I have some ideas for write-ins:

-[] Sell DEI shares:
This used to be a National Option when Mirage has taken control of DEI for short time so for me it make sense that Mirage or Janus bring this idea to the Council now that DEI has rejoined the government. I mean the DEI is the only megacop that don't sell shares in the market while all the others do and we are losing a ton of money as consequence.

-[] Advertise DaedolOS:
We now own the OS so we may as well try to advertise one of our obscure products to the public, who knows maybe it can start to compete for real against Legacy.
quite a few notable updates! ! other factions doing well has some implications (encom/the exclusion zone), but thankfully i don't think the latter's a huge priority for us? if we can benefit we can benefit but i don't think leaving it alone is anything more than a missed opportunity, so it should be fine to ignore unless we get a good opportunity.

one unfortunate thing is information regarding lobbying :/ it doesn't seem like anything huge will happen with genetics so it can be left alone for now (even if someone sets up a negative ticker, we should have enough chance to reverse that if we see it coming, but there's indication glomgold/doom have some inconvenient vested interests. it's definitely worth checking the temperature regarding that in our next turn to hunt for allies (and clear things up politely with glomgold) before it progresses anymore!

Okay, my brain briefly misread this as the Doofanian Underworld getting taken over by a participant in the Franchise Wars.
same, usually formatting shenanigans wouldn't be a big deal but this one's just hilarious tbh
...Mother of every conceivable fuck. Get on this, get on it NOW.
...bill's just being a troll, definitely, hopefully
do you think Wheedling russ about CAIA would help better than a specific bossman chat? if it goes well it might give results that are more focused towards the situation (by giving us some important information), and help with a bunch of other stuff besides. might be a
Well LEGACY is nasty trap of some sort and that invite to hacking they system is possible another trap since the MCP possible can slip something in the DaedolOS or want to test our capabilities, I inclined to ignore the offer either way.
rather than a trap, LEGACY might be the avenue for a larger project on encom's side (that happens to be trapped). they seem committed to working on it until it's unbeatable, or something like that?
and rather than hacking being an opportunity to screw with us, doing it would presumably show our hand of any tricks we have and thus make it harder if we were to do anything in the future. thankfully i don't think doing that would make it any easier for ENCOM to mess with us than usual, though? if anything we'd be paying more attention to any malware, after all.
Just spit balling some ideas, DaedolOS is possible the only OS in the country that is not under control of ECOM, aka MCP, and Alan musings point out that must be bugging the thing a lot. For now they are trying to take control using peaceful means but I imagine that sooner or later ENCOM will lose patience and will start to employ aggressive tactics against us for either selling the OS to them or shut it down.
(it's spelt DaedalOS)
hopefully not lol. blatant action would be bad, but with the state of masquerades we probably don't need to worry about it? that sort of stuff would provoke the government after all

i don't think trying to make any products like that exclusive would be a good call unless the service is really good and everyone knows it. even if it was possible (winston would presumably have to know about the existence of the MCP/their danger for it), exclusivity would harm the success of the service, and it doing well would be far more effective to mess with MCP than trying to make LEGACY a less desirable system (since they're using our services rather than ENCOMs)
-[] Sell DEI shares:
selling shares gives some money, but not *tons* and gives other people influence on our company, so it's a bit dubious?
-[] Advertise DaedolOS:
boosting the popularity of our services is good, but if it costs an action we'd be better off doing something different/specifically making it better
we can trust our companies to be doing advertising *anyhow* so there's not much to really do?
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[ ] Assault Negaduck
To be continued in Interlude: Four.
They got lucky in a way that helps us. A pleasant surprise.

[ ] Offer to Buy Waddle
DC 0
Mechanically and strategically that is very worrying.
But if it removes Beaks from the narrative it might be for the best.

White Hat Hack ENCOM has been added to your actions. Attempt to hack ENCOM, with their knowledge and consent, and if successful, you will be awarded 4 income. Failure will award a consolation prize of 1 income, and due to the unique circumstances of this offer, critical failure has no penalty.
...income rather than just funds? Odd.
Sort of tempting but probably not worth doing till we can send Khan and Tron in the backdoor at the same time.

Don't see those often. Presumably it is worse than a Bare Success would have been.

[ ] Hunt down whoever stole your scissors
Toffee now knows that Negaduck took his scissors. Hopefully he will try to do something about it, weakening then both.

Outcome: Seth Supplies Co falls under far greater scrutiny from the government. For the next two turns, any Intrigue rolls Seth Supplies Co. makes suffer a -15 malus. Rolls to investigate Star suffer a -25, as a majority of their resources go into actually keeping their company afloat.
On this is big. Doesn't directly make them easier to attack but does make it harder for them to retaliate. And perhaps more critically gives us the chance to get ahead on Star.

Glomgold Enterprises
[ ] Offer to buy Hard AI
DC 0

An actual letter from Glomgold Industries was waiting on your desk this morning, and it wasn't just one clipped from the newspaper either. In it, Flintheart Glomgold announced his desire to purchase the rights to build hard AI from you and offered a price tag to match- even with as much money as you make in a day you have to wonder what you could do with this much. Maybe twelve of the things your bean counters won't just let you do, you don't know.

Outcome: Gain 12 income. Glomgold Enterprises can legally produce and utilize AI.
Not good. Glomgold is almost certain to want AIs to be non-people (it makes enslaving them so much easier) and can throw an awful lot of money at the government to keep it that way.
Also it is again income meaning we can't actually use it for several turns.

