... eh, I'll throw my hat into the plan making ring as well.
[] Plan: Let's Maximize Our Results:
-[] Assimilate organized crime in Doofania
--[] Hero Unit Assigned: Norm
Old Reasoning: The first action of this plan and I already chose a almost certainly controversial option. First off, while dismantling organized crime in Doofania might make the public and the government mpre happy, assimilating it does give us at least one thing that we desperately need, underworld contacts. We just saw organized crime blossom across the country almost over night, so assimilating Doofania's organized crime moght very well tell us what's the cause behind this, and also help us prevent the Middleton drug pushers from acting in out terriroty. And, secondly, as we did get rid of Stanley and Lizzie last turn, i doubt there's a hidden malus on it now. Plus, as a bonus, with Doof's thirteen Martial, we only need to roll a seventeen or above to succed on this... without a hero unit attached.
New Reasoning: Norm is kinda pointless for the Blue Hawaii action now, and he basically makes this either a close to autosuccess action or an actual autosuccess action.
-[] Poach people from Syndrome
--[] Hero Unit Assigned: Technor
Reasoning: As we'll undoubtedly take Birds of a Feather this turn, which Goofy would enjoy coming on, we need a decent Diplo hero on this. And, with Mirage most certainly being attached to the Toon Railroad action this turn as well... Technor is really the best choice. Even with his malus he still has twenty two Diplo, along with his thirty loyalty. Not sure what bonus his loyalty would give at the moment, but, with just his Diplo stat and Doof's diplo stat, we have an automatic plus fourty to this roll.
-[] Host a company retreat
--[]Hero Unit Assigned: Hego
Reasoning: Hego and Doof's Martial mean's that this roll gets a +42 to it's roll before Hego's loyalty is added in. And... that's really it. All of our other good Stewardship heroes will be busy.
-[] Build the Toontown Railroad
Hero Unit Assigned: Mirage:
Reasoning: As it seems almost everyone wants us to attempt to do Blue Hawaii, that means we'll be bringing Russ on it. So that forces us to assign Mirage on this action. She has a base Intrigue stat of twenty eight and Doof has a base Intrigue stat of fourteen, meaning that we get a plus fourty two on this roll before Mirage's Loyalty bonus is added. Though, I do also suggest that we put the max amount of xp we can put on this action so we can lower the DC down to eighty five.
-[] Develop a flying car
--[] Hero Unit Assigned: Vanessa
Reasoning: We can hold off on getting the Think Tank for one more turn. I really don't want to see what happens if we Crit fail on it, and I do want to see what happens if we Crit Succeed on it. In truth, I'm just picking the Flying Cars as they'll increase our income by a but, which will help us buy out other companies. Plus having flying cars might help us on certain quests like, say... going to Peru or navigating a massive junkyard wasteland? Also, assigning Vanessa on this as she does have a decent Learning stat and she might want her our flying car.
-[] Visit the Magus Bazaar
--[] Hero Unit Assigned: Janna
Reasoning: ... it's the easiest Occult action we have. And Janna's the only one who even has an Occult stat.
-[] Operation: Blue Hawaii
--[] Agent Russ
--[] Major Monogram
--[] Gengis Khan
Old Reasoning: Agent Russ is a must have, Wile is a good all rounder, and Norm has good Martial. Now, you may be wondering, "But why put Max on here?" Well, you see, Russ made contact with David, who is Nani's love interest. This means that, is Russ decides to pay David a visit and ask for his help. And that may, possibly lead us into meeting Nani... and possibly Lilo. Or we could find out that Lilo has been taken, either by child's services or the GalFed... for whatever reason. So, while everyone else spends time busting out Jumba, Max can hang out with Nani and, possibly, Lilo. Which may allow us to also take them with us when we leave with Jumba
... of course, that's assuming Russ does meet up with David again, and David introduces us to Nani.
New Reasoning: As
@Nystical suggested, I'm switch Max and Wile out for Khan and Monogram, while also switching Norm to Assimilate Crime.
-[] Birds of a Feather:
--[] Wile E. Coyote
--[] Max
--[] Goofy
--[] Dennis the Duck
Old Reasoning: I'm also certain we're going to get into a fight here... with a giant snake sorcerer guy thing, as someome mentioned that Donald has been to Peru before... and said snake guy was there. So it's best if we bring Khan along to beat him aside the head. Besides Khan, Goofy and Dennis are obvious choices. And Major Monogram is here to basically give a boost to the Khan's Intrigue rolls, as he has a higher Intrigue stat than Goofy and... Dennis.
... I may also revise this later on and switch Max to this, as "going on a trip" with his dad would probably boost both his and Goofy's loyalty. Hmm...
New Reasoning: The Toon Squad, with Wile, am all rounder, as the team leader. Plus he's also hunted another bird before, the Road Runner. And there's also a chance that Max and Goofy could have their loyalties go up.
-[] Work on an extra action:
--[] Study the Palladium Chip
Reasoning: L.O.V.E. M.U.F.F.I.N. along with Doof's stats basically guarantee this to be an auto-success.
... ow. That was a lot of typing and double checking. Owwwww...
Anywho, I would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions you guys have.
Edit: Forgot to include the Personal Actions:
-[] Make up with Roger
-[] Give a project your 'personal attention' (3 personal actions)
--[] Build the Toon Railroad
Reasoning: Roger probably has a decent Diplomacy stat and Stewardship stat, so reaching out to him is a must. And we can't let the Toon Railroad fail, so let's gove it our personal attention.
-[] Work for Dr. D
--[] Blue Hawaii
-[] Aid your Descendant
--[] Blue Hawaii
-[] Work for the Bossman
--[] Birds of a Feather
-[] Work for Doctor Doofenshmirtz
--[] Blue Hawaii
-[] Work for the Good Doctor
--[] Blue Hawaii
-[] Work for Father
--[] Assimilate Organized Crime
-[] Help the Pharmacist
--[] Birds of a Feather
-[] Work for your evil boss
--[] Host a company retreat
-[] Work for Dr. Doof
--[] Poach people from Syndrome
-[] Work for the Doof
--[] Birds of a Feather
-[] Work for Dr. Heinz
--[] Build The Toon Railroad
-[]Work for dad
--[] Research Flying Cars
-[] Do Stuff for the Doof
--[] Visit the Magnus Bazaar