Having our Khan, who is still not actually adjusted to modern life, host the party sounds way too fun to pass up.
If it wins, I have some menu suggestions for the QM.Having our Khan, who is still not actually adjusted to modern life, host the party sounds way too fun to pass up.
So in summary:If it wins, I have some menu suggestions for the QM.Best of all, they work for both successes and failures! Imagine - milk tea with butter and salt, roasted sheep head, fermented horse milk...
So in summary:
Khan: "Let me introduce you the food of my people."
If the next 6 turns (year) are successful, we can possibly do food from another country as a retreat menu. Maybe Austria for Von Drake?And lets be Honest Temujin was lot more of Warlord than Sitting in your Castle Type of ruler so i dont doubt he has some experience in Celebratory feasts after victory, so worst come to worst it will be exotic meh.
Looks good, but can you switch Max with Janna? Donald have his fair share of magical problems in Ducktales and birds of a feather may have one. Also it's a little weird that a Quest that specifically having us looking for someone not having an intrigue hero.
Looks good, but can you switch Max with Janna? Donald have his fair share of magical problems in Ducktales and birds of a feather may have one. Also it's a little weird that a Quest that specifically having us looking for someone not having an intrigue hero.
We don't have enough good Learning heroes for it, and, not only is the Bazaar VERY low DC, but, if anything would make sure Janna isn't bored, this would. Also, let's be honest: Unleashing JANNA on a bazaar of magic shit, with a high-limit credit card in hand? It'll be entertaining, at least.Just caught up on this whole thing, and so far I'm in favour of woweed's suggestion, Plan: Wait For It, though I'd do the think tank focus, and have Janna do alchemy research (because I honestly want to have Xanatos introduce us to the magic world for the chance to boost our relationship with him).
I wonder if Professor von Drake has connections with S.H.U.S.H. like he does in the DuckTales reboot...
I'm very disappointed that macgucket isn't on the list. I knew we probably weren't going to recruit him any time soon, but it's still disapointing
Speaking as someone who wants to do that, if we're sending Russ on Blue Hawaii, then we might want to think about waiting. I like our odds with Mirage, but it's an issue.I'm very disappointed that macgucket isn't on the list. I knew we probably weren't going to recruit him any time soon, but it's still disapointing
As for the vote I'm leaning towards [ ] Plan: Lots of Hard Work, and I won't vote for anything that isn't doing the toon railroad this turn.
not doing it now is more of an issue tho with how rampant crime is getting in doomtown. we need to get them out NOW. like Hawk got send a threat by the mob thereSpeaking as someone who wants to do that, if we're sending Russ on Blue Hawaii, then we might want to think about waiting. I like our odds with Mirage, but it's an issue.
WoG here says we can choose the extra action after the voting phase if this action is on the winning plan.There will be a vote later if this is chosen, you don't need to put every single character's extra action on your turn plan.
we should put more heroes on the "Combat organized crime in Doofania" as its has failed the last few turns
[ ] Campaign for Flubber
DC 120
Flubber is an undeniably useful tool, but it's got one heck of a bad reputation among the general public. Not surprising considering how most people believe it to be responsible for the destruction of an entire island chain. While this is admittedly a concern, it's nowhere near as bad as the public has been led to believe. With some educational videos and a massive PR campaign, you should be able to reduce the effects of any of your further Flubber research.
Reward: Public opinion malus for Flubber actions greatly reduced
[] Research Flubber Power
DC 100
Flubber offers a path to clean and cheap energy, and while it's not actually limitless, the upper limit is so high that it might as well be. The only problem is that the majority of the world thinks that Hawaii was destroyed in a prototype Flubber power plant explosion, and with the "tragedy" still recent in memory, you're going to face a lot of public backlash for rolling out a power plant.
Reward: Massive public opinion decrease, power problems for all of your territory removed, Technor's 'Power Hungry' malus removed
[ ] Research Flubber Weather Modification
DC 90
Flubber is an impressively versatile substance. Your lab monkeys have found that it serves as a near-perfect nucleation site for water droplets, meaning it is capable of producing seemingly miraculous rainfall and cloudcover in all but the most arid regions more or less on demand. Your boys even think they can manipulate its structure to break down after several months, meaning there's little concern of it becoming a pollutant. If you can manage to get this together properly, the benefits would be obvious- just think of all the dramatic storms you could pull together at a moment's notice!
Reward: Weather modification technology unlocked, significant public opinion decrease
[ ] Research Flubber Antigravity
DC 90
It turns out that if you vulcanize Flubber and apply an electric current to it, the resulting substance can produce exceptionally stable gravitons. It might be possible to exploit this and produce effective antigravity technology, though of course you'd have to get past the public opinion of the substance.
Reward: Flubber Antigravity technology unlocked
First, we can't stack heroes. Only one per action. If we could, we would have taken many of the 'doublt action' options a while ago. Secondly, its down from a 70 to 45. Barring outside interference, it's literally impossible to go below the DC if we have a hero with a 36 martial.we should put more heroes on the "Combat organized crime in Doofania" as its has failed the last few turns
Not to say this isn't worthwhile, but something to keep in mind -This completely removes Technor's malus. But the public opinion decrease is massive. So, unless we want to wait and get fusion power, doing the "Campaign For Flubber" action followed by the "Research Flubber Power" action if we want to get rid of that malus.
The day we obsolete fossil fuels is the day yet another King becomes our enemy. So while we're obviously doing this at some point, science stops for no King and all that, we should probably try to make our position a bit more secure first.[ ] Research fusion power
DC ???
Cold fusion is in the Journal of Irreproducible Results, so maybe you just want to stick with the normal kind instead. This would take care of your power problems for the next few millennia and drive Mr. Khan out of business! It might even win you a Nobel prize if those schmucks over in Stockholm will just get over what happened back in '07.