[ ] Kontest Kontrol of the Doofanian Underworld
60% CoS, 95+ 4-
??? Opposed
40% CoS, 97+ 6-
(Second) ??? Critical Failure!
We might want to prioritise looking into the Doofanian Underworld. If only so we know who the current bottom feeders are.

Governmental Reactions will now be interspersed into Reverse Rival Reports!
A nice bonus.

'Wheedle Russ about CAIA' personal action unlocked
…really hope that is a Russ personal rather than a Doof personal. We already have enough of the latter that I'm half tempted to propose cloning/duplicating Doof.

'Infiltrate CAIA' National action unlocked. Agent Russ will not help with this action- in fact, probably best he doesn't catch wind of it at all.
Is it even mechanically possibly to prevent a hero unit from knowing our National actions? Either way I feel this one should be left on the shelf or dumped into the same bin as 'steal nuke codes'.

Winston has expressed some curiosity as to why exactly you did this, so you told him. He seemed satisfied.
What was the in-universe reason for doing it as a co-lab by the way?

CAIA is… very mildly concerned. Probably not enough to actually do anything, thanks to your recent choices, but from their perspective it absolutely screams 'step 1 to evil army of mantis men'.
We already have a robot army and one of our minions has a giant-ant army. Why would we sink time and money into making a mantis man army?

[] Keep the PMC centralized around DEI.
Just don't see Khan using the army all that much.

[] Yes
If he doesn't buy it from us he will buy it from someone else. Or steal it.
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Well LEGACY is nasty trap of some sort and that invite to hacking they system is possible another trap since the MCP possible can slip something in the DaedolOS or want to test our capabilities, I inclined to ignore the offer either way
Yeah I think the ENCOM are scared and I don't think hacking into OS and then telling it to them so they can fix it is a good idea. We should hack it ideally but just for our own curiosity.
Also what options are available to oppose ENCOM I forgot.

Winston seems interested in getting the film and other parts of the small Disney backlog on this new thing he has planned called a 'streaming service'.

Guys Winston is getting the streaming services so let's try to release movies on to his platform.
boosting the popularity of our services is good, but if it costs an action we'd be better off doing something different/specifically making it better
we can trust our companies to be doing advertising *anyhow* so there's not much to really do?

It probably would be a Steward Action and this turn we kinda lacking on them so is not a a huge loss.

(it's spelt DaedalOS)
hopefully not lol. blatant action would be bad, but with the state of masquerades we probably don't need to worry about it? that sort of stuff would provoke the government after all

i don't think trying to make any products like that exclusive would be a good call unless the service is really good and everyone knows it. even if it was possible (winston would presumably have to know about the existence of the MCP/their danger for it), exclusivity would harm the success of the service, and it doing well would be far more effective to mess with MCP than trying to make LEGACY a less desirable system (since they're using our services rather than ENCOMs)

I meant ENCOM would try to send spies, sabotage us and other stuff not open warfare when this fail he may start to hacking our systems and secret assume control. Winston don't give a indication he knows about the MCP the thing since he's yet to mention it and would not have agree to sell DaedalOS to ENCOM.

Possible not even Xanatos is aware from MCP existence since he's yet to contest ENCOM control.

At best is better to assume nobody is aware of the MCP.

Yeah I think the ENCOM are scared and I don't think hacking into OS and then telling it to them so they can fix it is a good idea. We should hack it ideally but just for our own curiosity.
Also what options are available to oppose ENCOM I forgot.

None currently.
Possible not even Xanatos is aware from MCP existence since he's yet to contest ENCOM control.
Xanatos specifically is almost certainly aware of the MCP, given he was pushing for us to shore up their power ENCOM while Negaduck was known to be coming. Given how many masquerades the MCP helps keep up him knowing about it and wanting it intact for said masquerades makes sense.
Xanatos specifically is almost certainly aware of the MCP, given he was pushing for us to shore up their power ENCOM while Negaduck was known to be coming. Given how many masquerades the MCP helps keep up him knowing about it and wanting it intact for said masquerades makes sense.

Depends, he may just don't want a single company to hold that much power as they do.

DVV base setting notice that Xanatos is aware of MCP existence or not but this is depending on the GM.

We have CJ as a potential replacement for the MCP if we decide to humanize her and realize she's also a person. However it would take us to journey to the digital world to discover the latter, since she most assume MCP role in our own OS but in a benevolent way.
Is it even mechanically possibly to prevent a hero unit from knowing our National actions? Either way I feel this one should be left on the shelf or dumped into the same bin as 'steal nuke codes'.
Yes, actually!

By default, an infiltrated unit knows the actions they are assigned. Its why Mez has only gotten us one action a turn. Russ has a personal that lets him get our entire card at once in Spy on Doof, but unless we do that they only know for certain what he is assigned on.

It is possible for them to know other actions are happening through talking to coworkers, but if theyre not present that doesnt mean much since they dont know the exact details. Such as Janna only knowing Kitsune and Russ were going to New England.
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Interesting to see the Government manage something good.
One step closer to us accusing them of being a monopoly, but it is scary how dominant they're becoming.
Once again, Zootopia isn't our problem unless they have something useful or they make it our problem. Bellwether is an asshole, but not one high on the priority list for us.
Good for them.
[ ] Commit Questionable Science
DC 150
87+1+22+27+20 (???)+5=162

