And lets be Honest Temujin was lot more of Warlord than Sitting in your Castle Type of ruler so i dont doubt he has some experience in Celebratory feasts after victory, so worst come to worst it will be exotic meh.
If the next 6 turns (year) are successful, we can possibly do food from another country as a retreat menu. Maybe Austria for Von Drake?
I'm just gonna type out my rough thoughts while I'm planmaking, to try and outline my reasoning.

This is roughly what I'm thinking.

Martial: Organized Crime. Just get it done.

Diplomacy: Upgrade the City Council. Lowest DC "Get a second action" action. With Goofy+Doof's Diplo, we should get at least within half of the DC, with a chance of finishing it entirely.

Stewardship: Company Retreat. This is like 10+ free Personal Actions for the price of a stewardship action, and even better it's free personal actions for Hero Units who are usually too important to get personal actions. No brainer pick.

Intrigue: Toontown Railroad. Get started on it, likely to land at more than half of the DC, chance of finishing it entirely.

Learning: Form a Think Tank. Likely to get within Half of the DC, chance of finishing it entirely.

Occult: Magic Bazaar. Lowest DC Occult Action.

Blue Hawaii: Russ, Technor, Khan Should be sufficient to get the job done.

Birds of a Feather: Dennis, Norm, Wile E. Coyote, Max Dennis practically has to go, Norm is a beatstick, Wile E. is our all-rounder, and Max is a slightly weaker all-rounder that means we won't be relying on Dennis or Norm for stats they suck at.

Goofy: Help Doof Upgrade City Council 28(Goofy Diplo) + 18(Doof Diplo) + 2(Goofy Loyalty) = +48 Automatically gets within half, has a 53% chance of completing outright

Monogram: Help Combat Organized Crime. Gets it done.

Hego: Help Plan Company Retreat 18(Hego Stewarship) + 24(Doof Stewardship) = +42 68% chance of completing, ~90% chance with personal attention

Mirage: Toontown Railroad 28(Mirage Intrigue) + 14(Doof Intrigue) + 2(Mirage loyalty) = +44 97% chance we're within half, 50% chance it completes outright.

Vannessa: Think Tank 18(Vanessa Learning) + 38(Doof Learning) + 2(Vanessa Loyalty) = +58 99% chance we get within half, 39% chance of finishing it outright.

Janna: Magic Bazaar Best Occult Hero we have on the lowest DC Occult roll we can get.

Doofenshmirtz: Tinker With Inators, give Company Retreat a Personal Attention

L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N: Palladium Chip. easy Enough for them to do.

Technor: Don't Overclock

Activate An Inator: Yes

So yeah, this is what I'm thinking we should do.

Martial, Stewardship, and Occult are meant to be slam dunks this turn. Diplomacy, Learning, and Intrigue are difficult actions that we're unlikely to complete, but we're practically guaranteed to get within half of the DC and thus hopefully get a reduction in difficulty next turn. LOVEMUFFIN is on the Palladium Chip because it's easy but very important. Doofenshmirtz gives Company Retreat a Personal Attention to make sure that it goes right, because that's an additional 13 personal actions right there. Tinkering with an Inator to guard against a bad roll and/or hopefully fish something out that'll help with our high-difficulty actions this turn.

Sending only Russ, Technor, and Khan on Blue Hawaii because they're some of our stronger Hero Units and should be able to handle it. Also, there's not enough Heroes to do two Quests and support every action category. Dennis is on Birds of a Feather because Dennis, Norm is to serve as a beatstick against danger, Wile E. is the all rounder and team lead, and Max is so that we're not relying on Norm or Dennis for things like Diplo or Intrigue.

Let me just put it into actual plan format real quick.

[ ] Plan: Lots of Hard Work
-[ ] Combat organized crime in Doofania
-[ ] Update the City Council
-[ ] Host a company retreat
-[ ] Build the Toontown Railroad
-[ ] Form a think tank
-[ ] Visit the Magus Bazaar

-[ ] Operation: Blue Hawaii
--[ ] Team Leader: Technor
--[ ] Russ
--[ ] Khan

-[ ] Birds of a Feather
--[ ] Team Leader: Wile E. Coyote
--[ ] Dennis
--[ ] Norm
--[ ] Max

-[ ] Dr. Doofenshmirtz
--[ ] Give a project your 'personal attention' (3 personal actions)
---[ ] Host a Company Retreat
--[ ] Tinker with your Inators

-[ ] Goofy
--[ ] Work for Dr. D
---[ ] Update the City Council

-[ ] Monogram
--[ ] Work for Doctor Doofenshmirtz
---[ ] Combat Organized Crime in Doofania

-[ ] Hego
--[ ] Work for your evil boss
---[ ] Host a Company Retreat

-[ ] Mirage
--[ ] Work for Dr. Heinz
---[ ] Build the Toontown Railroad

-[ ] Vanessa
--[ ] Work for dad
---[ ] Form a think tank

-[ ] Janna
--[ ] Do Stuff for the Doof
---[ ] Visit the Magus Bazaar

-[ ] L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.
--[ ] Work on an extra action?
---[ ] Study the Palladium Chip

-[ ] Don't Overclock Technor

-[ ] Activate an Inator
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Looks good, but can you switch Max with Janna? Donald have his fair share of magical problems in Ducktales and birds of a feather may have one. Also it's a little weird that a Quest that specifically having us looking for someone not having an intrigue hero.

