Perhaps, but with so much happening this turn, there isn't room to reconfigure now. Maybe next turn we can swing it, but not now. Besides, Avatar is a free action that costs us nothing. Let's either do it and get it over with or delete it from our action list
the turn hasn't even started yet?
regardless of whether a action is chosen or not, please don't fall into the trap of thinking a ship's already siled and that it's too late to change things if it's for the better. (i'm not arguing if the avatar is good or not here)

on the topic of whether it's good or not, i see positives and downsides
positives: solid chance at critical success on it, which might mitigate some of it's instability issues, and if not a crit could help in other ways
gets it out of the way with
makes feldrake happier
other stuff you might have said previously/that i'm forgetting (in honestly, i'm for stuff other than feldrake so i'm not trying to argue this too hard)
oh, i guess the main one is that it gives us the avatar of feldrake, that's pretty obvious whoops. there's some uses to having it around

taking this has the opportunity cost of not letting us take other actions, some of which have other immediate uses or will unlock actions that are pretty useful. if nothing stands out to you, you might see some new actions that are pretty good too
if we do golem research first we could crit on the avatar even easier (such as if we applied a non-occult hero to it. this means we'd be able to get a very specific crit if we have something in mind
as previously mentioned, it has a tendency to rampage. this can be mitigated by applying a occult hero with feldrake, but it's a pain when it does
not very useful for liquidator since it's big, slow, and attacks physically. it also takes an occult hero/feldrake to use properly, which means they're not helping with liquidator directly.
it's slight, but there's a chance having it around will enable feldrake to enact some scheme. he's better at controlling it than others afte all, so if we don't trust him it's a wise idea to avoid arming him with giant golems.
if it gets trashed again and we need to spend an occult action to repair it we'd be in the same situation as before, maybe even without the bare fail's DC reduction
the avatar's just one thing, rather than something that impacts our whole organisation like technology/knowledge we can put into play. it's a bit hard to make use of too, being big and obtrusive (can't bring it on quests, for instance, and there's potential masquerade risks)

definitely shouldn't delete the actioneither though, since getting rid of it takes resources on its own? an action we don't want to take can just sit there if it isn't something that would actively screw us over like flubber/stealing nuclear codes did/would.
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Perhaps, but with so much happening this turn, there isn't room to reconfigure now. Maybe next turn we can swing it, but not now. Besides, Avatar is a free action that costs us nothing. Let's either do it and get it over with or delete it from our action list
Its not hard to configure for allowing it though? Its literally just don't use the PMC for 2 turns (this one with the Inator regardless so its a functional 1 turn limit) and either Comedize which with P+F isn't terrible or look through the Corporate Records. None of this is onerous by any means.

We also don't need to just use up an action to delete it from our list. Like there is a genuine case for Avatar to help with defending the city in theory, but Golumetric having an entire magic branch and set of actions behind it is notable when we know the meteor beast has stuff stuck behind it. Dance Magic opens up dance magic personals which could potentially help Doof get a second Occult boosting personal and/or help the QMS round out their magic.

Ley Lines and Avatar are both decent actions but there is absolutely still plenty of freedom in the actions here.
Golumetric theory isn't happening. Approval from Councilors is only 1/4 and changing that would require us to rework the entire plan.
Note how I was not saying we need do it this turn. Golumetric Theory is also what unlocks doing anything with the meteorbeast, probably. We still need to hire a new Occult unit and the Mewni magical tradition is likely to be available.

share your concerns about supervillainy. our sensible councilors say it's fine if we keep it deniable, but doof doing that will be hard/the government could easily find out anyhow, they just wouldn't be able to publicly go after us
condotierri was a suggestion by doof ages ago when they were being silly, so i give it a low chance of being legit
it would probably be part of the defence industry, which we've been blocked from (at least previously, might have changed), and also it's basically "lend deniable/questionable assets" in effect, so may was well be that action
(as an aside, hopefully celena can teach us mewman magic yeah. she should, but isn't like a spellbook speciically for it which was the assumption for what we need)

it might be the only time sensitive one, but that doesn't mean the action shouldn't be taken? i'm saying to get it out of the way with now because it does need to be done shortly for the best effect, and the other actions that aren't as time sensitive can safely be done later
coincidentally, if you want to save funds by doing cheaper stewardship actions, then those cheap/0 cost actions will still be around to be done in the next couple turns so the same amount would be saved either way.