An unusual brownout was reported in LA last month, lasting for approximately five minutes before the local fusion plant was able to increase output to pick up the slack. No further electrical disturbances were noticed after the first one.
I swear to god if Doom gets to other world's before we do. We need to fire up the ODI as soon as we can.
Hah! Get fucked! I'm enjoying how everything seems to be going wrong for him this turn, at least as far as we can tell.
Good for Drakken.
Glomgold Enterprises
[ ] Kontest Kontrol of the Doofanian Underworld
I swear if that goddamn Kat is back and messing with us.
The Franchise Wars rage on…
Glad we got out of there. Even Toffee's rise here is barely one in comparison to everyone else.
Governmental Reactions will now be interspersed into Reverse Rival Reports!
'Wheedle Russ about CAIA' personal action unlocked
'Infiltrate CAIA' National action unlocked. Agent Russ will not help with this action- in fact, probably best he doesn't catch wind of it at all.
Ooh, I love the Reverse Rival Reports, so this is nice. And good for Agent Russ too!
[ ] 'Rejoin' the US Government
64+19 (Doof)+23 (Moseby)+14 (Council)+2 (Loyalty)+10 (XP)=132

People all over the country are… mildly confused by this 'shift' in 'branding'. Some say it's a satirical setup to mock government as just as 'evil' as corporate america, others pontificate that the bit was getting old anyway. In any case, the 'annexation of Doofania' is likely to be out of everyone's minds in a few weeks.

Except of course the government. Capitol Hill is apparently relieved that DEI is no longer being such a blatant rude gesture at Washington's heart, and CAIA itself is beginning to look at you as someone they can, if not like, at least tolerate. Some of the credit for this change is apparently going back to Russ, who is being hailed as the man of the hour behind closed doors.
Again, good for Russ.
[ ] Prevent Unattended AI
70+38 (Doof)+ 30(Trevor)+23 (Alan)+ 20 (Concurrent User) +2 (Loyalty) +20 (Council)=203

Mostly unremarked upon, DEI and Funtelligence's collaboration to ensure that Funtelligence systems and NormCores™ no longer inexplicably become sentient are welcome evidence both corporations are taking their position as market leaders in AI seriously. Some question why nominal competitors are getting chummy, but both companies' stocks are up… in as much as DEI sells any stock at all, anyway. Winston has expressed some curiosity as to why exactly you did this, so you told him. He seemed satisfied.
Wonder what Winston is thinking here, this action has seemingly made him happy.
[ ] Sell Doc Hopper's
Did you always intend to flip Hoppers for profit, or was the heat simply too hot to stay in the kitchen? DEI's sudden exit from the Franchise Wars before they even really began has several boring trade magazines buzzing. Some suggest DEI stripped the frog franchise for its best parts (which is true you suppose, if you count Kermit) before dismantling it. Winston is used to your antics by now and doesn't seem to think it odd.
This is true, in a way. Kermit is very useful.
[ ] Release Peter Pan
Apparently a small minority of theaters primarily in and around LA publicly snubbed the release of Peter Pan, likely on orders from their corporate master Judge Doom. Winston seems interested in getting the film and other parts of the small Disney backlog on this new thing he has planned called a 'streaming service'.
I'm very interested in this streaming service thing, I'm definitely down for making DooFlix. Or some other non-asinine name that Winston would suggest. Hermes? I'd suggest Hypnos because of the sleep and dreams thing, but Hypnos feels like bad branding as a name.
[ ] Lobby for Genetic Modification
Winston let you know that the genetics world is in a tizzy over your sudden entry onto the lobbying scene, pushing for mass deregulation. As one of the quickest rising biofirms in the world, speculation is running wild as to what exactly the good doctor's house has planned.

CAIA is… very mildly concerned. Probably not enough to actually do anything, thanks to your recent choices, but from their perspective it absolutely screams 'step 1 to evil army of mantis men'.

Hey. There's an idea.
Get our mad biologists on it, anything useful the Mantis may have for the New Man Project? Also, glad there doesn't seem to be backlash.
[ ] Sponsor a City-Wide FCLORP
DEI spent an unclear amount of time and money this month helping some of its interns organize the largest FCLORP in the world, recently certified by the Guinness Book of World Records. In most parts the performance was what one could expect from a mass of roleplayers, but there were a few memorable standouts trending on The Grid.

Fun! Also, ominous.
[ ] Make Genghis the PMC's official commander.
Genghis will gain the following trait:
A Small Army: +5 to all martial rolls where Genghis is deployed alongside the PMC.

