I figured it was Cadence. Even ignoring the 2nd Dimension movie 'your going down' was the second most common phrase Candace would say when it came to busting her brothers besides 'busting'.

Also creepy alien cat. Thats bad.
A nightmare scenario not to be:

In one of the back issues of Uncivil Disobedience magazine, lies an article on the ultimate symbol of an oppressor: the platypus.

Stacy would shut down the idea of going to the park but Candace is a stubborn one.

Doofenshmirtz would end her, and no diplomacy save would be big enough to stop it.
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Anyone knows what Kat is?


Agent 27B, better known as Kat or Mr. Kat is the titular main antagonist of season 1 and central antagonist of season 2 of the show Kid vs. Kat. He is an alien of a planet called Katnipia, (home of an entire race of sapient felines). He is named Mister Kat when adopted by Millie. He is really...

It's the one from that one omake that was all about the Cat Mafia I think
That weird creepy witch girl who kept purchasing illegal fireworks!

Confirmation that kitsune's a local? The one selling the fireworks I mean.

Ah, Lynda, the textbook image of the American citizen that's gullible enough to believe the governments propaganda.

But she's not wrong?

I'll be real. I think if we ever found out about their relationship, they'd deserve the truth regarding everything. Poor kids.

There's a public memorial dedicated to perry the platypus. They should already know.

...I'm so glad we took this action.
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Anyone knows what Kat is?
An alien.


Agent 27B, better known as Kat or Mr. Kat is the titular main antagonist of season 1 and central antagonist of season 2 of the show Kid vs. Kat. He is an alien of a planet called Katnipia, (home of an entire race of sapient felines). He is named Mister Kat when adopted by Millie. He is really...
A nightmare scenario not to be:

In one of the back issues of Uncivil Disobedience magazine, lies an article of the ultimate symbol of an oppressor: the platypus.

Stacy would shut down the idea of going to the park but Candace is a stubborn one.

Doofenshmirtz would end her, and no diplomacy save would be big enough to stop it.
Your right I I do not think we could be stopped and that is without countersign her family if they find out who that was meant for
Ah, Lynda, the textbook image of the American citizen that's gullible enough to believe the governments propaganda.

Well, look on the bright side, Cadence, if it really is Phineas and Ferb on the city council then you're about to be accidentally correct!
I mean, to be fair to Lynda, she's met Doofenshmirtz, and spent an entire drive in the trunk of his car because he was too cheap to pay for a second ticket to a drive in movie theater. Of all the people you can blame for not taking Doof seriously, she's at the bottom of the list.
Soo regarding Kat. Anyone agrees on either doing Spy on your employees or Hego doing good deeds this turn? OWCA Reorganization is a perfect place to put their spies in and Hego had been getting a LOT of cats lately in his personal action.
We still killed their beloved pet that they held dearly to their heart. Intentional or not, that amount of anger is just asking for insta betrayal at best.
Eh, at absolute worst what happened was manslaughter, Doof already feels tremendously guilty about it, has built a giant memorial to him and arguably knew him better than they did anyway

As someone who's had a beloved pet die at the hands of someone else I can tell you that if it had been in that scenario I would've forgiven them
An alien.


Agent 27B, better known as Kat or Mr. Kat is the titular main antagonist of season 1 and central antagonist of season 2 of the show Kid vs. Kat. He is an alien of a planet called Katnipia, (home of an entire race of sapient felines). He is named Mister Kat when adopted by Millie. He is really...
Oh god. No. Not them... goodness that show used to infuriate me. The sister particularly, my lord! What was the kid's name, Kip?
...I have a horrible idea, and it goes something like this.

1) Stacey, who knows the truth about Agent P, occasionally sneaks in to the Perry the Platypus Memorial Park after hours to talk about, like, Resistance Stuff.

2) Heinz Doofenschmirtz, who misses his nemesis dearly, occasionally does the same. (From, you know, his own perspective.)

What if they do it on the same night?
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...I have a horrible idea, and it goes something like this.

1) Stacey, who knows the truth about Agent P, occasionally sneaks in to the Perry the Platypus Memorial Park after hours to talk about, like, Resistance Stuff.

2) Heinz Doofenschmirtz, who misses his nemesis dearly, occasionally does the same.

What if they do it on the same night?
That would be a very emotional omake.