agent Russ) (CoS: ???+53)
--[] Search for Star (Tobe and the Vagabond Ninja) (CoS: ???+40)
--[] Dinosaurs? (Dr. Jumba Jookiba) (CoS: ???+111)
--[] Research doppelganger AI (Ludivine von Drake) (CoS: ???+82)
--[] Capoeira dance magic (Dennis the Duck) (CoS: ???+0)
--[] Buy out Lee Industries? (L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.) (CoS: 78%, 88% w/ XP)
--[] Investigate Toffee (Dickens Detective Agency) (CoS: 70%, 80% w/ XP)
-[] Personal Actions:
--[] Doof:
---[] Read your Spellbook (120/150)
---[] Hire the Dickens Detective Agency
---[] Summon Malifishmertz
---[] Tinker with your Inators
--[] Goofy (Work for Dr. D: Something Something SRA)
--[] Major Francis Monogram (Reorganize OWCA (127/250))
--[] Wile E. Coyote, Genius (Look through ACME's records)
--[] Genghis Khan (Quest: You Made Me Love Xanadu)
--[] Agent Russ (Work for the Good Doctor: Subvert Hawk?)
--[] Norm Prime (Be Incapacitated)
--[] Hego (Work for your evil boss: Rebrand Insuricare)
--[] Dennis the Duck (Help the Pharmacist: Capoeira dance magic)
--[] TECHNOR (Psychoanalyze: Stanley)
--[] Max (Quest: You Made Me Love Xanadu)
--[] Mirage (Quest: You Made Me Love Xanadu)
--[] Vanessa (Work for dad: Reach out to Shego)
--[] Janna Ordonia (Quest: You Made Me Love Xanadu)
--[] Dr. Jumba Jookiba (Work for fellow Evil Genius: Dinosaurs?)
--[] Ludivine von Drake (Work for Dokta Doof: Research doppelganger AI)
--[] Queen Lizzie (Work for the Boss: Outfit PMC with energy weapons)
--[] Tobe and the Vagabond Ninja (Work for Sensei: Search for Star)
--[] Phineas and Ferb (Work on an action: Develop a new social media platform)
-[] Miscellaneous:
--[] Don't Overclock TECHNOR
--[] Activate an Inator
-[] Item Assignments:
--[] Ruby Wings: Genghis Khan
-[] Quests:
--[] You Made Me Love Xanadu (Martial: 96, Diplomacy: 46, Stewardship: 52, Intrigue: 53, Learning: 37, Occult: 34)
---[] Quest Leader: Genghis Khan
---[] Janna Ordonia
---[] Max
---[] Mirage

Why not Mirage on SRA diplomacy?
I was planning on advocating for that for the longest time, but then I remembered Evelyn likely wants to subtly spike the movement and that she may be able to learn about Mirage's previous actions. Of murder. So I'm concerned about making Mirage the face of the movement.

Why Hego on Insuricare?
Ripping out the anti-super policies is all well and good, but I trust Hego to make sure Insuricare looks pro-super by the end of things. And to not be subtle about it.

Why Dickens on Toffee, rather than Star?
Boy howdy do I not want to get caught by Toffee, and Tobe, with XP, has a cool 1/3 chance of failure. The Dickens are better. For now, until I actually see what the DC is, I'm sticking Tobe on Star instead.

A placeholder, honestly.

Xanadu. Khan, Janna, Max, and Mirage is a strong comp, and sticking the Wings on Khan and the twigs on Leopold everyone should be able to fly in a pinch. They've got a strong generalist skillset, especially with Khan's -10 to DCs, and with a 96 in combat they'll be as safe as we can make them. We're not getting Malifishmirtz in time for the auction, but we can, at least, get Xanadu.

Dancing Ducks?
This is not a sticking point for me, but it amuses me.