[ ] Keep the PMC centralized around DEI.
PMC general martial bonus increased by 2 to +9, penalty to invasions increased by 1 to -30.
I still don't know, I like the +5 Martial in some actions, but the general defensive bosot to a full 30 is good too...
Do you agree to sell hard AI rights to Glomgold?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
Hah! No.
... Okay, we need to fire up the Otherdimension-Inator as soon as we get enough breathing room. I don't think we have enough time to install ourselves for sabotage before Doom succesfully establishes contact to other worlds, and that guy is tough enough to nail down when limited to just this one.
Agreed. I'm just against him beating us to the true final frontier before we do. Also, if he starts poking interdimensional bears, I want a better chance of catching wind. I don't want the first thing we hear about Doom poking an empire is Andrias appearing above the Hollywood sign and saying "What's good, primates?". Although who knows how subtle the Amphibians would be in this world. Or if he's likely to poke them first, rather than someone else.
Super ominous.
We're doing an Olympia collab for this. Getting in on making a streaming service is massive for pushing our entertainment options and furthering the movies/toons angle, while making a fair bit amount of funds in the long run ideally.
So long as this world doesn't end up like ours, with two dozen useless streaming services, that way lies piracy and loss of funds. I'm in support though.
...that's alot of money, and I am both salivating and un-nerved.
What could possible be convincing GLOMGOLD to pay that much for hard AI?
Did he misplace a hyphen in '1-2 Income', (read, rolled low on this,) or does he want AI slaves that badly?
Free workers who work better than the organic ones, who work for free. If he finagles it right he may even earn money employing them.
quite a few notable updates! ! other factions doing well has some implications (encom/the exclusion zone), but thankfully i don't think the latter's a huge priority for us? if we can benefit we can benefit but i don't think leaving it alone is anything more than a missed opportunity, so it should be fine to ignore unless we get a good opportunity.
I'm more into other world's really, we have to have some sort of focus.
…really hope that is a Russ personal rather than a Doof personal. We already have enough of the latter that I'm half tempted to propose cloning/duplicating Doof.
i was considering it being a national, but that's unlikely. if we're doing it, seems to most likely be a personal, but if it's replacing a bossman chat with russ then doing that isn't the biggest action-sink? (unless people for some dumb reason want to do both and try and get blood from a stone)
Is it even mechanically possibly to prevent a hero unit from knowing our National actions? Either way I feel this one should be left on the shelf or dumped into the same bin as 'steal nuke codes'.
the description says that we should prevent him from finding out, so we can assume doof knows it's a bad idea to include russ in it right?
should be possible to do that first part (say, do it when he's away for one reason or another, or get better at being sneaky), but i'm expecting a pretty high DC regardless. it would definitely provoke them, but hopefully less than nuke codes would, so we shouldn't dismiss it out of hand? getting info on them could be really useful, especially for serious stuff
What was the in-universe reason for doing it as a co-lab by the way?
Funtelligence asked for us to do it so the obligation to justify it's on them :P
i guess there could be some PR "we don't have robot slaves" benefit to the project? and obviously winston would agree with that reasoning too.
We already have a robot army and one of our minions has a giant-ant army. Why would we sink time and money into making a mantis man army?
for one, it would be funny :P
agree on it not being worth the effort for us though, maybe that's doof vision making a guess/paraphrasing things?
If he doesn't buy it from us he will buy it from someone else. Or steal it.
it is a lot of money, but it seems like a poor option morally? for the time being we're the only person who he can buy/steal this tech from so it's not inevitable, and if he does steal it he hopefully wouldn't be able to just sell robot slave labour instantly either (because we could point to him as having stolen it). it would make rolling out AI rights (which i think is a priority for a lot of people) much harder.
Also what options are available to oppose ENCOM I forgot.
most options are corporate-based and competing with them, but that's hard with their monopoly.
we have access to a cyberspace related quest after negaduck though, and once that's done we should hopefully get some expanded capabilities
Guys Winston is getting the streaming services so let's try to release movies on to his platform.
luckily we're allied :) i'm not sure if it's the sort of thing that warrants a collaboration (there's not much for us to do after all) so once he's done hopefully we'll be able to let him stream our movies and we both benefit.
It probably would be a Steward Action and this turn we kinda lacking on them so is not a a huge loss.
what are you talking about, we have some solid options for stewardship business ventures? a lot of stuff that would expand our capabilities/increase our income, which is what stands out
I meant ENCOM would try to send spies, sabotage us and other stuff not open warfare when this fail he may start to hacking our systems and secret assume control. Winston don't give a indication he knows about the MCP the thing since he's yet to mention it and would not have agree to sell DaedalOS to ENCOM.
this sort of thing we can contest, not the end of the world. we should also be able to take action in cyberspace after negaduck, but it's best not to assume we know everything that's going down?
zanatos *might* have a clue, he invested in the company a bit ago so he at the very least has some eyes on it, and the government certainly does.
given he was pushing for us to shore up their power
could you say what this was specifically? don't remember ENCOM being mentioned in zanatos's last interlude
this sort of thing we can contest, not the end of the world. we should also be able to take action in cyberspace after negaduck, but it's best not to assume we know everything that's going down?
zanatos *might* have a clue, he invested in the company a bit ago so he at the very least has some eyes on it, and the government certainly does.

The government does not have a clue. DVV base setting is very clear only very few are aware of MCP existence and the government is not one of them, else CAIA probably would create another organization to handle cyberspace matters and fight against the AI.

Also is very much a end of the world since the MCP objective is to taken control all the computer systems in the world and rule it as a god, if he get it's hands on the Cube from Artemist Fowl this definitely will give him a concrete way to do so.

what are you talking about, we have some solid options for stewardship business ventures? a lot of stuff that would expand our capabilities/increase our income, which is what stands out

I just saying we may as well do something with DaedalOS since is kinda just sitting the corner and we pay it to keep exclusively ours instead of letting ENCOM assume control, may as well try to boost it's sales since is not doing so well in the market, iest very obscure since only some 900.000 users or something, and maybe our employers will start to use it instead of LEGACY thus giving less opportunities for MCP spy on our company.
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I am a bit surprised that Olympia doesn't have a action on the report this turn - if nothing else I was expecting a follow up to the press conference they tried to have last turn.
I enjoyed the reading Rival Reports. Though I will admit I am glad there are only two interludes. They're going to be interesting if nothing else.

[ ] Assault Negaduck
DC 185
35% CoS, 97+ 11-

To be continued in Interlude: Four.
🫡🇺🇸 They were from the government, and were there to help.

I wonder if that is the team that Xanatos mentioned assembling in Interlude: Sandbagging.

[ ] Offer to Buy Waddle
DC 0

Your weekly routine of finding Mark Beaks' latest photo on social media so you can print it out and throw darts at it was interrupted with a news article you weren't expecting. ENCOM has announced its successful acquisition of his social media corporation Waddle, effective immediately. Beaks announced it in his own way, in the form of a short video showing ENCOM CEO Ed Dillinger handing him one of those gigantic novelty cheques with enough zeros to make your head spin.