hmm, while it's hard to anticipate the specific result of a critical success for sure, you can guess the sort of impact they would give based on the action right? obviously it wouldn't impact things completely unrelated to it, so either the action has a greater impact than usual (is more effective so produces more income), unlocks new actions or/and reduces the DC of them (always useful, especially with the high DC actions/lack of actions we have) or gives us a bonus (such as a trait for a hero/buff for the organisation, an item, or a boost to funds/income/public opinion)
good point on PnF possibly giving funds though. i'd put it as a possibility for sure, it's just there's plenty of other actions possible. at the very least it's unlikely to cost us funds, as opposed to low intator rolls :P

employing toons sort of is the point. it both gives them something to do (important for the people being employed, especially since toons themselves want to perform, and how it means there'll be less tons sitting around getting up to shenanigans)
while proving that toons are useful to other people, which should lead to less dismissing/discrimination of them. it means nobody(in our organisation, for instance) can go after us for sheltering toons for no reason, and means we get the action done before it could become worse/harder as a result of negaduck's attack making toons hated (since it would already be done/working fine)
Lending the government condottieri was one of the benefits of the reaching out to the government action, which we took May/June 2017. The quest was firmly established by then.

The funds cost means that the question of whether the reduced DC for actions it does not list and income increase is worth it at a time we are in a rather pressed need for funds.

In a few turns we will be mostly pass the funds crisis. We shouldn't need to put more funds into AI rights lobbying and Negaduck's attack will have concluded. Which would leave the only major expense we need to save for as the Dickens. And we can still work on cheap Stewardship actions in the future. We have options and we can write in more if needed.

Nearly every action needs to be done shortly to have the best effect. Corporate actions that increase income that aren't time-limited like buyouts are one of the exceptions. We'll nearly always get more out of completing an action now than later. Phineas and Ferb doing comedize is just an action that can be done. It's not even a particularly important one like the New Man Project or AI rights. A critical success would most likely lower DCs more and might increase the income bonus. That is not something that we absolutely need to complete lest we fail in some matter.

Giving a few dozen or hundred toons a job doesn't really affect anything about Negaduck. And you really have no idea why discrimination happens. Proving that people can be productive is one, bullshit. You shouldn't need to be productive to not be discriminated against. Two, bullshit in a different way. Historically populations discriminated against were plenty useful to the economy. That didn't make them any less discriminated against.

Perhaps, but with so much happening this turn, there isn't room to reconfigure now. Maybe next turn we can swing it, but not now. Besides, Avatar is a free action that costs us nothing. Let's either do it and get it over with or delete it from our action list
This is being dramatic. We by no means need to rebuild the Avatar this turn lest we never do it again.
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This is being dramatic. We by no means need to rebuild the Avatar this turn lest we never do it again.
1) You say that, yet we haven't done it since the DC got lowered to the point we could do it on our own.
2) It costs us nothing and may even lower the DC for Golumetric theory. The question isn't why should we; it's why shouldn't we?
We also don't need to just use up an action to delete it from our list. Like there is a genuine case for Avatar to help with defending the city in theory, but Golumetric having an entire magic branch and set of actions behind it is notable when we know the meteor beast has stuff stuck behind it. Dance Magic opens up dance magic personals which could potentially help Doof get a second Occult boosting personal and/or help the QMS round out their magic.
1) Golumetric Theory might be made easier if we fix the Avatar.
2) I'd rather the QMS do the Other-Dimensionator this turn then do Dance Magic next turn.
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1) Golumetric Theory might be made easier if we fix the Avatar.
2) I'd rather the QMS do the Other-Dimensionator this turn then do Dance Magic next turn.
Golumetric isn't some supremely hard DC though? For example, Kitsune has a 75% chance of success even with the -5 and Celena likely beats her out there. If you want to make the argument that it would help make the rest of the magic field easier that would be one thing, but Golumetric as an action is not that hard even with Doof's low Occult.