I'd much rather have Janna on the Occult National Action, as otherwise the roll would be completely unmodified. In addition, Max is actually better served as a back up for Wile E. than Janna is, due to the fact that his statline is more even. Let me try and break my reasoning down a bit more.

Norm: 10 Diplo, 6 Stewardship, 1 Intrigue, 8 Learning
Dennis: 5 Diplo, 3 Stewardship, -1 Intrigue, 4 Learning

Disregarding Martial because Norm+Wile have that covered, neither Dennis or Norm really provide any good supporting stats. So we need the fourth member of the party to be able to handle all of that on their own, such that Norm and Dennis shouldn't be interacting with any rolls except Martial.

Max: 13 Diplo, 9 Stewardship, 12 Intrigue, 13 Learning
Janna: 6 Diplo, 5 Stewardship, 20 Intrigue, 7 Learning

As you can see, with the exception of Intrigue, Max serves as a far better check against the various low stats of Norm and Dennis. I'd much rather have Norm+Dennis not blow stuff up than have an extra 10 Occult for rolls.

And to be completely honest, I'm not really expecting this Quest to be successful in finding any clues about Donald. Like, if they do that's great, but this is pretty solidly the B Team of Hero Units. But because the Company Retreat made the Quest effectively free this turn, I figured why not. My main goal for the Quest is to let these Heroes get a chance to go out and hopefully earn additional stats and/or traits, and anything we find on top of that is gravy. For that reason, I prefer to have Max go along rather than Janna.

Like, as long as we don't have any big roll failures, I'll consider the Quest a success. Even if we only get a +5 loyalty or learn about one other Hero Unit we could recruit, the Quest ends up being a net positive.

That's why I have Janna on the National Occult Action. Because that's actually important, while this is just an excuse to have some Hero Units go out and hopefully end up with something of value as a reward.

Plus, I trust in Norm+Wile's superior firepower to keep them safe from magical threats and/or the results of a failed Intrigue check.
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Just caught up on this whole thing, and so far I'm in favour of woweed's suggestion, Plan: Wait For It, though I'd do the think tank focus, and have Janna do alchemy research (because I honestly want to have Xanatos introduce us to the magic world for the chance to boost our relationship with him).

I wonder if Professor von Drake has connections with S.H.U.S.H. like he does in the DuckTales reboot...
I'm not good at planning so I won't come up with a plan, other then mention I wish we had a lot more heroes cause they can add more options for us.

instead I'm going to ask a very important question.

@Made in Heaven What did Dr. D buy everyone for Christmas?
Just caught up on this whole thing, and so far I'm in favour of woweed's suggestion, Plan: Wait For It, though I'd do the think tank focus, and have Janna do alchemy research (because I honestly want to have Xanatos introduce us to the magic world for the chance to boost our relationship with him).

I wonder if Professor von Drake has connections with S.H.U.S.H. like he does in the DuckTales reboot...
We don't have enough good Learning heroes for it, and, not only is the Bazaar VERY low DC, but, if anything would make sure Janna isn't bored, this would. Also, let's be honest: Unleashing JANNA on a bazaar of magic shit, with a high-limit credit card in hand? It'll be entertaining, at least.
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I'm very disappointed that macgucket isn't on the list. I knew we probably weren't going to recruit him any time soon, but it's still disapointing

As for the vote I'm leaning towards [ ] Plan: Lots of Hard Work, and I won't vote for anything that isn't doing the toon railroad this turn.
Speaking as someone who wants to do that, if we're sending Russ on Blue Hawaii, then we might want to think about waiting. I like our odds with Mirage, but it's an issue.
Speaking as someone who wants to do that, if we're sending Russ on Blue Hawaii, then we might want to think about waiting. I like our odds with Mirage, but it's an issue.
not doing it now is more of an issue tho with how rampant crime is getting in doomtown. we need to get them out NOW. like Hawk got send a threat by the mob there
[] Plan: Capes and Spies
-[ ] Combat organized crime in Doofania
DC 45

-[ ] Recruit from your rolodex
--[ ] Juniper (Formerly of High Voltage)
DC 70

-[] Host a company retreat
DC 75

-[] Build the Toontown Railroad
DC 95

-[ ] Research human genetics
DC 80

-[ ] Visit the Magus Bazaar
DC 60

-[ ] Operation: Blue Hawaii
--[] Agent Russ
--[] Norm Prime
--[] Technor

-[ ] Birds of a Feather
--[] Francis Monogram
--[] Hego
--[] Goofy
--[] Dennis

-[ ] Dr. Doofenshmirtz
--[ ] Give a project your 'personal attention' (3 personal actions)
---[ ] Host a Company Retreat
[ ] Read your Spellbook