Beaks is dabbing. The Vice President of Acquisitions at ENCOM, clearly under duress, is dabbing too.

Reception of the acquisition seems mixed to positive, while some lament ENCOM acquiring yet another piece of the pie and the loss of what made Waddle unique, stockholders are thrilled and Waddle haters say it can't get replaced fast enough. Approached for comment, Beaks said "HAHAHA, Suckers!" before riding off on a segway at unsafe speeds.

[ ] Improve LEGACY security
DC 200
67% CoS, 94+ 13-
77+56+52+20+6= 211

ENCOM has pushed out another security upgrade for its new LEGACY system like clockwork, and Alan had to grimly admit that for once, ENCOM doesn't seem to be exaggerating much when they claim it to be the strongest security system on the planet. It's bereft of any frills, advertisements, false positives, or other shortcomings that many previous ENCOM products were known for- just a robust, effective, and free security system that actually seems to work as intended.

ENCOM has proudly announced that their white hat bounty has gone unclaimed, and has since upped the reward a bit. Alan notes that while he was unable to crack it in his free time, he's not sure what a dedicated team would be able to do.

White Hat Hack ENCOM has been added to your actions. Attempt to hack ENCOM, with their knowledge and consent, and if successful, you will be awarded 4 funds. Failure will award a consolation prize of 1 fund, and due to the unique circumstances of this offer, critical failure has no penalty.

[ ] Implement User Feedback
DC ???
??? Success

ENCOM made international headlines last week after an update was successfully distributed. While LEGACY, their latest model, is enjoying a reputation far superior to its predecessors, it appears as if the latest update actually… implemented changes users had been asking for since its inception. From file sorting to desktop organization and many more besides, these new features are opt-in and offer an amount of customization most users aren't used to. The reception to this update is a mix of gratitude and confusion.

When you asked Alan about it, you couldn't help but notice he looked a little pale. According to him, ENCOM must be really worried about something because the last time something like this happened was way back in 1992.
ENCOM buying Waddle was funny, a perfect start-up business. It says a lot that Doof noticed the VP's uncomfortableness dabbing. I'm curious what MCP thinks about it. Probably not much, but I like to imagine that was the one to force the VP to do it.

But ENCOM's other actions were interesting. I'm interested in doing some white hat hacking of ENCOM. Some funds wouldn't go amiss right now. Though that would have the unfortunate side effect of improving ENCOM's systems. Alan's comments were concerning. The 19 malus that ENCOM had was weird. That's a rather specific number. The QMs mostly use multiples of five for that. It's not a loyalty penalty. It might represent a mechanic where MCP has to be convinced to make good products? But we haven't seen anything like that before. We haven't seen much elsewhere to indicate Turbo has done much recently.

[ ] Stabilize Zootopia
DC 120
77% CoS, 93+ 2-
Exact Success

After suffering months of brain drain and urban decay, it seems as if some of the problems in Zootopia have finally come under control. Through a combination of a revitalized police department, increased urban spending, and the refurbishment of the city's climate control systems, the city can boast that unemployment and crime are on the decline for the first time in years. It's a slow start, but hope has to begin somewhere.

Maybe now Bellwether can finally look into tackling the feral problem, the papers declare!
lol, says Bellwether, lmao

This is probably good for the build up to the Negaduck crisis. Though I imagine that a lot of this involved sweeping up pro-predator protest groups. Reducing crime also means that Mr. Big's operations got hit too.

[ ] Perform Exclusion Zone Bioremediation
DC 125
70% CoS, 94+ 3-
Decent Success

Sycorax announced its entry into the Exclusion Zone Reclamation effort in the form of genetically modified algae. Specially engineered to assist in the capture of heavy metals, this effort may be less visually impressive than Drakktech's ongoing work with weather machines, but may prove just as significant. Already, some statistically significant- if not visually noticeable- changes in tributaries of the Mississippi river have been reported.

Reclaim the Midwest Exclusion Zone DC reduced by 25. Sycorax's contributions have increased.

Sycorax Infiltration Activates!
[ ] Sponsor in Governor Kevin's Superhero Gala (Francisca Marshall)
DC 60
100% CoS, 91+ 0-

To be Continued in Interlude: Change Key
I still regret having Mezmeralla actively infiltrate Sycorax. It's just really awkward. But Sycorax's progress on the Wasteland is good. Every little bit counts.


[ ] Do a security sweep
DC ???

Several arrests have been made on accounts of industrial espionage within Cloverleaf, with most of the details not disclosed to the press. While you have no way of knowing for certain, it's likely that Doom was thorough enough to get rid of quite a few spies. Your own network is already too nonexistent to be affected, but it's good? To know other people were spying on the creep too.

[ ] Upgrade Cog AI
DC 165
92+61+22+26+20 (???)+5=226
Massive Success

Cloverleaf's work into AI continues its march forward, with some improvements among Cog overseers noted among civil servants who encounter them every day. Doom himself has made no announcements regarding the AI and overall Cog populations remain mostly consistent. Your lawyers have been keeping their eyes peeled for the first sign of patent violation but have found nothing thus far.

[ ] Commit Questionable Science
DC 150
87+1+22+27+20 (???)+5=162

An unusual brownout was reported in LA last month, lasting for approximately five minutes before the local fusion plant was able to increase output to pick up the slack. No further electrical disturbances were noticed after the first one.
It's funny that we prompted Doom into doing a sweep by failing. I'm curious who was spying on him. The Yokai might have wanted to keep an eye on how the stuff the Zaibatsu was selling to him was performing. Otherwise I can't think of many companies that would be interested. That will probably change when we get the market research. It could be the speaker in the Frog-Shaped Interlude too, if that wasn't the Yokai.