And the QMS doing Dance Magic next turn feels like a mistake since its basically a coinflip currently. The whole point of Dance Magic is that it ideally unlocks a magic gain personal for the QMS and maybe a second one/improving his first for Doof. That doesn't require the QMS being used on the action when they have so many more directions they're being pulled in right now.
We still need to hire a new Occult unit and the Mewni magical tradition is likely to be available.
thankfully hiring a new occult unit isn't high priority, celena should be a mainstay and kitsune/tom have decent scores (one can substitute for the other when they're unavailable/busy, and if both are busy we can do one of several lower DC actions)

oh, that's another good reason to hold off on repairing the avatar of feldrake: until we get another occult hero, there may come times when our good heroes are busy so need something to make use of our resources in the meantime, which the avatar could be. thus, it would be a bit silly to repair it now, when we have both celena and kitsune free.
Lending the government condottieri was one of the benefits of the reaching out to the government action, which we took May/June 2017. The quest was firmly established by then.

DoofQuest- a Disney Villains Victorious CK2-Style Quest Crossover

What are you going to do today?
oh, the results description here? if i were to guess, that's either an option that also required a decent opinion so hadn't showed previously (and presumably would be part of the defense sector), or it was a symptom of doof being deluded. maybe any of this *would* be in the defense industry and he just didn't realise?
regardless, not to keen on doing so unless needed, it feels too much like selling out (and there's the option to rent out our assets normally anyhow if we need funds
The funds cost means that the question of whether the reduced DC for actions it does not list and income increase is worth it at a time we are in a rather pressed need for funds.
yes there's question of if this is worth it, but i think the action is worth it
In a few turns we will be mostly pass the funds crisis. We shouldn't need to put more funds into AI rights lobbying and Negaduck's attack will have concluded. Which would leave the only major expense we need to save for as the Dickens. And we can still work on cheap Stewardship actions in the future. We have options and we can write in more if needed.
if you're trying to say that we're more able to take stewardship actions that cost funds the turn after instead of next turn, i'm not sure that's true. (somewhat hard to parse your argument here so sorry if i'm getting at the wrong point)

I believe i was originally saying that the other stewardship actions we don't take would stick around, so in the turn after this (if there aren't many more actions released), we'd be able to take the cheaper options later and the same funds would be saved whether we took cheaper options now or cheaper options later. while more actions may be added that are cheap (meaning we would be obligated to take less ones that cost funds), that can't be counted on since there's a fair chance of them costing funds too, in which case we get the benefit of taking the cheaper actions then
(write-ins are an option yeah, but they're harder to rely on. i'm not really arguing about those anyhow)
Nearly every action needs to be done shortly to have the best effect. Corporate actions that increase income that aren't time-limited like buyouts are one of the exceptions. We'll nearly always get more out of completing an action now than later. Phineas and Ferb doing comedize is just an action that can be done. It's not even a particularly important one like the New Man Project or AI rights. A critical success would most likely lower DCs more and might increase the income bonus. That is not something that we absolutely need to complete lest we fail in some matter.
you're right that there's opportunities other than this, there's plenty of opportunities in other action categories so we can pick the best ones/ones that fit into other plans easier, but there's less options (at the moment) for stewardship (and this is the only real time-sensitive one) in the stewardship category, so it stands out. especially since more than an opportunity that decreases in relevance if left unchosen, the ability to force a critical here is of limited availability. if we're doing supply lines, the best time is now, while other actions (such as fashion) would be basically the same if done later (which they'll probably have chance to be, even if more actions open up)
while we would be free to take supply lines later, i think the benefit of crit forcing outweighs the benefit of other possibilities
Giving a few dozen or hundred toons a job doesn't really affect anything about Negaduck. And you really have no idea why discrimination happens. Proving that people can be productive is one, bullshit. You shouldn't need to be productive to not be discriminated against. Two, bullshit in a different way. Historically populations discriminated against were plenty useful to the economy. That didn't make them any less discriminated against.
(this isn't relevant to the topic, but i just want to say you bringing things like "you don't get how discrimination works" is more of a personal attack than a point, and somewhat rude? there's a lot of nuance here, but i *understand* things, it's just sometimes hard to phrase/apply them to a fictional setting like this)