Stanley first, not Janna?
Similarly not a sticking point, but I think I've seen more calls for Stanley than Janna recently. I'd happily switch.
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I'm vaguely worried about Janna getting injured it something at Xanadu, and thus not being available for the auction.
Getting the castle in time for the auction does nothing beyond potentially letting us sell some of the stuff there. Unlocking Malfy is an additional action. Insuricare might have a non-trivial DC, and we definitely want a success here. If you want to put off AI, then dimensional tech is probably a better choice than Dino Meat or Silphium.
The point of having Janna learn from Felldrake is to get her ready for the auction. This won't do that, at least not without a crit.
If we do have dimensional tech in the learning action then we would to that yes. Beyond that I want to have the best rewards we can get so if Insuricare DC is really that high then we assign Hego to do it. Beside I don't want Hego to do it as he will get a bias about it considering he himself are a Super and is someone who still have a glory daze. He will allow a lot of leeway for the Supers.

Mirage doing this does open up a rather glaring publicity weakness. A genocider of supers proclaiming opposition to the SRA? Bad look.
....how the hell would they even know that? The only way for them to know that she had done it is if Mirage herself says it during mass press and I don't think she is either dumb enough or suidical enough to do it.
--[] Subvert Hawk? (Agent Russ) (CoS: ???+53)
This is the only part of the plan that I don't like. I honestly cannot underscore how bad it is that we're letting the drug ring continue to accrue power and influence. We need to know what we're dealing with, and frankly at this point I've stopped caring about if it pisses Shego off. Besides, it'll only piss her off if she finds out.
Plan: Public "Servant"
-[ ] Dinosaur Calvary
-[ ] Reach out to Shego
-[ ] Lobby against the SRA (through Xanatos or other means)
-[ ] Develop a new social media platform
-[ ] Rebrand Insuricare
-[ ] Investigate Toffee
-[ ] Investigate Middleton Drug Ring
-[ ] Survey Galfed Ship
-[ ] Research Doppelganger AI/Dino meat
-[ ] Search for magical individuals

-[ ] Tinker with your Inators
-[ ] Read your Spellbook
-[ ] Chat with the Bossman
--[ ] Goofy
-[ ] Hire Dickens Detective Agency
--[ ] Look for Star and Marco

-[ ] Finish your degree online

Ghengis Khan:
-[ ] Aid your descendant
--[ ] Dinosaur cavalry

Wile E. Coyote:
-[ ] Look through ACME's records

Francis Monogram:
-[ ] Reorganize OWCA

Agent Russ:
-[ ] Work for the Good Doctor
--[ ] Investigate Middleton Drug Ring

Dennis the Duck:
-[ ] Search for an Instructor

-[ ] Work for your evil boss
--[ ] Rebrand Insuricare

-[ ] Psychoanalyze
--[ ] Janna

-[ ] Play some video games

-[ ] Work for Dr. Heins
--[ ] Lobby against the SRA

-[ ] Work for Dad
--[ ] Reach out to Shego

-[ ] Do Stuff for the Doof
--[ ] Search for magical individuals

Dr. Jumba Jookiba:
-[ ] Work for fellow evil genius
--[ ] Survey Galfed ship

Ludivine Von Drake:
-[ ] Work for Dokta Doof
--[ ] Research Adaptive anti-cape AI/Dino meat

Queen Lizzy:
-[ ] Build backup tunnels

Tobe and the Vagabound Ninja:
-[ ] Work for Sensei
--[ ] Investigate Toffee

Phineas and Ferb:
-[ ] Work for Dr. D
--[ ] Develop a new Social Media Platform

-[ ] Buy out Lee Industries

-[ ] Don't overclock Technor
-[ ] Don't activate an Inator

+Khan needs a horse. Or dino, in this case. 'Nuff said. Side note, we've unlocked two of every action except Martial and Occult. Occult makes sense, we've barely got a stat for the thing, but martial? We really need to start branching out into some of the older options (mount defensive turrents, upgrade Normbots, energy weaponry, etc.)