Good for our lawyers, though it probably is for naught. The origins are likely extraterrestrial, not espionage. Developing the anti-cog weapon is becoming more tempting, though it probably isn't needed. Doom is getting closer to figuring out intelligent AI. I can't tell if he is trying for that or not. He might lobby against AI rights. We definitely need to infiltrate Cloverleaf though.

Questionable science is interesting. It looks like he has a wider Joking Around crit reroll range. Bit of a nitpick, but I'm not sure if fusion plants can increase power like that. I know fission plants can't really without a lot of work. Lot of people seem to think that it is related to dimensional travel. We've been planning to fire up the ODI next turn, so might as well do that.

[ ] Hunt down whoever stole your scissors
DC 150
44% CoS, 97+ 6-

Your agents in Seth Supplies Co have reported an investigation into stolen property that was quickly shuffled off into the bureaucracy after a mere three days of investigation. By connecting the dots, it's not too hard to tell what they were looking for, who they encountered, and why things ended so abruptly.

[ ] Set up some fall guys
DC 140
54% CoS, 96+ 5-
Critical Failure!

Seth Supplies Co made headlines again this week as dozens of managers were arrested, charged with multiple counts of embezzlement and in a few cases, libel. The corn magnate's disastrous quarter was blamed on most of these managers skimming off the top, and charges had also finally been brought against them for their accusations against Sycorax last January.

Though the headlines present this as run of the mill corruption, your agents tell another story entirely. Far from being mere patsies, it seems as though the fall guys were high-ranking members in the company, or deeply involved in its attempts to hide Toffee's true motives. Suffice to say, their loss has hit the company hard, and you can only speculate as to why Toffee saw fit to burn them.

Russ reports that Paranormal is slowly shifting on the company. While it had been a matter of concern for some time- they suspected something was amiss even before Russ shared all the details you discovered on Toffee- Director Riddle, a man notably focused on extradimensional incursion, is apparently preparing to bring the company under far greater scrutiny.

Outcome: Seth Supplies Co falls under far greater scrutiny from the government. For the next two turns, any Intrigue rolls Seth Supplies Co. makes suffer a -15 malus. Rolls to investigate Star suffer a -25, as a majority of their resources go into actually keeping their company afloat.

[ ] Apply for government aid
DC 130
43% CoS, 97+ 11-

Embroiled in internal corruption, some questionable decisions, and an inexplicable corn blight, Seth Supplies Co has finally buckled under corporate pressure to accept a bailout from the US government. The corporation's hemorrhaging of funds has slowed to a mere trickle and solvency is expected in the future, but this is a serious black mark on their record and a reason for the IRS to start watching them a lot more closely.

Outcome: Seth Supplies Co is solvent once again. IRS attention on Seth Supplies Co increases.

Nearly everything about Toffee's actions are great! I'm not sure whether to be glad or not that Toffee failed in hunting down the scissors. It damn well took him a while to try if this is the first attempt. They were stolen last (in-game) year.

Everything else is just magnificent.👨‍🍳Good for the IRS to look into him. The maluses from the disorder are good. Time to use that advantage. We were already planning to start hunting for Star. Maybe we can infiltrate Seth Supplies Co. further and try to sabotage him?

[ ] Reclaim the Midwest Exclusion Zone
DC 650
100+95+16+38+25+5+20 (Government Funding)=299
Incredible Progress

Despite some initial slowness, Drakktech has seen its investment in weather machines pay dividends when it comes to work on the Exclusion Zone. The devices had never been that impressive by themselves (heck, you have a couple weather-inators just gathering dust), using them in conjunction with each other and the chaotic storm fronts around the region have proven more successful than anyone anticipated. Dr. Drakken was positively gleeful as he espoused the virtues of his plan to the press, and even Shego looked more bemused than annoyed at his speech. While it's still likely to be a long time before you can expect a true return of normalcy to the region, some visible progress has been made for the first time ever.

Reclaim the Midwest Exclusion Zone DC reduced by 100. Drakktech's contribution increases.
Like this, you wouldn't even know that they have an ICBM in their base that they are very studiously ignoring! Drossel just seems to work wonders. And that is a damn impressive roll lmao. As it says, it's incredible progress.

But I still don't really understand how global actions work. Obviously nat100s reroll, and it seems like that other rolls don't. Would they for toons? Can global actions critfail?

Glomgold Enterprises
[ ] Offer to buy Hard AI
DC 0

An actual letter from Glomgold Industries was waiting on your desk this morning, and it wasn't just one clipped from the newspaper either. In it, Flintheart Glomgold announced his desire to purchase the rights to build hard AI from you and offered a price tag to match- even with as much money as you make in a day you have to wonder what you could do with this much. Maybe twelve of the things your bean counters won't just let you do, you don't know.

Outcome: Gain 12 funds. Glomgold Enterprises can legally produce and utilize AI.
I keep on forgetting that people can just... buy technology like that.

In retrospect, it would have been a good idea to lobby for AI rights last turn. I'm curious though that it took him this long. Admittedly, there aren't any corporate connections between the two of us, even now. The groundwork only really got laid during The Best is Yet to Come. Maybe us completing the dinosaur park made him think it's worth it?

He, along with Shego, were noted for having spies in DEI and receiving information leaks back in September/October 2017. I think it'll be a good idea to do a security sweep.