I understand what you're saying, but it's important to remember that toons as a minority are hated for different reasons than minorities in real life would be.
from what i know, one of the main reasons for toon hate is that they don't do anything productive, so there there should be less worry about hate for taking jobs in this situation. especially since toon transportation jobs would be new positions that a human couldn't do in the first place, though admittedly that may replace people working in mundane transportation and won't count for much with fanatics
getting more toons off the street is another plus, since it enables them to do more stuff themselves/attracts new toons who're looking for work (which would mean less toons available to soak up/generate negative attention

(plus, by putting our money where our mouth is might gain increased opinion from toons/show we're putting our money where our mouth is, which would benefit attempts to promote/campaign stuff related to toons)

this sort of thing can show the advantage of silliness externally that either others try and replicate (leading to more acceptance of toons in organisations) or if not give our organisation an edge that others can't replicate *because* they're discriminating against toons.
(and we have limited tools with which to act anyhow, so getting toons jobs is the best that can be done for now, at least without write-ins or taking up slots in other actions with more competition for what to do.)

by the way, i'm seriously sorry that most of these arguments are based on opinions, but i'll level with you, i'm greedy and want to (in this turn) take supply lines, maximum AI lobbying, and in the future still hunt for star. (and think not doing so would be a waste). even if avoiding it saves funds, the opportunity cost is pretty significant.
2) I'd rather the QMS do the Other-Dimensionator this turn then do Dance Magic next turn.
this turn the QMS are for doing the on-iceinator, i'm fairly sure? though we can take the other dimensionator with our other research action (anyone with learning above 20 can take it realistically), so they won't need to do that regardless.
that might not mean anything(what i said might be redundant?), but regardless the QMS don't have to be the ones do ing the dance magic national since they have plenty of other stuff they can do, so us completing the national with a different hero won't be a bad thing
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this turn the QMS are for doing the on-iceinator, i'm fairly sure? though we can take the other dimensionator with our other research action (anyone with learning above 20 can take it realistically), so they won't need to do that regardless.
that might not mean anything(what i said might be redundant?), but regardless the QMS don't have to be the ones do ing the dance magic national since they have plenty of other stuff they can do, so us completing the national with a different hero won't be a bad thing

Wasabi loayalty is kinda low at the moment, since he don't like working with supervillains, doing research into other dimensions would at least grow his loyalty a little.
It costs us an action. We shouldn't do the Avatar because we have better things to use our Occult actions on.
Name one (and don't say Golumetric Theory).
Golumetric isn't some supremely hard DC though? For example, Kitsune has a 75% chance of success even with the -5 and Celena likely beats her out there. If you want to make the argument that it would help make the rest of the magic field easier that would be one thing, but Golumetric as an action is not that hard even with Doof's low Occult.
I'd rather not use Celena on a National Action before we deal with Malf. That's (probably) just going to piss him off. It's also why I don't want to look through our magic stuff again, since Malf is defensive about "not appreciating" the stuff we got from him.
Name one (and don't say Golumetric Theory).
Ley Lines, Dance Magic, even Search for Magical Individuals/potentially contacting Merlinians or Morganians if Occult over Diplo just off the top of my head.

I'd rather not use Celena on a National Action before we deal with Malf. That's (probably) just going to piss him off. It's also why I don't want to look through our magic stuff again, since Malf is defensive about "not appreciating" the stuff we got from him.
Considering how packed our personals our, Malf likely can't be pacified this turn and it'd probably be minorly dubious next turn as well. We just got a very good Occult user on our team since we need her badly. While she likely could pull off some Intrigue options if necessary, I'm not so scared of Malf as to not use her for why we got her. At that point we could have just avoided getting her in the first place and saved ourselves the actions.

