Oh, unrelated to anything else, but I just had an idea for another aspect of dino domestication. "Toy" breeds of certain kinds of herbivores as pets! Like Ankylosaurs!

Eh miniturizing Velociraptors or some other small predator would probably be better for domestication. Seriously, cats and dogs are predatory animals that are the common pet over the much more finicky rabbit for a reason. And in general if you want "kind" dinosaurs to introduce to the world predatory species are probably the way to go.

Irl predators, like tigers and bears aren't pointlessly aggressive since they need to make a cost benefit analysis before picking any fight. They don't really wanna commit the calories and risk injury in a fight that isn't worth it. Large herbivores with plenty of food and don't have to give a fuck? Those will fuck with you just cause. See irl hippos for the ur example.
All necromancy. MiH has had to shoot this down several dozen times already. It's been stated by weredrago as well. Just drop it and stop trying to rules lawyer into getting your way.
Jesus I just needed clarification other quests that I participated in had options closed off do to arbitrary self-limitations created by the player base misinterpreting the qm statements
Jesus I just needed clarification other quests that I participated in had options closed off do to arbitrary self-limitations created by the player base misinterpreting the qm statements
I apologize for my brusqueness, but you came off as trying to get around it after being told that Temujin was a one-off and that we weren't going to get any more.
I apologize for my brusqueness, but you came off as trying to get around it after being told that Temujin was a one-off and that we weren't going to get any more.
It's okay I just finished binge reading all the updates and I hadn't noticed anything that precluded my method and the fact that our ancestors still around as a ghost made me think that necromancy was possible
If we wait on Xandu quest maybe we will manage to find appropriate steed for Khan. Also, what are actual limits of Animal Uplink Armor tech? Can we clone T-Rex, make his robot doppelganger, put inside animal uplink tech for inner operator and deliver it on target using castle moving technologies?
Why are we doing it then? We aren't short of Hero Units and there are enough stuff to do before adding up Supers problem into the mix. Their general reaction should be becoming less desperate to work for Supervillains, and coming out to patrol more often. Browsing through the web should be enough considering they are the Hot News right now.
Those options give us intel on supers and their culture. That will play into Shego and our eventual diplo action with her. The drug cartel is something which can be put off. Though ideally we will be able to investigate the turn after next.

Edit: I am also interested in recruiting "Devil Girl", given Toffee's actions.

Khan knows there's gribblies there. He has told us this. He has told us to beware. And if we send Janna and Felldrake there -
You are still denying yourself intelligence. There is absolutely no reason not to do Chicken Itza first and Xanadu second. It is highly unlikely that the New Three Caballeros have already been there, so it is not like we will loose much by waiting two months.

Gyro, if you please?

Thank you Gyro

Yes, I am proudly presenting

The Auto Plan and Odds Generators V1.0



INSTRUCTIONS Instructions Click on "Dino-Robot Action Adventure!" Click on the sheet name and go to "Duplicate" Once the duplicate sheet is created, rename it to your plans name Now in the cells that are outlined, fill out your plan, adding heroes, actions, etc If you want Khan to use two action...

The stable* and sophisticated** tool should help people to developed plans better. Auto generating plans*** calculating the odds with only a few simple**** steps. Than can be copied over to the thread

*Stable is a relative. Defined by comparisons to leading brands*****
**As determined by our market researcher, Dennis the duck.
***National action sections only, you lazybones can generate your own personal action sections.
****Simple used here should not be taken as any promise of simplicity.
*****Encom spreadsheets

Sample output (paste as plain text when copying over.

[ ] Dino-Robot Action Adventure!
[ ] Deal with 'The Resistance' (COS: 100%, 100% w/XP)
--[ ] Vanassa
[ ] Update the City Council (COS: 84%, 91% w/XP)
--[ ] Goofy
[ ] Excavate Chicken Itza (COS: 70%, 80% w/XP)
--[ ] Janna
[ ] Express Delivery (COS: 56%, 66% w/XP)
--[ ] Wile. E.
[ ] Investigate crime in LA (COS: ???%, ???% w/XP)
--[ ] Russ
[ ] Investigate the cape scene (COS: 100%, 100% w/XP)
--[ ] Queen Lizzy
[ ] Research Dino Domestication (COS: 100%, 100% w/XP)
--[ ] Jumba
[ ] Research Adaptive anti-cape AI (COS: 74%, 84% w/XP)
--[ ] Ludivine Von Drake
[ ] Research alchemy (COS: 21%, 31% w/XP)
--[ ] None
[ ] Decentralize your Normbots (COS: 74%, 84% w/XP)
--[ ] L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.

As noted, this generates national action only, personal actions still need to be personally included.
Is it OK if I make some comments on the odds calcutor?

The comments that I want to add pertain to some extremely small problems in the template sheet.
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I'd like to point out a benefit to finding Star and moving against Toffe in the long run that no one else has brought up.

You hate to admit it, but maybe Rodney was on to something here… 300% Khan is no joke! If you were ever to find more sources of Khan other than his current crop of descendants on Earth, maybe you could raise Genghis to even greater heights!

If we can find more sources of Khan DNA from outside of Earth, we can raise Khan to even greater heights. Through Star we gain access to another dimension with human's related to Khan, thus more KHAN DNA. Notabely, we can't get this through Toffee, as he's enemies with those humans and is unlikely to allow us direct access to his enemies, and frankly their unlikely to be willing to work with an ally of Toffee.