But I don't want to accept the offer. Glomgold already treats people horrifically; the Calisota Conglomerate outright uses company scrip. Giving him the ability to make slaves on demand will make their conditions worse and there's actual slaves! I don't think that fits with Doof's recent revelations to accept.

Lobbying for AI rights the turn after we deny this is going to send a message though. It will probably annoy Glomgold. It will look like a snub. He might rescind the dinosaur collaboration offer. We could wait a turn to lobby for AI rights instead. I'm inclined to go forward on AI rights though. It'll at least look consistent to Glomgold. It'll probably be fairly obvious to him that DEI didn't have any plans to use hard AI that way. We could establish relations to him? Action wise, it could be a waste though. Market research at least should let us know if Glomgold has anything we'd be interested in.

I'm not sure if Glomgold would lobby against it. There isn't really anyone else he can get sapient AI from. Doom might figure it out eventually. He might spend the money to fight against AI rights.

Xanatos Enterprises
[ ] Construct space elevator
DC 160
76% CoS, 93+ 7-
12+38+35+20 (Trait)+20 (Government funding)+14+8=147

Xanatos Enterprises announced delays in the construction of their long-awaited space elevator, even after the successful testing of impervium alloys. They cited safety concerns and difficulty in sourcing the materials as reasons for the delay, assuring investors that work will continue as soon as it's possible to do so safely.
On one hand, that's a shame. Space elevators are cool. On the other hand it might be for the best that Negaduck can't mess it up. Depending on where it is planned for.

I wonder what he's doing to prepare for Negaduck. I really wish we had informants in New York City.

Don Karnage
[ ] Find something to steal in Thembria
DC 120
26% CoS, 98+ 12-
49+25+20 (Plunder)=94

A small article in the 'International' section of the newspaper noted how Dread Sky Pirate Don Karnage managed to infiltrate Thembrian airspace for several hours, avoiding attempts to shoot him down until he retreated of his own volition just as quickly. Karnage proclaimed, over loudspeaker, that "Zey have tohld me zat stealing treasure from Thembria could not be done! Unfortunately zhey were correct. There is sweet evoll."
One has to wonder what there is to steal in Thembria!

At least he's a problem over there.

[ ] Kontest Kontrol of the Doofanian Underworld
60% CoS, 95+ 4-
??? Opposed
40% CoS, 97+ 6-
(Second) ??? Critical Failure!

The Underworld of your city is mostly not your purview. Occasionally it produces a supervillain you fight, or a social problem you throw bureaucrats at, but mostly you just sort of slap it down when it becomes a problem.

That's why the general murmurings of misgivings in Norm-augmented police forces recently are only that- murmurings. Something is stirring down there, though how problematic it's going to be for you is as yet unclear.
Those are the same dice modifiers as the people fighting for control back in May/June 2017. This is an upset from back then, previously the +22+20 guy had won by a decent margin. Maybe the guy who just suffered a critical failure is Artemis?

I don't know. We need to investigate what is going on in our underworld. Also do market research for the underworld too.

You're not sure if it's that, the fact that his Director is apparently furious, or just that you're no longer a threat to national security, but Russ has seemed far more willing to talk to you about governmental things than he ever has before. That's… pretty useful actually.

Governmental Reactions will now be interspersed into Reverse Rival Reports!
'Wheedle Russ about CAIA' personal action unlocked
'Infiltrate CAIA' National action unlocked. Agent Russ will not help with this action- in fact, probably best he doesn't catch wind of it at all.
All of the stuff about CAIA is great. Riddle being upset is amazing. Russ's connections across CAIA expanding is good. It's also pretty funny how he is reacting to the sudden recontextualization of his career and position. Learning the government's reactions to what we do would be good. It'll also give us an idea of what they know we are doing. It's extremely important to ask Russ about CAIA. Probably good to infiltrate CAIA too. Maybe once we extract Mezmerella from Sycorax?

[ ] Prevent Unattended AI
70+38 (Doof)+ 30(Trevor)+23 (Alan)+ 20 (Concurrent User) +2 (Loyalty) +20 (Council)=203

Mostly unremarked upon, DEI and Funtelligence's collaboration to ensure that Funtelligence systems and NormCores™ no longer inexplicably become sentient are welcome evidence both corporations are taking their position as market leaders in AI seriously. Some question why nominal competitors are getting chummy, but both companies' stocks are up… in as much as DEI sells any stock at all, anyway. Winston has expressed some curiosity as to why exactly you did this, so you told him. He seemed satisfied.
The people asking why DEI did this have absolutely no idea why. The quest did it because why not lmao. The lack of reaction is about what I expected. Those comments about competitors getting chummy are probably important to keep in mind. We'll learn more about the state of the robotics market when we get the result of the western market research action. It might be important to keep collusion in mind? Still we don't actually have a lot income from robotics right now. Funtelligence probably is Thriving (4) or Dominant (5) to our Established (2).

The comment about DEI's stock was funny.

[ ] Sell Doc Hopper's
Did you always intend to flip Hoppers for profit, or was the heat simply too hot to stay in the kitchen? DEI's sudden exit from the Franchise Wars before they even really began has several boring trade magazines buzzing. Some suggest DEI stripped the frog franchise for its best parts (which is true you suppose, if you count Kermit) before dismantling it. Winston is used to your antics by now and doesn't seem to think it odd.

[ ] Release Peter Pan
Apparently a small minority of theaters primarily in and around LA publicly snubbed the release of Peter Pan, likely on orders from their corporate master Judge Doom. Winston seems interested in getting the film and other parts of the small Disney backlog on this new thing he has planned called a 'streaming service'.
The comment about us just wanting Kermit the frog is spot on. Winston being used to Doof's oddities is funny. His proposal for a streaming service is interesting. I'd be happy to collab with him on it.