Currently we have Alan/Wendy/CJ needing to be done soon (Wendy for IC info and the objective for reaching the next loyalty tier, Alan and CJ together for max grid push while capitalizing on Norm's moment), where stuff like Power Armor (Helping for Liquidator attacking since Doof is the required lead for that), Intrigue boost (Star situation boost), Occult boost (problematic dump stat), and Janus/Mirage (final councilors to talk to, Janus needs maintenance and to have people he can talk to while Mirage is our 2IC who we really just need to properly talk to already) are all things we likely need to rush down as well.
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1) You say that, yet we haven't done it since the DC got lowered to the point we could do it on our own.
2) It costs us nothing and may even lower the DC for Golumetric theory. The question isn't why should we; it's why shouldn't we?
That's because it isn't particularly valuable. We had more important occult actions to do at the time. I have mentioned already that it's entirely possible we will be able to fit in the Avatar on a turn where we want to have Celena or one of our other occult units use a personal. Further, lowering the DC of Golumetric Theory is not listed as a benefit of repairing Feldrake's avatar. The inverse is true. It is highly unlikely it will happen.

thankfully hiring a new occult unit isn't high priority, celena should be a mainstay and kitsune/tom have decent scores (one can substitute for the other when they're unavailable/busy, and if both are busy we can do one of several lower DC actions)

oh, the results description here? if i were to guess, that's either an option that also required a decent opinion so hadn't showed previously (and presumably would be part of the defense sector), or it was a symptom of doof being deluded. maybe any of this *would* be in the defense industry and he just didn't realise?
regardless, not to keen on doing so unless needed, it feels too much like selling out (and there's the option to rent out our assets normally anyhow if we need funds

yes there's question of if this is worth it, but i think the action is worth it

if you're trying to say that we're more able to take stewardship actions that cost funds the turn after instead of next turn, i'm not sure that's true. (somewhat hard to parse your argument here so sorry if i'm getting at the wrong point)

I believe i was originally saying that the other stewardship actions we don't take would stick around, so in the turn after this (if there aren't many more actions released), we'd be able to take the cheaper options later and the same funds would be saved whether we took cheaper options now or cheaper options later. while more actions may be added that are cheap (meaning we would be obligated to take less ones that cost funds), that can't be counted on since there's a fair chance of them costing funds too, in which case we get the benefit of taking the cheaper actions then
(write-ins are an option yeah, but they're harder to rely on. i'm not really arguing about those anyhow)

you're right that there's opportunities other than this, there's plenty of opportunities in other action categories so we can pick the best ones/ones that fit into other plans easier, but there's less options (at the moment) for stewardship (and this is the only real time-sensitive one) in the stewardship category, so it stands out. especially since more than an opportunity that decreases in relevance if left unchosen, the ability to force a critical here is of limited availability. if we're doing supply lines, the best time is now, while other actions (such as fashion) would be basically the same if done later (which they'll probably have chance to be, even if more actions open up)
while we would be free to take supply lines later, i think the benefit of crit forcing outweighs the benefit of other possibilities

(this isn't relevant to the topic, but i just want to say you bringing things like "you don't get how discrimination works" is more of a personal attack than a point, and somewhat rude? there's a lot of nuance here, but i *understand* things, it's just sometimes hard to phrase/apply them to a fictional setting like this)

I understand what you're saying, but it's important to remember that toons as a minority are hated for different reasons than minorities in real life would be.
from what i know, one of the main reasons for toon hate is that they don't do anything productive, so there there should be less worry about hate for taking jobs in this situation. especially since toon transportation jobs would be new positions that a human couldn't do in the first place, though admittedly that may replace people working in mundane transportation and won't count for much with fanatics
getting more toons off the street is another plus, since it enables them to do more stuff themselves/attracts new toons who're looking for work (which would mean less toons available to soak up/generate negative attention

(plus, by putting our money where our mouth is might gain increased opinion from toons/show we're putting our money where our mouth is, which would benefit attempts to promote/campaign stuff related to toons)

this sort of thing can show the advantage of silliness externally that either others try and replicate (leading to more acceptance of toons in organisations) or if not give our organisation an edge that others can't replicate *because* they're discriminating against toons.
(and we have limited tools with which to act anyhow, so getting toons jobs is the best that can be done for now, at least without write-ins or taking up slots in other actions with more competition for what to do.)

by the way, i'm seriously sorry that most of these arguments are based on opinions, but i'll level with you, i'm greedy and want to (in this turn) take supply lines, maximum AI lobbying, and in the future still hunt for star. (and think not doing so would be a waste). even if avoiding it saves funds, the opportunity cost is pretty significant.
Stop sphaghetti posting. Respond to the entire comment rather than cutting out every damn sentence.

