What does all the invisitext mean?

And I hope to get an option to rescue Stitch soon. I loved the little guy growing up.

And Doom continues to be an asshole.
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So, I'm aware we don't have the money to buy Cloverleaf industries ... but it is a publicly traded company, I wonder how much stock we could get on one turns worth of income.

Not that I'd want to buy any of it if we can't buy ownership, but I am ... curious.
Diplomacy is already set for the extra action unlock.

Right after that it's reach out to shego.

What else can we do as far as supers go?
Use our and Mirage's personal actions to look into supers and get a good look at things. With any luck, we'll run into any surviving Incredibles and/or Star.
Do we even have the option to support others in the first place? That's it, Hawk would have a tragedy next turn.
No need to go that far. We just need to remove his interference from the equation in a way that throws Doom off our scent and doesn't convince him to send another.
So, I'm aware we don't have the money to buy Cloverleaf industries ... but it is a publicly traded company, I wonder how much stock we could get on one turns worth of income.

Not that I'd want to buy any of it if we can't buy ownership, but I am ... curious.
You bring up a very... interesting perspective. We do have that Hostile Corporate Takeover Button...
Kronos Corporation would be known as the Olympia Corporation, to symbolize that they were completely divorced with their past.
Ha! That's why you went with Olympia, Titanomacy's successor because you wanted to "completely divorce from their past"

[ ] Combat human poachers in Asia
Captain Gantu has recently begun a campaign against human poachers in Asia.
While the responsible individuals have been exceptionally hard to find, he managed to track down a lead.
Fortunately the protected species are not being poached en masse.
If he had to guess, it was no more than one individual disappearing per day.
The local populace seemed like they didn't even notice anything was amiss.
Nevertheless, Gantu managed to come up with a plan to put a stop to things.
Huh. Extra-dimensional human poacher? Magic perhaps?

Also I guess since its a color change and not a hidden text, these bits are invisible to me unless highlighted.

And on Toffee, guess he also heard about Star in our city.
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So uh

Tobe's picture in the publically available trading cards has been replaced with a Substitution Log from Naruto

I know we just have to wait an interlude or two to find out for certain, but I think maybe Tobe was motivated to join us out of more than the sheer goodness evilness of his heart
I mean, thanks Doom?

Like, him shit talking us is bad but easily overcame and him getting the SRA overturned would be pretty damn useful
WyndComm + Social Media

For PR war?
I don't know, I feel like we already have too many Stewardship priorities between the Chicken Itza, the castle, ACME and Lee Industries to rush buying WyndComm and I'm not really sure how it would help us

Though if we really wanted to we could have Janna do the Chicken Itza option, Wile E. or Mirage do the WyndComm one and have LOVEMUFFIN buy Lee Industries, leaving ACME and the castle for later

We should also try and improve our OS as soon as possible to stay competitive with ENCOM

EDIT: Actually that could work, we wouldn't want to do the Castle on the same turn as ACME anyway since the latter is likely to make the former easier so if we do what I said above next turn and then do ACME and the social media action we would be good, plus owning our own satellite network would probably make it easier

Plus that way we'd get the castle done on the same turn as the auction which would give us something to talk to Xanatos about
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Welp if doom's campaigning against us, we badly need to take the extra diplomacy action next turn., since otherwise our diplomacy will be permanently tied in a PR war.

Just going to say if toffy wants help capturing star. In character there's no way doof will help him capture or possibly kill a teenage or whatever age girl.
Let's see his offer. For all we know Doom managed to antagonize him and this isnt about Star.
Here's a thought if we wanted to slam Doom. If we could get our hands on a Toon Superhero and let him loose to fight crime in LA, Doom couldn't do a thing without looking like a hypocrite.
Just going to say if toffy wants help capturing star. In character there's no way doof will help him capture or possibly kill a teenage or whatever age girl.
I mean, given how much Doof has probably ranted on social media about his adorable little Visigoth Pumpkin girl he should know that. He might be there to get Doof to take Star out of the picture through other* means?


Yah, I don't believe it either.
Hooooooo boy
This is why I was waiting for the "Here's choices. Go nuts" updoot before I came up with a plan.
Gantu V Monsters Inc.
Bonus Hero.
More Bonus Hero.
Doom calling us out for Supers (Little does he know we are MORE than willing to pile in against anti-super regulation)
It's a few months to wade through
And we're gonna hit it HARD.
Ok this is a lot of fires that just got lit. Ok, good that GFA is working against monster inc. But we need to get our DoofUs better, get our magic better, and be careful with Toffee. Still we can drive him off if he tries anything in our building.
[ ] Send Doofenshmirtz a gift basket

The bot has friggin class, I like him doing that kind of stuff. Makes me paranoid as heck but like... Sending Monogram an autograph was very cash money.

[ ] Release a new OS
DC 80

Very sus. I'd rather put focus on this than what Doom has cooked up. The internet is information, and control/influence of said information is paramount.

Judge Doom
[ ] Condemn Doofenshmirtz for only supporting Toons
DC 70

Curse you Doom! Though you're making anti toon clockwork minions or some such? No friggin legs to stand on LOL.

[ ] Approach Doofenshmirtz with an offer
DC 0

This makes me very nervous but also excited because Toffee is a person of his word along with being polite. Doesn't mean he should be trusted but damn it I like the guy.

[ ] Collect items for the auction
DC 0

Very cool, very nice. Same story as Toffee.

Just going to say if toffy wants help capturing star. In character there's no way doof will help him capture or possibly kill a teenage or whatever age girl.

Might be offering magical aid in exchange for a favor? Or maybe we have something he needs? But yeah can't see Doof hurting kids.


Doom having a success isn't that big a deal in my eyes regardless of it being a Great Success. ENCOM's Critical Success is more concerning.
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Well we have a lot thing of things going on, we have the auction plans moving forward, Toffee wants something, and Doom and ENCOM are pushing Doof's buttons. The later two means they might be the target of our ire, which they will surely regret. Prepare for the clown-makeup-irator!

Also, free hero which is great.