+Wendy can wait. We need to start talking to Shego and being anti-SRA pronto if we want to keep our relations afloat. Besides, if we decide to collaborate with Xanatos on this, it'll bring us all the closer to an alliance. As for Mirage doing it? No one else knows what she did. No one else needs to. Besides, this will help her start to forgive herself for what happened

+P&F have already proven useful with their stats alone. Let's use them to help make a fun, interactive social media program that everyone will love. This will boost PR and help us get a foothold back from ENCOM.
+This will help support our pro-super stance. What better person to affirm that than another super? And between you and me? I think it needs a new CEO (not Hego, but definitely not that cruel midgit)

+We need more data on this guy. Time to send in someone who can look at both the physical (Intrigue) and the metaphysical (Occult).
+Those drugs so close to home are making me nervous. It's high time we got rid of them. If new all-powerful supers keep cropping up like this, things are gonna get hectic. Let's just hope this isn't a Shego scheme...

+Jumba's sated and we have a spaceship just sitting there. High time we kickstarted our evil space program.
+The doppelganger AI is a placeholder since I don't know where meat is gonna go. However, we do need another source of food, quick, so we have an excuse if Toffee goes public about our deal. So, if Dino meat is a learning option, that's gotta be what Ludivine does

+Who knows? Maybe Janna'll get lucky and find Marco and/or Star

Personal Actions
+We're gonna need an occult stat if we want to tangle with the likes of Bill and Toffee. Spellbook, here we come!
+Goofy's close to 50 loyalty. Let's see if we can finally get to that breaking point with a conversation
+We promised Janna and the Dickens are right there. Do I need to say more?
+I'm not entirely sure how Phineas and Ferb's Mysterious Force trait works, so I have Tinker in there just to be safe
+Googy: This has been put off long enough. Let's boost Goofy's learning!
+Coyote: There were a lot of things swept under the rug during Valiant's case on Roger Rabbit. Who knows? Maybe Coyote will find something incriminating
+Monogram: This needs to get done. Once it is, we'll basically have another Intrigue unit just below, if not on par, with Tobe or Russ
+Dennis: Finding an instructor will increase his Martial. Since we're mainly using Dennis as a combat unit, this is for the better
+Technor: As I said, we should wait to psychoanalyze Mirage until after we talk with her. Meanwhile, Janna needs just as much help and we've already talked. Stanley can wait another turn
+Max: We've been working the poor dude hard lately. After all the tough breaks in Echo Creek and Chicken Itza, he deserves some downtime
+Lizzie: With all the tension brewing? I'd rather have an escape hatch on hand
+LOVEMUFFIN: We've put this off for long enough. Let's just go ahead and get 'er done
+Inator: Like I said, no chances

DISCLAIMER: In no way is this setup permanent. It is very prone to change once the interludes are done and we get to the next turn
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Seeing the overall discussion some seems to be pretty clear on what do we want to do. Is this about right?...

2. L.A Crime (Russ) or Spy Employee (Mirage)
I'm in favor of trying to turn Alonso Hawk as a double agent. With his job under threat, he's in a much more likely position to make deals. And that's the kind of thing that, importantly, lets us gain a semi-permanent advantage over Judge Doom. Having his spymaster covertly working for us would undermine Doom's position and give us a chance to learn secrets about Doom that would let us really hurt him.
...The Public doesn't know that she participated in this. At least I don't think they do.

But Olympia probably does.

As for the Drug Ring, I am almost certain that they are related to the various supers that have been showing up with odd +50 modifiers to their martial.

Krakatoa in the latest update, Nikola and the unknown thief who stole the Philadelphia Mint in January/February.

Once is coincidence, twice is a pattern, thrice is probably enemy action.
Victory is not achieved without sacrifice...

I think some of the Villian's in this world still haven't learned that.

Xanatos has learned that lesson.

Now the only thing left to learn now, is what has he done with that bitterly won wisdom.