Genghis Khan
-[] Aid your Descendant
--[] Combat organized crime in Doofania

Wile E. Coyote
-[] Work for the Bossman
--[] Host a company retreat

[ ] Work for the Doof
-[ ] Research human genetics

-[] Work for Dr. Heinz
--[] Build the Toontown Railroad

-[] Work for dad
--[] Recruit from your rolodex

--[] Do Stuff for the Doof
---[] Visit the Magus Bazaar

-[] Study the Palladium Chip

Overclock Technor?
-[ ] Don't overclock Technor

Will you activate an Inator next turn?
-[ ] Activate an Inator
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Everyone that's making plans, remember that Heroes on National Actions AND Quests get a free extra personal action if we do the company retreat. Which is actually a good reason to pile them on. Also, if we're going to do Blue Hawai'i, I insist we take Dennis with us in order to capitalize on the potential of "Have a Sandwich!" being able to motivate Reuben, aka Experiment 625.
we should put more heroes on the "Combat organized crime in Doofania" as its has failed the last few turns
Ya but the DC is way lower now than before.


We should have LoveMuffin research the Palladium Chip, it's a low DC so they probably won't mess up...
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we should put more heroes on the "Combat organized crime in Doofania" as its has failed the last few turns

We can only put one hero on an action unless they're Wile, who doesn't actually add his stats when acting as an "assistant".

Also, some thoughts I have:

[ ] Campaign for Flubber
DC 120

Flubber is an undeniably useful tool, but it's got one heck of a bad reputation among the general public. Not surprising considering how most people believe it to be responsible for the destruction of an entire island chain. While this is admittedly a concern, it's nowhere near as bad as the public has been led to believe. With some educational videos and a massive PR campaign, you should be able to reduce the effects of any of your further Flubber research.

Reward: Public opinion malus for Flubber actions greatly reduced

... this is a priority action, just below hiring Von Drake and getting a second Diplo actions. Why? Well:

[] Research Flubber Power

DC 100

Flubber offers a path to clean and cheap energy, and while it's not actually limitless, the upper limit is so high that it might as well be. The only problem is that the majority of the world thinks that Hawaii was destroyed in a prototype Flubber power plant explosion, and with the "tragedy" still recent in memory, you're going to face a lot of public backlash for rolling out a power plant.

Reward: Massive public opinion decrease, power problems for all of your territory removed, Technor's 'Power Hungry' malus removed

This completely removes Technor's malus. But the public opinion decrease is massive. So, unless we want to wait and get fusion power, doing the "Campaign For Flubber" action followed by the "Research Flubber Power" action if we want to get rid of that malus.

[ ] Research Flubber Weather Modification

DC 90

Flubber is an impressively versatile substance. Your lab monkeys have found that it serves as a near-perfect nucleation site for water droplets, meaning it is capable of producing seemingly miraculous rainfall and cloudcover in all but the most arid regions more or less on demand. Your boys even think they can manipulate its structure to break down after several months, meaning there's little concern of it becoming a pollutant. If you can manage to get this together properly, the benefits would be obvious- just think of all the dramatic storms you could pull together at a moment's notice!

Reward: Weather modification technology unlocked, significant public opinion decrease

Plus, it would also help us with this action as well.

[ ] Research Flubber Antigravity

DC 90

It turns out that if you vulcanize Flubber and apply an electric current to it, the resulting substance can produce exceptionally stable gravitons. It might be possible to exploit this and produce effective antigravity technology, though of course you'd have to get past the public opinion of the substance.

Reward: Flubber Antigravity technology unlocked

Though, strangely enough, this action doesn't decrease public opion. So I'm not sure if this is an error, or that public opinion will only go down once we actually start building anti-grav things with Flubber.
We can do Combat organized crime just fine, no matter what potential interference might occur... as long as we assign Khan on it.
we should put more heroes on the "Combat organized crime in Doofania" as its has failed the last few turns
First, we can't stack heroes. Only one per action. If we could, we would have taken many of the 'doublt action' options a while ago. Secondly, its down from a 70 to 45. Barring outside interference, it's literally impossible to go below the DC if we have a hero with a 36 martial.

-[] Establish a Formal Spy Network

Is there a elaborate joke I'm missing here?
if we could stack heroes i'd be stacking on the toon town railroad becouse that has to happen right now
This completely removes Technor's malus. But the public opinion decrease is massive. So, unless we want to wait and get fusion power, doing the "Campaign For Flubber" action followed by the "Research Flubber Power" action if we want to get rid of that malus.
Not to say this isn't worthwhile, but something to keep in mind -
[ ] Research fusion power
DC ???
Cold fusion is in the Journal of Irreproducible Results, so maybe you just want to stick with the normal kind instead. This would take care of your power problems for the next few millennia and drive Mr. Khan out of business! It might even win you a Nobel prize if those schmucks over in Stockholm will just get over what happened back in '07.
The day we obsolete fossil fuels is the day yet another King becomes our enemy. So while we're obviously doing this at some point, science stops for no King and all that, we should probably try to make our position a bit more secure first.