Can we act like a insane mad scientist and claim corn is boring, our subjects shall eat DINOSAURS!!! And then in a few turns we actually do it.
Though if we want to use the green angle, modern-day corn (those this stuff is apparently augmented) is a very unsustainable crop. It takes a lot of fertilizer etc to keep going and simply devours any and all nutrients in the ground.

There was actually a Discover article a while back looking at various methods of breeding/modification etc to make corn a less fertilizer-hungry crop (and thus result in less polluting runoff etc).
[X] Don't Take Toffee's Deal

Bear in mind that a lot of quest actions have DCs of, like, 80 or more. Having a combined bonus in the 30s is not reassuring.

The extreme Martial makes it likely that we can survive any direct fights we get into, but Occult rolls can result in serious injuries, and blowing a Diplomacy or Stewardship check can cause other complications.

Why not just... take Chicken Itza first...?
Because I don't think it will help?

Your reasoning for why it would appeared to be that it would make Felldrake help us more.

My counterargument was that he won't help us with the map in general, but he's fine with us sending him to Xanadu and once he's there he's not going to get his bearer killed. So, if we wanted to appreciably boost our odds, we would need to shake free our A-Tier questing unit, Russ, from the high-DC and clearly important Intrigue actions.

(Also, again. Chicken Itza and Acme is mutually exclusive with Acme and Social Media, and I would like to not allow ENCOM to further entrench its dominance while also doing literally nothing to defend ourselves in the PR war. Not panicking about PR, yes, literally nothing, no.)

I don't think so. Felldrake would probably identify the artifacts as apart of being the guy in charge of the excavation. This is his temple after all.

Knowing more about the other places on the map will help us judge Xanadu.
Fair enough, we might get lucky on some of those artifacts. We might not, but we might. I'm just not sure what sort of transformative upgrade you expect to find in the loot pile.

As for the map helpind us judge Xanadu - judge it how? We're already extremely spooked, because it holds mystery sealed mythological beasts. Unless you think it'll ease our concerns, which should make us more willing to go in without Russ, I'm not sure what you're expecting to find.

Plus, as we've seen, even with a -10 to all DCs, many DCs can still be over a hundred... including the Peru one. So without a high Stewardship person on the team, they may not even be able to find the place. Heck, the trek there may have a DC over a hundred itself, meaning we'd need to roll ridiculously high to actually succeed.
Wile E. Coyote is in high demand both as a Stewardship Hero and Acme connection right now, but if we shook him free he'd give us a comparative +8 over Max (with Janna). It's not nothing, sure, but I'm not sure it's enough to justify yoinking him now that we're doing two Stewardship national actions per turn.

Because that's another point - with two actions per turn in most categories, it is harder for us to spare heroes for quests, since there are nationally important actions we could have them do instead.

Especially since we shouldn't assume we need to succeed at every roll we come across in the first place. The first half of Birds of a Feather was a complete clown fiesta, and that still ended well. With less Toon Force in the air, I don't see a Stewardship failures doing us in. (Especially if Khan can parlay being Genghis Khan into a bonus on finding a guide for the Diplo check. I've heard less plausible things.)

And one of the most dangerous ways failure can get to us is through traps or monsters or what have you, and again - 97 Martial forgives many sins.
Well yes, but while ants are good at heavy lifting, they're not so good at moving the lifted objects across the Atlantic Ocean. :p
Yet! Growth Mindset.
Looks pretty good.

He can do the ship research even with his debuff it just won't cure it like the dino research will. Any other actions he won't do though.

[X] Don't Take Toffee's Deal

Can we act like a insane mad scientist and claim corn is boring, our subjects shall eat DINOSAURS!!! And then in a few turns we actually do it.
We don't need to. Like, what's the failure state there, Toffeee announces that he was so excited to offer doofania corn but thanks to doofenshmirtz they won't get any? With only his word that the deal was good, or even on the table in the first place? Even if he was willing to go to bat against us with for no clear benefit, it would bounce fairly easily. If you mean in terms of offering Toffee a fig leaf, nobody knows he made the offer; there's no reputation on the line for him, so it's not like we're humiliating him by refusing or anything.
Fair enough, we might get lucky on some of those artifacts. We might not, but we might. I'm just not sure what sort of transformative upgrade you expect to find in the loot pile.

As for the map helpind us judge Xanadu - judge it how? We're already extremely spooked, because it holds mystery sealed mythological beasts. Unless you think it'll ease our concerns, which should make us more willing to go in without Russ, I'm not sure what you're expecting to find.
I don't really expect anything, but it would be nice if it did happen. This is what the map was in the canon:

Nooooot quite. That's a map to various pocket dimensions that hold powerful creatures from mythology, which Feldrake had originally conscripted into his army.