I think its obvious, to say Thailog is a likely suspect.
You know, this earlier comment made me think:

Would this be a good bonding point between Doof and Xanatos? They both had someone they cared for deeply die because for their schemes, and this lead to their rise in power. Right now they're aimlessly expanding power, trying to figure out where to go next and what to do. And if either stop even for a moment, just to 'reform', what would it mean to the death of the one they cared for? Wouldn't it be spitting on their memory?

They've come too far to stop now. So they'll take it step by step. And the next goals they get their hands one will be met with a slowly reigniting, burning passion that will consume their foes wholly.

Or, like us, getting into way too many fights because honestly fuck the genocidal lunatics and fuck having a brick for a computer. ; P
Something to consider is that if we campaign against the SRA this turn we don't necessarily have to take the Insuricare action as well, we could do it next turn no problem
You know, this earlier comment made me think:

Would this be a good bonding point between Doof and Xanatos? They both had someone they cared for deeply die because for their schemes, and this lead to their rise in power. Right now they're aimlessly expanding power, trying to figure out where to go next and what to do. And if either stop even for a moment, just to 'reform', what would it mean to the death of the one they cared for? Wouldn't it be spitting on their memory?

They've come too far to stop now. So they'll take it step by step. And the next goals they get their hands one will be met with a slowly reigniting, burning passion that will consume their foes wholly.

Or, like us, getting into way too many fights because honestly fuck the genocidal lunatics and fuck having a brick for a computer. ; P

Does it mean you and I are exactly alike ?

....how the hell would they even know that? The only way for them to know that she had done it is if Mirage herself says it during mass press and I don't think she is either dumb enough or suidical enough to do it.
Evelyn Deavor, hypnotist intrigue head of the company Mirage committed all of those murders over and who may have a vested interest in spiking the anti-SRA movement.

It's at least possible.

I'm vaguely worried about Janna getting injured it something at Xanadu, and thus not being available for the auction.
Between Leopold, Feldrake, the party Martial of 96, Intrigue of 53, and -10 to DCs, Janna's going to be as safe as we could possibly make her. I'd be more worried about the twigs, tbh, but I'm confident that Khan, Janna, and Leopold can keep them safe.

This is the only part of the plan that I don't like. I honestly cannot underscore how bad it is that we're letting the drug ring continue to accrue power and influence. We need to know what we're dealing with, and frankly at this point I've stopped caring about if it pisses Shego off. Besides, it'll only piss her off if she finds out.
If it's not Shego's doing, we can go in with Intrigue to see what's up, tip off Shego after we've opened talks with her, and let her apply her Martial spec liberally to the problem area.

If it is, then I'd rather not go in at all.

Either way, this is not a fight I want to join. I'd rather lean further into Doofania fortifications than add "actively hunt down the drug ring" to our plate.

Maybe if subverting Hawk let us take Doom off our plate I would reconsider, but I expect that'll still be a while.

Something to consider is that if we campaign against the SRA this turn we don't necessarily have to take the Insuricare action as well, we could do it next turn no problem
As far as I'm concerned, that's backwards. Voicing platitudes without action when we've already seen which way the wind's blowing just makes us look like an opportunistic cretin. Insuricare backs up our words with actions.
Looking good, but theres a typo on Goofy action. It is listed as recruiting Wendy.
Dunno what you're talking about. :whistle:
You should swap out Russ and Tobe. Tobe had an Occult Stat so he could investigate Toffee's magical side. Russ could only investigate the normal humans in Arizona.
This. This part. We still need to get Goofy up to 50 Loyalty to get more traits revealed.
...........Alright, fair enough. I'll make the changes
....how the hell would they even know that? The only way for them to know that she had done it is if Mirage herself says it during mass press and I don't think she is either dumb enough or suidical enough to do it.
We can pretty strongly suspect she did that. And Evelyn Deavor most likely knows.

If Evelyn supports supers and thinks that we oppose them, or she opposes them and thinks we support them, then she could hand that info over to Doom, or just use it herself.
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