Our occult heroes are not free at all. Celena mitigates our occult problems. Kitsune is fine in a pinch, but she's best on quests and she is decent for intrigue as well. We also have difficulty doing Occult actions because the heroes we do have tend to not be heavy hitters. A turn that Occult isn't heavily contested is a perfect time to hire an occult hero.

Gridlocked draws inspiration from real life discrimination for its own setting. DoofQuest does too. Toon who assimilate are often resented by toons. Hell, Who Framed Roger Rabbit itself based the marginalization of toons off of real life racism in the United States. Toons live in a segregated community and suffer higher punishments for the same crime. Eddie himself starts the film bigoted against toons and overcomes it in a way that mirrors racism. Nothing supports the implication that Toon racism is Different to real racism. Toons are hated because they do not fit in (I will also note that implying that entertainment is nonproductive in a Disney crossover is kinda wack. Especially because manga/anime are incredibly popular in the DoofQuest United States.)

We already have an opinion bonus for standing up for toons. Employing a few of them isn't going to do much. Stop making up bonuses to stuff to justify your intentions. Stick to what is reasonably inferred. Ie, what the action says it will give. And hell, let's not forget this isn't the ideal job for the Toon community. They want to entertain. Sure, there's exceptions. But the broader toon community wants to perform. Having a job where they can do some funny stuff is better than no job, or just a normal corporate job, but it's not something that will draw the focus of the toon community. Certainly not like our advocacy.

There are plenty of things that would benefit DEI. Comedizing our supply chains is simply not a big paradigm shift. A critical success would make it better, but there is only so much you can do with straw rather than bricks. And I hadn't read the action description in a while. I don't know where I got the idea that it would lower the DC for actions.

ACME's express delivery service can move goods vast distances in short amounts of time, but unfortunately it relies on strict comedic timing, and even then, it can prove notoriously unreliable. There may be some profit to be made in expanding their service to non-ACME products, but we shouldn't expect it to be industry redefining or even give us a significant leg up in the market- Coyote is already running the numbers on how to make shipping funny and isn't coming up with all that much.

Outcome: +1 income, -2 funds
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Name one (and don't say Golumetric Theory).
Ley Lines, Dance Magic, even Search for Magical Individuals/potentially contacting Merlinians or Morganians if Occult over Diplo just off the top of my head.

I'd personally argue that "Look Back Through Your Stuff" and "Fortress of the Mind" would potentially be more useful than the Avatar too, thoguh with significantly higher DCs.

The former would be the most logical way to get more of the Talismans, which due tot he Objective should be possible

While the latter is one of the defenses against mental effects, though I'm personally hopinig Celena has a trait for that
I'd personally argue that "Look Back Through Your Stuff" and "Fortress of the Mind" would potentially be more useful than the Avatar too, thoguh with significantly higher DCs.
Oh for sure, I just think Doof should complete the current Occult gain personal/if we're lucky the Dance magic personal to make those DCs more manageable if we can.
(in response to spaghetti posting)
fair enough if i'm starting to go against rules/guidelines, I'll try and cut that out. my aim was to cut down on space being taken up by my posts (too easy to try and talk about everything when the discussions are fun), but it probably didn't work too well.?