[ ] Lobby for Genetic Modification
Winston let you know that the genetics world is in a tizzy over your sudden entry onto the lobbying scene, pushing for mass deregulation. As one of the quickest rising biofirms in the world, speculation is running wild as to what exactly the good doctor's house has planned.

CAIA is… very mildly concerned. Probably not enough to actually do anything, thanks to your recent choices, but from their perspective it absolutely screams 'step 1 to evil army of mantis men'.

Hey. There's an idea.

[ ] Sponsor a City-Wide FCLORP
DEI spent an unclear amount of time and money this month helping some of its interns organize the largest FCLORP in the world, recently certified by the Guinness Book of World Records. In most parts the performance was what one could expect from a mass of roleplayers, but there were a few memorable standouts trending on The Grid.
Maybe the genetics world can contribute to the deregulation if they are in such a tizzy over it! I'd guess they would start next turn. I'm curious if there's anything to read into Winston keeping an ear to the genetics world. CAIA doesn't even have a clue about the New Man Project. I'm really hyped to see what they, and everyone else, think of it when we finally reach it. Probably best to make sure Russ isn't spying on us during a turn we do New Man Project actions. Let it be a surprise.

It's a shame PnF weren't more successful. But it's funny to imagine Phineas and Ferb being included in the Guinness Book of World Records.

Temujin has reorganized your PMC, but whose army is it?

[ ] Make Genghis the PMC's official commander.
Genghis will gain the following trait:
A Small Army: +5 to all martial rolls where Genghis is deployed alongside the PMC.

[ ] Keep the PMC centralized around DEI.
PMC general martial bonus increased by 2 to +9, penalty to invasions increased by 1 to -30.

Do you agree to sell hard AI rights to Glomgold?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
I think we should keep the PMC centralized. I don't think Genghis needs the boost as much as every other roll could use it. And I heavily disagree with selling AI to Glomgold.

[ ] Keep the PMC centralized around DEI.
[ ] No
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Look, if we're going to engineer a genetics based army, it will be composed of intelligent dinosaurs armed with laser cannons.

I am all for building an army of intelligent dinosaurs armed with laser cannons though. We might need it to fight the army of extradimensional frog robots.

For Glomgold, I'd suggest turning down the offer, but offering an olive branch by taking that option to franchise the dinosaur parks right away.
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Maybe the genetics world can contribute to the deregulation if they are in such a tizzy over it! CAIA doesn't even have a clue about the New Man Project. I'm really hyped to see what they, and everyone else, think of it when we finally reach it.

We do jave the option to set gene clinics of our own since hospitals are taking too long to roll our research to the public.

Frqnkly New Man Project is a orange marker and is doubftul it will change soon, we can always trow Janus into therapy and fix his issues there intead of go8ng al9long with it.
Hm. For Gloomgold, we just need to give something for our other deal in my opinion. If we show some real progress on the dinosaur matter, then he'll likely leave the matter lay down for a while, which could give us time to push our vision of AI further.
one unfortunate thing is information regarding lobbying :/ it doesn't seem like anything huge will happen with genetics so it can be left alone for now (even if someone sets up a negative ticker, we should have enough chance to reverse that if we see it coming, but there's indication glomgold/doom have some inconvenient vested interests. it's definitely worth checking the temperature regarding that in our next turn to hunt for allies (and clear things up politely with glomgold) before it progresses anymore!

could you say what this was specifically? don't remember ENCOM being mentioned in zanatos's last interlude
I dislike checking the temperature. It might sooth Glomgold, but it also means surrendering the initiative. We'll all start lobbying at the same time. We also have a diplomacy bonus next turn if we don't take any violent martial actions. I fundamentally don't think we will find many allies. Olympia might help. But I can't see any other company being interested in fighting for AI rights. I can see plenty of companies being interested in fighting against them.

He suggested letting Winston sell Olympia's shares to ENCOM, rather than exercising right of first refusal. It's a large part of the reason why we think that Los Angeles is going to be attacked. Also Xanatos mentioned in his interlude that Judge Doom would be told what to do by the government in preparation.

If you go to Xanatos asking what you can do to help with Negaduck, he'd ask you to maintain a partnership in DaedelOS with ENCOM. He didn't specify why.

Doing so is, of course, the option that puts you in bed with ENCOM.

We do jave the option to set gene clinics of our own since hospitals are taking too long to roll our research to the public.

Frqnkly New Man Project is a orange marker and is doubftul it will change soon, we can always trow Janus into therapy and fix his issues there intead of go8ng al9long with it.
The gene clinics are kind of irrelevant to the New Man Project. They will be nice to have. But they won't really do much for it.

I do not think we can spare the personal from the QMS. Certainly not next turn, or the turn after. It's also difficult because they are our best option to advance the New Man Project after Jumba. More than that, the action says that the first step to recovery is admitting that Technor is always right. Janus doesn't think there is a problem. He would resent people implying he has a problem. Therapy won't help him as he is now. Right now if you want Janus to be in a better state, you need to have him reach out to coworkers. Councilors will get an action next turn, so we can do it.

For Glomgold, I'd suggest turning down the offer, but offering an olive branch by taking that option to franchise the dinosaur parks right away.
We can't do that, we haven't established relations with him. We need to do that first, then reach out. Glomgold also said he would reach out to us first. Also technically it makes more sense for him to reach out. Glomgold is the one with connections overseas. The collab proposer is the one who does the bulk of the work. We don't really have them. For the project to be successful, he'll need to have more control over the direction.
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