I want to send Stanley to Vegas to try and set him up as the new Syndrome over there. While he is our New Most Hated Enemy, we could just have him rule over Vegas instead of either Syndrome or Sinatra. This would put a party at least slightly favorable to us over there. We don't even need to mention us being responsible for what happened over there, just that we were there for the Gala like everyone else and saw what went down. Put an easier opportunity in front of Stanley's face for what is quite literally Free Real Estate at this point. Lizzie I think we could get to work under us, or at the very least, convince to go to Vegas as well with Stanley, hopefully starting a three way fight between Lizzie, Sinatra, and Stanley for territory. This would divide up Syndrome's former territory into three smaller warring territories, maybe even four if Syndrome can hold onto anything. I think that's our ideal outcome for this, as it would give us the opportunity to play Kingmaker with whichever of those 3 powers we want to be in control of Syndrome's territory. Plus, chaos like that is bound to look fun to all those St. Canard escapees, both for the chaos and because we make Syndrome's territory look desirable with three different factions seemingly popping up to fight over it.