(in response to occult heroes)
honestly I'm not sure why I argued against them at first, probably because recruiting more heroes isn't too exciting compared to other options and we've gone to great lengths for it previously? a new occult hero would definitely be handy (especially if they're trustworthy/a versatile spellcaster). I guess we'll have to see the options available? will be interesting since I'm not sure what would be available. we'd probably send the offer to the magus bazaar or something to preserve the masquerade? (hopefully the option isn't removed as part of the QMs preventing hero bloat)

(in response to the argument in general)
while i still believe a critical success on supply lines is the best action out of the available ones to take this turn, i admit i've probably been mentally blowing up the scale of comedise supply lines to be larger than it probably will be. (and have generally been bringing up hypothetical advantages/predictions for the crit's effect, which isn't too useful)
(the idea that it could reduce the DC for actions might have been one of these suggestions, or in relation to how some stewardship actions reduced the DC for moving malf's castle?)

are there any alternate stewardship actions you'd prefer more than it for reasons *other* than funds (which i think should be fine)?
Wasabi loayalty is kinda low at the moment, since he don't like working with supervillains, doing research into other dimensions would at least grow his loyalty a little.
wasabi's a pretty handy flex unit and i see his specialty being handy, whilst his stress mechanics mean more loyalty is important so sounds a good call
other idea was giving it to roddy (who has just 20 learning), since it doesn't seem like there's many chances to inprove his loyalty
wasabi's a pretty handy flex unit and i see his specialty being handy, whilst his stress mechanics mean more loyalty is important so sounds a good call
other idea was giving it to roddy (who has just 20 learning), since it doesn't seem like there's many chances to Roddy's inprove his loyalty
Roddy's not needed since frankly we don't need his loyalty to be higher. His trait helps him plenty as is bonus wise when he's necessary, he doesn't have any storylines attached to him, and other units can have a more varied use case. Plus Wasabi is one of the only people who should have a specialization to ignore the crit fail chance, which is pretty relevant.

Ideally it'd be QMS > Wasabi (for the people with a specialization) but 99% for On Ice vs Jumba's 93% is too good to pass up with how strong Liquidator is and Dino Weapon Platforms should help with the QMS loyalty anyway through Gomez.
Roddy's not needed since frankly we don't need his loyalty to be higher. His trait helps him plenty as is bonus wise when he's necessary, he doesn't have any storylines attached to him, and other units can have a more varied use case. Plus Wasabi is one of the only people who should have a specialization to ignore the crit fail chance, which is pretty relevant.
I guess as a contractor it makes sense that he'd be more divorced from the company, but that was part of the reason i thought it might be worth choosing him, to make him more willing to stay with the company (since he could just leave if someone else wants to hire him for better) i guess we haven't invested that much into him though, so if that happens it wouldn't be the end of the world (and he already has a good deal here/base set up so less reason to do that anyhow)

it's a bit of a moot point since wasabi seems like a better pick here anyhow (with it helping get him to 25 loyalty which can realistically happen, and how increased loyalty could be pretty beneficial for storyline purposes/him being more willing to deal with shenanigans, so mostly just wanted to bring it up as an idea (maybe it would be handy if wasabi had to to something else?)
I'd recommend aganist Ley Lines next turn. While I think people are being overly cautious about Mal's loyalty to an extent, he is a Council member, his loyalty matters a lot, and I feel like having Celena try the exact action he just massively failed at would be taken as another insult. Plus, we've tried it twice now and failed both times. Let that one rest for a turn, I think.
(in response to the argument in general)
while i still believe a critical success on supply lines is the best action out of the available ones to take this turn, i admit i've probably been mentally blowing up the scale of comedise supply lines to be larger than it probably will be. (and have generally been bringing up hypothetical advantages/predictions for the crit's effect, which isn't too useful)

are there any alternate stewardship actions you'd prefer more than it for reasons *other* than funds (which i think should be fine)?
I want to do Bakaemono Supply Chain or White Hack ENCOM. Bakaemono gives 2 income and lowers DCs, probably the robo-duplicate. Though I could see not wanting to do that depending on the results of the Market Research. ENCOM gives funds if we succeed or not and should give us a bit of insight into what LEGACY is all about. Though I could see wanting to delay that until we have used the SHIVA laser, which costs funds.
Possibly a dumb question, but could we build a Robo-duplicate of Celena, have her possess that and thus give her a body she can move around?