Edit: This is, of course, subject to change as the QM wills it, but that's what it was in the show.
Knowing this would be useful before charging into Xanadu practically blind.
We need to investigate superheroes to counter Most Hated Enemy Doom. We also need to take every single fucking action possible to get Occult scores. ACME Instant Delivery should reduce the DC of moving Castle Doofhawk, so it has priority over anything that isn't Chicken Izta. Janna will be busy in Chicken Izta. I want more Occult heroes, but Janna is best used on Chicken Izta.
Doing pro-Supers action while may calm down the general populace it will also make us seem's weak by running around because of simple slander. Not doing anything on it and instead shown that Toon's actually offer results will show up a strong front and reason of why we are doing so. I also plan to expose Hawk that would make people question Doom's earlier speech and it would be more impactfull if we don't join in to his Pro-Supers action.

I feel like it's a bad idea to prioritize the buyout and the social media platform over things like the Chicken Itza expedition and ACME Special Delivery, when we're trying to crank up our Occult score quickly.
I want to wait on Chicken Itza after Janna had replacement in Occult Action. As for Special Delivery I innitially assigned Coyote to it, but seeing the Rival Reports I assume a lot of people will want to compete with ENCOM, but sure I changed it back if everyone want's Castle Doofhawk that much.
I'm not sure we're in a good position to follow up on this if we DO find anything. :(
We are not doing anything. It's a gift to Shego in the turn after when we reached out to her.
Well, this is at least tenable, and it helps explain why you're skipping Chicken Itza?
This is technically a personal action.
Thanks for pointing it out. I innitially assign Monogram on Drug investigation before Tobe appears.
So would rolling out ACME special delivery on a widespread basis- it'd be a huge contribution from toons.
I already answered this above.
You say that, but then things like this happen.
Notice that those ants weren't trying to carry a castle.

This is because the castle-carrying river-crossing raft ant species all drowned to the last drone ten million years ago.

Because I don't think it will help?

Your reasoning for why it would appeared to be that it would make Felldrake help us more.

My counterargument was that he won't help us with the map in general, but he's fine with us sending him to Xanadu and once he's there he's not going to get his bearer killed. So, if we wanted to appreciably boost our odds, we would need to shake free our A-Tier questing unit, Russ, from the high-DC and clearly important Intrigue actions.
I would argue that while he won't help us with the map in general, and will certainly act in an attempt to save Janna's life... He may very well just not bother sharing information that is nonessential to our survival. For example, he may decide that the best way to keep Janna alive is to NOT tell the group how to get past a sealed and warded entrance to deal with the monster inside, because it's easier to just warn them that there's an obstacle in the first place.

A Felldrake who's volunteering information in an attempt to cooperate with us is inevitably going to be far more useful than a Felldrake whose only motivation is "keep Janna alive until she gets out of this place."

(Also, again. Chicken Itza and Acme is mutually exclusive with Acme and Social Media, and I would like to not allow ENCOM to further entrench its dominance while also doing literally nothing to defend ourselves in the PR war. Not panicking about PR, yes, literally nothing, no.)
I think we can take one turn to pivot and deal with PR. We have pretty good PR overall, after all.

As for the map helpind us judge Xanadu - judge it how? We're already extremely spooked, because it holds mystery sealed mythological beasts. Unless you think it'll ease our concerns, which should make us more willing to go in without Russ, I'm not sure what you're expecting to find.
Purely as a hypothetical, we could send Mirage along. She's strong in several areas where Khan and Team Doof are not-strong. Sure, Mirage is desirable back here, but if we just got a ninja for Intrigue, we have enough decent Stewardship options that we can spare her.

Especially since we shouldn't assume we need to succeed at every roll we come across in the first place. The first half of Birds of a Feather was a complete clown fiesta, and that still ended well. With less Toon Force in the air, I don't see a Stewardship failures doing us in. (Especially if Khan can parlay being Genghis Khan into a bonus on finding a guide for the Diplo check. I've heard less plausible things.)
To be fair, Genghis Khan does provide considerable situational advantages to a journey that may take us into Mongolia.
Doing pro-Supers action while may calm down the general populace it will also make us seem's weak by running around because of simple slander. Not doing anything on it and instead shown that Toon's actually offer results will show up a strong front and reason of why we are doing so. I also plan to expose Hawk that would make people question Doom's earlier speech and it would be more impactfull if we don't join in to his Pro-Supers action.

We are not doing anything. It's a gift to Shego in the turn after when we reached out to her.
That is not what those actions are fucking about. They are about investigating the scene. We know nothing about superheroes. That needs to be fixed.

How exactly did you to quote me, while the text corresponds to @Simon_Jester's post?

Four times

Edit: Removed spaghetti posting
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....................That makes absolutely no sense. At all
When you put a bunch of fire ants together they act like a solid and a liquid simultaneously. They create a phenomenon known as an 'ant ball'. They'll be able to be poured like a liquid into containers, and if you remove the container they have been poured into they will retain the shape they took for quite a while.
Wearing heavy gloves and playing with ant balls is fun, but it's very important not to roll them up into actual balls and throw them at people. It's a very quick way to get kicked out of the entomology lab, and banished from college campus. As I figured out...