Star is the key to the Legendary, Unstoppable, Mythical 400, 500 .... maybe even 600% Khan! If you think I won't go to war with a Lizardman over Double Super Khan, you're sorely mistaken.
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You are still denying yourself intelligence. There is absolutely no reason not to do Chicken Itza first and Xanadu second. It is highly unlikely that the New Three Caballeros have already been there, so it is not like we will loose much by waiting two months.
"absolutely no reason"

There's a difference between disagreeing with someone's reasoning and pretending you never talked about it in the first place. For one, the latter is just rude.

"Make Occult progress while also doing Social Media" is one example of a reason, regardless of whether or not you agree with it.
"absolutely no reason"

There's a difference between disagreeing with someone's reasoning and pretending you never talked about it in the first place. For one, the latter is just rude.

"Make Occult progress while also doing Social Media" is one example of a reason, regardless of whether or not you agree with it.
You haven't said why we should do Xanadu first. You have only talked about how excavating Chicken Izta isn't that vital. Notably that is not saying why it is such a greater bargain to take the quest option first.

Edit: Retracted, completely incorrect
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When you put a bunch of fire ants together they act like a solid and a liquid simultaneously. They create a phenomenon known as an 'ant ball'. They'll be able to be poured like a liquid into containers, and if you remove the container they have been poured into they will retain the shape they took for quite a while.
Wearing heavy gloves and playing with ant balls is fun, but it's very important not to roll them up into actual balls and throw them at people. It's a very quick way to get kicked out of the entomology lab, and banished from college campus. As I figured out...

why does this feel like a new backstory for Doof and an idea for an Inator?
The Auto Plan and Odds Generators V1.0
Three problems. MiH said we can't send Vanessa to deal with the resistance due to Doof's concern on letting Vannessa be close to street punks, we should let Janna first look for another Occult Hero unit to replace her in National Action as after Chicken Itza we are going to send her on Quest with Temujin thus going with your plan will leaves occult national action empty for two turns, Decentralize Normbots should be done after upgrading them as it would raise the DC of all future Norm Robots upgrades.
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You haven't said why we should do Xanadu first. You have only talked about how excavating Chicken Izta isn't that vital. Notably that is not saying why it is such a greater bargain to take the quest option first.
Regarding Bill... Yes? Yes, he is an endgame threat, and no, I don't think he'll end the world in three turns.

Since I also don't think raiding Xanadu in the next three turns will net us a Kill Bill-Inator, I'm not sure how that's relevant.

Between Bill and the maybe-hint related to the temples we have for him, and Toffee and his probably impending hostility now, we have quite the need to ramp up our Occult resources, and that's what I don't want to put off for three turns. Xanadu itself is only so important - but putting off Xanadu for three turns also puts off all of the follow-up quests or Occult actions for three turns, and delays any boosts or hero units we could earn for three turns, and delays anything that might be relevant to the auction until after the auction.

It's the same reason we're prioritizing the double-action actions. Delaying those delays all of the other things they allow us to do.
Immediately before we went on Birds of a Feather, @Made in Heaven posted this:
with the cipher in invisitext.

This was quickly brute-force decoded to this:
with the key "complex"
The next vote in the quest was during the Birds of a Feather quest, where we had the option to send the Four toons on the quest into the Complex or not:
So. We had a Cipher, immediately before the magic temple quest, tied to the number four, to a chink in "his" armor, and to the word "complex". On the magic temple quest, we did risk the complex with four people, and as a result found Feldrake and the map of the other temples across the world other sealed magical gribblies around the world. The global temple network is a world-spanning magic thing, the goddess of adventure is probably involved with Donald, and if anything could serve as a chink in the armor for Cipher world spanning magic stuff with sealed magic creatures and deific involvement seems like it could do it.

It's all extremely circumstantial, yes, but I doubt that sort of cipher hint would have a clearer "solution" and we don't have much else to go on with the Dorito.

So while I'm not going to drop everything for the sake of this maybe hint, I am willing to prioritize an Occult growth path that we wanted to do anyway based on it.

Right, I also think Chicken Itza is a better bet than Xanadu, but since Chicken Itza is a Stewardship action, and since I'd like to do Acme Delivery (to help with the Castle DC) and Social Media (Earn back PR while also fighting back against ENCOM) we can't do it this turn.

Leading to my argument that we should do Xanadu this turn and Chicken Itza the next.
"Make Occult progress while also doing Social Media" is one example of a reason, regardless of whether or not you agree with it.
I literally have, multiple times.

To summarize:

I want to do Occult, for many reasons.

I don't want to do Chicken Itza this turn, because I want to do Acme Delivery and Social Network this turn. The former because castle, the latter because PR and ENCOM.

To do Occult while not doing Chicken Itza, I want to do Xanadu.

Disagree as you wish, but outright statements that I haven't made arguments I have made within the last 24 hours multiple times are frustrating. Especially when I call you out on them and you double down without checking.
Another argument for doing Xanadu now is that it doesn't use our stats, so unlike normal occult actions there's no benefit to doing it after we finish our spellbooo. Like, doing Xanadu now + Research Alchemy after finishing our spellbook is strictly superior to doing alchemy now and Xanadu after.